HT kday. January 2, 1925 RM Two Aged Men Saw BSfl Approaching Yu'otids BHH was f. ? the pigeons hi the ' n^H when r-i-l men - i .u. nnMy-?-! tvVun>l J- l I^We roe it : a winesiip apple; other dyspeptic, ;md \-ith H^^Hrown a hi - eyes:. ij^B^VWYiI. most Christmas!** hethe gftHft'- vv to !1 ' ! i: VlU: He ^ SB m. fij^Er n't 'I r I He I wSK m I^Hrooun: i^Hire ! > Hn! l'i S {^ haven't B B IB niisviru yo?j itnr\ t \ w " *. Chrlrtm::! r Wbeth? ? y. u i ; ! . I *-n we'll lnp Cr. ' The [I vj :\y Song at /jerry Chrit mas Time -VS lllLliJ I s i I. . v-T 11^ li?? rolls eiul.n Without > n . Vut Phi let tis i, .! i .... i \. n la but Titer * v?*r tone : . vi . lii-ntt-l.v beautiful that ; i . :-i n< ; ; i*t tin <\ i t.:. lie iuvii anion.. wimiin.::-' j^fthut I.i- !.i?v?- i-?I n<>r HKteen ?;y"ht5S liiiiirmsil) I so"tl e r-nsli. : > > . IILT was too high for INnlei i. 11.- im fliri-t ' man E'"t- wiih - fox r :i- 1 a ui-l-h whir1, hut tin* carols went over lilui and :i- "(i him !>v. In thp splendid chtr !i treat organ harmonies swept up to i.i"?-i the moonlit benediction of the storrj heavens, carrying rapt soul* to heigh; of fuller vision of the glorious gladness or the Christmas time, , I uiii IV. ' . * "iir. iti licit. N A nere lad, however, rejoicing in his tle.v r; Ho set Cult night, tuneil in. ay!n_. "< Jive me Heaven"?and got it! ?CI.: itopher Hazard. 191:1, Wei.'ra NVwipaprr Un. >n.) I Jingle Bells 1 Happy, gladsome Christinas time Shout : ; Most drive away our ills; If It wasn t for the awful moss of BUN. hill bills, bills. * Saint Nicholas Tired of His Own Children *r? N His book called "A Tramp jl Abroad Mark Twain gives the legend about Santa Clans or St. Nicholas. Whi.e the author was trev| ellng from Lucerne to Interlaken he ^.passed by the house of the children's Christina'- v;:in^ There, the story toes. at fifty St. Nicholas became tired *f his own children and decided to be \ hermit. Their noise distracted him, I V ht sought out a dreary refuge far I Oro the world. Here, It Is said, he | w the leisure to ponder and reflect I on pious things. What became of I '4wife and ter. children is not menr fed. Bi t as a penance the old II* bW'iged forever to climb dewn \> chimneys Christmas Eve con^ fug llinrini'u .15 nlhor peep!?'; MflH.m'Ven> to milke up for deserting his / anj the old fellow looks MB r: ., ' 'Slppfp^i flj?)4?0 1 v ,; > <1 , ?v- ; . - ) c* S ' , , "? <&> 1 . I?> ! ?jwi enio^?N| j; ; i, ii. |? ' iSis iin.?iier a - - the i ' ' --r thir.^s on :i' U? for kVa >' ^ . r . ? ' ! n: Ills ' "'Mb. < !!. ! she's a Uttlo ired af r ; i..11.v Inst night. i >n H I ... C. .1 i ?. ;.;ti i.i .!. 1 i fiuiMi qii.s- . ' ion. ! .. ;; tills Mora;r.he , .Ml v . r uch: a:.. surprN .l ' . r*?-r,. Wli..: made you '} V.ui , v._ - . - . ; ?*' " -? ' ' [~K- _ > V r>-^ ; Ml ' "e t'M." - ? , f - ' .; si-. ? "t l> ' ? ' I. ' - ^ ?t!' ' * ' j ^ I li\ VVJSfcS **Ot?d J'oii haven't I 1m \ j wished ;? { us I " ":|I'I,.V N???V "111' n r, i i e, smiled .Mr., Sawyer. "I'iu rr\. 1 furgot all almut It. Well, I'll do it Ni-a Vt-ai'K I??-u inu tuirn ami I'oll.v!" I'.ut ilils was not at all what tliey wanted. sit- tli(I not it- i* thai way Wllt'll slio III.-ant it. Sill- Sliolltl-ll It Up the stairs tin- first tiling in tin- looming. to yet ahead of everybod} else. The ehildren felt Strange and out of tune. Mother was always so Jolly. It look all the fun out of tilings to have Iter this way. "V,Y hod a due party last night. J didn't we?" asked I'olly. "Kv rv tino j said they never had a better time." I Hen looked hard at his mother. He ! j was ti>e oldest and. though careless and noisy, loved her very much. "It was j because mother worked so hard to give it to us" he smiled. "Those little rakes were Just the ticket, and the Ice creain?oh, hoy!" The other children nodded. "Sure thing," mumbled Harry, looking as j solemn as an owl. | Mrs. Sawyer glanced from one to (another. "Children,** -she said, 'Tve . got something to say to yon New Year's morning. I think this is thp ! l est time, for it is the very beginning . of the New Year." ; "Yes, mother." they nl' agreed. !"lt Is the custom to sgy tnnt we . make new resiv j lutlons, but I wish we could [ . oT-ji j j make new faces." , . ,?*. "New faces!" /h I exclaimed the ; j chiblren together. ^ ! | not l ro,I> ' I come from within. F aces are . " xil(?l8 nmde by thoughts, 1 and thoughts are A onr only tools. I i\ I worked for two :11 tI:or?? ; i , . . i. ii : ? I " . ! ? n-vii -vin.- i'. ; . i in.l in *? . v . i 1 . Iiowr uiti- ii \?. ? haxe ac<'1. h what xvcys w ? li.ive UL'v.-ioj.cti. I v..-. >._ to .an ab"'it the <(? n. iv at ail ? : i. He Ilr*" ; H iilliB 4 in II .. . I. erntfM to .'?oJc ?' .r ; "a In ? it ! To Ult'.'WPP. i> ' (n ? .-r ! oil.- ju . rs a: i . '?t to ! ,'gf; u ; in our ii. :.;!tr:te or o v. ,i r> t. ?<5<31orwifci.tor it l . 1 1 n < .<> J day i- t:< ??r i on< Otl&i wet dropped I" i .. : < , - v.o h:. 1 ; fjir. :st it a ! t-ntc in the l:nr - i try : -fly , y 'I m- l' is* * is\\" t ? s , } mt I i : riwnd-? " ; V '' r - ? I! ive yon : 1 : tr- .. - : ) !: . ; - i ' ' . ;.ilv ! r -r: . i? it of; I . ' . > .?t ? " t . Light in the Steeple Ct I'tiTias .ing ' -? iiktrJ n ! ii'! :? v. .\ w iH5 :,ml k . . Ike a l??a<-on ??f assurm. ! > .. promise of 1 - ' i tiie 11Kl?t In III "I I church -i. It ii< \vn 1 i t;. of tlie church windows and siat' >i.ti?-iy wise tun who kn*Hv V. > J- of *nakIli-r t'ladno: -s out of vifts. Its rays ll^rht'-l lip a irarn't, \ two very hopeful your:. tors wor -h-eplni; upon n vry small ! <1. after making sure thai tin I I t was there. In the street below- t looked nn, saw it and smiled; another paused under the plow and spell of It and dropped a ?.?* ihe |HM?r iinx at the church door. The Salvation Amy lass mim nit from tin- church ponrh nnd thumped her tambourine merrily bemuse some genial Inllucnce had tilled her basket so full, almost dancing down the street jis the In lis saw by ! the gloaming light that it was time to ' ting. And so with ch.erlntr ^lory and with chime Cam*- In another happy Chrl imas tlinn. while t!ie old steeple, still pointing ! upward. renin in?*d as i witness to j things high ::r. 1 spl ! i.?Chrlsto- , phcr ii. Hazard. i 1:>2I. *.V. ?tern Newspaper I'nlon.) *? P.EAL SANTA CLAUS *?j /-v l.Vt'ii p.>.st have our ? j ??2) ' ",'risl,!;5,s trees tin- chief ; problem is how the.i ire to ^ i III I . . . f... . I iif i in i-uninz. snip- r ping and gelling ??i' Ciirisnna? -.'-i * trees li;i^ ili'Telo|HHl into :in established husinesv. extending ovt-r tTie entire country. line large , iS shipper ?f New England lias ix been in the business forty years *. ? ami in that time has s??id many aC Iboiisint] enrlottds of trees. J\ ^ Some of these have been ship|>oj in the Industry is new eightyjg two years of an but he is stili > active, and curio?tsl> enough he g is n real Santa (Mans in appear^ nnee.?Frank Herbert Sweet. *? 1>14. Wmwiti .vawnpaber t'ninn.i '? &SK t& ? Perhaps Little Stars Knew About ChristmasM qm* HE stars shone brightly ovepfl tlL head. Below, the snow vra? cov-W ring up the hard ground, wliichfl did not seem to understand Christina*.! It was much too hard for that. It wasl better that Old Kin* Sn n%r? im come along and cover It op. giving than people a white Christmas^ Tfcte *+an shone dowaidon allttiaJl tens Wat. it wee rtjwiMj (. NORTH CAROLINA i^Ths^diar^s kj : . , v.- - M r^}\&i j Ch.risima3 r.l 17 71 j E.-n:*v Burks Adams J . Tfph... ' A J t | "rnacnt, r.n.l 'X ? -* JK* ' r.; ?ill,? ....... ...... " >!? ' '* 'V" jgi v.; .. an-1 i vfcr y ) A ' i il hoji.-f ; as : v-n !ml!r I (bill's ire - ' : becv - ;QQ 1' - ?l. tV fitt}"*'., la; ju ; . are a J s tt ..i nr-v:. m. [S| nt'. rl-,. w until t'hrlstj . ... .J*7^ to* W% milt * p >U j UH i ' ' i Marr> Her, t -'e Eye?Or.s of Your Own Raoe." at T': lit I-- t"ar!'^l?\ You '.now my .H.w. JIi,s V:?! , also Anita." .ziUl Jh.yie r.'ye; "1 can't forget oi> I? ..or. Ci" ' ; (iu. Miss Y:i . and iu. '.inn." "Ye?. 1: ;.!.' id Undid, "A. I.. in;* to us-dst mi? wit J: the ?' Mil end you uiv to be my int? rpro; "Il.iohel." .v Yale, "did you M'?? a .i . wmvl? iicutemher 1 ii?* Indian':- i ' r . i rlstlo?t!. -y jtrei'onr** kiitrrney ;?Ke j'i?i; yoa;are th<>!rs If t: o.tly i\v until Chi h'tuins and ii... :.el anil 1 . Kye were busy .villi the iivi-. liity had toys and caam - ili, i-hic .r ?. and henS and '? ? : the others, and the Jo; i-n detneni v.... n?-t unlike our own us Christmas approaches. A progr.Mti v as to Ik* given. A talking innehine was to furnish tin- music, und a pile of !< :< in front ?! the lodge was for warmth anil to light uj> the tree. "F- ;'. Kye," sat.i ?? ,. need more mistletoe for our tree." "Well, hen's tin- ponies; let's go for some and we run st;. ;.i our traps." As they ncared t:r:j - Kayie ICyo said: "We have >:r heap turbov? I*!! take them hack and > i!l catch you before ymi make the hill." He was off at Indian speed. I'achcl started to mount but was jerked around and she stood face to face with Anita. "(?h, Anita, von wouldn't hurt me I I'm your friend!" said Ilachel. "No, you my enemy! Yon sneak like Sioux! Eagle Eye give you buffalo robe. I hate you! You'll ride no more with him! Hear!" Anita clapped her hnnd over Rachels mouth, threw her into Bear creek, then skulked down the stream. Big Jim, white chief of the tribe, who lived on Blue Hawk peak, saw Anita throw Rachel into the creek. He ran. dived Into the water and brought Rachel to the surface; unable to ?M't up the steep bank, lie called loudly for help. Eagle Eye was returning and answered the call; together tliey climbed the bank. "Why you here* .Tim? You'll this,' tenderly 1 nasi*' T7.v*? it. .k iCachers lian'U "I' promise." I.e s;ii'L I The nirtalr* \va? tlrnvn : n?l the' Iwhoop- an, . ; . .... ,| hut Tuihlly the joy . [ ih. I'hrlstmas to the! Italians. i 1 i v. ' -p.'s \ lay when l .'a .'e Ey '! went tr- from the . J '."agl? i:- -ii: I ?< onr Chief! Eagle; By.' > :: \ MP Ch! . r j?? , i A3 SCI" CPTOR . ; r?c r f - ,-srr * jrui ic\ ^r-r-rrrrfsirujj j r r sj j j r r r r r r - r r j- - I . * , V V >]) y | ' 'V ! . 4 H . ; . \ ''Kv; i i-y L^r1 L A' ' ' *\ j I &**>->% If ! W- / 'Alec . '...'1:1^. t . u>?. W ;ojn Nt .ui?p?r l ni ?n > Trrr WAS v '- Vt :ir's l?ny ami tlie : jjl sum", i. in l'nil In blustery | fnKliti : ibo street corners T MUM.. ,\t i?m? Si mi mans ColUt r 1 (Jr??ci: . ?. rnins business w. ?. pimim&r s fantUii. ( . sliiu ?? b: ii. ; ?.kini? over ; bis ; ; i \ :i ' .iiiuis. The y-aift. | V. >>U?ns. was a little more' * i.'atti II-' n II V! ill* sat ?|i|i?-ti.\ on j ;i cr.a-\?r box. atom-tod In the s: ; f "Hack I ' a." ..avian a hroud ^rln ? \:p.a: h.s j .-i.i .1, mischievous :"aco. Sb=sg li "?.< irne, bid . sour disposition, even to n .soil-;1 of . Iii.-a.-. ami sometimes 11 his ! i-i. Till-. greeted hiin kindly, to be obstiraoand tiutin'o' ??? would think of - < act of :uoann.*ss to counteract 'tiess and generosity. If it wor*? n't to ' i j the decline, lilt he possessed i keen ! insight f.?r Miriness ann New i .'a:- s Vni 111? .: ; was In no pleasant Jim! . who would dare to wish him a ";inpp.? New Y -nr." and especially in a snow . ! storm an.! business dull! J All was quiet within the little i i grocery oil.. ? unci :i g.-<.t sr.'ick of J papers was edgerly ev-'i ined, when i "Ike," with his specs laid up high on j his brow, leaned over quiutly onto his i ilesk in a thinking way. In :i few ruin- . utes he saw the trapdoor open and an ann with a revolver appeared. Then i ' a face, with u handkerchief covering j . it. showed to the horror-stricken "Ike*' . . Simmons. A veal btirglur sprang out: ! j He took a heavy rope? and hound "Ike" i to the stoo'i. "N"W. old Sourliend," j j the hurgiar said. Tin not here only j > for your n -jn-y. hut to llog you?you, I ' who cares yoot for the ptensant things I of life. Vou are ugly to your friends. NowTgoing ?'?* you." And he wi n heavy ropet nnd ne knocked thud. The nd tioor, surpapers. iker -ikV umsitedly Year, J-em, a transm a 1 ^9j^9^3f^XOBHB^^^vhe ??t oi^ PAGE THREES J 'YV ' J^>-- / ^ i> :: edsut.'.N J ,,- 1'1'V N. Vimr ' ~ ' | Sulta :>! J ! ! .-r'.sl a- -h* ? !>. : ?! tin* room. . * fvn the l*tatig "Mv. I?iu II s. - - .">> ! to f>?? home acnUtP It V. \ Y . PVI -;..1 S'.-Ila I 1 : ! l-?- :i .1V. :iy ' - vfs n !._ A : -is* ? V-t If | s!t 1 1'r-en ir- ; r i-l . <.f i r * . * ; ? I.- >??t liav i : 1? a k : -r 1 ' lu r. I ' ?| ci Ik*, all la!' ? nn? ! vant111 to l;:i- .v 'I ' j linen lining \\3? An* I St*-"si I I. v : - j tit wonii' ;l sv. Ini'l 4 > i-it i\ ti l- j than iti' ' 11. J F j [-? > >: .> . i ?, . j - A _ . the !Hill' 1 r? <: : . t;:i: 'i..-.:.! is ' ? ' ? ' Jut.- . ; :!io VaUe> rod ' w. ' if pl< st fir. U I': ? ? ill id ! s!. v 11 IV. I ...*r t.f ti. .. : tile Win . 1 v. lift i.v . ? fill III ti. - I ?Vi !y :n?Mhi'sdVi . it v.,-: like fairytan- .-hft i. uStilt. : r A"vr; siting was coy ri'd with a. lii-uniiM. tig i.i: t !. of white; a master artist's hanii had timclicd all within view. l'.ut Mrs. Mayfiohl thar nil this would not ni. Uf Stella think tlieir home the nine? R i pence and happiness And there*;51 a deep content BSQ psKukfuIfk.^s In lier heart that the rlawnin;: of the NV\r Year was bright ami r*-sy ami promising for them all, and that she had fulfilled the mother-mission that she fe't was hers- to make h- . : he best place on earth for ill of her ranlly. Need Determination Among the best of New Year resolutions is to save money. It may he easier in UVJo than in any r cent year, hut the job needs determination and perseverance. Canned Christmas ?lay V/Acorn * Y^ing* *'* * 1:; ail ,\ eulti^ v:it-d ;?nd t'; he a? i serial story. rmntli nnfa-iiaig a 'se.piel of surprises; or the Christmas spirit may i?e s > anunuant 1 If.i-t I; i. na'. :.J> in iiiin nr I