IF IT ISN'T IN the scout IPS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Org TOLL xxxvl n mayor, coup&il took OATH of office saturday F*in R-vfw? Accomplishments o' P*?! Two Years and Outlines Plan* For Coming Year The >ly elected rmy<>r ar.-.v*. -,f Jfnrphy. composed of \Y. M. t . n. May.r T.V. \V. Hyde. E. P. Hawkin* J. H. I'i.aup, J. B. Store; and W. I) Tt-trns : . met at th- Mayor's ?.fiuo ia tie Library build njr Saturday fter >r and took the ?nt:: of . ffi.. kf J H. McCall. N?'*a: y Pubiifor th third consccutix time u thin y year*. A* Commissioners Ph-.: ail Hawkins w. r al nt. n > business was tranacted. and an adjourns ear was taken until Mon lay nigh: i *' this week. X : > night the mayor and full boa: >: : t at the office in the Library boildiru. and after Mayor Fain administered the oath of < ffice to com-! miss; : s Fhaup and Hawkins, he spoke at some length < f the act omplish-'"v*.ts of the council during the past : ytars and outlined sonic of the things thai would be undertaken during the present tern: of office. JiLyor Fain commented on th? har/mon - way in which the Board of Con: :oners had worked together for the good of the community during the past two years. Some of the accomplishments mentioned w r the following: Opening ?.f Mayor's of fice in the Library where all business : - . -i i ..n ?. i ?!?.. passage of the parkins ordinance and the- enction of .speed limit signs at dangerous curves and crossings; the securir.c. jointly with the county, *.f Chir ; e Patk; and the securing from the -i trustees ?>f Riverside Park, playgiound and tourist camp; 'tlu post- ..f welcoming signs <>n the m: in highways leading into Murphy; the changing of the Mind curve at the intersection of Hiawa.-see Street and Ranger Road; nutting uf water in j Fact rytown, the Ramsay and Elliott sect.i n on the Hitchcock property, to the Tlcighway and other property along ihe street back i f and parallel ; Hilton Street, and the extension of :tie four inch water main across the Hiawossce River so as to give fin protection to that sectionsof town; the extension of sire* t lights t? the new development on the Hitchcock property noMMoi.mlvimr of Hn?nirt-"iations for the city delivery of n?i: with prom'se of securing the service: number the houses ol' Murphy; attended public meetings of every find and took an active interest in ivery movement tor the advancement >f the welfare of the town. For the present year a great many kings need attention, the Mayor vointed out. Of immediate imporance is the putting through of the itreet paving program inaugurated a rew days ago; the putting up of name >latcs bearing the names of the itreets; following up the movement to secure city delivery of mail. A freat many other things received rientioned hut olans are too indefinite Is yet to give out any announcement oncerning them. Following the remarks of the Mayr. W. W. Hyde was elected Mayor ^ro-Tem; B. W. Sipe, Clerk & Treas.; >. M. Birchfield, Chief of Police, nd J. L. Hall, Water Superintenent. Also Mr. Birchfield was again ppointed Sanitary officer and Building inspector. E. P. Hawkins appointed on the street commit-1 'ee; W. W. Hyde, on police, lights and 1 Paiks committee; J. B. Storey, finance, traffic and advertising com-; mittees; J. H. Phaup, water and cem- j etcry committee, and W. D. Townsonj ?? iiie saniiury coniiiiltlw. The second Thursday night was fix-, as the time for the regular month- j b' meeting. A number of matters were postponed from the Monday night meeting 'until the regular, monthly mectinrftllt Thursday night ?f this week. Mayor Fain stated Thursday that those having anything to present to the council for action, or wish to seek the aid or assistance of the council in any matter oertaining to the Progress, uplift and advancement of \ an of Murphy and Cher A1 v y (CogTT-rM.tr w ?.> Porter Burns Hand When Gasoline Ignites ' I.a>t Saturday morning, while washing out the transmission hull of a t Dodge car at McMillan's Garage at 1 the i- A: station, in. i? i'orter, ? mechanic. receive*! a very painful burn on the right hand, and the top 1 of a Chevrolet car was burned off i when a short circuit from the battery < i t the car being washed pave oft' a spark which iCTLied the gasoline. A fire call was sounded and the ] voluntc . fire department responded i and were on the spot ready for business in about five minutes, but due ? to the quick work of employees and j the use of pyrene chemical, the tire was practically extinguished when the fire truck arrived. j, The damape done was estimated at about ?25, and Mr. I'orter stated j that the reason his hand was burned . * au ouu.y vrar due ?* ?t heme saturated with gasoline. Singing Convention To Meet At Marble ' Springs June 14tb * According to announcement the * first of the week by Mr. K. L. Ibt!lani, secretary-treasurer. th - Ohcro- r kee County Singing Convention wiii s meet with Marble Springs Baptist i Church on the second Sunday in June, which is the 14th. This is the t 28th annual convention of the county ; association, and it is expected that j George W. Sebren, noted song book. r publisher, will be present and take j, part in the singing, and Yellow Hill ^ Indian choir is also expected to be c then. j v In making this annoupcement Mr. j Ballard stated that all classes and ^ singers of Cherokee County are re- r quested to bring lunch with them and c George W. Sebren's 1925 song book, j "Winning PmUp." for convention , singing. The contest for the banner t will take place in the afternoon. Din- ^ ner will be served on the ground at ^ the noon hour. I j "All classes of the county are ur-1 ^ ged to be present" said the announce- ^ ment, " and classes and singers of adjoining counties, although they can- p net participate in the contest, arc cordially invited to meet and sing with v us on that day. j Mr. J. C. Abrogast Jr., of Andrews. tj was here over the wet k-end. H Marriages licenses were issued the j othre day by Register of Deeds A. M. Sinionds for Dr. Turner P. Driggs v and Mrs. Cordie L. Lindcrman. ^ the community, or any criticism to v offer as to policies, etc., of the coun- r oil, are invited to meet and discuss them with the board of commissioner? from time to time. ' "We are a board of servants of the people, elected by the people and ? -e-virg the w< nlc. and we can much 1 Mter serve the people win n we know * \-ijst they w.nt." ho stated. Ctjero okee County, and the Le MURPHY, NORTH CAROLIN 11 Hail the Queen Additional Loca The pouring of concrete on both ml- of the .Murphy-Andrews link N'<>. X. 10 highway i- now well under way. liv ind it is expected to be finished with- ad n the next two or three months.. CI [*hc section within the limits of the lu n town is expected to be finisli> d 'u; luring the next thirty days. jtii Congressman \V. 1>. I*pshaw, and jl!' anta, (la., weie registered at the tickey House Monday. Mr. John A. Carr, of Blairsville, J x.ent one day here this week on bus-; 1 tl! ness. I er The regular meeting of the Baptist j^( A*onion's Missionary Society will be, icld sit the church next Tuesday, ac-' ^ ording to announcement Wednesday ^ >y officers of the society. The date ^ vas moved up on account of com- j, iit. L). Akin, in honor of the senior Jna lass of the Murphy High School. of,f?"? rhich he is a member. Miss Evelyn or lill furnished music at the piano as ' he guests were served with refresh- W. nents consisting of ice cream and j W ake. Those present and enjoying Cs larvey's hospitality were Misses 'an Jaurine Fain, Evelyn Hill, Chris- Mi inc Bowles, Linn Albright; Messers.Jve .ucius Witherspoon, Mark West. B. gu V. Sipe, Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Kanoy, I Irs. L. P. Kinsey, Mrs. Jno. E. Fain, Irs. D. Witherspoon, ..nd Mr. and Irs. S. D. Akin. Mrs. C. H. Bowles returned last 'riday from Junction City, Ky? > irhere she spent the past several, recks visiting her parents, Mr. and r<* lis. G. A. Benedict. | Mr. G. W. Candler spent several lays in Atlanta this week. Miss Hattie Axlcy was a visitor to."1* C-o \Vn,lnn^-,. I J? ? ?' C. W. and Mrs. Bailey spent the | reek-end with relatives in Atlanta *2 ind College Park, Ga. Mrs. Bailey ' rill spend a week or ten days before eturning. J Mr. A. C. Richmond spent several c lays in Asheville with Mrs. Richmond ast week. I * ( Mr. A. E. Ht-ighway. mining oper-1 itor, of Washington, I>. C., is spend-, e ng sometime with his brother. Dr. j ' ?. C. Heighway. He is interested in nining properties and is r. a king a '' mrrsle. of investigations while here. to' tee H ad ing Newspaper in t A FRIDAY. MAY 1". 1'. J"?. * ?r~ '-C-T- . .? >.. ' ) ) . ? * fee >' i r C ? r 1 & Personal Col. John If. Dillard went to Clyde. ' C.. Tueday morning. where he deered the commencement literary 1 dn ?s to the graduatim* class of the * yde High School. Mr. Dillard will ive Saturday morning for Vieks- 1 Tjr. Miss., to make the presenta n for North Carolina at the unveil- ' tr on May ISth of the monument oetrd thorp t? rnmffii -morale the e valor of the North Carolina troops to took part in the battle of Vicks11*during the Civil War. Mr. Dil d was largely responsible for gettg the funds appropriated for the ection of this monument to the >rth Carolin s??l iier. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Barclay, and lit- | son, Robert. Jr., spent the weekd with with Mrs. Barclay's parents, -. and Mrs. J. \V. Thompson. Mr. nclay returned to Copperhill Man-: y. ant^Mrs. Barclay and Robert Jr. mained for several days. Bridge Party , Mrs. C. K. Hi over and Miss Tript entertained at bridge at the for?r*s home on Saturday night. The house was artistically deeora1 with mountain laurel and pink r ses. I Mrs. Hoovtr was assisted in re- c iving by Mis. W. A. Bryson, Miss i iplett presided at the punch bowl, * Miss Eva Nell Mauney won first 1 ire and Miss Kathryn Thompson jc ? consolation. Pink and white cartions were used as favors, and rei-shmonts carrying out the same colscheme were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.! . A. Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cs atts, Misses Albright, Brittain,1 indler, Dixon, Thompson, Wright, d Messrs. Arbogast, Hart, Studstill. ss Triplett and Mr. and Mrs. Hoor. Mr. B. W. Sipes was an afterest. r ist of Books Given ! Library During May I The Carnegie Library has been the ; eipient of eleven volumes during ly, ten volumes presented by Missj rah Cook and one volume by Mr.! ank Davis, according to a state?nt given out Tuesday by Miss sephine Heighway, Librarian. ptracmru i?> J11SS V.OOK .I p as follows; Six volumes by I chard Harding Davis; "Dawn. " hyji, H. Porter; "Bought and Paid For." J Broadhurst A Hornblow; "Storm | untry," by Grace Miller White, j d "Man With Three Names," by Grath. "Casey Ryan," by Bowen is the tiof the volume Riven by Mr. Frank tvis. These I f oks are greatly apprecia- ?. 1 by officers of the Library, and the Y mmu^jy in general. tout his Section of Wester MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY DEPT PUBLIC WELFARE \fiorl Shows Numerous Cajfj Cornin'* B?'ore "cpa'!ir.eut Wh'ch Irausurated Last Month Tr. report of the Oh^-rokv County : '.rtr.'.nt it Charities r-.rri Public r .rc. f r t month en-v- Aj r'.i ;Oth. show* many ca-e-? a e . -irar vf?>:= th;.'. h dy, ar.: step- t.ak r V. - tr, dy their. T; I* work \va.? mac? --iblo ur.der the Laura >* ': ;-.n Rockefeller sr.ant of $30,000 t the ^tate Baurd ? f Chaf:tie'-, and Public IVclfjre. which v.- rk i* beimr put on > a sort of ti montftration ir five until- f th .-t i t. inciudir.sr . nerokee. Th- lollowit:z re- rt for month of \prii wa> submitted by Mi? Anne Ruth M.rlrnK Sliot ??f ?V-?? IV *jtjU ' nt. t > the count B. ? ! of Char:- I i - and Public Welfar at its r ?iar meet.!)',' - May 4th. 1Alttirh the report i- f->r th month f Apr"!, the work h-.-rein recorded vers a period of only about two ve< ! > as Miss M?.dca".f did n >t arrive Murphy t.> asume thv duties as : inter.dent of the department unV Ap:il 1st. she having been delayed ?ecause of th" illness of her mother? Juvenile Court sect! n: 1. cases iv.aining from last month?1 white ;:rl; 1 colored hoy. 2. New cases eport-d: 5 white boys; 2 white girls. Handled by court (official): 1 vhiie girl. 4. Handled by Welfare fficer (unofficial: white boys. ?. Cases pending for disposition: 2 .vhite boys; 1 white girl. Poor fun 1 cases; 1. Reported and nvestigated?2. 2. Placed on poor fund list?0. U. Removed from r fund list?0. 4. Persons carvel to County Home?0. Miscellaneous: 1. Conferences: Board members 2?2. Juvenile Court Judge?5. General?20. 2. meetings: Board? 1. general?0. J. Investigations: Mothers* Aid 1: family welfare?2. 4. Inspection: jail?1; road camp 0; County Home ?1; factory 0. 5. Certificates issued: Ace?0; employment?0. ?. Home visits? IS; 7. Off'ce nils ?14; 8. Letters mailed?4ft* Phone calls ft. 1ft. Miles traveled? i."ft. 11. Investigations for outside lgencies?2. "Winning o? Laiar.c" One Of Parker's Best Melodramas iVill Be Presented Friday Night,The 22nd. At School Auditorium By Seventh Grade This play is the sec? mi of the se ies of commencement exercises of the present year and promises t?> lie a I rawing number. It is an interestng modern love story abounding with vholesome humor, pathetic and alnc-sfc tragic situations. The theme >f the play being that "Honor Wins." The characters run as follows: Philip P. Caston. President Caston 'hosphate Co., and father of Latane, lenn Sneed; Mrs. Philip P. Cashon, step-mother to Latane, and aids rillian, Fdna Lee; Ruth Spaulding. rivate Secretary to Mr. Cashton, and livorced wife of \*illian, Inez Dance; ulius Sears, first villian, man of milions and suitor for Latane's hand, oe Dyer; Robert Sparr. second vilian, Sup< rintendent Cashton Co.. ind friend of Sears. Ralph Barton; Trusty Hopkins, faithful negro scr ant, John Davidson; Cyrus W. Gil>ert. Chairman board of directors. Jpland Phosphate Co.. William Thompson; Latano Cashton. faithful laughter of Mr. Cashton and loves "rank, Esta Swaim; Frank Efferton. 'aithful employee of Mr. Cashton. ind loves his daughter. Tommie Icinz. office hoy. Bill Bayles; Richironard West; sheriff. Frank Hensey; policeman, Maynard Allen. I. W. Davidson Closing Out Line Of Women's Shoes Mr. J. W. Davidson, local retail rent's furnishing dealer, has placed si* entire line of Indies' shoes on the ountor. and ^rict d them at sacrifice. ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH" n Nc-th Carolina COPY?$1.50 PER YEAB J. L. FAIN IS APPOINTED FISH WARDEN CHEROKEE K. D:xTi. ^nmirrrarj State Fisher* -cs Here In Interest Fish Preservation -'-T- J- 1- F'at' w ; received . F.-' Warden of tK c which ; c was created by an r. t of th last legislature amending t; fi-i. a - . / thi county. Mr. J. K. D;:. . Trenton. Chairman of the- S:.v, Fisheries Commis r: I1 -ard. spent sevidays in the uty !x-t week and made the appointment. While here Mr. Dixon stated that regulation? and rule? looking : th< protection of fish in ?i str : ! Wt-.-tera North Carolina especially those counties having the same fishing laws as Cherok -. w -uld probably be taken up by the commission at its meeting at I Morehi id ( sometime during July. a copy tf which will be sent to this paper for publication. Mr. Fain's duties as Fish Warden for the county will be law enforcement. issuing licenses, and acquainting th people with the law and the reasons for which the law was enacted. Mr. E. E. Davis. Clerk of the Superior Court, is also authorized to Issue license. "I hope the pec; !e of the county fwill co-operate with me in the enforcement of the law," said Mr. Fain the other day. "In the past quite a bit of dynamiting of the streams has been practiced, to the detriment of the fish of the streams as well as the people of the county. Dynamiting destroys not only large fish, but small ones as well, besides the nests and eggs, and thousands of fish are perhaps destroyed annually in this manner." he said. "I am asking the co-operation of the people of the county to the end that some of this dynamiting if not all of it will cease to be practised, to ' the end that the small fish will be allowed to grow and become developed. Quite a number of fish have been put out in the streams of the county in the past, and if given the proper protection by those using the streams for fishing purposes, there will not be any shortage of fish in our streams." The full text of the fishing law will lv. riiMSckuJ .... ..1 Jim Crow, Dickey House Pet Passes Jim Crow. the famous Maryland black bird known by that name, and always an interesting: specimen of the fowl kingdom at the Dickey house for a number of years, died suddenly Wednesday evening, and was interred in the Cemetery of Pets under the spreading weeping willom tree al the rear of the Dickey House. Jim was a native of the Maryland coast, and was captured a number of years ago and served as a mascot on one of Uncle Sam's man-o'-wars fore about three years before finally taking up his abode in Murphy three or four years ago. A sailor presented him to Mrs. Nettie Dickey as a pet. He has two marble slabs marking his last resting place alongside of those who have gone on before. W. B. Dickey & Sons Have The Agency For "Town Crier" Flour W. B. Dickey & Sons, local retail 1 merchants, have the agency in Mur pny ior me lamous "Town Crier" Flour, advertisement of which will be found on another page cf this issue of The Scout. Mr. Dickey has had the agency for this flour for several years, and he says that a number of his customers will have none other. The Midland Flour Milling Company, manufacturers of "Town Crier" Flour, say that if the flour docs not produce the best bread you have ever made, return the empty sack to your grocer and (your money will be returned without argument. Bread baked from "Town Crier" flour recently won first prize at the Cleveland, Ohio. Food Show, against 500 other loaves of different makes. i He announces thnl he is quitting this line of the business and the sale will continue until the entire stock now on hand has been exhausted.See his 1 ad on another page of this issue.