ACE FOUR CtK Ct)rrcbc? S?cout 7V Tie Official Organ o? Murphy and Cherokee County, North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ? for C. W. BAILEY Editor-Manager n e MRS. C. W. BAILEY. Aanociate Ed. B. W. S!PE As.cciate Ed me Subscription Rstes WBi One Year $1.50 ? Eight Months 1.00 cle Six Months 75c ani Payable Strictly In Advance r' 1 ? tUI ' Lt be signed *:n by the writer, otherwise they will ;.ot be accepted for publication. Name " ? - of the writer w:-ll rot published nr.-1 less so specified, but we nu *. have;., the name of the author as evident' r"; cf good faith. Entered in the postoffic .t M :rpfcy North Carolina, a- d d;i-- mall i matter under act of Mar. 3, 1S7J. rH ! .an | Fo?r-(;n A"?err-?i- ir I THE A WIKRK A-, i a u - - AssyiATON _ r A Clean Town ar. ir.t The various civi. organizations the Merchant- a;. J 7 .n ..m .1 . rto be v ' no. I . to put. T. on a clean-up and pu'nt-up cu am in the town next w-*-dc. :1c y 11 ;:<-rr in town ?' . .. 1 c. erute in this movement >v 'tar. ntr his >wn premises, ar.d all y.r *y ry him. A clean t< -vn is ' ~e i th< ' est ad vertf-e:r t nts u :-wn p have. Visitors come to < :.'r tr.v.1 ry ay r.nd ^ they pain tht'r impresshns of us and per our great c untry - a phy is one < f the most attractive lit- .,0( tie towns 1 kn .w of anywhere;" or ^ ^ say the opposite of this?Each one of jn( ^ us can help iotemiine what the impression will he that goes out from here. 1 It will not b-- long until summer visiters will he ning in. In fact, ,.ai s a few : u-.rists cars are now passing ne V throuph. If our town is attractive. mi more of them will stop over with us. tn. Let's put Murphy on the map. Let vo, the word c<. 'hat Murphy is the prettiest and m -t attractive town in: >.l0! this part : the state. Wo can do 1 [la, II Be A Booster jyoi "If you live and io bus'mss in a j bu1 town, for heaven's sake he loyal to j tro? it. If this town furnishes you with ym food and shelter, boost it; speak well hai for it. and stand by the industries it .vol represents. If jut to a pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a ton of thn -?^IrmvpUiTitt II .-nn iwicf vtltify R'S condemn and eternally d: spa rage. Hoi pack your tiur.k and get out. and be when you are n the outside, knock to your heart's content. But a? P?< lontr as von nre ivirt of n oo?m.vh.? itf, be a real r. :.n: do not condemn luc it. If you do you ar? loosening the we tendrils thnt hold you as a part of >'?l the community, and when the* first ? high wind conies along you will be uprooted and blown far away: and 1 probably ycu will never know why." ^r: Keep It Up H The Clean Up and Paint Up cam- j pnign not only puts the community I ._( in good sanitary condition, hut makes CO it possible to keep it clean. Unless age the wojki of cleaning up and painting poi up is kept up by systematic efforts ant the year around, little pevmaner.t good GO is accomplished. It is important that qut the initial intensive work be general go: and thorough. Then the follow-up dre worfc can he carried on effectively, 00< and the danger of unsanitary condit- : ut ions returning is removed. ver ? w i 1 Clean Up, Paint Up ror And Look Up . an streets ami clear rds, has any right tc look and face . world. "A ch;; 1 cat." said President irrisor.. "makes a cheap man." In e same way it might be said, a dirt . n makes a dirty people: a dir peo: !e makes moral and material I : and decay. It is the uty of all ?n and women to make their homes d their home towns just as clear d :.!rn.:;\r and beautiful as posle. He who falls short in this reset falls short of his duty to God d r : . i: matters not what else he ... A. he Ten Commandments Of The Mail Order House !. You shall sell your farmproe for cash, where you can, for we . nothing from you. 11. You shall believe in us, and ? t because we do not know you ^ sonatly. 11. You shall send your money to; in advance, so wc can buy the '' ids from the factory with your j ^ ncv; you may have to wait a few' eks, but that is our business moth-! ..I A'. You shall get help from your 11 irest city or village to build pood j ^ ids, so you may easily haul our ids from the depot, but do not ! ; help from us?we don't help to v :!d good roads. 1 V. You may buy church bells and ar utensils from us, and serd the ney in advance?that's our rule. V'i. You shall got all the help you v l from the business men in your * ighborhod; although we may hav- , re profit from you than they ve,.t is against our rules to- give tO; nr churches. VII. You .-hall convert your neigh- 1 is also to your faith in us, for \veiv re room lor more money. VIII. You .-hall look at the prct-j pictures in our eatalog as often a." > * 11 can, so as to strengthen your'' ire for things you do not need,;*' : which you may order with other | ids to save freight. Send us aH j lr ready cash so that you may not:'' re any left to buy necessities from ^ ir home d< alers. IX. You shall believe us rather n your home business men, for we nt your trade. -We wt be rrrillaires on your support. Don't ^ bluffed. You shall call on the business * ?plo of your own vicinity for help 1 credit if you meet with hard k or sickness. It's your money e want;We don't i;now you unlcs:- " ir orders are accompanied by cash. *v The Prairie Lumberman. lJ w t'irgil Rowland, son of Mr. and Cl ?. Walter Rowland of Marble, unwent an operation for appendici- R Thursday morning at the local _ pital. He is reported doing very - 1 ) ">LD COLONY LIFF. INSURANCE MP ANY of Chicago, Illinos, offers ^ nts a wider field an increased op tunity by writing man. woman ^ ! child from date of birth to age ^ on the annual, semi-annual or irterly premium plan, for amounts j. r.g up to ?5,000 as regards chi'- j, n, while for adults the limit is $:?0- t] ). As the Company writes also >-standard riske our agents have ^ V fpw r?'loot TKa C . ? ? - - * ? viMiiyanv 1 give a very liberal commission ^ itract (direct with Home Office) a good personal producer. i-2t-rd) ? Louisv'Ile & N LOW ROUr SUNDA1 Hound Trip tickets will at rate of one fare plus 2 stations where one way $6.00. (Minimum Rour Tickets limited to date o 7OR FULL PARTICULARS CONS! THE CHEROKEE SCOIT FUST KIDS Graduating ?ron .OOKIT WI'-UE srEBDiHS T (FELLERS* - HE HAD A \ I SHOE PART" M'enVlTEO HIS v? | PAHTS POWH* f- Z^.%* Y~l~ "-sa*ri? I I \ OARE TO WALK F 1 PCVIN BT THE. SCHOOL. I \ rtLET THE. FELLERS SEE \ j'tri W?LUE-l PEE tXWfiLEfv j [ PAgE^VOH ? ^ ______ 7 "7 ' INTERNATIONAL C. Additional Loc< Misses Estelle and Elizabeth Mau- ? iey of Kinsey were in town Tuesday s f this week- c J Mrs. C. K. Hoover left Thursday ^ or an ext nded visit to relative? in larion, N". C. ^ Prcf. and Mrs. I). \V. Kanoy and | ittle daughter left Wednesday for , Toy. X. C. h Mrs. L. I*. Kinsey left.' Wednes- .j lay for Kinsey where she will re- 't lain for two weeks before jroinjr to 'ineinnatti. ?| Mr. H. R. Crowthers of Wayni sville j rho has charge of the Vocational *J 'raining of Ex-Soldiers in Western *j Corth Carolina was here this week, 'j ] Miss Evelyn Lec of Wayn sville rac a visitor in town Wednesday of -j h?? week. '] Mr. J. H. Wardrop of Knoxville *j vha has the contract for hardsuracing the road front here to Mar- Ij ?le, was in town Saturday of last reck. -j i Mr. and Mrs. H It. Stewarr have a ken an apnrtnvnt with Mr. and Mrs \i ladley Dick.-v. Mr. Stewart ha- } nktn rg^yTva-'-; Stu.i . I Mr. Osborn Cope who nnd. 'Wi nr *j' n operation 'or npp >a-ii :i*is at Newiort, Tenn. two weeks age retu-ned {> Wednesday night. !$ X Theatre, Saturday, May 30? or." The picture with action. X Riders of the Plains." Admission *:] 5 and 30c. ;i; Miss Elizabeth Brit tain entertaind her bridge club Thursday night at $ ie Wiggle Inn in honor of Mis-* Isa- { 11 Ferguson of Waynesvillo. Three jhles played and Miss Mary Smith *j on high score. A delightful salad $ r.urse was served after the game. *? hose invited were Miss Isabel Feruson. Miss Eva Nell Mauney. Miss X X~X^->XK~xkkkkk-XK-:-X-X- X Attention Meat Eaters U Watch your kidneys. If you have X idney or bladder trouble, don't ^ ike chances with this scourge of the *j* uman race. Get a bottle of Hobo [idney and Bladder Remedy at once. X It's a pure herb balm that you can X ike with entire satisfactionfwdllub 3 ake with entire safet and surety. A ^ reatment of six bottles for . $6.00 X i guaranteed to give entire satisfac- X ion in the most serious 1** If your druggist does not have Hoo Kidney and Bladder Remedy, 3 i:te Hobo Medicine Company, Beau- 'X ion t, Texas. i ashville R. R. S'D TRIP If FARES be sold each Sunday, j X 5 cents, between all ;? fare is not more than | id Trip fare 75 cents.) i ? f sale. J JLT L. * N. TICKET ACENT X .f < T. MURPHY. N. C. i Kid Day! iw A* ?y- c > ?" Km yom st~c K^: trt "1 One New b- J C ^ \ *"j Jr *A ncrf.E* n fCMA ': il & Personal tannic Dixon, Miss Kathrvn Thor.'.pon. Miss Mary Smith. Mrs. Gil? s Cr.v-1 r of Andrews, Mr. James Fergus* a. Ir. Ed. StudstiS), Air. Roby C'onkv.; i . J. J. (Reason ar.d Mr. Chip Arbo-' as ol Andrews. Ir. J. H. Diilard will go to Rvys- : 'ity Sunday as one of a commission a install Rev. Albert E. Walla-.- who as recently been called by the con-1 WHY GOOD! PEDDL Every bus institution taxes to tl support ai roads and er ways. Al* are rep employ pt County. !\ to Iocs' ci ir.vestmerr mere. Yoi terests art ties are yc daily?are : Are you k helped to are suppoi iug to su{ mail order Think it o and who i ily. When help and 1 most bene CANDLER'S DEP By G. W. CANDL J. W. DAVIDSON W.B. DICKEY LOVINGOOD BR( J. G. GREENE K. C. MATTOX GRIFFITH'S, Inc. J. C. SLOCUMB C. B. HILL J. M. VAUGHN W. CHRISTOPHE L W. BRITTAIN This space donated by The Chei jrrepation of the Presbyterian Ii Chuich at Bryson City to be its pas I tor. Dr. R. P. Smith will rrt ach tLe I : 1 I V jkjj The Secret o | - Wc I J.1 OOOLEPGc Hi | raint ?::ves the ^(9, that is SO rr.i the v ..lis may re with soap and \va: irs ecrnomicni, > IES to apply. Color ca [|y] "Putting Bcuuf* arc yours for 3 BRiTTAIN & F^rJ 8?ijWers Hardware. E{y Murphj Valet Thi I AutoStrOp Sharj Razor COM | terpens /.'ff/Y 5UY your 3 FROM .ERS iness hou?e ir. Murphy is a , doing business in Murph le town of Murphy and h id maintain your public churches and the ccmmuni iresentative residents of Mr sople of Murphy and * 4any thousands of dollars s rculation annuaily by the ts represent thousands cl .ir welfare is their welfare. ! their interests. While th lurs?evinced by scores c your loyalties really thei eeping faith with the men ' build up your community ting it for you, when you iport house-to- house pedi houses? ver and see who is your b s worth more to you and 3 i you have done this, pis loyalties where you think fit you and your commun ARTMENT STORE G. D. LF.D| E. L. TOW R. S. PAR W. 15. TG.? * W. T. COO E. C. MOOF A. M. BR1 HENRY DC R WM. P. PA J- W. KING pkre -Scout. Fr c'.y. M.y 21. l^jt a M : - n. Rev. <; tr , ''he paftor ? Jiiiard will charge the conuree,,;^ f Beautiful ff !is I grade Flat Wall c('l sett, rich, velvety & j [ich desired, and (?. j quickly washed | :er when soiled. v?and very easy rd and booklet, in the Heme," (?;| the asking MAYFIELD M P*inU. Oili, e?c. N. C. Ij 11 JIMH 1 ?M| s Safoiy Rz.zor that \ pens Its Own Blades I ?LT f? Ot'TH.'S ^..^O S-. $5.00 5 it Ail Sic re*, hellins Ksum and BUde? I i ? r| ? bona fide J y, paving :e!ping tc schools, ty :n oth :rphy and rk-?i?VMWIUIVCC I 1 ire put inm. Their dollars Ycur ineir loyalif things rs? who have and who are halpdlers and est friend 'our fam- i ice your j PORD & CARRINGER 11 I>. ROWAN I I NSON {I ker : II pER A tl :E ' 1 TTAIN ifl ICKERY & SONS f I YNE ; I 11 ????? * ^