Friday. -?"'T 11. >824 I L.ocal and Iclophon C Mrs. C- S. Burgin, of Waynesville, v afOittke week-end here with rela,.... |S ! friends. She was formerly jlic? Gladys Axley. t A marriage of much interest to .v, mnnity was that of Miss * Claud a Loudermllk to Mr. Alfred 4 ffamer, which took place at the ' Mary ffilliPgham School at Blue 1 Ridge, Cla., Saturday July 5th. Th voting couple are making their home in Murphy. ! = Y; Giles Cover, of Andrews, del(gati the national Democratic n in New York from the J trict, returned to her home M after having spent about in the metropolis. Mr. Robrt Palmer, of Struthei , Ohi ent several days here with it's ] ats, Mr. and Mrs. James Pal! itter pai t of the week. Mts. R. Robinson and children. Ha: ; James and Mary, returned a few ( ago from a two weeks' vistivt s and friends at A . . 1 anton, Clyde, and other points in Haywood County. 5 Mrs Henry Axlc-y returned a few da] 1 after having spent several, months with relatives in Georgia. M:-- Ruth Whithead, cf Commerce CUMMER COLDS lingering and annoying. me vary first r,ight apply X/ICKS VapoRub OvmriT Million Jmrw U~d Ymarl, DR. W. H. FIELDS Cancer Specialist Now Located at Murphy, N. C. (J-25-ixi) On account of Smallpc mers did not attend our si demic. The town of Mu continue our sale throug did not attend the sale. 1 i: g r.izr.y tpeeiolc. ONE SPECIAL LOT SIARRIVED Men's $6.00 Shoes, pair Ladies' $5.00 Oxfords, p; Ladies' $3.00 Pumps, pai Misses' $2.50 Pumps, paii Ladies' High Heeled Shoe We have many other barg Good Broms, each Men's Work Shirts, each For Saturday, July 1 2th, Only I REMEMBER, This is for E Remember, we have a sale you will be the loser. Tell your friends, Brii CHRISTOP STYLEPLUS CLOTHES Ew, Suit GUARANTEED Personal ??,* e 2? W % < la., is spending several weeks here j ?*ith her sister, Mrs. J. B. Storey ; h Miss Alice Gibbons is spending ^ ^ he week in Atlanta with friends. j Mr. C. D. Mayfield returned to lis home in Albany, Ga? Wednes-1 ^ lay after having spent several days lere with his mother, Mrs. Eliza- I >eth Mayfield. j< Mr. W. E. Studstill spent several | iuyr in Chsrlctts tk** rj?-c-f I' .veek on bu-iness. Mr. Robert Brown, of Andrews, spent the week-end here with hi? j ii-^ndparents. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hyatt Sr. * Mr. Boyd Abernathy returned a few days ago from Coeur B'Allinc, ' IHnhn u-hore Ur. ' months. ' Mr. J. W. Young, of Akron, Ohio, was in Murphy this week renewing acquaintances with old friends. He is visiting his father and Mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Young, of Culbrson Route 2. Miss Mary Brown of Lower B nverdam Township, was in Murphy Monday and Tuesday in the interest cf mission schools in that section. | Mayor Percy B. Ferrebee, of An-1 draws, was in Murphy on business j Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green, of Andrews, and Mr. and Mrs. M. 1. Green, of Wehutty, returned to theiri respective homos a few days ago. after having visited Mr. and Mr?. A. M. Simonds. An annual event of many years', was the Sneed family reunion held at the old home place on Peachtr.c Sunday, July 6th. Fifty-three members of the family mingled together in the familar places around the old home. At noon day dinner was served under the trees in the yard. fl gJJJO >x in Murphy during the r ale like they would have h rphy is free from this disi h the month of July for 1 n addition to our hundred IOES JUST Ladies' Silk Some Extra $3.29 Silk Hose air __ $1.98 Big Values ii r $1.48 at $1149 Men's Socks s, pr. _ _ 98c Ladies' Hos? ains in shoes Some specia 39c Boy's Clo 49c j all wool J Best Grade Druid Sheetin; 10 Yards to a Customer ONE DAY ONLY. All IE HERE ON THAT DA' store full of bargains. 1 lg your friends?Make a i HER'S LEA1 OODS STOF MURPHY, N.C. ~HE CHEROKEE SCOUT. M' A good way to make preparation or the higher education of your hildren is to take some' stock in ' lie Building and Loan Association 0 it will mature W the time your on or daughter is ^ntrdy to go to ollege. Shares are for sale now. Mis* Alberta Clary returned to her in Chiua Grove, N. C., the first f tr.rt week after having spent sevral day? here with her btrother, lev. E. G. Clary. Mr*. Edyth Clark, of Ashevillc. is isitintr her mother, Mrs. Nettie Dicky. Misses Morrow and Gruham of the Summer school faculty and Mr. Raynond Harris spent the week-end in \?-h ville. M:s. Ne'.lie Durinib, a mernlx r of he circulation department of the At anta ueorgian, is spenaing vne wets ,vith her fxiend, Mrs. G. W. Candler, Mrs. W. A. Reinhart and littte iaughtor r:turned Friday from a two week's visit with Mrs. Rheinlart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Scott, of Meherrin, Va. Mrs. John Sessoms, of Ahoskie N. C., arrived a few days aeo tc spent some time with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Moody. Mr. J. N. West and wife and Miss Florence Elrod returned to theii hemes in Chattanooga. Tenn., aftci having spent soevral days here witi Mr. Wests brother. Mr. W. M. West Take 01 s for the liver Bewnre of imitations. Demand the genuine in 1 Oc and 35c pack dials! nonth of June our custo iad it not been for the epi ease and we are going t? the benefit of those whi s of bargains we are add Hose, all colors, pr_ 48i Values in Ladies' , per pair 69i n Men's Straw Hats $1.7! 5, pair 9i es, pair _ 12< I bargains in Man's and thing. See our Men's suits for $13.4! ? g, 20c value, yard . 10c customers are urged to rEi [f you don't attend thi dollar double is't value a PING DRY )L| STAR BRAND SHOES ^ Ewy Pair Leather GUARANTEED JRPHY. NORTH CAROLINA Shares Now Being E Offered In B. & L. During this- month shares in the h second series o? the Murphy Building t< and Loan As-ociaton are being of- tl | feied for sale. As is well known, pi this is a home building organization and will probably do mere for builu- s< ing nice dwelling and business houfes ii , than any othtr organization that ii could function in the town. n | The shares are worth $100 when p they mature in about six and a third . years, but they are sold on tk. in- * t stallment plan. cents | " initiation fee and then t\v?. nty-five j I cents per week on the share is all that j must be paid on them. If th share? 11 ; run until thc-y mature, they will have 3 paid approximately six per cent on. j the investment. i This stock provides an easy ni ans j for one to build a home, as loar.s are ' made on the stock for th purpose Iof building wherever the applicant owns his own lot free of all incumbers nces. It provides an oppoitunity fo; those who are on weekly wages or small salaries to save a few hur.drew dollars and never miss it. It gives the larger investor and the salaried and profession class a:, j opportunity to help develop the town without taking any personal ? -b : whatever. It enables al! to help thc-m-clv.r and at the -ante time help th*. I: neighbor and their town. ? It is absolutely safe as all loans r are secured by deed of trust ? n prop r erty worth at least a third more than 11 the amount of the loan. Every citizen in town should have ,;a few shares. It is not a nr rev making organisation. No salaries arc paid. It is an organization that belongs to the community and is try og to serve it. All should -hare ir it. The most dangercu- multiplicatio. in mathematics is that used in con: puting the increase of th unfit. WANT ADS PEACHES?ELBLRTAS?For sals direct to restaurants, hotU and homes; .M ? !? m ?i w tuilding Addition To Couny Home The County Commissioners are aving constructed a large addition ) the county home to provide for te county's unfortunate and ne- tiy ecple. The n w addition will be xo stories high and will contain iirte ten or twelve rooms. It i. oetg substantially built, the walls b< :g storm sheeted to mil;- it all the tore comfortable. It w li V quired water and sewaerag. Irier White Again Acqu're3 Central Cafe Grler Whit, repurch:.. td th*^ C n al Cafe the fir-t of the week from Ir. C. \V. Elltr, who has been in po: Keep Well U Avoid Sickness ? TAKE * SRRANDRETKi E.M752 PILLS K I Qo? Q Q .1 Btd Tim. M will cleanse the system. purif\ Q m the blood and keep you well, a J For Constipation g Z Indigestion, Biliousness, etc J . Entirely Vegetable. RtacICCT^T.t ^IcIwEvHT-lH When You're I Whatever the cause?overwork, worry, grief, loss of sleep, excitement, business troubles, stimulants, narcotics ? there's one medicine that will help you. Dr. Miles* Nervine ^ has relieved thousands of cases of headache, dizziness, irritability, sleeplessness, hysteria, epilepsy. .Buy a bottle of your druggist and start on the road to better health today. ' ? .YouH Find Dr. Miles' Medi MOTHER ? Fletcher's Cast Castor Oil, Paregoric Tcetliii prepared to relieve Infants in Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, * Natural Sleep wit To avoid imitation*, always look for Proven direction* . -i each package. ; __ SOUI I i PLA1 Semi-I RICHMON1 THE OLDEST AGR1 JOURNA One Year. Three Yea Five Yean Twice-a-Month? 17( p^iw i? - page rrrg session of it for the pas fcvs Mr. White will continue Its c.jhuui lions at the old location in the building. Distiilery Captuied On Persimmon CreA Deputy She: iff J. N. Bell, J tlA House Township. brought to tl &u r iff's office Wednesday a/tc-xra??- tr fifteen or t*v gallon coc??r < Artillery which iv. captured earir f- tbv morning m P.rsi:nmon Creek. "Lrrtos three and a half gallons of hjrto udn? 'and iiqus r- were destroyed. Sr on* w- at the outfit when it \r> ut : wa ssiil? warm, and it u:.. lii Bell's pinion that ib or -rot- r f-f-ti ladips : ?? r Alfa yur Drrj-r|rt?t for CHI-CHE' TP*/*- >& D:AMO*:P Biasn riLi.- >u w. - ->? CfTD rar --.r.i.: r> *?-i sc^'.cl ml!-, : Rll'on. T.-.ej: >q ornrs. Rtr < v " Drn/ PJM.8, T jer.TB TCC-ar-3r ' a* " -A". 1 30LD BY A?.-. Dl'JGv, ?STI EVERYWHERE S Dr. Miles' Guaranteed Medicxnaa, Dr. Miles' Nervine Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment Dr Miles' Tonic Dr. Miles' Blood Purifier Dr. Miles* Anti-Pain Pills Dr. Miles* Laxative Tablet* Dr. Miles' Tonic icinea at your Drug Stora, oria is a harmless Substitute fir ig Drops and Soothing Syrros. l arms and Children all ages a Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomaci Regulate Bowels promoting Cheerfulness. Rest, aJf hout Opiates the signature of Physicians everywhere recommend "it -IP I I II * HERN : MTER Monthly - -r X VIRGINIA ICULTURAL L IN AMERICA ; .50 rs $1.00 " | ? _$1.50 ),000?Twice-a-Mowfc