PAGE TWO I ?*oca/ arte* X Telei?hoi Mrs. < ;: s: nt . :o :-.rst of the Week " A:"ante. r business-. Mrs. A. a. Di-.-kev. f V." s'-'.-.c: r. , Gu.. i> z r d;v.:j?*r.tert Mr* Fred Ct Mrs. H. A. Skeg^s. of Decatur. Ala., is vi-ir:n;- h* t uur:. Mrs. Neitie Dickey. Mr>. R- i'.'.relay, f Copperhill. Tenn.. visiting: her parents. Dr. and Mr.-. !. \V. Thompson. Misses Ai.l L: atherw d and Lou cine Wells Tu-.-day for Can: n to assuis:- thei: out es ;;s t.achers in the Cant , n ; >< ho- 1. . Mrs M V r- i* rsturn*to h .-r' home in : rri a. Tcnn.. M day - t - . ? in. - -Vt here wit?. - and ends. Mis- rr.: ! n v t urned the first of * ah u.- pa: y at Co), i ;;t J:..:. . Ga. Mr. John L * *. . .. 1 Jr. returned from Wayne-ville the !at* '* of the week, \vh re he ha< working for si a..- t; Mrs. B. V . - . i-i'.ing Mr. Dickson's in th . M . St v, D ? gon, in Ah ;-r. . \. < Mr. and M . E! beth and Est . and Mr. and Mrs. Plummet ir n. How.: rd and Cliforu. i i .na .vof ::v;)U - spend- ( ing a few d; 1 hi k. Dr. and M -. :h S. I': k r n 1 family returned \ n lay fr m a ten days visit with rein* ves a *1 friends in Hickory and tier points. u %! irorn sunburn f i IMENTHOLATUM J ^Lcools and heals. dT Keep Well k Avoid Sickness U k take m i B E.,.,752 PhT.S a ? Q OK Q g U B,d Tin ^ will cleanse the system, purify M H the blood and keep you well. H ; For Constipation W 5 Indigestion, Biliousness. etc. fLj s Entirety Vegetable. " &XlCIvrv|cl^wIwtcfwIuTwTvgl ORCHARD, PASTURE. AN! The following bargains in real e50 acre it, . \ :*.r.d boxed house, p school and on mail route. Good fru 53 acre errltard. j asta.. ar.d tir A real bargain at $4.00 p?r acre. 80 acre-, two-thirds in timber, office, church and schools. Strong i 155 acres, with good dwelling business. 1500 ciossties, good j-astur one mile front main highway. A mo at $15.00 per acre. H. D. COMMONS, Loving, Gn.. I; Crampii III "T70R MORE THAN Bi very bad condition! B of Route 1, Dorcl II with cramping spells wl I my back and sides. S< E catch at something, I w< H ... I had to quit doing m; I dies, but none of them s? p| "In April I went up to A || She said to me, 'Willie, if 5 PI take Cardui. It will really fc || my doctor what she had said II better tonic, so my husband i j I began it. . . . My case wa HI I kept on faithfully. After 1 |l very much better, so much a< Ui I have taken six bottles now I] different woman. ... I feel II which I took faithfully." CAI I The Won k;' - Personal ne 20 Y Mss Elizabeth Hampton returned' home Wednesday after having sp.nt three (Javs here with Miss Thelrna Sneed. Miss Mary Bell left the first of the week for Grter.sboro to b.ccme a student :r? the Greensboro C _ 11 ge : Wo nun. Miss; = Carrie Brittain and Mabel Ellis left Tue ilr.v for Maryvilie. Ter.n.. wher. they entered school. Mi-s Hazel Deweese K ft a f w lays ag for Nebraska, where she1 inu nds to go t sen . .. Misses Annie Sv rd and B K ? I.-Combs I f* uhe firs- f :h - wrck' tor Sylva vl.e e they expect to be-' School. Mr. Walter Tare. Ta*;. G.:.. ha been here several days t:s week Mr. and ?Irs. J. !!. 'I.Cnl! ar. n H toe t. rt 'urn i \Y \ ."ram Asheville where they attended funeral of Mr. MeCall's broth-1 cr. C. M. McCall. *.vh w - buried at Gush Cr k i-cnutery near Bl:-j re last Monday. Mr-. i aKellc ?" .v il spent sev :a' day. .. *'-.! a c; her way home from R v -v ; Miss F. Ivn 1.-? < f V.'u;. i'h who has been visiting* the chord is i": - on <>:. nob::!: . l' t'.. Insu: v I ";i ir.ient, i.ft the :::-t 01 the week. NOTICE OF REWARD. ! \v t.-n d. . ? . - \ f. my I lu< ar i b1a< k spec kl d female ho and and u>k no Mu^tion . Sn has been lost or stolen ab -ut two months. 1 will fay ;h% afc< ve reward t r her d? livery or information to find her. This hound belongs to my - ?? and listed for tax by mi . I am determined to find the dog if she is in this county or any cf the adjoining unties. If I find she has be< n stolen or being kept concealed I will see the guilty party or parties -uffir the full penalty of the law. A. B. DICKEY. Mrs. Jerry Jones, of Ducktown. Tenn., -p.r.t the week-end with her mother. Mrs. P. E. Nelson, returning i i home Sunday. HOW'S THIS? ? Al.iUHIi MKUk'IN" Wlli ao what we claim ! : it?rid your system <-t < atnrrn or iK-afness caurv i v Catarrh. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE consists or an Ointment whji h yui . Relieves the catarrhal lnflam:-:at.< n. anij tho Interr..?l Medicine, a '.*?> u. whk: ;,i ts throuch the Fl-nd OTl the Mucous [ Surfaces. thuj snistinz to restor.. ,.ri rr-ai ccr. 11: ions Sold by druguistj* for over 40 Tears, i F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. D FARM LAND FOR SALE rate ere being <'fere.1 vc< r quick sale: rco-J out bui'd nrs. k w V?u:* *re? a. t section. Price $12 p r a re. v: a Wuse c'o:c to ;'.?urc** new house and barn?, close to post red land fcr only ?S.OO per acre, tenant house?, and n~ill doing good es, 15 to 20 acr.s bottom lanu, only ney mak;r.g farm ar.d a real bargair 4l2 miles east of Mineral Bluff. naamiaj^^ ig Spells 11 A YEAR I had been in a ? * says Mrs. R. E. Kimbrell, a I lester, Texas. "I suffered 3 g nch gave me baa pains in giiB imetimes I would have to S IB ould get so suddenly dizzy, mlj y work. I tried many reme- ? i iemed to do me any good. J J J rkansas to visit my sister. . . . IIS rcu are going to take anything, lj|B lelp you.' I came home and told ? | and he said I could not take any glip immediately got me a botftle and g s a pretty tough one, I know, so ml & the fourth bottle, I began to feel J j* > that I was surprised at myself. VIU and I can truly say I feel like a III I fine and I owe it all to Cardui, |||J AKC 15 muifl lan's Tonic !1 , . I a . THE CHEHOKIE SCOUT. MURPt ja< S i* X N*1B >* (NOTE: Dr. Pierce is president of the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., to which for 50 years past chronic sufferers have been coming for special- r-~ ized treatment from ? !! over the U. S. A., Canada end foreign lands.) Will Undo Much Evil m Bv Dr. V. M. Pierce Ka ng the t isl am a I of harm lax Wrought by diseases of the kidneys, and ) ?.f having had opportunity to observe the , -rs and the*. s-tul methods of ! treatment in thousands of cr. cs oi kidney t: uble at the Invalids* Hotel. I l ave recently given to the public the < litest ar.d perhaps most important of the Dr. Pierce home remedies, "An- c ' uric" (ar.ti uric-acid) Tablets, which !? I now recommend to those who suffer si with kidney oackache, irregularity of y urination r-.d ti e pains and disturbances t"1 ?l.,t ^ irr.m . vr. tj .< i-ri,. n^.-' ni the blood. "An-uric" can be bad r.ovv at all the 't 'Z :tcs. The mere drinking of a . cup 1 t* hot -water each morning ana a } tie An-uric" K' >rc ivory we.. J -.Id bring remarkably quick improve rr You may have kidney tr. die I arte", not know it. The danger for.lis ; : > he watched tor and quickly hot-do I , back: C e. depression, aches, rah . : :ic;?\ine:5. drowsimr-s dizziness, irritancy, headaches, chilliness, rheumatic { twinges, swollen joints, gout. ." ir. T. N. Hates was an A-heville *' it r the latter part of last week. M;.-. N. A. Dcvu se, who has been visitir.g Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Fain nr. i ^ A. G. Dew?. e.-e and other rtlatms lur.. r< cv :\ <1 word Monday 11 h i her home- had been destroy;d ev i:- ami returned immediately. r. Ge< . T. McCoy, staff repvr'.e ^ f th Ashevilk Citizen, wa? here Me nday to inte rview A. \V. McLean ^ a ho made the Labor Day address. Mr. Neil Snced and Miss Myrtle .key were united i.i marria, >.. the i: nit of Mr. \V. Christ V: Sunday afternhon _at fnur-tb.iry o'clock by R v. T. L. Sssser, pastoi >f the Baptist Chv. ^h. Mr . C'.i * n* her i the attractive daughter Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Dick y. cf Wash rgton. Ga., and a sister >1 Mrs. Fred Chnstopher, ar.d has made many Mends h?-ro Hi:rinrr l< > - - its here. Mr. Srueti is the son M.s. It. H. Sneed and holds a v. >pon.-: ble position with the L. ci N ttatlroad Company. Mr. R. A. Harris spent the week r.d ir. Atlanta with rtlatlvcr. .Mr. .1. R. Cry, of Hendersonviiie oho has the contract for the construction of a road in one of then^hips, was here this week te j; v 1*. work under way. Mrs. Earl Tntham eni M.. J. il. Slaughter and Mr. Morphen, of Rob binsville, were in Murphy th's we:* Mr. ar.d Mrs. G. 15. Walker an* son. Messrs. Sam Williams, H. Engleman, D. H. Tjllitt, T. J. Bristol. Sam Cover, R. H. Montony, J. K. Ciingsmith, Z. L. Whitaker. Clyde H. Jarrett, J. C. Arbogast Jr., J. B. Sneed and wife, W. T. Moore, D. S Russei, A. T. Dorsey, Mrs. W. B. Fisher, Mr*. Giles Cover, G. E. Laii M. Palmer, wire among the Andrewe people seen in Murphy this week. | Messrs. C. D. Killian, H. H. Setzer. j (R. White, P. C. Scroggs, G. II. Haigler, were among the Hayeswille visitors hire tfciring the week. Mr. H. C. Memis, of Bradford, Pa., was here the first of the week looking after his interests in this section. FOR OVER~ 200 YEARS Haarlem oil has been a worldwide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. ^ HAARLBM OIL ! correct internal troubles, stimulate vital | organs. Three oirea. All drug?i:?3. Insist on the origin7.1 genuine Colo Mdmx- ^ IT. NORTH CAHOLIMA Mr. Fred Green left a few day* ro f ?r .Vlanta. wher-- he has r.epted a ; > >!; as clerk with the edmont Hotel. ? ? Mr. ar.d Mr:. P. W. Wisenhunt id neice. Miss Bonnie Jones, of An-' *ev.s. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and rs. J. O. Walk r. of Black Mounn. s-?d thr-meh Murphy Friday i way to Hay svilT . Miss Emogrere Hvntt is visiting: h r :\r. Hmvv Hyatt. y1)> sia H r-f .'.v. who has bern r her son. J. H. Hensley and - i!y. for the pa * three weeks, rcirr her h< . in Etowah. Tenn. itcrday. Mr. R. T. An!:r?on. of Ojrden. is . a: ' improving the aranee of h - honr. Tb womnn is her w'th the "Love It is >aiti that they are c t and that the applications! many. Everybody will want to1 who contraets the disease or: F iv night. S pttrnVr 12th. at the. hoc! auditorium. Mr. \V. A. Eva it* has recently ;tr?r\ the -tock of goods of Mr. 'ark> Shields at Culberson. Mr h:M !s has bought some property :n urphy and may move her. in the ear future-. Mr. H. P. Barnett is dc'.ng cr:.-iv. repairs on his home in East turahy. DELINQUENT TAX SALE. ? RTH CAROLIX.k?Cherokee ounty. The undersigned Tax Collector of .! com ty will sell on Monday Octal? u. 1924. at the court house do: r i Murphy. X. C.. to the highest idtkr io: ca-h. at public cutcry. v fallowing lands upon which taxeio the year 1I>23 have no J been aid. the same being jlisted for taxaon in the name and for the amount iver. i'flow, with costs added In each ase as foliows: Vail ay town Township Name Acrc, Amt l. Horsey Lumber Co. 660 73.21 Beaverdam Township ?. V. Crain 6214 14.11 W. P. ODOM, Tax Collectc r Take ^aL for the liver Beware of imitations. Demand the genuine in 10c and 35c packogee bearing above trade mark. f-% THE OHM M FUNERAL MONDAY FOR C. M. McCALL Biltmore, Sept.l?The body ol Clarence M. McGall. who died Sunday morning at 1:30 o'clock, was laid to rest here this afternoon "n Gash"? Cre.k Cemetery. Mr. McCall had been ill about two weeks with pneumonia. Funeral services were conducted at the residence in Biltmcs.? at S:30 o'clock. Rev. J. C. Story, of Marion, and Dr. \V. W. Fitzgerald, of Biltmere, officiating. Th. active pallbearers were brothers of the deceased: Will C. MfC&U J. Herbert McCall. Edeer G. McCall Charle McCall Clifton McCall and Dr. A. C. McCall. Honorary pallb?arei| were J. L Morgan, R. H. Bennett, Dr. S. G. Kirby. all of Mar on; E. L. Gaston, Dan W. Hill, Dr. Arthur Pritchard, Dr, Bernard Smith, L. l\ Maney, C. T Carr. \V. A. McGcary, J. T. Robert! and Brownlow Jackson. Mr. McCali is survived by His widow and on- child, seven brothers, and a sister. Mrs. E. H. Morris-, of Poitland. Or.. Mr. McCall wus a mer-ber of the Ashcvilk Kiwa: is club and was one of the leading citiz.n of Biltmore. WAN1ED- WALNUT log. Write or see H. D. Akin. Murphy. N. C. ' -l--lt-pd.) 1 SHK^S yassss ItEKfl MOTHER ? Fletcher*?; CastCastor Oil, Paregoric. Teethir prepared to relieve Infants in Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, ! Natural Sleep witl i To avoid inatntn-- always look for i ! Proven Hirrrtif-i-- pickice. f? li I * I v. r^'" v. J?i J." A * ** ? FaiSa-S ws V 1 ralrjfifiM complete set of A liberal allov. ft y0#|R j " This is a spec: Si?, U?S3>: jI" ,. I cqu:ppi -i your . Cords and getti '4/ . A^Jra, J jji' -;| c.nd economy th ?jbJJl i j J 1 "J You will get t -iVW// 9 11 mile?Er decrea k win t mi i?wcr csir 1 R \ III f.L all miles of carefully J^L/W actual experienc _yy lllf 'fffwjgl drive at higher s //MM without danger the usefulness oi many months t< Motorists eve "ttflW NOW?as a she and increased se mHT ?we will make 55r ' prisingly low oo a @(y)R3;?)fl!?>PI JINAl LOW-PRESS! URPHY SERVICE STA E. C. MOORE , Friday, S?pte?b?r 5^ Tutt's Pillit , 11?joc. nxular luM. good lf ) digestion. Relieve the M dyspeptic and debfltated \/ \ and tone ap the aystenv^. / \ AGAINST MALA)\|.,,^ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS %Bids for the building of th? oridg- 1 i es in Shoal Creek and Xotla T. .vn, ships, on the road now undtr construction through these townships, ac * 5 cording to the plans of th? Stat High j way Commission, will be rec mi up j , until neon of the first Monday of October, 1924. I Unit bids for excavation pun es. masonry and lumber floor.- ar?. invited. The Ccmnvssion reserves the right to reject any and all Ad- 1 i dress ell bids to thi Cherokft r>un . ty Road Commission. (4-4t-crc) NOT CE TO THE PUBLIC. I -? At the Democrat'i- county cmven' t on 0:1 Manday, without my b ing rrescnt and witheut my consent, I was nominated for the office of Coroner. Whii I deeply appreciate the action of my friends in namir? me for this officv. I cannot consent for my name tn go before the public a? , a candidate for the c "fice and take this methc d of g ving public notice that 1 am not a candidate. J. X. HILL, M. D. 'wfisij i iria is a harmless Substitute for ig Drops and Soothing Syrups, arms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, c