%\)t Cftcrj^lSrc^cout Si Tk? Official O^-'gan of Murpfcy and "] Charokcc Covjnty, Not th Carolina PUBLISI^TDIEVERY FRIDAY c. w. B^lLEY. ... Editor-Manager MRS. C/'Y. BAILEY. Aaaociate Ed. B. V*J/tPE Aaaociate Ed ?f J P? -/ Subscription Ratea ev OlMf Year $1.50 be Fight Months 1.00' co Six Months 75c Si Payable Strictly In Advance i CC "" ' irv Fat Man's Corner w s< ' in /Artist Schram?1 have decided to1! be present my latest work to some' ^ charitable institution. Which tlo you in suggest? al Friend Roller?The Asylum for the Blind. '* Gladys?He's so romantic. Whenever he speaks to me he always say"Fair Lady." Edward?Oh. that's a force of habit. Hh used to be a street -car conductor.?Yellow Crab. Xewed?What's wrong with the pie crust? It docsn's half c-.vcr the pie. Mrs. Xi wed?-why. dearest. I askyour mother how to make them *< s wit you and she said to make thej | crust very shi rl i; ston Thans-j cript. Albertson?I told my wife ttuit if she bobbed her hair 1 would leave her Gold?But -hi bobbed r; and you'er still living with her? Albertson?Von bet I am. I'll show hor she can't bluff me.?Houston Post-Disputed "Now," began the scenario writer.! timidly. "I'd like actors in my picture who can behnv- like ladie- and g- ntlrmen." "No. sir!" snored tl director. 'It wolud nev r get by h? com- ?Legion Weekly. Westerner You "a: i j. nd rattlesnake in bed with . tt morning? Why didn't v. kill it? Easterner?I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought I was unseeing it??Legion W . kly. Maid?I hone, mn's that >ou'er not superstit1 us? Mistri s-- Ni t n M.e\ Wh Maid?I hoae. n. . that voure cause I've brok. a/t-* mirror Davis?How'- hie ;n thi* lake? Kcber?The br^r I n. v r saw anyone else ui tl; world do niuch fishing as 'hey >i< .hen . n pn portion to the fish th. y Uch. Wilson Eveiy Evening. Jonny?Why did \?u quit working for that mcmoiy xjurt " Willie ?a b.-i-, : :i? 1 . iho remembered t: . my randmothers died Legion Weekly. Old J rn, cusJ..-l:i >( the hath-i house at a famous -vt, was it rh.-i habit of entering Miss Augusta's compartment befcr. -h had completely reclothed I: !:. One mornin* > aid to him: J "John you ought t c I 1' ic you i come in. Sonje dr 1 might conn-' in while I was undiv >d". To which honest 1 .Khn replied-, "Lor" bless y u > danger of that. I alius pecks t. rough the knot hole afore I conies in." Dayton! Journal. Prospective Empkyvr?Put can I you grt un in the morning? Maid Applicant?fan I? Why, in my last place. I used to be up and have all the beds made before any-j <>ne else was up.?Lawton Times. Miss Davis (to applicant for ser-| vant)?And why did you leave Mr. Seaton's irn! \" Marie -Well, i? was like this: he j came <1 awr.s: air t h < oth c r morn: n' ; and begr." to hunt high and low under soefss. chairs and tables for the! east wind and a couple of dragons, and. Miss Davis, I'm not going tc work . /or no lunatic. She had kept the salesman busy j for nearly two hours and had not; P bought a thing. Finally she said' pompously, "Well, I must go now. I j see my car at the curb." "Just a minute, mariame," said the! salesman, "and I'll unroll a strip of carpet across the sidewalk."?Bostin | Transcript Distracted Wife (at bedside of sick "husband!?Is there nc hope, doctor? ] Doctor? I don't know, madam Tell me f?rst what you are hoping j for.?I.ord Jeff. tate S. S. Convention ~o Meet In Greensboro April 28, 28 and 30 On April 28. 29. and :$0. Grecnsro is to be host to a large number Sunday School workers from all rts of the State, representing all angelical denominations, who will in attendance upon the annual1 nventior. of the North Carolina j inday School Association. The mmittee in charge of the arrange-1 ents are of the opinion that this j ill be the biggest and best Sunday | hool Convention held in the State recent years. Through the Greens>ro Committee on Arrangements, it is been announced that free 1 :dgg an?l breakfast will be furnished 1 delegate# to the Convention. Greensboro*# part in arranging for ie Convention is in the hands of tb-1 dlowing Committee on ArrangeIke BULL'S EYE "Editor end Qenera/ Jtanaqer WILL ROGERS J I Annrhcr 'Pull" Durham advrrilir- II I mtni b? Will Roitri. Zic;tcl J jfl Follaciand tcrcvn ?tjr. .?n?1 Ic;i.!-na II I Amencin humoritt. More ica- II |J Ins. W atch ior them. J| THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION A LA CARTE Order Any Amendment You Want THF.Y arc trying to pass an J amendment to keep children from working. Now ckd.ren didn't want to work, but they cot tired waiting for somebody el. t ? j do it. If they would just y thr< ugh an amendment t< MAKE ! grown j^ople ail work, there j would be no need to have this children one. Grown people stopped working without an Amendment or even a reason, so it will ; innrp-th1'! ftn-Ame:uliaent-l to start them. It will take a Mir.-J.e. They arc going to pass another I Prohibition Amendment, somebody mislayed the rules of the i ether one. The 19th amendment made Women vote, some amendments make us do something and some keep us from it. No. 21 v iil ive men with Knee Breeches the e. About the 25th Amendment v.-ill prohibit smoking and w hen j they do, Bull' Durham v ill k ot- | kg f'-r a dollar a r.n- k. (I kr.v.v I would get that Ad worked in ' there somewhere.) rflvLP. S. I'm going to write tyl< s Spring Sale. . . . 49c WE CARRY A BIG I.INE OF GROCERIES WE RELIEVE | THAT WE CAN SAV K YOU MONEY? TRY ^US? FREE j DELIVERY ^Cans Cream 25' ^ Ocfeagan soap and powders 25' CANDLE T. MURPHY. N. C. Stop That Bachache! Many Murphy Folks Hare Found the Way Is a dull, nerve-rackine bachache wearing you out? Do you feel older! and slower than you should? Arej you tired, weak and nervous; find it ( impossible to be happy, or enjoy the 2rood times around you? Th^n there'? something wrong and likely it's your kidneys. Why not get at the cau-e? L"se Doan's Pills?a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Thousands recommend Doan's Read what a resident of this locality says: \V. A. Brown. 13 Wootrow St.. Asheville, X. C., says: "When I bent over, sharp pains shot through my back, and mornings. I wa? lame and sore. I had dizzy spells and. too, my kidneys were weak and out of order and the secretions pained in passage. After using Doan's Pills, I was entirely cured." . Stiles spent the weekend with Mr. T. G. Stiles. Mrs. Ollie Davis and children have returned from Georpia where they spent several days with her s>n. William Davis. Our Sunday Sen I will be pin th. first Sunday in April. Let us all a:-J tend and try to make this one of I the be?t Sunday Schorls that we have' ever had at Persimmon. There was quite a large ?rw! at-tended the prayer service- at Bro. .I.J H. Crisp's home last Sunday niirht. We feel that the Lord was with us for He has said that where two or three are gathered together :n His, name He would bo there also to bless and we must carry on the good works' of our Savior. Prayer service- w !L be held at Bro. I .aw son Simnnd's home the fourth Sunday night. i Everybody is invited to come and. take part. Mr. Glen Crisp was a visitor at this' place Sunday. Misses Hattie Mashhuin and Vera Johnson were visitors here Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williamson Targi r SPRING ig daily and sale at big hi Bungalow Aprons m & " 3 ~ * ^ ,-*0- W ?s jpfi : !<>'>.< - r.'-i-A /--J".. j ?$*;:-:Vife? i'ri ! li I \ > 3 j Every apron in th a assortment is : en ex-epJonal value; you cannot ! buy the material at this price? .Ml styles an?l colors? j Spring Sale . . . fi9c I 1000 V ; rris I'ajama Checks, Rood quality 36 -in wide? Spring Sale, yard . . 19c J Q00 Yards Percale, inches wide, fast color, finest quality, light and dark colors? Spring Sale, yard 18c 300 Yarrls Beautiful Spring j Voiles, all colors, inches ? * >a,u z&c 1000 YaHl~ Apron Ginghams, very best quality? Spring Sale* yard io< Wash "Cloths, heavy, soft material, hemmed edge?? Spring Sale, each Princess Slips, beautiful soft material, all colors ? Spring Sale, each . . 49c lRTMENT Y, N. C. Friday, March 27, 1925 were the quests Sunday of Mrs. Lawson Simonds. Mr. Clifford Johnson spent Sun been able to rest r. -H fli |S cou" ; :nsr. havo gotten tfUn BE > uf.t s alcep the Very lirst t:?V The treatment Is bared on ? rs. HI markablc prescription k . ^ at ST Hn Kins'* N? ? : 'I 'covery tor C '.*t? K" You simply take a tenspor ?uf *: right before retiring and ) d It 5 H >our throat for 15 or 2" t- I?V? Ifo fore swallowing It. without 'ollowl Wt big with water. The Pre-t:bm* HI ha* a double action. ft ) t onlr H? soothes an?l heals *<>rcnes? i jrf/ Rtr latlon. tut it quickly loo**;., %nA K removes the phlegm and rom Rhi< h are tlie direct , ? J?.. K coughing. The result 4* t -?? KF usually sloop ar ooandly m . >,\hl Hk t v-ry f : -t night. ft:.J i;4r K ?..ugh condition goes in a very ?h0it Hp The prescription is hlrhlv re com. rr.< r.dod for rouchj, ch.-st mm. U?jL ) tips* and bronchitis. ? d , K; woi ib rful for children's rone s ard By spasmodic croup?no harmful ' B one teaspoonful. It is on sale at all K good druggist*. A.k for lfc$r \IN5 | SALE I . being 1 \rffams. 1 Women's Umbrellas t (IB A fW\ ?) 1 SF 1 ci verings in I lurabi nproof material? j I I . rette, fine qunl- I : ! V? wide, now I . Syjin;r Sale, yd,. . ?JQc I uinn v-.-.i- Tissue Dross Gir.?- IH k.r '.? ? ful quality, ^7 ! :i.hc. v. Mo? v : Tn , yard ... \%Ke $ ! QO **r ,;ul. loth Shirting, ' fi ii-' . beautiful patterns? Spring Sale, yard 6Sr II EROOM SPECIAL E ^444^^4 si' ' i Material and fine workman- ' ship, only ope to a on>tomtM| Sale Price it STORE y t