FRIDAY. MAY #, 1?2S. holomon gives graphic account of ellijay meet (Continued from page i) K l"r:on County Good Roads Association, at Blairnville, recently. Judge Jones adjourned court after his charge to the grand jury and txSenat1 r Harralson and Ri-presentative-elect B. H. Stone tcok charg* of the meeting. The court room was crowded, and there again 1 found a spi:it of progressive cooperation ?hat wis inspiring. I - a h"g time the people of Gi rpn on tne north sid< ?>f ;n? Tiue Kidce were bottled in and without adequate highways. (here ;h hetng bt'l . h Blairsville one cf the outstanding scenic highways of of America?the Georgia mountain link of the Atlanta-Murphy-Ashe vi!le highway. It is also ore of the great engineering feat? of Appalachian road buiiuing. 7. .ery foot of the highway mountains from Clevt'r.nd. i:i r , QRONCHITIS ? J At bedtime nib the throat and mxT cboat thoroughly with? VJCKS vaporub Ooa $7 Million Jon Used Yearly Jlildren Cry foi MOTHFR! Fkteher's Casto Castor Oil. " ;:\c, Tcethinj prepared i rc .eve Infants in Constipation X iUiUICillJ Diarrhea Aids 5n the assimilation of Food, j Natural Sleep with. To avoid Imitations, always look for til ?revw directions on each package. ! Valet T AufoStrop Shs p Razor ? g 5hur,jens Itself ForS. <5 So Eas 1 ? *-? IUooledge turn | \/f ANY a shabby-lool< I XVi. ready for the discan j| night into a piece of desi or two of good enamel. Cooledge Furniture Enar f this purpose. They com | tive colors. Two quart} j five piece breakfast roon i euptisingly low. M X ' Color card an |p will be gladly g g. BR1TTAIN & 1 Builder* Hardware, ul Murphj I county, to the North Carolina line, is I ! to be surfaced with water-bound ma, cadam. Many mile? of the permanent surface is already d wn. and the *n, tire highway has been brought to a per cerjt grade, wounding around the "... mountains m as picturesque settings as are to be found in this country. 1 The - c:r.or-.i< *. ?Jue of this - cad to a'] the counti-- it cam t b . estimated. In addition to this a permanently1, paved highway being - nstru. t ' from Blue Ridge to Clay' via Kiuwassec. Young Harris and Blairsv:!!e. krowr, as the East and West Road. This will he completed n a year cr two hut the Georgia link < f the A11 an t a-M urphy- A she vil 1 e high- j way will be officially opened on July 4. 1025. The counties of Union. Towns Lunipkir. and Whit- will g've a br.^ becue at Neal's gap?the top of the , monrtain- r that day and prepar-, ns snr being mad' for feeding 20, > visit' r-. It i- piedicted not less .r * --'sit . ? will go from At...... , '? ?---- " ** vuv'wik me xntnioen 01 me I G* rgia assembly. AI! of the North | (i?( rgia counties and rast Tennessee and Western North Carolina w'll' ' pour visitors to the top of the Blue Ridge on that occasion. It is expected that prominent mem-! hers of the fed', ral bureau of roads will be guests of state highway offi-: cia!s on the occasion. iiSSilillililiil ria is a harmless Substitute for g Drops and Soothing Syrups, ; arms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels uomoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and on, Opiates , ic sienaturo of Tyb&JieAi I, Pliyticiaus everywhere recom:nend it. I mbsmmmmmmmamm ' he Satew Razor that I irpens It:. Own Blades B OMPIE11- OL'T IT" ' , 35.00 B tie at All Slorrs ^-ell' Razurr. nni Blade* N y with '' iturc Enamels l&H :ing chair or table about i has been changed over- gy rable furniture by a coat >4 nels are just the thing for o'lj e in white and 12 attrac* i will finish the average a set (2 coats) at a cost J* { d free booklet ^ i iven on request O. MAYFIELD W , Paint#. Oil#, etc. r, N. C. Ej .1 z coin While r rth of the Blue Ridge on * .his trip it * as my pleasure to talk to t tb ? student body of Young Harris col- s ieg . What -a wanderfui school this < is. with boys and girls ana young men and women from a number of states ' assembled in the heart cf the moon- < tains to study, thus not only close to t nature, but at one of the best-ccnduc- i ted cell' ges in this country. The student body consists of around '< 400, and I have never seen a finer school personnel. Such singing with the red blood seemed delighted to contribute their ::?nnines and nickels when told that: I <4 were h? Iping other little cl-i! Iren '( pet something to eat and to wear F .< d> liars, though a small amount, if each Sunday 1 in the county according to month r.--h:o. and financial ability would do likewise the four hundred and fifty dollar; quota for the county could b. easily; raised, and nc one would miss the 1 amount given, but the greatest of all it would he doing our indispensable duty. No person, whether t'fuislior; non-Christian, should rc ft - to h 'n relieve the sufferings of orphan . hildren who have been b. rn into a cruel world, and since de \cd of a mother or father to bring them tip in the way they should go. Many of them have died already. 1 t?.r tli? \v:mt of food and clothing, ami ! fear that we, as Christians, and knowing; their condition will l?c held responsible for their loo-, and disobeying; the command of Christ, ' hut if we are willing to help save those who are still living from a similar fate, perhaps it will help to re deem us ol our past uvgiccU-d uui.ii--. 'Christ loved little childnn, and He rebuked His disciples when th"y sought to keep the eh'ldrcn hack. He said. "Suffer little children to come unto me. for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." Children are yet the symbol of the Kingdom ?f Heaven. LlwC .f ; 1 PHrifit W." !I must love and care for those \vl torn He loved. The orphans of the Near East are as truly in distress and need as was the man who fell among thirv-s en the road to Jerico and if America is a Chirstian nation she sohuli be the Good Samaritain. Christ performed re. fantastic or absurd miracles for mere effect,' such as are reported of Kudda and the various Hindu Deities. All of H's miracles had one great objective: to ; restore to normal. The hungry were satisfied, the lame walkrri. and the , blind saw. ? ', The program Of the Near East Re-' , lief Is conceived in this same spirit, j to restore to normal life and normal conditions. The Near East Relief < .' both father and mother to those children. It feeds them, it sends them ( to schrol. and cares for them when ] they are sick. I ....... * can citizen in all this fair land of our? that would not have gone to | the rescue* of Floyd Collins when he' ; j' No Account Generally Mrs. P. P. Nelson, of Lake Charles, J i La., writes, "It was along time before we found out what was the matter, I wanted to sleep all the time, suffered with my eyes, backache and headache. Had no energy and was no account generally." I [j Doctor examined me and said I had Bright's Disease, but could do me no good. I took Kidney and Bladder Remedy and was healed." The Hobo Medicine Company, Beaumont, Texas, guarantees a treatment of six botths to give entire satisfaction or they will refund the $6.00 Price $1.20 per bottle or six bottlefor $6.00. For sale by all druggists. in) . MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA vas entrapped in Sand Cave. Ky.. if1 ] hc> had thoujrht they cculd have 'aved the explorers life. Even thr rhiof executive cf the state offered to rend' r any assistance p< ;-icle, for :hey all knew that Floyd would lie 1 he was not rcrcued, so we 1 >hculd show the same Christian spjr- j it toward those orphan children. | fo. we ought to know that if they |1 arc not fed and clothed they will also !1 die. Let us quote a few lin^s f-om Gilpin. on k'ndness: "I ^hall pass this j way l?ut once. Therefore, any good; thing :h: t I can do. or any> that 1 .-* ar Ejst P. lief: S. F. I'r.airtb- IStGlen Chambers 9c. Vicie Chambers 7c Lizie Chambers ........ f 7 c Kc ert < bambcr? ? J. X. rhambeis 25" R. J. Chambers j. P. Johnson 15.* Effie Johnson 5c Joe Johnson 5c j Cd;ar Johnson 5e, Oscar Johnson 5c' Lorcna J?hn.-'n Va\ Johnson .... 10c \V. II. Martin . . .?. 25c Fred Martin 30c ( Martin 25c Kern it Martin 21c Aiiene Martin . . 3c Pau'ine Mai tin :,c Robert Martin . -5c! May Martin . . *>. 20c Wade Martin . 20c El!a <" k-man 5c Addie t*< Ionian ... 5c Ethel Coleman 5c Anderson Whitncr Xina Whitncr 10c Alfred Whitncr 1 VV. W. n y on 11? G? orgc Fryson 36c Garfield Whitncr 14c fliover Whit ncr 5c Xina Bry.-< u Or Daisv Hall 5c j B nr'ii.. Hall Or. j. Shell St rat'.on 10c I. T. Martin 10c Boyd McDonald 7r Lev M -rris .p Martin 2r ; David Kidd -V : June Maitin lei' Elsie Whitnei 1? Leonard McDonald . . 1?Ambrose Worliy 20c j Milton IMii'lin.- 10c liwtn ?*ni11 :ps ioc Total $.*.00!' Lot ?- hrar from some .ther Sun-: ; "h..::!. T?. aiu.-.t fiil'v W. R. MARTjW | Southern States And Counties High In Textile Ranking Washing. 1>. <\ Southern ard counties int veil forward in tin-. t- xt;le ranking contained in the an nua! report of the U. S. Census office for the year ended July .11,; 1924, in whiih arc listvd ill i unties haying h:?n 100.000 c ? t pfivi .. iordir*? to the ensure pert t>v the Development Service; of the Southern Railway System. North Carolina with 5,861.16**; spindles is second in the United j States. Massachusetts still holding! first j-iace wiih 11,702,160. South Carolina with 5.266,178 is third, j Georgia with 2,708.242 spindles is fourth. Gaston county, N*. t'.. with 1.110,-; 260 spindles, a pain of 157,208, is the first Southern eounty to pass the , million mark and is new the fourth .-ounty in the United States in nam- , her of spindles, being exceeded onlv hv three New F.nclnnd eoui.tic* h i?f which showed a decrease for ihi- year. Of the 73 counties in the Lnited States with more than 100.000 spinlies. 21 arc ir. North Carolina, 11 in South Carolina. * in Georgia, in Mabania. and 1 i in Louisiana. Tennessee and Virginia. Four South-; ?rn counties?Gar-ton. N. C., Spar tar,bury:, S. C., Greenville. S. C. and Anderson, S. C. have inure than 500,000 spindles in each county. The relative prosperity of the industry in the South is shown by the fact that North Carolina worked 17.? ^32.650,667 spindle hours and South Carolina 16.605.845.707.1 while Massachusetts with more spindles in place than the two Carolina* combined, worked only 17,762,675,016 spindle hours. II. F. Collins of Wake county bought a brood sow for $100 and sold $000 worth of 'jip from her in three years. He believes in swine growing, ports county ngent J. C. Anderson. ? ? Jt .1 ?Kfm Heavier Rail Program C Continued By The Southern Atlanta. Ga.. April 14?Heavier i rrvil was laia or "?:?5 miles of track triurir.p 1924. pe Of this total, 412 miles of track be were laid with new IOC pound tail eil more than doubiinp the mileajre of ut 100 pound rail in service; S5 pound ' tu rail was laid on 325 miles of track. mJ mil of other weijrhts wa laid <.r du 58 ir.ilra c-f t.aek, nil f 1: ?"-,t >r sec- th ic?n bcinr released in Ivory case. dr TV 100 r >unc rail was i* b: icvi ie track main lines carrying the m. heavi- -t traffic, and at the end of or 1924 the Southern Railway Sy?tr:n had a t tal of 728 miles of track "n* laid with 100 pound rail. ::? The program of heavier rr.i ay- s? injr is beinp actively c. r.r.e i ?r-i .. r the yea- 1925, -7 ' t ' f oi I ?? p. ur.d rail have :;!> f?i Also 2?'?.70f5 ton? of row 85 and in rail have he.n houpht, ; **? t J alj purchased. enoupb *. ? \ v 233 mile?. lay l."?5 rr.ilcs. ... Acre Of Clover Worth Over $50 V Raleigh, N. C.. April 27?A days ago J. E. Sellers. : farm Alamance county, refused fif.; d " lars for red clover e rawing' ?i acre of land. Mr. Sellers celknt prospects for t- r. r . - < red clover this year. Tlx field was ir? clover two years aga. r* At that time he 1 nud *n? - fx with f. fairly good result*, used s grain drill for iptlyi:;r fHir.e and this mi,; rr- ' i : (,ut the material h -avlly nouvh. ( yisit to another lime demonstrat convinced him that h-? nee 1-d lime. "Accordingly."' >nv.- E. ? . Extension Aiiromuri*: >: ? ? Co:'?.gc ?f Agriculture. "Mr. ^ !' appiied a ton per aeie ' the i'i 3d that fail, ami -ow?d it ' ack t ^ and c' ' ; . id 8 ph? *f hate w ith the v v This time t:." clov- r < g that it began I at . atier.: j, so ; as th< wi i-a.-.-- ff the "R cer.tly a tobacco ferine r dig by >a\v the cl <\ He st- d and tfortd Mr. -h'', f;y for aa acre of it. and aid h \*. : *cut ami handle thi hay him> This was a tempting ffer. T! crop had net cost over dollars an acre to produce: h.r.vevi Mr. Sellers figured that while th< ;?r.y might not he worth fitly dollar* '* fed, by selling it he would I *e the [' manui iai value as well as the feed!' j value. Mr. Sellers stale a that hn Ul was making every el; vl to . !?; li! up this Ian.I and in order to sr.* 'li iHssful h? knew he must put cv.rything: possible into the > * !*. a :.; r;. v,': s lltil as possible awry from " tr x i, Castile Hawkins Lost Two F*'ngers Friday >>' OV Mr. Castile Hawkins, of th Haw- ^ kins Bros. I cal shuttle block nvinu- at facturers, losi two of the finger.* on '** his |< ft hand last Friday when a hio or which was he was sawing caught 10 against the saw and knocked hi hand into the saw. The two middle fin- n n? rs were completely severed lu lv.e? 11 the'joints were in such a manedod condition that the physicians c'c ught it l est to amputate them at the middle joint. The othre fin ers and thumbs also received several minor cuts. .Mr. ...I-', . v...,, t" 1.?* .?v- W cral days as a consequence, but he; says that they arc healing rapidly and it is hoped that no complications th will set up. : -c> Get the hugs before they take thr gat den. Don't nurse the vegetables along to maturity and then let in- ,u sects or diseases take them. ' n' . | il FOR OVER 40 i EARS M HALI/9 CATARRH M2P1CIXB has been used successfully In the treatment of Catarrh. HALL/8 CATARRH MEDICINE con- : sists of an Ointment which Quickly fr Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tenlc. which arts 111 through the Blood on the MucoVB Sur- r?' faces, thus rcducim; the inflammation. Sold by a'.l dm crisis si F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. 0> C ^ PACEFT'x ontrol Insects And Diseases By Spraying Fru:t Now Raleigh. X. C.. April 27?To con>1 apple worni and other insect sr.; and diseases, apple tree- should sprayed from April 26 to 30 with her the ?tandard lime sulphur solion or the 3-4-50 Bordesx mixre. Peach trees should he sprayed ring the same period with either t'-lviki lime sulphur or the y m lime sulphur to control cv r. rot. The dry-mix solution ill--, he used on apples, where ily a f'-.v - ?? are to he sprayed. T I:- the- - ! -'? iled ':nv SllIiur, G. V?". Fart, 1* ant disease sp.ctist t : Ajrricultur ' Extension ?r\;-e 'it Slate t'< lieges. riivkps. nix puiind- f sulphur with enigh ai. . to f ;rr. a thick pas to. jt S . nds of fresh stone lime a : v: h enough vat r to cut . v. '.* ar i as scoti a - the v. H'jri--- : lak add the sulphur e. >"> 'he mixture constantly id .tM :vr * f a thin paste. = soon :'t - w-11 slake.!, water i- uld * r d *. con! and prev rt !rt/.< ; "liny. When cool add ater * kc "0 grllnos. "F (!:; : 5x lime sulphur use 7 ; <:rat? d lime. 5 pounds sulfur : :: ? 3 ounces Kayso (calcium senate.) This should bo thor:g!v ix d and water added to k a -Mn solution which will re?d *; rough a strainer into the : : > -pra vtank about half water and strain the solution Add water to make 50 gnl* f ! ad is us-<1 at the ne fo-r.d cf powder rr two rid- 'it ; . "t to each 50 gallon? r:. If a greater supply '. i is needed the ingred, . - !: !; he d in proportion.'* lameron Morrison Chairman OF N .C. In Distribution Campaign Atlanta G;t., May 1. The apartment of Cameron Morrison, umor GVivorn* r, as ('huirmiwy of < rth Carolina in the nation-wide I Hull Dollars, mint <1 by the Un i! States Government, in "honor the valor of the St.ulht rn .Soldier," us anmionced today by Harvey J. ill, Director General, of coin disi hution. Under the direction of Mr. Morrig into evtfy county will he created, ivirg as its object the placing of ie or more of the Memorial coins every family. Owing to th- fact that tin : a e ! v 2,500,000 coins of a special ^federate issue available, it has in necessary, Director General :i! announced, t> make official :t! Intents to each state based on popation. The demand for coins aching national headquarters alady indicate a large over subscrip?n of the issue. Distribution, thereire, is to be made on the basis of in en tificates redeemable on Ju:ird at commercial banks throughit the South for the actual coins, rior to that date i. in certificates e being sold through comnv. reral inks and through volunteer sales 'ganizatior.s organized in various immunities. With the appoi cent of Mr. Morson in North Carolina popular orinizations in all .-late:- east of the ississippi River has now n effect. I. Mr. Hill dt i r . .1 The organization erected in each ate have a quasi- flicial status, nee state chairman in each instance ive been, appoit by the governors, ho have taken a deep p? ?nal interit in making the coin ?!: tribution le greatest patriotic demonstration lat has taken place in th South nee the war. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and eighbors for their nutny acts of kind?ss and words of comfort during the Iness and death of our dear mother, rs. Margaret F. Axlcy. THE FN Ml FY The ch'ld nerds all six of these >ods included in his meals each day: iilk. eggs, vegetables, fruit, whole rain cereals and butter and croant, ty home economics workers of the late College of Agriculture.^ .ow