Friday. March ?. 1925 I ' *' ^ "star G k /"S T "TT ?? T "? I See INexc Week's p ! ticulars of this grec This will be your 1 All new spring dr< in this great sale. ! Don't fail to wai north carolina The Tomato ' HKh'Ol'KE county ! ^ t i notice i Canning lndusii} Notice i* hi rebv given that an1 Tenne application will \ e nuide for the1 pardon or parole f Cnard Clark (Continued from pace 2 who was convicted at the August Tetm, li?24, of tht Ch rokee County of the Prohibition Law. All person ob- r lectin* to ???l l onkn .r are plants hl,ul'i ,!" f"'' notified now to file their objeetionn '""V, ""',l Th" av?iemBa JLHM, ?? Thin the Wrd day of IMHHnBSBMHi j,r>- , days and. due to erouv.ii g. w " I. . ... ... , and spindly and*wilt hadlv wh (2D-2t-rm) U. \\. Clark ' in the fild. or sun scald. i>ueh - never produce as satisfactory : sufficient size thty were take MnSEiSIIBSf!hil!&2 _ H2 IChi&s, & Stomach Trouble 1 VfR-N.A. SMITH, of doses. I certainly-got rc| JjJL Shaw, Miss., says lief It did me loisof good. he can't remember "When I go to town, I 1 being without Thedl'ord's look first to see how near ' Black-Draught liver mcd- out of BleoU-Draught we i Iclne since he and Mrs..are, end then get more. I Smith began keepingf*We are a good way from B house, many years ago. the doctor and keep our "When we have chills," home remedies and the |to| says Mr. Smith, "Black- main one is Black Draught is what we use Draught." S and we find it just splen- . In hundreds of thousands of B did. I had a bad case of onThe *he'lF 21 stomach trouble. I couldn't handy f,,r use when needed, as CQ eat enough and was very a household remedy to relieve weak. Everything I ato constipation, biliousness, indihurt me, formed gas and I cwoi -, e j v it di.nicnts, A dos? in time E fPlt up my food. 1 would MV? nine.>. A dose of BlacltBi feel stupid or staggery. I Draught costs only one cen?. ? didn't feel like doing any It may save you a big bill for I JB "onk. I knew what Black- ?terp?,? .Pff Kg Draught had done in colds syto%. y * y it sale. Prices cut to the ! great opportunity to do ; ess goods, ladies' hats, d r ?* i 1 * t s p it tor tnis pror ' r rr rici $ do tht5 work of $f >ER SATURDAY MAF WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! jr's Departmer MURPHY, N. C. tuokj affix. <1 hi-, i rn.- ' i; to the th, fi.-I.J witImut any particular ram , ll;,rt"..r ?u..l. tin- I 1.1,nut n..t disturbing th.- runts. Tl?- NashTnk. Railroad Company a going . Vlt *n* P?r "r Tl h. ?see ul,""t bI,"hclf- . ,h? * " n ..n i sr. v., tit. ^ hotbed. in drills ?? inches apart ami ti v , , wh,n 1 ;nch b'*1' ,lu wcrc than 5.0*0 miles of trick, and aerrer'< thiauad U .land 2 tachta apart in ,, st;l,(w ?nd ,.r;1., . ;..K every . ? ?&! m u? were remove,1 with - >?l adhcri -.-.u ? s u?h corn the roots. The -> il was i :it around v , . . :! plants . . - . Notable nmotu- >< dtrn .mi I ' the plant with a hutrhor Unite, a ' II , , . v I ?f Jarth lit. 1 a it H ^ | ? ?.?1? m 10 U ?r ? ited, "New Y..rU and New | plants* j , I -1: <1 .** !*i?.i ; I i led." the 8 Ihnd. : Hants \v? re crown a-; almvo. ........ . I a crop .... . * iMmm Fiver ami "l>i\ I.i:::. !.'* E .. ' \\ hen fn>t t , iv > tpp . : Ivy . . , ... I e field ... . ntI-land. . rd if: "\. \v Or tan.-- g were transplant* .1 to v. , , , 5 t f:w- . i H-,. ! mJ. * > 5 to Slant! _ ITU'll, . < -l r .? ?! v. ,> J "iu \Yhon ret in the field ;!< >t were p ; Z ~~ ~ | | ' '' disturb .-d va ry iitfl*? TV? vi- H wa? c ' j ' --1 - j ] .. , iU.3 t"-.\ j -;id !> in ; -edited ?. . . . it . , , 1 uiu cfl? ItI? V'. < 11 ftl ' ? #? m '. oat**. I t. . L the same manner as m?rd 1 hod >-:i . . pring , -> v&- tT > -except they we:,- Iran a- red twi . *-? .*' & se-.'j t^'c seconi* tra -planti i >; l?. .mr 4 in <*\X>*-V V' t iVK*". ,-f?- .:?h r... vi= 1.1 i-r acre was 10.S2 ton*, or l.'ll2 bushel ' n **' Fifth, thr- i r four seeds wen- V P jpg^r sown rt dirt hand> pin d in 'he hot- *' |M 1,1 d" Ij'llT "> > " > >" 4 isa that one plant was ineach dir t band, j i|Q I lants iii.ii?iinjr dit !?.. .1 * , set in the '*; : i without di>turhiiu a ' - . iutf * ?3 L. & N. Celebrates |jj| 75th Anniversary' : . * 1 . :.I off,.; 1. ?f th.- 1. & \ f V recMareh 2 to Sth. A largro nnd at a:'1 ?tractive folder was disti ibnt-. <1 t<. ntrv ?. . . , us after my i ...a w.mnl agents of the railroad which tell dizzy ?ck clu- i of the development of both the te- i I tun- ,i t.a .ace :? .: ritory served by the Louisville ' '- farted ,.kir.?; Dr. Fierce s x* u -ii ?> -, i i i ' rite 1'resc: ti-mi my svsteni ireNashville Railroad an i of the iad- . , , ,, . . r?.. ilitcd . i then mv pains itself. Large display advert sine ,cIh > di m . .-red I took -exbeing used in the columns <>f th >1 Ivttfes ? Dr iV-rcc's Favorite newspapers in the tciritorx i I "ution * i .v.i in-t as well I ,, , , ' a.- . v .nn.i -ild a : '.t?. be 1 V th.,i- ral.r..::.1 :tn.l th. ,U. - BcuUll w , .. .... the public directed in various w n v"to the anniversary. Kc: .m your health :nd improve This company has boon .uccwfaU, ,r ' ,k- "",0"s , . r. scription now. :n tablets r liserving the Southern ternto.v t Vl,?r ?r fttl three quarters of a century. On Dr. Pierce. President Invalids* lloM March 5. 1S50. the Governor ; l N. iwr itee advice. 1 ii prices and full : nH bone, cost forgot r your spring buying. 1 [resses and coats a a < I i ion sale and make | >t other -tri?? v up-to-date trains are it.ors, its bond holders: and durimr a petated botw. . n the important i great majority of the-- 7* r- -1 i-s ? i \I'd by thi- railroad. has paid dividends to the t I -eld Th< I.. ?V \. is one of the few < > . This notable teeord l' e- . : 1rt?.-it trunk litie systems whh h i.ns tion i its duty to the puMh- ir. iron " ' " "" hmom** " * - ii.ii, (II lis employe, . s. rinri t It, i\.It has mwr failed t pay in.?nds, has earned for the .1, \ :y dollar dm it* workers, it- , r,il- :n.ui < "The Old Koli.-d I. | | I P 1 f V S" (""'i/"4 "J*"? 3 "P O* *. ,15.^ J. V \J ji A Ji ft-CA A <- j Sunday March 8th 3:00 P. M. The Mooseheart Children will be shown on the screen. Come and see the World's Greatest Vocational Training School in action. The School that trains for life. 5 REELS PICTURES FREE