fACE FOUR Oie Ctjerofecc ^rout i The Official Organ of Murpky and J Cherokee County North Carolina published evEry Friday C. W. BAILEY E4itor.?Uaac*r , MRS C. W. BAILEY Li B. W. SJPE A??oti?te Ed Subacr.pt en Ratea Oa Y -r $: * E:*r- - - 1 Six i? - " ": Paya' t Strictly In Advance ~1';' v;; ; "" N . - Pi:.!-"' r " ' * !. . > ~ Weekly Market Notes lUk ?? v t P east' rr. r : tr;-." . i-.a ; The * - - be snor-; UT -.?& w- - ' ' . va'er. : : *- " T*e pacK? w.: ..... f the diseased - c*- - - - . Cabbage ir- v. Morere-sc . r. , ..: ?ota* -- '7 . -_r. . Li' * -r- *:. ?oc:a: r. . * : - . - v.a* the pr -r -.rket' _r<o- : - - - - ?* in Mad iv r. County, tb? Division of Market^ h#gicattie rr.arf.etirc rect ' f T, L Tr. r.ty Cpmir.is*. ner? -are a::: ; * i f beef rattle. One estate .. *e : "i each rear Whet * -.abeen cevt : * ; ti r I *. - t promote a -. pi at v- - :; rt :*eer. the attle srr f -ve-tern North ' ar hna * - rarmerof eas'^rn Car . r.a *ha- *tens far:..-- may t' r.. - t.-.e .tt'ekeep the n.&r.ure : r. - -..r..i -e;l the f;r.:-h?-d i-r..:. .. . -tern mat:;-ta. THE RED ENEMY The tint be r .ami- : preserved f r :rr>g r?-a- The t - < *. ttee? * hold tr.-. : - ground. Even the Mt.e ; ar.:-. such as ?-a. : .wer?. t ture. Where there re th'.and v...: * * wash. Demand" are -ring : he snaking . f paper, \er :--ur . r cord cf v vd : . i -u '* JLj|?V "V - _ p ft- -aw . gsw.g. -C r.^ c&xnpc. r: . n the censu? nearly i?. . n *.h< :s:.r . n>en were - mployeu. v.h ?- .. jed t? u* h.i5s.>;?-4Ever. ,.w timr- . . ne deman 1> that -r-^-re if f'.re?: jr.urt be eared : r >.t ..-e. In 21'. 1 -. 1 . 1 ''1 ".e- wi ; dueed. N substitute ha? ye* - en | found f' - J f r tSe-s. Our road mileage is very '.art'-: - We matt haw . - f ?r .-r ruo- . f : without them vjr railroads canr.-.t he and with- a Jroacs ur jntry cannot jr tr Scierce r: - shown that .ur i supplie- ar- pr'babiy ?uff;cxr.* f our reeds. That ;s, : are *xerCi*ad in cutting and sawing w ,o<3 ; and the your.g tree*, we can k-ep a sufficient supply. Wood i" needed for the making of aeroplanes. The people are 1 ind ! who do not see the great advancement of cnrilization. The areopiane is a modem mettwwt /?f commerce and tra?- j el and will eventually serve as the leading means cf uniting the nations We must supply their needs for more i timber. America is now awake to;! the importance of aeroplanes. But 1 we cannot supply the demand? for wood in budding them if forest fire? tre not prevented. Rome-Ashe ville rlighway Routes r ?:?*? arc beire r.s: dc-red f -r he : r : L >ec Eotae-Ashtvilie Hipfcray. The jrpcr em brace? CalFairr unt, Jasper. EV.:;.av. Blue !urphy, etc, to A -r.-->-' 1"e: w*r r:-t e* - : * Carlie. Waleska. Car *, n :r. i Grlr.-v. - A -she vi lie. There :? r CArrtrari* r in * The ct : the fcigr.way := ink Rcrr.e. Gadsden ar.d Birr.ir.g: 1- v - . \ r-h . r-. ;,ri Terre* e - * . urfieed'to FakmoaBt. From era', aid rr >ct? * :*r r>Tv.: * : r c. r " -rivers-ire -I:.?- .r.d ir : : :r.r hi.; " Th-. -;.* -at i I. e .-.r.v r-s r- '* - r. -* r. *- r. - * Sfor . *.- hit avele-- " -- L' "r - 1 - j n. is vffT ..... iric * . >: - - ..".I - rznc . : . . ' ' . " .> * fvf *. " ' ' ur:ji * rb . rt in C' .. *r. ' ; " . r. T* . b. - .. . r- t- MisIt f: r.? . at-T var:-*y -.etx- ry i;.: i. sr.;! visitor* from the Wt?t have HS^esfgai. the r.? ar jr* ? The KnoxvflJe brtncb offer? a dif Ter.ne??t. If -hi r v.* v> be - .J a *ccr.ic r -.: fill :> rs. Put wr- : rn-ry Let the peo-: *' - ' a rv-untaiir. -trea:v. wind : -.vn T.r.? ush "he mv-? r<r listen tc it* - _ to exclaim, "There is a ' : ?P : ' - r-u-.ty Pr grt-?. - the \ading eupa' * - United > ..- - an ] \\ ith-^Sr * : riTz ]- :* served farming capnot progress. Because :f it . ? r. r*s in -a-hen : in needed the moisture whi.-h "he r - of plantar. . tree? have r?-ld. k- the srr und r .- or: :?- :- ;r p from dying :' *- want f wa:<r. There ca" \ no farming with g . d soil r d nv -* ?? The 1 -- by fire in . vi.unty is very great Ir >ne y- there were er : rry-f ve hundred fires. T' ! - = f tin.her estimated at $192,00?>.The service of a large force - : ireri : : rotec: the forest. But fifty r-r nr f the fires wt re fx* rguished with ut a small loss. These fir*-- can 1 prevented by obeying our - r --t fire All should obey r.njn but many do r..*w The fir'.- at the r -ot? of plant* and I: therr. S c- even if it ? not tr- plant t die. it -runts the -.vh an:: .r never a? isr a- ;t would have been bef?re the roots were heated. The fire heats the trr und until other pla*it?=. alo? eed-. are heater, ur.'.j they will nr.* zr c w. Tr.ere is r .'hine more beautiful :han a perfect life. Let u- therrr -re join hands as true ..fe 1'vir.e American citizens and see if we :an*t completely deflroy the Red Enemy and by so doinz preserve the Ifi af jvuug timber. .May its :fe be well cared for until it reaches maturity. May our slogan be "Death to the Fled Enemy and World Wide Forest, Preservation." DOLLIE GLADSOX Mt. Pleasant School Culberson, X. C / I THE CHEROKEE SCOU POSTELL Mr. Ar.drer. The nips or rz ibusiness trip tc Murphy M r.U:.:* Mr. Arthur Swar.sen arc ?.-*-r M:?' Mary L: _ frcr: Farr-.r. T-rr spent the w-.ti:-.:.; -with their y~.r - par*, r. M-. and Mrs. John Ma- r. The BULLS EYE 'Editor and Qeneral JAanaqer WILL ROCLRS lyl "Ar i? r Ar. -tber Bl''' I^u-hasr ?-'c*- | I ti?emttit b? 'A :'. F c?cef?, Z?egr ? I I F.<Lit( tai Kttra mar.ibd letd- I ing American Kuncrut. kLrt I ccmif.t. V\isch !.:thm _! >T?W YORK is building ~.e _ ^ r. re of those subway _ the p" --.c. No u>e bu:ic:r.^ ;. *' ? r. ; r: r ie car:': r.r.d their v " j* r: tr.e c".cs they pot : Tt re' > pe r > c. wn uodergr - d - N v v Yon: that haven't been _r f .c y? ars. Nciv ^ rk poop]-.. arc ju>: ! a let of Ciphers; e -.cry * ? t they see a } e 'n the pthey grab a r.icKri e:.d cuck for If tht > keep c" r.z undergrour , in tv ? *r gc-rerat; r.s their c: c*i n w:.. ha*, e iurl .1 rat v.""-..**? b_'ruey got to do with *3uY Durham: Nothing. Wh-t -> pror -.rsjde Nev; York ca. about h. > New York- : ersihe? if! Nothing. .J H 1 But there :> a- old sayir.g that v cnc i.a.i ir.r \v. - a C ' ?. ".v r the other h:.c, > I am tilr; V ; you how tney iivc, riuiu <ui Au i ?.. v as a fact J- ive rr... : n Grourc H ^ Ycri ruah :h;^uKli life i missing one Train and beingthovc d { into the next. The rca! : -rie X that they can't smoke *Bu Dur- *i* ham down there. J| P S. I'm * '? tors.? ? rrt i :rerr V t.ia: a; : r :a paj't: Kff? 'X, JooiuEL' ft-r t:.r- .j. SIXTY-FIVE YEARS AGO! f Is. IS60 a i lr: i or tobacco > \v?.- >rr.?"Bu. " Dvn.-r. . *** Or. quality alore it 1 - - X von rrcocnit! wherever > r:-eco is kr. vr.. I: ft. . * oners the puL-.ic this? X more flavor, rr.o:r c* icyrrcrt and a lot : ->r? jr.or -v * * left at the end or a week's imofcir.g. TWO BA6S for 15 ceots % 100 cigarettes for? ceots j ^ | _'Bull I nilDUAki I wiuiniti Guaranteed by [; U0VOCC&*?* % IxCOKfOMTtD < 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City ! Babies Love It j \ For all stomach and y I troubles and disturbances due -j to teething, there is nothing better than a sale Infants' and Children's Laxative. .[ Mrs. Winslow*s i Stkup | *) T. MURPHY. N. C. Mr. R. P. A'..tn :'d autrhter r -: * M . iru Mrs. 0. t Ts; r Mr. Fr:?nk Tz>? D-?k- I -vn, 7^nr. .-:tor She;-." ; r L" - ' \ ; * . " - "Tf the r-.-r - r: _t r.. ? - r- -,e tc r ?> t? The heavy v.... y,-. a t of farmer? behind with tbeir work.: < Some of the folk.- from Shoal Cn rk "end- c Sajwia;. >t r?T:v-; ur uv r. ' Moi-:- e Fre-h fr *v. [ C. If -p- ? jays wifh h< r ifter Mr?. TV.;. . ?r , F: z.-i A:>r. v ~;:*d - Ruth Surd-.-.- afu-rr n. -.r .r. 'Ir>. G. .7. B:< u*n are all e? v. r the arva r w ha by Mr-. Mary >t - ted Mrs. K. P. > . -zi uv> Friday rr n. Mr. J ~n Swan- n .-rent ?uawv :tr? Mr. -Ii r ?v. *.ar.d far..:!;.*. The -iay Sch' 'at . 'r wl Crc-th. prMZTt.--.nir niLviy. M -- Ida Swar > a - : d Mi- Bird tiit-s .randay. Mr. Glate StiWs nade a busine-f N. aturday. Mr-. Ella Hairre . :- verv ill at this ... M. Maud Q-::.r. visited Mr. and ir? ' m Suit r.? lay ast wtek. Robust Mother of Five Healthy, Happv Children Keeps Fit with Beech am "s Pills "VKer. I fr*' a d?r* HradarV* errtr.m* re, 1 uc oat or t* o beetr-arr > F .a. "I sir. 3'"? ? hralthi robuK mother artth ivt happ* chiijm.:* ank?*: her. Sam'a. local] la* :*wr. hi.?uara 'tnjti ?* -e wvtuas. IrotuE*. *r.; ia- r.s l.<r chilara;.." Mr*. Albert Oraerc-d. Fall Rrvrr Maaa. For FRFF SAMTLE-Unte B. .Alien Co.. 41" 1 anal Street. New York Bur frots a our drucsut >n *S an J S*c boaea Ft- ?.-u:sr>a.v? fccodddis, mJ other ?4o:?? ?i-ie^u t?x Beecham^^Pui* _ _ _ w Men of The Tallassee good proposition permanent job, our potrooms, w aluminum by an rapidly as you d next in line, and at least 5 ft. 8 in. between 20 and character and re; , Badin is an County, North schools and thre table houses, wi a nominal sum easy terms. Th< looking for a pk tigate the possil Nrtnp Rait 4 to better their p ?EMP1 Tallasse BADI {-X/VX/4-J-W-W-X-5-M-H- <->0-0-0-9-0 Mr. Ciytie mftdi D 4 rip to Suit last Saturday. Miss Emc:t Jor*- *.vas h vL- tor Postell one day ;a?t \v> k. Mis? Mam* Brent I-' i-ter, Mr-. Mairzi* -Suit ' cfctk NOTAL >EWS Our Sunday - h - v-'r.i.* >Valt<r Gibson r:> 'i u -ir-.-t lay. Jttrt-yXri on a SlSrl N ^i? ^j^Hjlj|H^^&^w ANTEI AAA 1 M. M M Good Che Power Company, Badin i to offer several white m and are willing to start rhere ore is smelted and electric process. You will emonstrate your ability t< when such jobs are open. high, weighing not less tl 35 years of age. None b putation need apply, i up to date town, locati Carolina. It has good :e churches. The compan lich they will rent to thei per month or sell to thei s climate is very healthy, tee to establish a home, yi till ties at Badin. hose who are in dead ea osition in life should appl LOYMENT DEPARTS e Power C N, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY. MAY B. :925 I Mr. A. L. Martin j > bool la^t Sunday. H ^ Mr K. M. Clayton h; bV n ' u*. i- improving. Subscribe To The Scoutl lerictm nd after May llfh, will be an allman train except that coaches continue to oe carried between i;ng Green and Memphis . afford . ry convenience or a first-class ' ; and cot surpassed in excel by any train. t -eon Cincinnati and New Or5. club car with valet service and \ tr for the men; ladies' lour^e r.. maid service and shower drawrooms and compartments, sir.gle t suite: radio concerts in the large, ially-designed c bservation car; > the usual L. &z N. superior dining service. ! ? estn f-res will be charged for on this train, yet its schedwill be materially shortened. aylight nd?? iLrouih bctatifol t?r?:?. bouthboond. I???ei CincinMli I f? 20 a.ir , Louill* 12.02 cooes mves Nashaitle 4:33 p.ra.. Memphis :52 p.m.. Birmingham 9:42 pjn., lontHumrrv 1 2 OA a.m.. PttiMtsU :S0 ?.m.. Mobi ? 5 i3?.ni. NtvOn :ant 9 1sa.ro Ncrthbeuad. leaves lew Orleans S;20 p m . Mot !e 12 22 .m.. PrnwKoU 9:15 p.m.. Mostgomry?:12a.m : arrive* Birmingham 7:27 m . Naahrilie 12:32 p.m.. Lo?ia*i!l? IS cm.. Cincinnati 6:50 p.m. Laaelit MrmfSu 7:30 a.m.. arrteeaCincioati t 50 p.m. se changes in equipment ard .dules, which have been mace J rssary on account of eubstantial,creased through travel, evidence th desire and deterflK^^ggmination on the part r^m of this Railroad tobetW jttflf ter its service to the fi /?Jf public in every possiA mjj ble way. [> : : iracter 11 t r i, N. C., has a ' en who desire a as a laborer in converted into be promoted u > handle the job We want men tan 160 lbs. and i ut men of good ;d in Stanley water, good v owns comror* i > r employees for n on extremely and if you are ou should inves;: !: rnest and want > ' ' IENT? Company L / I

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