Friday, September 12. 1924 0TY STREETS WILL BE NAMED AND MARKED (ConOoued from page 1) ~ "V. * prom * '' J- v- Brittain'a Brittain Si*x Cherry S!rcet by C. S. Watkn's, etc.. Cross Street. From Terrace Avenue to Mrs. Posey's. Tyler Street. From Hiawassee at I.. & N\ Crossing v. sr by Lloyd property of Hitchcock sub-division. Hunter Street. ; Street from Elliott houses, crossing Hunter street tc. power ; Trjr ;. ( hcp kto Stiei-t. . POSTELL. Mr. and Mrs. Quince Allen and children returned to their home at Etowah, Tcnn.. Inst Friday after spendinp six weeks vacation at Postell. Mr. and Mrsr. Charlie Marrow and little son visited Mr. and Mrs. John Mason Sunday. John Mason made a business trip to Pucktown Thursday. Mrs. Ledie Ledford underwent a successful operation for appendicitis at her home on Friday of last we k. She is doinfr nicely. The dry weather at present is dainnein*r crops in our Section. j Mrs. Jane Mason and Mrs. Lula Freeman were out tiding Saturday afternoon: Some of the Shoal Creek folks attended the Sunday ischool convention which was held at Friendship church Saturday and Sunday. Miss Eliza Allen visited her sister, Mrs. O. P. Taylor, Monday and Tuesday. She also visited Misses Hattiej and Virnie Lawrence awhile Monday ( nijrht. 1 Mrs. Emma Quinn visited Mrs. | Ledie Ledford Wednesday. | Mr. Ralph Ledford who fs attending school at Fnrnpr. Trnn.. spent the week-end at home. s . ? ? Mr. an3 M~s. "vT'ihe Job son. 01 V.'ehotfjn ^T4;nt 1 *t Send. y afte**Ji on with tht*r unci * S. Y. Allen, c. >d family. j. Miss Vad Quinn visited her aunt. Mrs. Deela Suit, Friday. Mrs. R. P. Allen left Friday for Riliance, Tenn., to visit her sister. Mrs. A. J. Higdon.. She will also visit her son, Quince Allen, at Eeowah, Tenn., and her son, Ed Allen, at Athens, Tenn., before returning home. Dr. G. M. Young was called to Persimmon Creek Saturday to see Mrs. Logan Lawrence, who was reported to be very ill. Mr. Lake Qxtinn. of Farner school, pent Saturday and Sunday with his Parents. Clyde Stiles made a business trip to Farner Sunday. ""in. i_-eipn:a unatrwooa ana two | children, from Tellico Plains, are, pending: a few days with her mothMr*. Lidiai eLdford, during the 'iter's illness. 'J Witflle Marion and Robert' uid Kex Allen were out j " .ij? -V 1^7 afternoon. j i: The Board Agriculture in CI eve-1 "Jli County is now working with the county home and farm agent in gettthi8 the people to name tbeif; farms, ^cry 'arm >n North Carolina should an appropriate name and be call- 1 ?d by that name. ? J "HOME BUILDING IN FLORIDA" j I Miami and suburban districts . are experiencing the greatest . boom in the history of that city. 1 $13,291,094 worth of building I permits have bten Issued since January first, 1924, in Miami cjty alone, while in the suburban ! d.stiicts within a rauius of eight ! m.Us from the center of the city j fully $8,000,000 moic has been i j authorized. I 1 he opportunities of South j Floiida, especially the Miami s.e- | I tion, are numerous and business _ 1 is established upon a sound basis. t is not a boom for a short period. Miami .s building ;o ' stay, and real estate values have doubled and tripled during the last five years. Within the next ; ten years, it is reasonable to pre- < diet that Miami will be the largest and ricne.-t city in ?ic whole y 3I Southland. Among the most active suburban sections is Biscayne Park 1 Estates, a beautiful sub-division | : uwn^d and developed by Arthur 1 1 M. Griffing, of the well known ; Griffing Brothers, who for the j last 3u years have been classed I , .hih iik me ioreu>ost Horticui| tari ts and Nurserymen of the j ' South, and with his great knowl- | . edge and love of floweis has endeavored to make Biscayne Park Estates one of huge t lower garden. Stately Austral an Pines and Eucalyptus outline the ' streets and av.nucs inur-plnnted with Palm. Hibiscus, Acaiy- ! pha, ('rape Myrtle and otner j choice trees and shrubs, while ro-es bloom to peifeclion the whole year through in the rich soil covtring the entire develop| nient. Mi\ny beautiful homes and apartments are now in course 01 construction at Biscayne Es- I tntes, while fully a score are in- | ing planned for the Fall building. These in addition to nearj ly a half hundred now occupied makes this restricted suburb one ol Miami's leading residential sections and owners of lots are quick to see the advan tage or j ouiiuing in Biscayne Park hsj tales, its location, V miles froui I the he; it ci Miami on the Dixie | Highway and new inlaid waterI way (which will be 75 feet in width my 12 feet in depth, connecting Biscayne Bay with Lake Dkc-echobcc), all SuB rauld be desired. Southi rn Florida is becoming | recognized more and more each year for its incomparable cli! mate. The winwters are ideal in every particular, white the i MiimiHT iiitiiui!' urc* it n vviauon. The average minimum temperni ture during th-.* summer months m 72 decrees, while the maximum is but 84. This shows a very even temperature and com- ' bined with low humidity and an almost ever prevaling breeze I from offtan and pulf, make the summers most pleasant indeed. Miami Suburhs,-. real ffiate.t investments are safe and profitable. Interesting literature tufcy.,; be ?ad I.y . ;{ io.'L is. . ? j 1. .k t0sl .ee , ?I:::nv. Fla.?Adv. POSTELL. Misses Alice Bryson and Fannie McGuire were visitors tat Mt. Olive Church Sunday. Miss Eliza Allen spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Nannie Brendl? cn Upper Shoal Creek. Misses Vaud Quinn and Minnie Ferguson and Mr. Poley Allen attended revival service? at Mt Olive Spnday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jones visited their daughter, Mrs. Mary Allen, Sun day afternoon. Howard Hickey was on Shoal Creek ( Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen visited Mrs. Mary Henry Sunday. The work is going right along with the Dillard Highway through our ' section. We are glad to see the good work going on. S. Y. Allen spent Friday night with his daug?it?r, Mrs. Tfcregpr Taylor. Mrs. Guy Suit visited Mr?. Deelia Suit Sunday afternoon. Mrs. R. P. Allen returned last week from a delightful visit in Tennessee. -HE CHEROKEE SCOUT. 1 PEACHTREE. Sept. 2.?Rev. Stcdman. pastor cf the Methodist Church, will begin a, series of services Sunday, September 7th, at the Methodist Church. Rev. and Mrs. Carter Pipes and children from Mar* Hill, N. C-. visited relatives here last week-end. Mr. Henry Sudderth is visiting his brother in Athens Tenn., this week. Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. Martin visited friends here last week-end. Mrs. J. C. Moss and Esth r F'ae-? are on the sick li t. Messrs., Carl and Lloyd Hcndrix. Mark Elliott and Frank V.'al-h arc ::L- j tending school in Murphy this term. Mr. and Mrs. Carson III>1 made a business trip to Murphy Saturday. Messrs. John and Lee Sudderth froja Athens.- Tenn., visited relatives! here last week-end. Several of the people from here attended the barbecue at Murphy Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Burger Tuesday September 2, a fi:i. boy. WANT ADS FOR SALE?Good six-mom. weather-boarded and ceiled house ami two Rood lots 50x125 fcit with Rood fence and barn, city water, etc.. n a L. &. N. Station. Apply to Mrs. C. D. Ledford, Murphy, N. C. <4-4t-pd) FOR RENT?three rooms for light house-keeping. Apply to Mrs. Osen Zimmerman. (3-lt-z.) FOR SALE?The A. R. Hel! h and lot, formerly the Cooper property, 11 room house equipped with water, large half acre garden. Apply to P. E. Nelson. (52-lt-n.) FOR RENT?Good brick store house in Murphy, reasonable. B. !\ Grant Andrews, N. C. d) CHARLES E. WADDELL & CO. Engineer* Established 1902 Estimates, plans and specifications supervision construction, operation eKctric plants ?hydro or team, industrial projects, water supply systems, parks, roads and landscaping, bridges and municipal structures and reinforced concrete. Designing laboratory ASiiEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA HOME CANNING OUTFIT Provide for winter by canning fruits and vegetables during this season of plenty. Ask to see our inexpensive, government approved machine. (ltf) E. L. TOWNSON, MURPHY. N. C. AGENTS^?Sell guaranteed hosiery direct from mill to wearer; ail styles and colors; salary paid for full time or spare hours; no money needed for samples. Internationals Mills 1284, Norristown ,Pa. <43-20tpd) WANTED?WALNUT iff. W"V og ^2 11. 1). A.:in, Mqrphy, A. O. '4 U pd.) REAL. ESTATE WANTED?There are buyers in all parts of the ":.untry. My system shows you how to reach them. Investigate a* oner. Postofice box 244, Murphy, N. C. FOR SALE?116 acre farm, about 250,000 feet timber, two Rood mules. Apply to Oscar Adams,! Grandview, N. C. (2-4t-pd)' VALUABLE PAPERS?A reward ; will be paid for any information j about some valuable papers that Mr. i L. A. Randall had in his poses-ion at the time of his d:ath. Soo or write Mrs. L. A. Randall, Brasstown. X. C. j (l-4tpd) i FOR SALE?Expect to leave town1 and am offering at very reasonable prices the following: 1 Mahogany Victnola with records; 1 Mahogany Chiffonier; 1 Mahogany Eight day clock; 8 sections Fumed Oak book j ...... i rniJ?. ?v:*_ 1 ' I inoco, * WU1IU a TVlllic CUUIIK I [ICQ, ! complete; 1 child's Go-Cart, rced;j the above articles as good as new, j and can be seen any time at Bunga- j low. C. F. Stonecipber. (lt-pd) FOR SALE?Practically new Chevrolet Car at greatl yreduced price. Cash or terms. For further information address Box 54, Blue Ridge, Ga. (4-tf-ec) j CASTO (HA For bfuti ud CUpa In Um For Over 30 Years KURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA WEHUTTY. Mr. and Mr?. Albert Pack. of Tellico Plains. Ttnrr.. arc visiting home foiks this week. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Torrence, of Etowah. Tcnn.. are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. West ant! Mr. anu Mrs. O. L. Torrence. Mr. W. F. Hill an dfamily attended Church at Mount Olivette Sunday. 1 Our school i= progressing nicely under the management of Misses rannie McGuire and Alice Bryson. I Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Burger, of Isa! bella, were the guests of Mr. and |Mr.-. W. F. Hill Sunday. I Misses Fannie McGuir and Alice Bryson spent Saturday with Misses Minnie Ferguson and Vau Po till. A revival meeting is being held at Mt. Ol.vette * ;i< week. The services are biing conducted by Rev. L.;n; Burger and John Decker. Rev. Carl Sentell, of Farner H'gh School, made an interesting talk ai Shoal Creek church Sunday. Lakes Quinn. Edgar Tari.-nr. Kal;.h Ledford and Fred Hill, who are attending school at Farn r, spent Sunday with home folk--. Mr. and Mr.-. C. L. Ledford attended church at Liberty Sunday. The corn crop will brr considerably short this yTTtSI -~r j.v T"-r for CRl-CttKS TCP. S A D;AMO::D iikand pili.S in vi u i/A Gold mr'.-llic lx>xf*. lt?kd xiih El-.r\ V- ' XiSbon. T.\er NO OTHER. n?r < 7?af \/ Dn,??.W4 ?ni auk for fHI-CU ts-Tf-R S V I'l UIOM) BRAND PILLR. f?>r\*2 y- rR |f irttd * BW|RM< II. A.wnyl ItMJt.le. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS rivr PVFRYWHFRF ?"1T? - * I NOT"just Phoog: faithfu' in liki ter?attractive ab?e in price. Phone appoin TOD/3 Mclver "Portraits c Over Murphy Opportunity Own ts and Srn [ear Murpl lay, October 7th, the 180 - sale at Auction, thus gn ot or a small farm at his o operty will lie sub-dividee ght size for rural homes, s on the Murphy-Atlanta n. ^LE DAY AND SELEC1 uh, and balance in 1, 2, a Realty Auci PAGE FTVI" i-< r'7 '.r ir>! ntr.n:*1*-. Hurrah, f. :k ' Wt'r- happy ami !or; W-' ' I ?-. p-"y n tha MI' r J aESZEBEBH ft GRANITE COMPANY Canton, Ga. W. K. DERRF.3ERRY, A*t. Marble, N. C. i Jf You Want .".nyt'..?rj In Won- [ cmcnlr, See Me (o.tlO-pd) aphs"?but portraits? less?truthful in charac: in finish?and reasonfor that j* " imsr.t iY s Studio ft f Distinction" ' ' Hardware Co. _ _ ) 1 al! Farms j acre farm of J. S. Reg- ' ( nng any one an apporwn price on easy terms. i into tracts of from 10 truck or general farmpaved highway only a r LOT YOU WANT! ' J rid 3 years. tion Co, ! I I Atlanta, Gm. r