IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT ITS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT l The Official Org a VOLUME XXXVI. NoVANDEVENTER DIED SUNDAY AT RICHMOND, VA fll President of Hiawaitee River Company, and Prominent Knoxville Citizen Hugh Floumov VanDcventer. president of the Hiawassee River Power Company, president of the Knoxville Automobile Club, and prominent Knoxville citizen, died Sunday afterBoon a? 1:40 o'clock at Richmond Va. He was well known in Cherokee County and throughout this section ia connection with the activities of ii? wmpany in the development of large riparian holdings of the Hiawasriv.'i' in thi> section. The following account of his death fe taker, from the Knoxville Journal: Mr. VanPr venter had been in dcc&ir.g health frtr some time and went to Richmond a few weeks ago for an operation and treatment. His friends bad hoped that he would rally from the illness. News of his death will be received with regret by his wide drclf f friends. Mr. VanDeventer was horn in Clin-' ton, Iowa. August 20. 1870. He tame to Tennessee with his father.' the late Col. James VanDeventer. in lttffi. He was educated at the public sthn'3- at Clinton. Iowa.: Miehicran Mil.i*. Academy, at Orchard Lake | Michigan. where ho graduatesd in 1B?>: I'niversity of Micijran where he paduatfii in 1802. with the decree of bschenm of science in mining en-' pr.cfr nu: afterwards Inking a post eraduat course at Harvaid University in metallurgy. After Mr. VanlVventer graduated from Harvard he became connected lith the Georgia State Company at lockmart, Georgia, and became conrinced through his knowledge and oxwrienre that the slate, shales and 'lays if that section were eminently nittl i ?i r tii'- h i ifai ure <>t" lortlai i cement, and through hi- .-f farts the Southern States Portland! fement Company was organised and. Stablished, and has been in opera-' i n for about twentj years. This enu-n: mill was the first built on any ar:r' ale in tin- South, and Mr. finDeventer retained hi- connection nth it to the time of his death. Mr. VanPeventer was also largely nicre.-tva in the development of the j Iter powers of this section, and had rvi'tcd much time and money in his itter years to the devclonment of K iter over on the Hiawassee jw near Murphy, North Carolina, lb was a constructive mind and dis" and he was a bu'lder, inspired the j.?y i f achievement ban any pecuniary rewards, for in all 1 KHiey matters he was the most gen-i rou- and open handed of men. Mr. VanDeventer was a member of I l<* r-_?. . ? - 1 r.piscopni cnurcn; Peninsular hapier. Alpha Delta Phi, a Knight | ttnplar, 32nd degree Scottish Rite Won. and was a member of the Or-1 tr of the Red Cross of Constantine,' Masonic order. At the time of his fath he was presndcnt of the Knox- j He Automobile Club. Ht leaves surviving him his widow, >ts. Garfclia Lyon VanDeventer to horn he was married in 18!?8, two "is, Jas. E. VanDeventer and Hugh VanDeventer, Jr., and tree broths, Hoface and Fayette F. VanDetter of Knoxville. and Christopher uiDeventer of Chicago, 111. Hill Contemplates Improving Property * ur. J. N. HiU, local physic, nn. con- t opiates improving his valuable 1 ?P<rty across the Hiawassee river : the Bealtown section adjacent to t e property of Mr. J. A. Richardson 1 building a handsome residence 1 netin>e during the fall. He owns ? out ten acrvs in this vicinity, and r tnetime ou^ a number of t aPe vines, ay'4' cherry, and other lit trees, moR of which are living <1 growing finely.. Should he im- 1 ove the property as contemplated, will make it his home, he stateu. i \ Mr. C. H. Rogers of the State I fhway Department with headquar- % 8 at Raleigh was in town v\*rdnes- T ?f th's week. % m 1 CLEAN U! mje n of Murphy and Cherc Hail, Hail, Clean Up and Paint l Murphy f M\/y3a m V. (CrrHiH. W N.tU r A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, a dirty and unattractive town is repulsive to visitors and a stagnating influence to the people of our own community, as well as a menace to public Sealt, and WHEREAS, The Chamber of Commerce, the Woman's Club, and uther civic organizations as well as the Merchants and business men of the Town have asked that a thorough clean-up campaign be conducted, NOW. THEREFORE, I. W. M. Fain, Mayor of the Town of Murphy, the Board of City Coramiiiinncr, wwwj wti? ? J? I set apart and designate the week I of June 1st to 6th both inclusive, as ' "Clean-Up and Paint-Up Week" end do herebv call upon all residents of the Town of Murphy, together with all store-keepers, va'.vnt property owners and others thoroug Kl, '1 ean their premises | outing the week above set out and to pile such rubbish along the streets and alleys sq that the same may be hauled off and burned by the Sanitary Department/ of the Town. This the 19th day of May 1925. (Signed) W. M. FAIN,Mayor Letters Endorsing Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Week Editor The Scout: | The Chamber of Commerce has re-' tuested the Mayor and Town Coun-! ril to foster a clean up campaign be-! I fore summer visitors begin to arrive: | n large numoers as a dirty and un-| | tttractive town gives visitors a bad, mpression of a community, and al-! I io because uncleanlincss is depressing j : o ourselves and a menace to public; lealth. It is understoood that the VI ay or and Council have set aside !cj( he week of June 1st to t?th inclusive i. ror such a campaign, and it is urgent- j ^ y requested that every property own- ^ ir in Murphy cooperate with this , wwAwonf 2!id SCO that the tvVrii ia j ^ horoughly cleaned during this week, j TTie Chamber of Commerce i editor Scout: Ec Please allow us space in your col- j lmns to say that the Woman's C4ub is leartily endorses the movement to LC ?ut on a thorough clean up campaign let he first week in June ar.d that we pr isk al! women in town to use their ou >cst efforts to see that a thorough Tli P AND Pi Ctjero >kee County, and the Li MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA The Gang's Jp Week June I st to 6th inishes it will be a thorc Clean Up Can June 1 1 Town Officials, Ch and Woman's Club are 1 clean-up campaign duri 1st to 6th. The town h sections. Each property clean off his premises a streets on day set apart of town. The sanitary^ < ...:n i 1 1 win nave a irucK 10 nau street and right of way. The following are tl ed on the days indicated MONDAY, JUNE of town southwest of H TUESDAY, JUNE ally known as the ! ^ctc WEDNESDAY, JU McCombs sections. THURSDAY, JUN including everything bt FRIDAY, JUNE 5l dential sections betwee nessee Streets and Val SATURDAY, JUN residential section betv E Tennessee Streets and I REMEMBER HAVE EVERYTHING PILED READY TO B1 WHEN THE TRUCK CIVIC ORGANIZE CAMPAH waning of all property and prem- ol fs is had during this week. The j r? urn, through its Mayor and Board g Commissioners, have promised to ^ ul away all rubbish raked up and ed along the streets this week. The Woman's Club litor Scout: (J| To be on the outside LOCKING jcj different form being on the inside I JOKING OUT. Please, everybody, J r( \s drop over to our neighbor's frontl rch. th n to his back porch and view' r own premises from both porches. ? ion go around and look at the House' \INT UP tee ? wading Newspaper in FRIDAY. MAY 22. 1225. All Here! , and When "Maw" >ugh job I lpaign to 6 Inclusive amber of Commerce initing to put on a joint ng the. week of. June as been divided into 6 r owner is requested to md. pile, rubbish, on for clean'ng his section ind street departments 1 off rubbish and clean lie sections to be cleanI: 1st?All that portion iawassee River. 2nd?What is gener>ry section. NE 3rd?Hospital and E 4th?East Murphy, :yond Valley River. th?Business and resin Peachtree and Tenley River. E 6th?Business _ and reen Peachtree and iiawassee River. YOUR DAY 1 CLEANED AND 2 HAULED AWAY COMES. mONS CLEAN UP CN COMMITTEE. f God front every porch and may v miemoer tnnt cleanliness is next i odliness. A little paint sometinv ves an appearance of clcanlines Ernest G. Clary Editor Scout: Several definite benefits are to I srived from a comnwniiy-wic can Up campaign: 1. The character of a cmmunity wealed in the type of homes ar ernises the people keep. Glean ar ( Continued On pace 8) 1 EDITION kout this SecJon of Western TWO SERIOUSLY < HURT WHEN HIT BY LIGHTNING Lee Ow.*nby Rendered Unconscious C i?nd Mis* Florence Calhoun Bad ly Burned Sunday Afternoon. V ? Mr. Lee Owenby and Mi>> Florencej Calhoun are suffering terrible pain, H from being shocked and burned as a j if result of being struck by lightning C Sunday afternoon while standing <?n -1 the porch of Owenbv's home in the p Martin's Creek section. A number; n of others were on the porch at the' time, but only one other, Ed. Owen-i by, was slightly shocked front the ^ bolt of lightning which struck about, ti 5 o'clock. C Mr. Lee Owenby was rendered ur- v conscious for several minutes, but n soon rallie?l and it was at first thought e that h*' ?iliirhtly in i lit-Mr! If ?**-ever, later he developed severe pains k in the body and limbs, from whic he C has been suffering intensely. j a Miss Calhoun was also rendered ci unconscious. H< r sister. Miss Frank- it ie Calhoun, who was -tunding close p by and caught her as she fell, escap- fi ed without in jury. Miss Calhoun is ft said to have been badly burned, her 2 clothes being burned into strips and C holes torn in her shoes. This is said to f II be the second time she has been o struck by a bolt of lightning, the C other occurirg several years ago. , r A physician was called and immed- c? iate medical aid rendered, and last | wj'ord coming front Martin's Creek ti said that both victims were suffering tl intense pain. However, they will re- ol cover, it is said. 1 ai j Miss Calhoun is the daughter of fi Mrs. Fannie Calhoun of Murphy and tl she and her mother and another sis b< ter had attended decoration services u at Martin's Creek, stopped at Mr. Owenby's for dinner, and were gath- tl i red on the porch when the bolt of a lightning came. tl tl tLAT t AKMLKS GET BIG LOT OF BABY CHICKS t i! Mare Than Ten Thousand Pass h Through Murphy This Week ? Raising Planned on Big Scale. r Mere tbns ten thceeend bsb" -hi*!. passod through Murphy this week * bound for Hayesville,?5,000 Mon-j*1 day and G.000 Wednesday?to he dis- ; ' . tributed to thirty or thirty five far-,1 mors of Clay County, announced County Agent W. R. Anderson of * ('lay County, the other day. Mr. An-,a j derson and Mr. Fred O. Scruggs re- '' I turned last week from Knoxville 11 ! where they hat! been and placed or- ^ ders with the Norman Hatchery fori0 . 24.000 day old chicks ami these were j 'l ; the initial shipments coming in. Monday's shipment included 5,000 i ' of the Leghorn breed, while Wednes- i I . day's shipment wa scomposed of i | Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rock, j I These first two shipments are placed i . with about ten farmers of the county, i ^ Mr. Anderson announced The other j ^ I thirteen thousand are expected to ar-j^ j ive within a week or ten days. j ^ The Farmers Co-operative Associa- j ^ tion of Clay County, of which Mark ^ Weaver is president; H. O. Waldroup * vice-president; and Fred O. Scroggs. ^ secretary-treasurer, is buying the I chicks, and they will be distributed to ^ the* farmers of Clay County in lots of from 500 to 1000. This organization is also buying the feed, and a number of brooders of 1000 to 1200 ^ I I'Aliacitv have nlri'.nlu hnnn nlaco.l I I with farmers. The townships into which these first shipments went are' j Hayesvillc. Hiawassee and Brasstown. .c In connection with this announce- sj ment, Mr. Anderson stated that 160 ot to . 1 gallons of cream were shipped last th week, which netted $125.00. At the Si present rate this would mean about tl $5,000.60 a year to the dairymen, but a there has been and will be a peat-nil! liincrease from time to time, he stated.1 ?t ^ Mr. Anderson expressed himself as di being well pleased with the prepress ? beinp made by the farmers of Clay m g County, and that most of the chickens ly boupht were poinp to those interested ff j in the dairy business. One thinp is(le certain, the announcement that 24,-jai - 000 hahy chic ks are heinp placed in t d< the county, and $125.00 worth or m I * , V.' '*&r\ ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT 1 "IT WILL MAKE Y O L R I t M 1 ' North Carolina 5c COPY?*1.50 PER VEAB :lay county wants highway 28 completed ham be r of Commerce S^on*or? enthusiaat ic Meeting Relative To Unfinished Highway lo Franklin. AYESVILLE. May 2"?.?At a meet:g of the Haye-iville Chamber of ommercf, of which O. L Ander>n is president; T. C. Serous, viceresident; and it. Neil Hairier, Sec* ctary-treasurer, on last Thursday ight a temporary organ izatina to l>* nown as No. 2S Highway Associa* on was formed with Col. -T. B iray as president; C. H. Haigler. ice-presldt nt; Glovoa I-edford, sectary and I?. Nc-al Haigler. treasurr and chairman of publicity. This was one of the most enthusistic meetings of th? Chamber of '.mmcrcc in quit awhile. It was tteneded by sixty or seventy-five itizons from Hayesville and viciny, and was called to discuss the proosition of the completion of the uninished portion of Highway No. 28, rem here to Franklin. Highway No. 8 is the road from Murphy to Bat ave, and a portion of it between [aycsville and Franklin is as yet unumpleted. and citizens of both lay and Cherokee Counties along this iute are very much interested in its impletion. "It is the desire of this orgnnizaon." said Mr. Haigler in discussing le plans of the new association the ther day, "to enlist the co-operation id assitance of all the people om Murphy to Bat Cave to the end lat this matter can and will he kept i-fore the State Highway Commission ntil this road is completed. 'This matter has heen taken up with ie Murphy Chamber of Commerce n<I other like organizations along ie route to see if they will not join lis No. 28 Highway Association, hero is no cost attached to joining. Vo are only asking the hearty suport of the people along this route, he Chambers of Commerce of Henorsonville. Brevard and Franklin ave already signified their intention 1 joining us on this proposition. "It is planned to meet with repreepresentatives from every town Urn* K.i . 98 - within tho vary nowS . ueture, at which time we hope to nake this a permanent organisation. Announcement as to the exact date f this trip will bo made later and it s hoped that a number of represenatrves of the difftrent towns* will be hie to join us. If one has never con over this route, it is hard to inagine just what wonderful scenery Vestern North Carolina docs possss. It surpasses by far anything hat No. 10 or any other road in lorth Carolina has to offer," he said. Decoration Day At Peachtree Next Sunday According to announcement made leother day by Mr .H. B. KUiott, for le Committee, decoration exercises ill be held at Peachtree next Sunday, eginntng at 0:00 o'clock fast time, his will he a union service by the unday Schools, and an interesting rogram has been arranged and will p carried out. A number of speak* :> will make addresses also before \c decoration of graves begin. The puhli? is oa?rdia11y invited to tend, he stated. itreet Signs Put Up In Town Last Week TV... .n-t, *v? * gn? at the intersection of the streets ' the town was practically complete.! lis week by the street department, trnie time ago the town council aulorized the namiiw of ?treet2 22 step in the sueuring of free city de? very of mail, and the posting of reet signs is a follow up in this rection. ore of cream being shipped weekis very encouraging news to the irmers of this entire section and nds quite a stimulus to the dairy id poultrv industries, and is actual mionstration that Clay County Carers are doing things. t

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