FrUa;, April 1, 1S25 Rocky Mountain Quartet Here April 7 The Rocky Mountain Male Quartet will appear at the school , auditorium Tuesday night, April 7th, !' at seven-thirty o'clock. *This is ex- j. rected to be by far the most pleasing' musical combination to appear in ; Murphy in many years. This quartet features many* novelties. They play many unusual musical instruments, some of th?. *n inventions of members of the quar ^t and play-.. ,d only by them. Amc&g these instruments are Organ Chimes, Xylohone, American harp. Mr. Morris , phones, one-string fiddle, harmonhhone. american harp. Mr. Mtr:i< with his one-man band, Old-Man Comedy impersonations, pianologs and . rpro minstrel work is himself a "whole-show," writes one journal oi i he manager of the company. Terhaps their artistry is best shown in their wcrk; and whether it: straight quartet numbers by standard writers, or in the lighter musical , \cin of popular fan< ; whether loung around a camp fire as cowboys and Indians, waking the night echoes with their typical western songs; or garbed in characteristic Southern darkey costumes, crooking the heartwarming negro melodi< g of the South ?the Rockey Mountain Quartet singi rs are equally at home. Theirs is Ufa***" i&iytfot ^m A /H _ ^W I /H H ^kH /H D -<^H A ^ V^ Bfefl ^B /^B ^ V V^B H B W M --? B V H M .^H > ^PWIPWIIIPPWPIP^^PIWIIW^ X#1 \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\V^\N\\\ \ \x ^VBOAA*^^' ?>!GTrIRR ? Fletchers Cantor Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething prepared to relieve Infants in a Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, pi I # Natural Sleep wiuic To avoid imitation* :Muays look for th< Prown direction*- i r ^-Vi package. F I Valet Th AutoStrop Shar Razor c?* rWhen You ] Your h CELECT its new paint ' lasting good looks. House Paint has iust the BH want. And because it is Southern Climate, it v dressed up for a remark: |Bj Call by and get, JD Card and Pai B BRITTAIN & B Buifi^r? Hardware, P< H Murphy, ] 7 he Call Of Spring B;- Nora Cibb Wbite Why tilt fair inside the dull, blacl bark of trees Sending fresh to new buds *nc leaves? Tis the call of sr :ng. Awake! Awake! Why the throbbing beneath the brown besomed earth I'tging the grass and flower* to WW birth? Tis the call of spring. Awake! Awake! Why the flittir.g of birds o'er vailej and hill L'allir.g their mates in love's sou warbling trill? Tis :h* call of sf irg. Awake! Awake! Why the changing quarters of thi Sun each day C*laddemng the earth with his genia ray? Tis the call of spring. Awake! Awake! DABYS COLDS [j arc soon "nipped in the bud" without "dosing" by use of? wicks W VAPORua Over 17 Million 1on Used Yeorfy dUk m. -^? ^ w ^^B/ r B - B A B B^ B B M ^^B/ ^B B HB B ^^ v MB B ^B Bf ?A ^B^M L ^B J ^ B V lT^PWji? ia is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, irms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels -omoting Cheerfulness, Rest, pid mt Opiates z. signature of C6ajA/y/<a&LJjt/\.t 'hysicians everywhere recommend it e Safety Razor that pens Its Own Blades IPLETF OlIj'MlS ~ ?o Bt *5.00 al All Stores Selling Razors and Budos gyi~l Dress Up $ lome te with a thought about g , Cooled ge Hygrade 43 handsome colors you - -t mixed especially for -V1 /ill keep your home iwj ably long time. a free Color |W nt Booklet Wvj mayfield If sinU, Oils, eic. - scoui go?^ NOTICE C.- E. CUTION SALE ' | By virtue cf sundry executions isJse.u from the Superior Court of v Cherokee County, in various actions in which International Agricultural ' Corporation. Rid ley-Yates Company. J. K. Orr Shoe Company, Beck & Gregg Hardware Company, Gramltng^palding C< llingworth, a Corporotion and E. B. Norvell, lespectively, are plaintiffs and against U. S. Nichols. defendant. I will, for thepurpose of f satisfying: the same, offer for sale at public outcty, to the high vst bidder for cash, between the legal hours of sale, cn Monday. May 4th. 1925, all the r:ght, title and interest which the said defendant U. S. Nichols had in and to the following tracts of land 1 at the date of the dockting of thit above named judgementsin the Sufrcrso:' Court o? Cherokee County, 'he said lands being described as follows: Kitst Tiact: Part of Tracts Xos. J 70 and 72. District -1, on the water's of Rrtpcrs Mill Creek. Cherokee I County. North Carolina, beginning at a black oak on the South side of the1 Rail road and cross the same and thence down the said Rail Road to the ford ol the creek; immediately | above the trestle on said Rail Road;( thence up a ridge along an old road ; in. a i\orin west course to U. \\ . Dickey's line; thence West to a hick-i ( ; cry, corner of G. W. Dickey's line: thence South West to a black oak. the second cornei of the tract aforesaid; thence South to the Creek; thence up the ridge to a pine tree on top of same; thence South to a mulberry tree; thence in a straight line to the ft id of the creek. Northeast of the Stables formerly belonging to T. M. W.i.sou; l!:ence to the dirt road; there*.* uj *:;"?! nad to , the ford of a branch on said road in i tract No. 7(i; thence with said road ,a Southwest course to a lane; thence down said lane to a rail load crossing* thence East on the Kail Road to tin ; point where the West line of Tract No. 77 crosses said rail road; thence ' in an Eastward course to the top | of a ridge; thence to the beginning, containing 150 acres, more or less. | Second Tract; A part of Tract . No. 72 in Distiict No 4. adjourning (lands of J. M. Watson and W. I!. Anderson, ami locatt d onemile North FOR OVER ZOO YEARS | haarlem oil has been a worldj wide remedy for kidney, liver and j maacier disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions, HAARLEM OIL UMiMIWja correct interna! trouble!, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggist- *nsist on the original genuine Gem T.Ir.DAL. NOT We have our New Garapi' n Located on the Dixie Highw. njair Automobiles. Steam E that can he repaired. COME TO OCR PLACE AN] We sell Gasoline, Oils, Auto Casings and Tubes. WE Gt'A i WE ARE MAKING SATISFIED Ct _ j Yours for y WALKER GARAGE/ Murph; I mm^m^?? A Your hoi as vc" 11 proud ^ JtW commtin /of*\ Build yoi f J -?-?~"~ covered i 1"**^FTn<!7*il1 A-t,as w <2r ft^T? it will CI l_ more th: k B besides h H p I nent, V| f I and cool m B Ask yoi [ HB dealer fo iI I the beau J I P9 Atlas, w I | l Star.dan I 1 i IB makes ai "The Standard by u MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA of Culberson on the line of the Atlants-Knoxville A Nrrlhetn Railway (Now Louieeviile A Nashville) crossing Rarer* Mill Creek, and known as the old Dicker Forge Miil; site, containing one acre, more or less. Third Tract: A Fart of Tract No 70, beginning at a point where the | branch crosses the wag or. road which i leads from J. II. Watson's h.< j<s to ' the Town of Culberson, and being about one quarter of a mile fr. in 1 Watson's house, running th p:c i North West course f; llowirg the meanders of said branch for a dis tance of ITo fc. t; thence in a westerly course 15 feet; thence in a North Westerly course fifty feet including | a spring; thence in a n rth Easterly ( ourse 227 feet to a nine tree; thence in a South Easterly course to the wagon read. being the boundary 1 linebetween said Watson and th* ' premises described above as the lir tract; themt along said road 212 feet to tn<- beginning. Said lands being the lands described in two 1 certain deeds to I*. S. Nichols from J. J. McCobf and wife, and S. \V. Lovingood. Commissioner, recorded respectively in office of Register of Deeds of Cherokee County in Book 73, page 424. *t see. and Book 77, ' page 333. This April 2nd. 1925. B. B. MORROW Sheriff <? . t'he*okee County. (34-4t-dw). NOTICE OF ELECTION Kt an adjourned meeting of the regular me* ting of the Mayor and loard of Commissioners of the Town : Murpl.j held on Wednesday, April a municipal eiti-tion was duly or'ered held on Tuea lay May 5th. : 925, for the purpose v?f letting a I layor and ix nit tubers of the Board of Commissioners, said election to be held in the manner and during the hours preo ribed by law. For the purpose of holding said election, K. Malbmee is appointed Registrar and Sid IVndlev and Will Savage are appointed judges of said eleetion. Th<- registration books of the Town of Murphy are ordered kept open by the Registrar at .1. W. Davidson's store for the registration of all persons entitled to register April IS to the 25th inclusive. By order of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners. B. W. SIPE. Clerk & Treasurer Mgr i n v vt iW aching feet ? ^ IMENTHOLATUM 1 ^soothes.cools and^f ICE! md Machine Shop now open, ay at the B?al Branch. We ngines. Boilers, and anything I |? CUT DOWN YOl K BILLS Supplies and Vulcanize your RAXTKK OUR WORK. "STOMKRS EVERY DAY. TRY US ood service, iND MACHINE SHOP ir, N. C. ____ Permanent Home ^ no should bo attractive s practical?a place to & of and an asset to the <Mt ity. ^ irs with concrete blocks . svith stucco made with viY' hire Portland Cement. \Y ;?st you only 2r/o to ft , J an a frame house and, oinftttrcsafeand perma- N II he warmer in winter L-r in summer, ir building material r an Atlas book showing ity of stucco made with hich is known as *'tho 1 by which all other re measured." PLAS |. LANDCEHENU <hich all other mates are measured " NOTICE OF S"LE UNotR utED Q OF TRUST Whereas, or the 15th dr.r of So*" tember 11*22. the Marc war Mining: ^ Company, a corporation, made, ex- tv ccuted and delivered a certain deed of trust to D. Vithe'spoin. as Trus- ?pJ tve. conveying tne properties herein- o after described, as security for the {.or payment of certain indebtedness i-vl- ^ Jenced by note* due u? Virgin a Iron. ^ar Coal A: Coke Company, to W T. Griffiths and to Merchants & M mu- j lacturcrs Bank, of Andrews. N. f ii us more lully appears :n the s;.l i aced ( tn duly recorded in the office f tl?? , Register of Deed* f Cherokee < - ^ ty, North Carolina, ii* Bo:k No. 8 '. tjr< at page 131 et seq. And wheieas. default ha* h. on ,j j, made in the payment of the v iotes secured bv the terms r -i t? ^ 1 visions of the said deed of t? . a i the holders of the notes have > pre i-d the undersigned Trust e t r rinse the said deed of trust and csei-ute the power of sal- there.ii >.r.- Ii.?' tained, for tin- nurpo?-< < ' pavin and J ilischstginR the ind?'>; <! .-- . . , in< ( aid: X<?\v thetefor- . under an : ; v vi-'ii*. of the provisio - and i'.i\v<r : contained in the deed f trust a'-v- pr recited* the un<!> rsi,ped Tru will. f?<r tile purpos* -n:;-fyii;r -h" . indebtedness secured th?:retind- . frr for s::l- at 1 ui?.'? outcry ?, hiprhist bidder for cash on M-ev * April 27th, IMS. at I! . VI. , i. * I r at the couit ho us- dcor in Murphy. W C., tin- following property convey- tIj cd by the deed cf trust. af? re .. i!. . .. t . tow it: first parcel.: at :1k niiu. '10 interest in Tract No. II in Di'ii-: No. 7. described and s*; .-.?? in . -eti from Clyde H. .larvell. ar : cr. to S. K. Cover dated April lr'.tli !! 17. and icplsi-red in the . the Register Of l>ee<ls f r <"le : . "l' County, on April 20th, IP 17, ?n H J11' No. t>it at page 30. twhich r-- *u ?ncd for full - r articular* is b iohy ? made, the nraud ft.i said land hoinrr a.! No. 807, dated Dercmbi r 5t h. 1 S i * 1 and ropistered in said office i- !' < tUl 1), pape 250; AI.SO tin right of co-it y w; '.> *> ^ from and over Tract No. -12 in s.ti 1 District as per derd from Myra II- ! land to S. K. Cover dated Septrriln-r h?' 17th. IH17, and registered in -ail N. fite September 2Xth, 1 ! 1T. in !' |>(Jj page 225; ^ AI.SO all and *r:n ng equipment. includitiR water lines, tram ~ roads and equipment; ALSO all riuhts in a lease f< r ? tram roads from the min to tin 1 track of the Andrews Lumber <"--m uipany'n railroad through Tra< t No. 40 in said district; AI.MJ ail Its rights r: a lea-. I). A. Williams f r tin- tram r< ad and :tn' side tract ahoce mentioned; ALSO all mining privileges n x tin owned by said party of the fi -t part -H in and to tin- said tracts of Ian 1. or tin either of them, the aforesaid proper- ho ty rights and privileges being the ; thi eaim-tlwt ?cre conveyed to Cii il iiiii.: l|" Middletcn and Company. a partner- tin ship composed of W. T. (Iiiffiih, hei I*. Middleton and ("hurl - W. Ray. mi by deed from S. K. C-'ver and K S. tin I'orter and their wives, date:! Orion- 1 1 tr 29th, 1918. and rcn.rded in.Ch-r- de okee County on Xovemhcr 1 Sth t,h 1918. in Hook 7! at pa.r 12 ). a:: SKl'OXD PARCH; ; All th- f lowing described trad of land ginning on a black oak on the east oa side of Bristol Road, corner said t t sa be Southwest corner or stake corner of the Dower Tract, runs thence with ru the meanders of the Bristol Road X. th' 29 'a K. :t chains. X. J! K. 40 chains. K X. M K. One chain and 80 links to '1 a small white oak. X. 611 l- K. one ;,n chain and 40 links to a stake in the <s>line of the wire fence; thence Laving the road runs H. one chain s IV i links to a stake; thence S. 44 E. 2 chains and SO links to a *wcet gum *hi - lin E. Vanity Shop? Hotel Regal Room 80 f!.', Mar. ?<l Waving, Shampooing. Scalp t^1t Treatment. Facial Massage. Hair '''' Dyeing and Tinting. Manicuring. ' ? Hair Cutting and Eyebrow Plucking tor 10 HOURS: All Day Saturdays Other days. After 4 P M. inp ~ ' tor ^pli^BEECHAM'S PILLS^W f?r the relief of Constipation, < rl W Biliousness. Sick Headache and V <lal 1 for moving the Bowels. tja I Helps clear the skin. M .. ^ Contalnm no Calomel A Buy from your dn .Reist. "y 25c and 50c the box. Qf all 1*1 ! 3 W m f > the HHHUUAXflflH !<* PAGE Five LAY COUNTY FAST BECOMING DAIRY COUNTY Da the 2oth ol Marc*, day Co\.rfarmers purchased from Georg *. nty- eight head of high producing sey cowii. Moat of them we:? metered and having- creditable *?rds. W. R. Anderson, Count;, eat, r port* that several other mer* purchased cows individua'h ich make* the number Larger, n a ve*y short while the farmiv'<t lay County are going after- an? ! ar of Jerseys. Sufficient rctered Jersey Sire? were placed in county last year to serve the ni c'i'ry intcre?t of the county. T*3 County dairymen have * tailed a cream station a; H iy. -iln _ etc all th cream is tested and n.i { when delivered. $50. wort am is going cut each we k. ir ago no cream went out m Clay County . With tin 'tation of cattle. as is going iy, :h" breeding at home; the ne of Cloy ' unty is soon to teamed enormously by thi ?Ln : y rhr Cla> County fannc; - .:v iducing m? +i the iced at h-?f? prodiue tins cream with. They liming their lands, growing n.. v umcs %nd building up the -oil tc high state .ni' fertility. With the ,ry cow comes the hog and bear, rec Duro? from the sale ar. the N. <'. E\: sitton, the licet in tin -a t. to day County, recently xcic ,'ureiuixuu in i?un? .. . County : : ('".ay County a:B:. \ . k- i- :i!-o ewe.' v.'m ?y ('" ..: 1:y t?> make poultry raising ,?th? r teatun <it the increase pmf;oir. the i at ill. County A cent Anderson ir ju <' <\s ercsteted in all cl* Clay County's )g?c> - as if ii was his fat in. Oi IGth of March a group of ('1;"..> unty's most progressive men mot d organized themeslves itt orriet it h< y might more actively proseU? this program of progress. the west hank of Paint Crvefc < ? tham's Creek: the nee rem nut g wn ^Tiiti creek with its mertnriers GG E. ore chain and 30 KnL-" to r? int .\. X! E. o:u chain t. a point.. C- e tl.iin I,, n point, \ E. ' :u chain t. a point. X. 47 E r? ch i n to a point. X. 37 K. on? tin ami IS links to a point. X. f4 Mi :h:!in " point, X. 10 F. 'i of- : sink. the east side o < E. 2 cnuar* ii Ju links to a stake in the lim -,y" ; c; : luiice X. GS E. J chains' tl 7 link ? a walnut: theme i". ... . - 1111 tv~. Mi a Slu>.l ill" < .i-.'f of . in 4-1<I road; thWco S". K 2 chains 7s links I a r? iinFEof the ftine iti :i.v west undaiy of No. 40; thence S. with ? E. boundary of N<>. 4o to a stfnktr oi sfintv ^DWgr nyeii7""~)gj nice \\ . "18 chains to the place of ginning;, containing: acvos.>re or less, with the exception ol : tract solil to T. .1. Bristol on tlath day of October, IV17. and the scripion of that tract . i pat eel Irf T. 1. Bristol is hereby excepted i the 1 '.inilar 'cs for aim arc as1!. "\ T5rp;iiininjr on a bla'cil" oak oil tin st side of Bristol Road, corner" id to lie the southwest corner r?r ike corner of the Dower Tract, ns thence with the meander.'; of ? Bristol Road N. lit*1 -r FT. -i chains*" i chains. N. 41 II. 4 chains >7. 17. 2 chains, X. 14 17. one enainr d SO links to a small white oak. 07 1 17. one chain and !< ank>* to a stake in the line of the wire ice; thence leaving: the road rims one chain and 8 links to a .-take., nee S. 44 E. 2 chains and Stt ks to a sweet jrum; thence S'. li* S chains 12 links to a stake* c.<rn on top of th< ridge in the east ii v. st lino of No. 40; thence W. th the lino of the Dow or Tract :? > place of beginning, containing: ar and one-half acres, more or li v. aforesaid being the lan I conveyto said Griffith. Middleton and mpany by a dood i'rom R. S. I'or and wife dated January II*. and registered in Cherokee unty, North Carolina, on March . 1919. in Book 71, at page 2S2. TH1KD PARCEL: All the build rs. structures, engines, machinery, Is, railways, tramways, cars, tcp atus, equipment, appliances and im >vcments of every kind and Winter. situate upon or about the propy above described owned at their of the deed of trust above menned or thereafter required by tho irvicar Mining Company and used it in and about the prosecution its mining business, together with additions thereto and extensions rcof. This 2-lth day of March, 1025, D. WITHERSPOON, Truster. 3-4t-dw)

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