PACE SOUR | LEGAL DELINQUENT TAX SALE. j North Carolina?Cherokee County, The undersigned Tax Coicctor of said county will -d! on Monday September 1. 11*2-4. a* the court house door in Murphy, N*. C., to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, the following lards upon which taxes fur the year 1923 have not been paid, the same King listed for taxation in th nanv and f r the amount given below, with costs added in eachj cate a- follows: Hothoues Township Name Acres A. J. Gfedd s 320 11.93 Notla Towaship J. P. Crow . . . . 220 G2.ll Mrs. M. L. Cr \vd A. M. Crowd erV i- ur< -* in 300 6.34 Joe E Gregory .... ' 00 14.34 Mrs. R. P. ii II .. 240 47.05 J. W. MoT.:_. ..rt ... 11' Im.25 Charks E. > t . .70 17.35 Miawasso. Ri - 1' r Company ... 107.60 Shoal Creek Township. J. T. Ledfortl Si' 4.78 J. A. Rebir.- r - Intere.-: in 45 acreCalvin R ' . ]an?l .14.58 J. B. Ro=s 30 10.95 John Stiles . 32 ** **( Mrs. yuitman cs . m.' i A. B. Self ST 14.23 H awassce River Power Company :) 2^ >.1' Arthur J 4" T.Marion Th - n 70?? 7 Hiawassee K\ P v. r Company . 603 15.41 1 Boavordam Township John W. Bry jn 1-0. F. M. Bryson land A. M. Bry " 1- F- M. Bryson > nd 5.3n Walter Bry- 1 lot 2.02 Waiter Bury r- '"> 1>.4" G. G. Bury 1* 13.4'.' J. U. & J. P. Br 2 \2 277.or, George Crav. vud. .30 21 - I J. H. Crawf : i 7- . O'J.83 Lee Crawford 1 ? 1 .f??? , Cherokee T . . >? : < ?47'.? 1527.47 acres L. M. Han.'y Heirs 7. ' Edgar Hamhy's interest in 101 Hiowassee River Lumber Company . . ... .6500 7>150 A. S. Kilhy ... .2 lets 14.34 Mrs. S. L. Kilby .37 5.3o | T. J. McDonald . .5175sS.12 Florence M;.rr \v 40 3.0" j L. B. Mashburn . 75 12.34 W. L. McXabh 2" 2>.5I H. T. Murrhv 2 lots 1 M.Florence McClure 70 17 hi W. R. Radford . . .12 2.2 - James W. Roberts ... .90 31 .To j i W. D. Rogers .... . . 76* 37.20 TOeodorc Thumps n 10 5 29 Sam Ym.ncy j?j j P. E. Nelson. ngt. ... .640 36. 1.. P. E. Nelson & Adams 1198 65.89 Br&nnon &. McCall .....196 21.00* , H. C. Kirby 1 47 r J. H. McCall and J. H. Howard 245' 1^.7 1 ' Lucindu Montgomery 90 1-3 2.39; Hiawassec Rivor Power I , Company. 647 71.01 Valleytown Township. | Andrew- Iron Mining Co. 50 92.2 C. T. Bark' r 2 lot? 17.2 Sam Birchfield 04 13.35 , W. G. Brown ?J0 19.78 I. N. Carpenter .10 R. A. Chambers 57 31.72 , Frank Cofey 32 5.45 . S. M. Coffey 5 6.93 J Mrs, Alice Conley .... 1 lot 13.02 . G. W. Conley's Interest in 1 , Jot belonging to Mrs. Alice , Conley 7.51', H. H. Cole 3 lots 94.38 , Mrs. Maggie Coxey . . 2 lots 15.65 , Dewar ? C I .... 1300 176.07 ' W. R. Dockery 1 lot 22.85 , * S. E. Everett 60 5.42 . Jasper Gnntcr ........ 1 lot 4.80 , Thomas Gibby 10 9.90 , H. B. Gibby 40 9.87 S. M. Holland 20 51.91 j Martha Haskins 70 8.60 J. E. Kephar; 3 lots 56.15 J. H. Ladd 50 16.23/'j J. R. Leach 40 148.04 j N. H. Lovingood 7 lots 17.52 , J. A. Mashburn 8 lota 32.45 j, O. C. McLean 24 12.86 B. L. Padgett 3 lots 37.34 i H. D. Padgett, interest in 1 lot 7.19 Wymah Padgett 1 lot 34.60 , S. A. Parker 10 21.76 , B. S. Porter 210 235.22 B. P. Phillips 45 17.16 J. E. Taylor 144 69.79 His. Clyde Thompson ....3 3.98' X. J. Truett 83 8.91 L G. West 2 lots 135.48 Mrs. Ruth Whitakir 30 3.94 T. J. Wilson 1-3 of 76 2.87 John Wood- 8 7.95 G. A. Holderby 2 lots 2.02 i IH. H. Hyde 3 lots 27.00 i Sanford Thompson 20 4.70 I Bob Cooper 2 lots 12.10 i J. C, Ellis 1 lot ILOrIj J. C. Abrogast Jr 10 33.90 7 ADVERTISED I John E Patton 1200 317.56I P. S. Crisp 3 lots 27.00 j Mrs. Alice Dewar ....3300 208.45j Murphv Township H. D. Amos 3 10.70 W. O. Almond 75 23.13 Rutha Arrowe d 75 7.08 G. W. Barton 1 lot 11.00 !Joe Barnett 50 7.38 B. M. Birrfcfield 41 ** 25.20 L. E. Barn-, it 1 lot 10.09! -Joe Burnett 2 26.22 S. W . stray Battle .. 2 lot;' 5.97 J Bat tit- Sinclart ... 1500 658.40 M ?s Ctrda Clark ..16 2-3 2.38 j I. Chastair. 37 \ 10.44! Chu: ?.?kee Co. 9 lots & 1800 2506.10 G. G. C< nwell heirs ... .12 9.15 i. S. Cha stain 168 52.13 Mary Coi'k . ._. .118 9.75 Ira Clark .. 60 14.88 M. I.. Crisp . .120 15.50 A. F. D"?kery ........ 102 6.50 J. H. IWu-v-ry Jr. 133 12.19 ( A. W. Dockery 162 28.2S Mrs. A. J. D.ckery hii:^ 39 16.40 Thoma? Doi-kery 75 23.93 H. l?< 22.68 W. S. !'?a\: 2 ' t> 11.So Fred IVcke; la 9.48 Harvt Elkins 3 lots 99.53 I. C. EtfK rs 130 19.70 V.. -. W. E. Fercu.-i n .*853 154.44 J' hn Franklin 1 lot 7.39 W. .T. (ir >^an 63% 4.88 Mi-. E Gips ri ....1 lot 4.62 W. I'. Hail 28 9.27 T. O. Hombree 5 6.68 M I. O. Hensley 6 14.09 . II I r K:. - . .. 1 1 86.80 Hi..v.- - !{;v r Pow r (" . z-j . in Robert? farm. 67.70 ( J. b. Kephart 75 4.05 t B; yaw Martin 1 25.64 . T ' Dnr.a'd 1 i 19.50 . J. W. McRae 15 5.86 Roi.n McoI>nalr ;. .... .105 158.42 E. A. Pa 22 9.5! \ L. A. Pace 125 22.20 A. M Pace . 60 6.15 t G.onre Palmer _. . 24 13.39 j A. J. Roiier* . .380 >5.35 ^ C?. I). K: k< 555 l9l.07(v I hn Roberts 81 63.98 r I.. \V. 12S 9.91 M. H. Rowland 44 9.50 c \. J. Roland 13 5.09 t. Mrs. L. I.. Scroggs 212 61.49 J. N. Sti'es 69 12.12 T. J. Sword 42 378.33 , John Walktr 150 16.3S I. N. Wilx-- 55 22.60 T. J. Wilson 70 23.32 m Lutht r Aik : I 1.1* r. W. Dot k y 150 21.1? G. \\ . Q i .30 ( !V.-,vc-v Co. 7' ; F. H. JaitM - 11"' i I. \V. Hi ib .rt 1 lot 3.10 , Sam Craig ... .7 1G.40 j Jt?hn Calbert 1 lot 3.10 ( r. II. Short 1 lot 17.1" (i Roll McLcym.tre .j|^H...42 12.00 j \V. I'. UDOM. Sheriff. , ? ! \ Cherokee County?In the Superior 1 Court. t The Champion F ihre Company and' > F. P. Ci-icr cc toons, Inc. vs. t i '. B- Crisp 1 NOTICE. Let the defendant. C. B. Crisp.1 Lake notie. that an action entitled asji above has been commenced against \ kit:* by the above named defendants, ? and that pluries summons has issued . in the same returnable before th' I l"l: rk of the Superior Court on Au- j C Tu?t 25, 1924, at 10 o'clock a. m.; i that the purpose of said action is to1* remove a cloud upon the title of plain \: Lifs to the two parcels of Tract No.1! 5050. Grant No. 2980, of record in r said county in Deed Book T <19) at, t pag> 54. the alleged claim of title' :ast by Grant No. 12873 for Entry j No. 8187, which is claimed by said1 defendant; reference being made to both of said grants and to the complaint for greater detail of description. Let said defendant further take * notice that he is required to bo and annear at the office of the Clerk of the .Superior Court, in the Court I house in Murphy, Cherokee County, | S\ C., at 10 o'clock a. rn., on the 25th iay of August, 1924, and answer the: complaint now on file, or the relief prayed will he granted. This July 28, 1924. ! E. E. DAVIS, Clerk j Superior Court, Cherokee Co., N. C.f (51-4t-b) | NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids for the construction' >f th? rubble masonry and wood *rork in several small bridges in Shoal j Creek, Not la and Hothouse Town- j ( ships will be received up to Monday J oon, September 1st, 1924. jJ The Commission reserves tbo right' a THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. MU1 * HENTS |: ? ? 1 " to reject any and aH bids. All communications -h'.uld be addressed tc , the Chairman. Board of County ^ Comrvssicners, Murphy. X. C. S. W. LOVINGOOD, Chairman , Board of County Commissioners Cherokee Co. (52-4t-co) ^ TO A. T. DORSEY LUMBER CO., MARBLE. N. C.: Notice is hereby Riven that the un. y dersicned will, ?;n the 1st day of S?-ptember, 192-1. at 11 o'clock, a. nv, at ... the court house door in Murphy, procted to sell. for delinquent town tax jr for the year 1923, at public auction for cash, the following real property: tfOr.c town lot in the town of Mar- !r> i . d linquent owner, A. T. Dors, y I.umber Company, known as the "X W. Abe: nathy . >:e house and lot." L Do'i'lquert tax on said property i for 1923 bo.rp vSO.Sd, and costs of ale. This July 22. 1921. J. I . 1'AKKhK. n< Town Tax Col! t >r for the Tu'.vr: 4; { Marble. N. C. (r> 1 -4t-p> ! ]ir ?i !e NORTH CAROLINA?Cht rokee n? County. In the Superior Court, i 1 1 Roane Iron Company, Inc., St vs. < : I. .1. Burrell an J wife, Muhala A tfc Burrel!. wij NOTICE. " ' The defendants ab(.ve named will,! eke notice that an acti< n entitled ^ t- ab? vi' l>.<>n commenced in thi 11 'Uj-.ei c: court of Cherokee oCunty t" nu foreclose a mo:leapt* certain r a! no state in Cht roke? County. e?:i cuteo; lot jjy th-* defnd.mts to the piaintiff or.' Is ! ."th day of Jute. 1022, for inn' 1.: curing the payment ef'Ci 1 pro miss ry note in the . um of < w 1 51,000.00 i' v cutcd by the defend-, or int. i. !. Burrell. to the plaintiff, datd .Tun 1922, and due one ye?j j at< ifter date, and in payment of which th? :< fault has la.-en made. And the di aid defendants will further take no-1 in that they art required to appeal 'cfi?r the clerk t?f the superior court | th day of, ? ?ept? mi -.. 1924, d an-wer or de nur ;> the complaint 111 said action. >r the plaintiff will apply to the -p(i ourt for the relit f demanded in said ^ omplaint. I This tilth day of August. 1924. j E. K. DAVIS. Clerk f Chtnk.e County, N. ('., and hav- 1 njf charged for mak.'.g said repair! ncluding the mat*. iai furnished ^ vhich amounts to the sum of ?*97.58 j ^ vhich amount the said ICait n K. Mills , , , 111a ias tailed to pay. and having retained posession of the said One model T vv cylinder Re<. touring ear for more' ^ han ninety days after the work wa-; ^ finished on the sam. ar.d in ordtr to'* preserve my lien up< n it. Now, therefore, in accordance with : ^ ection number 2435 of the con-ob. dated statute* s of North Carolinaj ^ vill between the hours of 11 o'clock J, i. m. and 1 o'clock p. m. on Satur ! lay, September (5, 1924, sell at pub-| ic auction at the front door of the! 'herokee Motor Company, my shop n which the work was done for the .aid Ralph F.. Miils, on Hiawassee street, opposite the L. & N. Railroad Depot in the town of Murphy, Cher "kee County. N. C., the said touring1 ar to the highest bidder for cash to j satisfy my Ikn on the same. This the 20th day of August, 1924. CHEROKEE MOTOR CO.. By J. W. McMillan, i l2-2t-rd> VCI ] we NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND BY I no COMMISSIONER it By virtue cf an order of the court to: nude in a certain special proceeding ou entitled, S. W. Lovingood, Admin- up strator of D. W. Loudermilk, deceas?d, vs. John I. Loudermilk, Vannie his EJoggs, et als, the undersigned c%m- ur mission or did on Monday the 7th he lay of July, 1924, after due adver-1 isement, offer for sale to the highest! th< >idder for cash at the court house da leor in Murphy the following deicribed real estate, Dr. Geisler, of Ga snbclla. Tenne.-see, becoming the Mi nst and highest bidder for the sum if $500.00. Said sale was reported ur? o the clerk of the superior court of Therokee oCunty on the 9th day of ir.f uly, 1924, and on said 9th day of Mi uly, 1924, H. R. Golden having Sled! : bid of tsn percent increase overt to (PHY. NOR f H CAROLINA lid bid of $500.00, *he court orderJ a re-sale of said land by said com:;<>ioner. and pursuant to snid'order f tiie court the undersigned com!iM?oner wiR on Monday the 8th day f September, 1924. at the hour of 0:00 a. m. offer for sale to the ighest bidder for cash, at the court; -use do r in Murphy, the following scribrd real estate: First Tract: In Hothouse Town-J lip. Cherokee County, beginnig on' S. W. Corner of Tract N'o. 139; i? n runs S. 35 W. 50 poles to a rock : ? on a conditional line betve. n . S. Bulk w and Margaret K. Watn; thine X. 55 K. 1*10 piles to a issairr.s corner sianomg in xne or-1 iral line of the same; then S. 35 . 50 poles to a locust corner of the I me; then S. 5.5 \V. 100 poits toj ? '>cLr nning, containing 50 acre?, ore or less. rd Tract; In Hothouse Town-' in, Ch ;okte oCnnty, beginning on whit- onk. the southwest corner of r.nd runs S. with the line of AI-' r Fair. Jpoles to a small 8 j-anil oak ?n the line of No. 183; then >:th with the line of No. ISO south > K. IS poles to a small pint on the le of 189; th?, n west with the line E. 40 pohs to a -mall oak (fal i and pointers, the northeast cor? of said number; thence with the of 189 S. 10 F. 10 poles to a anisb oak (fallen) at the corner the T. I.. Johnson tract. No. 7582. ce north the line of said number th th-. lint of said number S. 40 E. ; Its to a poplar, white oak and c< rner of said number: then "n with the line No. 50 i t ISO lt> to the northwest corner of said 'it, a sourwood (fallen); thin i th 51 degrees west 130 p !? - to > rust, as th southeast corner of : then with that line - nth 55 m'c.-s west, crossing Hothouse i" k at 118. 1G0 poiis the beining, containing 115 acres, more lt-S. Th purpose of this - le i- t c;eas. sts to pay the indebtedness of at;< of aid I>. \V. oudormiik erased. This the 20th day of August, 1924. S. W. LOVINCIOOD, -4t-i) Commissioner.1 )KTH CAROLINA? Cherokee County. J A. M. Simonds, Entry Taker for! ft i? r* ' nvnmcc VVIUIIIJ . The undersigned M. P. Col*, man of j erokee County, North Carolina.1 tors and lays claim to the fcilow: dc crilud piece ??r pracel of land i Beaverdani Township. Cher-kec unty. State o fNcrth Carolina, m ne being vacant and unap-rojriat. land, and subject to entry, viz.: A trsei of iand contnir?:?g -j." ,.v, v re or less on the waters of H assie R;v'r in district No. 5, CherEe County. X. C.. joining Grant s. 231. Denver or Dewtcse, 2307 ece, joins Fowler's Grant 3225 ain begining at a white oak corr of No. 231 and runnii.j; various jrses for complements so a- to inide all the vacant land between the ; said grant, containing by tstiition sixty-five acres. (Signed M. IV CO I.EM AX. Entered this 12th day of August 24. )RTH CAROLINA?Cherokee C( ar.ty. All persjn: ar h rer-y notified it a warrant of survey will bt is:d to M. P. Coleman for the above ids on th. 20th day of September, 24. if there is no protest filed in s office hefore sadi date. This the 20th day of August, 192-2.1 A. M. SIMONDS. Reg'ster of Deeds of Cherokee County, North, Carolina, Excfficio Entry Taker for Cherokee County, N. C. 4t-pd.) BOILING SPRINGS. (La>t Week's Letter.) Arp. 1.?Everybody seems to be *y sleepy around here just after a e.ks revival meeting. Our Sunday school i? on the drag, w, I ut hor.e it will soon get over | Our Sunday school superinten-1 idf-nt and secretary failed to be JI t Sunday. Hope they will wake, a little and come. After spending a few days with}I i parents. Mr. J. O. Mintz left Sat-j day for Knoxville. Tenn., where ' has a position. ! Several of our brothers attended *t ? Truett meeting at Murphy Sun-1 y. Mr. John Attaway. of Carrollton, u, spent last week at the home of \ M. B. Dockcry. Mr. Jasper Rhodes returned Satday morning from Jeffery, Tenn. Hie choir at this place is progressr very nicely under choirsfer J. H. ntz. Mr. J. B. Hass moved bis family his father's farm. ? j An aeroplane was seen flying ovor #i;? part of the country last week. S. F. Abemathy. who ha* bean siiik for sometime, is slowly im pnovjpjv Miss Leo Daris spent Sunday night with Miss Jessie Dcckery. Mr. Willie Gentry and family left ! Monday for Farmers Creek, where | the v will make their home. | Mr. J. H. Mintz and wife spent 1 ja few days last week with their son, Ben Mintz, at Marble. N. C. ' Mr. Ben Dcckery is completing his new dwelling house. PEACHTREE. 1 (Last Week's Letter.) Aug. 12.?Master Gene Led ford from Andrews, is visiting bis gran A- , parents nere , .nr. anu .nrs. \\. 1*. Brittain. ( Mrs. J. E. Brooks anil children, . P :: !:. ..." Jas- , per, Gn.. are visiting friends and * relatives here this week. The sick people in our community are too numerous to mention this week. Most of the people frnm here are attending the servii - at Murphy this week. , Miss Emily Davis, from Charlotte.) X. C.. visited friend.- hi re the past! week-end. ^Messrs. Robert and Frank Rhodesj visited friends her Monday. Miss Mabel Hedden. from Hayesvilie, is visiting relatives here this week. Mis. H. B. Cantrell and two children, of Bedford. Ind.. ar visiting relatives here for a few weeks. Missis Mae and Meh Sudderth. Mrs. Carl Sudderth and Mr. Dick Rice spent th. week nd at A then*, tTcnn.. i s Mis. \V. L). Humphries an dtwo t daught- s returned to Tulsa. Okla., f Friday after a few weeks vis t with 7 her parent-. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Sud- 1 derth. Miss Clara MeConihs. who is at- ]: tending summer school at Cullowhee t visit, d homefolks last week. : ;< Mr. an ilMrs. Sumner Sudderth ? and Mrs. Fate Sudderth, of Jeffer- a son, Ga., are spending a few days , here with relatives. Mrs. eGorge C. Mauney, of Char- ] lotto, is visiting her parents, Mr. s; end Mrs. A. E. Sudderth. s; ,?irr.ur ec- I tion Sunday. || Several of the pet.; 1. hire attend- I ?il th.- meetinu at Murpl y Tu< lay. 8 Mr. Ericar Johnson - ndieg a R few days with home folks. n .Mr. B. H. Cross has sol?i 1 farm E o Mr. J. A. Town son. Mr ?d Mrs. Tuiey Johnson of "fl II organ ton visit d relativi >. M Sunday. jS dry's afternoon now is . n ie I Mis- Alice Canton v: i-datives I iR'l friends at Coperhill last wt-ek. 1 Mr. Marvin Bryant hased I new Ford. | Mr. and Mrs. John , n visited 1 pell town Sunday. 3 /OR OLD AND JOUNO I Tutl's LivrT P;!trt : -t .? f. y 'D the det.catr fexnair lartrai okl apt; as up, n tfci- vport uj aua. Tutt's Pills Tone the undersigned, the ?nds hereinafter desdribed, to secure he payment of four certain provisory notes, default having heen mde in the payment of said notes, nd th owner tlureof having demand d foreclosure, we will at 10 o'clock i. M. on th 19th day of Sptemh?r 921. for the purpose of satisfying ;.l ~...i :? 1 * ale. soil at the Court House door in lur; by, at public auction to the ighc-t bidder fan cash the following escribed land: That certain trnc: ?i| land lying in h?rphy levnship, beginning o a re J ak in line of No. 4.'t. runs east 80 oles to a r.?V, then south 00 poles to a chestnut oak, then est 20S poles to a rune, then north bout 100 poles It; the begin ing, ccrtining 100 acres more of 1 ss. Ths August 18, 1024. .!. W. Black well and Company, onsisting of .1. W. Blnck\v< II and ma Black well, by Dillard ec H.ll, ttys. <2-4t-d.&h. For First-Class SHOE REPAIRING tome to ILSON'S ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP W. T. DERREBERRY, Manager Murphy, N. C. .Te Pay Parcel Post one way In 50*9-4t-pd.) xr Rr* 1 or _ l ptl IJf LlClUllgi of J. Tyler For Sale OS. 22, 23, 24 and 25 on Soath , known as Hillside Lots. For 1 Dok No. 1, page 25, in Register ' ence lots. s of land, more or less, in Beav- 1 ilers Creek. See description of Deeds office in Book No. 8, page some timber. OFFER FOR AKY , ( OVE PROPERTIES j v ?* '' VERY ONER K&nton, N. C.