FRIDAY. JUNE 5. 1?2i Good Road# Boosters F Gather At Bry#on City And Discuss Plans (Continued from page 1) __ _ mi in on the toad. She said it was a days ol trip over trails into Asheville, it be- ai irp necessary to walk sonji of th?j D way. That now one couU*J ith ease fc drive over in an hour aTf* n half. O That it was possible to come over to Bryson in a little over five hours and m enjoy the scenery, from Burnsville. ol Mr>. A. M. Frye also welcomed the M guests to the Inn and said she felt A that it was good for all to fret togeth- w er and learn of the work of the other y? sections. Judge Underwood and P James Davidson, editor of the Cleve- fa land paper, made short talks as did ol Mayor Whittaker of Andrews, S. J. b< Busha. of Buford, Ga., Mr. Sij e, of in Murphy, O. J. Willoughhy, of the staff of the Atlanta Constitution, and ec others. A committee was named by th Mr. Marvel to select a state vice pres- I,i idi nt for the Association. Otis v Greer. "f Asheville was named as vice al president and Mr. Wythe M. Peyton ty as secretary. .in The visitors were guests of Frye- fi niont Inn, the Bryson City Chamber! cc of Commerce and the Civic League.]a A moat delicious dinner was served by, fa the local organizations. We hope 1 te that our guests wil return again and in enj< v the beauties of this section.? Ashtville Citizen. I p] in SUMMER COLDS r* lingering and annoyfng The very first night apply in VICKS. VapoRub i! 0^l7MiUUnJmnU~4Y**Ttr Small Still Captured 'v Saturday By Officers n 1? The fanallest illicit distillery out- w fit ever captured in the county was ti taken Saturday afternoon about c< 4:30 o'clock, by Chief D. M. Birch- S t it Id and Deputy J. A. Cearley on ?:< Marble Creek about < ne and a half hi miles north cf Regal. The outfit was of four gallon capacity, and had in been in operation sometime during P tht day. One barell, containing 30 tr p< 411 gallons of beer, was destroyed, w No arrests were made. M The c utfit is said to be the smallest i in ever captuied in the county, and was S complete in every detail. The "cap" hi was about the si7.e or a quart -upper. a< and it is estimated that only one ai quart of liquid moonshine could he made from one "run". hi SOUR STOMACH ? bad breath, coated tongue, belch- in ing. heudaehc, constipation - call for a good cleansing medicine for stomach and bowels. tv CHAMBERLAINS t* TABLETS De Nt disappoint or nauseata - 25c 111 Si For Sale By R. S. Parker, Druggist c( i Decoration Day | " At Birch Sunday J" Sunday, May ;iOth, was decoration day at Birch. All day exercises were enjoyed by a large crowd. The "graves wore literally covered with flowers. The program as carried out follows: ^ Fine singing by the choir. Welcome address by Thomas ? Payne." Services conducted by Rev. W. D. Hogsed and A. Green. Splendid talks were made by W. CI W. Barton, W. D. Housed, E. A-'w Voyles, Neal Reese. S. T. Mingus. J pi Then came the addres by Bqscomb 6, R. Carroll, who splendidly and nicely ( rc spoke for some time on the subjects N "Behold Thy Mother." His address'be was well delivered and warf worth! b? while for any on? to hear. We hope J f0 he will come back and speak to us:bj any time. if * ol OWL CREEK JC Mr. A. A. Fain preached at Ebenezer Church Sunday morning: to a large congregation. D The Owl Creek Singing Class visit- at ?d Ebeneezer on the 31st and rendered some good music. Mr. Henry Abernathy and Mr. Fred ArHndi chapped?\ iMENTHGLATvm 9 * Valet The ; AutoStrOp Sharp* Razor ? "Sharpmm* \ rogress of the Rockefeller Demonstration With the organization compl- ted id the workers actually in the field! Cherokee County, the State Board j ' Charities and Public Welfare can i tnounce that the "Four County) emonstration" is functioning in all i >ur counties, viz.. Wake. Chatham. | range and Cherokee. It will be recalled that it was al a eeting cf the Executive Committee f the Laura Spelman Rockefeller' lemorial held in New York City.' ugust 16. 1924, that resolutions \ ere passed appropiiating SI0.000 a ?ar for three years to the State 1 bard of Charities and Publ:c ?Velire. and a like amount to the School! Public Welfare, $60,000 in all. to j * used jointly in demonstrat'on work j four counties of the state. Apparently the work has proe-es> I solwly. but more has been done j inn appears on the surface. Miss ily E. Mitchell, supervisor of case-j ork for the demonstration, spent rout five months in the Wake Counoffice arranging office records and 'stalling a complete and workable ling system. She also supervised all tse-work, including the fieldwork of class in the School of Public Wei-1 ire atthe University during the win r quarter.Th;s class did field work Wake County. Mr. H. I). Fnrrell has been em-, loved as probation officer for boys i Wake County. Mr. Farrell has en doing part-time work, as he is king his degiee at the University lis year. After the commenseimnt i dune, he will he on full time. The work in wake County is under ie general direction ot Mrs. T. W. ickett, for the county. Litut. I.awience A. Oxley, irector Bhreau for Work Among egroes. is working under the tentorial fund. Lieutenant xlt y has been doing rather intensive ork in Wake County, but has found me to make several surveys of negro mditions in various sections of the tate which show his ability as a >rial worker. He fill not confine is. work to the "four counties." Miss Anne Ruth Medcalf. who is ig graduate work in the School of ublic Welfare, has been chosen temorarily as superintendent of public elfare for Cherokee County. Miss edcall has considerable* expeiience i rural mountain pjohlems. and the tate Bonrd is fortunate in securing er. Miss Mitchell is now in Chrrokee listing Miss Medcalf in planning nd starting the-work. The work in Orange anil -Chatham is not progMsnwl to the point of ^pointing a fulltinie superintendent, ir.- George II. Lawrence, who is dog some work in the School ot Public felfare, is doing welfare work in the vo i-ounties. It is cxj.-cted that fullme woik in these two counties will ?on begin by a cooperative agreelent between the Mate Board, the i-hool of Public Welfare, and the ninty officials. At the University tlic fund is mainained in the making and filing of lining an office secretary, who is 'cords. This of ice will be of much <e and benefit to the superintendlfs attondirig the summer institutes id to students in the School of Pubi' Welfare. A filing' clerk is ul<o upload ill the office ot the State Sard.?Puhli'e Welfare Progiess. NOTICE Murphy, N. C., "June 2, 1925 Notice is hctohy given that the herokee County Board of Education HI receive bids at its office in Murly, N. C., until 12 o'clock noon, July ,1925* on the copstruotion of two om frame school building in district o. one, Col., Murphy Township, ?ttcr known as Texanna. Bids will i recc ivpd. tpf the labor only, or r Jabor and material to be furnished f the contractor. Plans and specicatins on file in the County Board Education's office. The hoard reesrves the right to rect any and alf bids. a. l!'ma'rt;n(3-2t-be) "Secretary'of ' Board ockery of Hangingdog were visitors : Owl Creek Saturday. Hev. A. B. Smith of Marble preach1 an interesting sermon at Hanging >g the 30th. Come again Brother mitll. Fprmingfjs progressing nicely in1 i!? .-section of the county. The Owl Cseek Singing Class" is aining for the Singing Convention Marble the.^nd .Sn^da^r ,in Jupe. Among those from this place that sited Ebernezer iast Sunday were: r. W. R. Haas, Vincent Marcus, id Mr. and Mrs, V/. W] Palmer. Safety Razor that ins Its Own Blades ETC OUTFITS SI M J> SUO m S.E.. .1-i m.a~ y - SCOUT, ~ . ~ ~ , Super'or Court To Convene Here On The 15th Of June I The Superior Coutt of Cherokee ' County will convene here on June j 15th, for a two weeks session for ? the trial of civil cases only. Hon. T. B. Finlty will be the presiding judge. r The calendar follows: t Monday, June 15, 1925 77 Bank Hiawassee vs. Pewar. p. 115 Grant vs. Woodard. t 117 Pace vs. McAden. f 133 Railway vs. Hayes. 135 Brown vs. Express Co. | <: 13'J King vs. Southern Railway. 1 c 140 Grant vs. Hoblitzell et als. t 141 Gentry vs. Gentry et als. Tuesday, June 16, 1925 r 111 Anuerson vs. Ctnter & Aber- p nathy. 40 Ashe vs. Parsons Pulp Co. '< 147 Carrir.ger vs. Tucker & Laxtor.. , k ?4S Heaton vs. Coal & Iron Co. 150 Barnett vs. Federal Construe-1 tion Co. Wednesday. June 17, 1925 (' 1151 Rich vs. Andrews Mfg. Co. U ! l " / IJ. fit- .. ; ! ? > vuuni vp. r.iiiiHi. i 1 -T.? Bs^r.k vs. Ramsey et als. i 158 Johnson vs. Sternbi rg. e 1166 Hyde vs. Tucker & Laxton. I 167 Green vs. Johnson. .? Thursday, June 18, 1925 1 1168 Freeman vs. Freeman. 171 Evans vs. Federal Construction Company. > 178 Turner vs. Andrews Mfg. Co. 179 Rose vs. Burger, Admr. 185 Davis vs. Moore. Friday. June 19. 1925 186 Cox Hat Co. vs. Heaton & Studstill. ! ST Abernathy vs. Bank of Murphy. Saturday, June 20, 1925 1 DIVORCES? 99 Shelton vs. Shelton. I 142 Woody vs. Woody. 161 Perry vs. Ferry. > 169 Hood vs. Hood. ' 175 Dalton vs. Dalton. 1 Monday, June 22, 1925 177- Earwood. Admr. vs. Southern Railway. 124 Southern Railway vs. Cherokee County. 191 Spinks vs. Ludlow Engineers. < Tuesday, June 23, 1925 193 Mason vs. Town of Andrews. MOTIONS. 45 Bryson vs. Bryson. 19 Martin vs. Brnnnon. 50 Payne vs. Brannon. 1 62 Wofford-Terrell Co. vs. l\?rscy Lumber Company, j 1-34 Cover vs. Tabor. , 136 Andrews Mfg. Co. vs. Southren J Ry. Co. * 181 Rogers vs. Rogers. 1184 Davidson vs. Bryson. 1S8 Alba Mineral Co. vs. Fred Stiles j 189 Mauney vs. Stiles.' POSTELL 1 6n May the 30. 1925 the death., angel entered the home of Mr. and , Mrs. C. J. Brown and took from them , their little son Harold. We extend to the Bereathed Father and Mother our h- art filt sympathy. Mrs. Filar Hogscd'is very ill at this writ ting. Wesley, the little son of Mr. and ' Mvs. Andrew Thompson Ls on the sk-k | list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Per. Burger from j 1 Pucktown visited Mrs. Burgers Parent | ; Mr. and Mrs. Luni Hogsed Sunday. Mrs. Emily A da nut and childien i ! from Castonia arc visiting her parents j Mr. and Mrs. Lum Stiles at Posted. i Mr. and Mrs. Marshal! llamby 11 visited Mr. and Mrs. To n Allen Sunday afternoon. MEr- ma Jones is spending n few days with Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Young. Mrs. Emma Quinn visited her Sister. Mrs. Ella Hogsed Sunday. -*?i?? Swtjsor an I c*I!t:r?-!? r.ra very .-uK .*tt this writi'T. Mr. E.'J. Taylor from Ducktown wa? | a visitor on ??honl Creek Sunday. Mrs. (.aura Stiles and Daughter Miss Mae from Suit spent Saturday night wilh Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Stiles. A large number of folks frojn Shoal Creek attended the picnic at Famer, TJenn. Saturday. Mrs. Mary L Hughs spent Sunday with her-daughter. Mrs. G. M. Young. Little Bobbie Allen Peeples returned to her home at Ducktown, Tenn. last week after a two weeks visit with her grandparents. Mi. and Mrs. S. Y. ? Allen at Postell. 1 Mr. Felix Hill made a business trip < to Murphy Monday. Dr. G. M. Young made a burines? trip to Murphy 'Monday. s MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA "Happy As Can Be" | "I can wcrk as well as ever, and am J s hat ry as can be, for my life ha* een piven back to me." writes J. R. Jryant who says he went to special- , sts who t-Id h'm he had Brisht = hsease and they could do r.othinjr or htm. He took eiyht bottles ef Hobo Kid :ey and Bladder Remedy and is en-! irely satisfied. "Hobo" is a powerful vivifying! aim? made fre>m an herb that eon-1 ains no alt t hoi. no oiatz-s, no habit I brining d: ugs. For -ale I - all druggists. Price} '.1.20 pe r bottle, cr a full tr-atme*v : f six bottles for ?6.00. This lull re&tment is recommended and guarinteeu to ?'ve entire satisfaction ?r, none-v refunded. iobo Medicine Cc., Beaumont, Texas. 5. S. Convention Met At Liberty Church The Shraj Creek Townsh'p Sur-1 lay Schoi 1 c: r.vtntion met Saturday j tnd Sunday. May 30th and 31st, a' j he Liberty Church in one of the m?- } nstructi\e and successful sessions ' >ver held by the convention. The convention in r.neninf s - ion Saturday morning and Mr. J. M. | /ernor was apointed Chairman and' dr. I. M. West, secretary. The following program was carried ut: S< r.g by the choir. Prayer by W. B. Ledford. Addr* ss by w. M. West. Song. Interesting talk by W. B. I^edford. Song, and adjourned for dinner. Afternoon session called to order ty chairman. Short taik by Rev. George Kil>atrick. R. A. Coleman. C. I.. I.edf <rd. Ken. lan Sh? arer and D. C. Righam were ippoirted as a committee to arrange fcr next convention. Sunday session opened with song. Prayer by .1. W. Jones. Welcome address by Fred Hill. Opening address by J. T. Payne. After sen, special exercises rendered by Mt. Vernon Sun-lay School. Short talk by O. I.. Torrence. Address by W. M. West. Address by Rev. A. J. Piincc. Adj? urncd lor dinner, formerly Associate Kditor oi The and prayer by Rev. George Kilpatrick. | Committee report* d next conven-1 Lion to be held with Mt. Vernon 1 Church on the 30th and 31st of August, next. Special * xercises by Liberty SunJay School. Song. Address by Rev. Ciorge Kilpatrick in Sunday School lesson. The attendance at the sessions duting both days was exceedingly good. 1 here were t ight Sunday schools representee!; four superintendents present; three pastors and eleven teachers, besides a large number of other Sunduy school workers. X-RAY FILM BY WIRE SENT IN 7 MINUTES New Feat of'Science Suggests Great Boon to Surgical Patients in Small Comnwnities. Surgical and medical men see wonderful possibilities in the successful transmission by wire of an X-ray negative. which has just been accomplished between New York and Chicago. The X-ray dim, showing in detail the j bone structure of a human hand, was sent by wire in just seven minutes, and when developed at the Chicago offices of the Victor X-ray Corporation it was a perfect reproduction of the original. The great benefit to medical practice which this achievement foreshadows is the possibility of^bringing the services of an X-ray specialist to a patient la a far-distant small town or village where snch a specialist could not usually be found. By means of the Coolldge portable X-ray, brought out a few years ago by Dr. W. D. Coolldge, of the General Electric Company's research laboratory. an X-ray picture could be taken at the bedside of the patient. This could then he sent by wire from the nearest sending station to a receiving station in a large city and then shown to an X-ray specialist who could make a diagnosis and wire back IDnimciwui JUI UWUUCUI. Such a great saving of'time as this In securingi expert adrioe would undoubtedly pre rent many patients from becoming permanent cripples. Sending station* ai cyiiyeiiwai points all over the country will be necessary. Theee. it Is predicted, will be established within' a few years. ^ ? Mr. John Cole has now about all >f his saw mill moved to Mrs. Mat Withrow's place where he is to saw ter timber. He hopes to be sawing in t few days. Everybody present at the singing at dr. W. A. Burgress' Sautrday night eemed to enjoyit. EEACHT1EE jfi Mr. an:! Mrs. Mo!t*.n Young and j | fa v. ! cf Coprerkil' ^pent last week-1 v trd with the iaiter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Con ley. Mr. N. W. Aberr.athy. of Marble visited relatives here Sunday. ii: :o fry en City Monday where h ha- 3 a position. Miss Sudderth, of Ath- ? -. t Terr::.. l< v'.-itlng relat.vt> he-e t! i -vc.;,. 1 M-ss Clr.ra McCombs returned h-?mf* c last week from Etowah, Tenn.. where ] she has been teaching. Misses Mae, Meb aril Julia Fud- , derth visited relatives and frit nds in i Andrews last week. \ Bo:n to Mr. and Mrs. George Marine v. M:iv >> fin? Vw.%* V Mr. Wayne Carrinptr returned t h ?mc last week from Knoxville where i he has been attending school. . > -? | Mrs. Henry Sudderth is visiting: her father. Mr. I>. S. Puett. at Mai 1?1 i th:s week. ] Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson and family, of Copperhill, Tenn., spent j last week-end here. 1 j Mr. Willard Sudderth spent last : week-end with his parents. He re-' turned to Bjryson City Monday. i Miss Margerie Etheiidge returned i home from Robbinsville, where shc't Qlildren AH >T 1 H- 1 ? 1 Flet her': Cast >r Castor OH, Parc-or^, Tccrryng prepared to relieve Infants in a Cons tipat ion Flatulency ' Diarrhea 9 Aids in thcassimilatian of Food, pr Natural Sleep witlio To avoid imitations, always look for the Proven directions on cacti package, p H 5 When You V Your ] J3| OELECT its new pain fl ^ lasting good look House Paint has just th H want. And because it H Southern Climate, it I - dttssij up for a remarl ' CaTl by and gc Card and Pi W BRITTAIN & 1 B BeiMere Hardware, P I Murphy,: ' PAGE FIVE ?.? attending school. Messrs. Clarence Hendrix and Glen Mpes left Saturday for Boone. N. C., k-here they erttreo summer school. WOLF CREEK Th*1 weather here remains e xce.dngly dry. Mr. Claud Cloer was the pext of diss Estelle Hodge rs Sundav. Mr. August Davis bought a Maxwell ar from Mr. J. W. Hancock last week Mr. W. L. Garrcn motored to Mur>hy, one day last week where he justified as -Justice of the Peace for lot House Township. Mr. N. A. Carter, one among the ddest citizens in odr section, has been n very poor health for the last few weeks. Mrs. Sarah Garrcn gave a birthday linner at ho- home Sunday. There vere - v -tal quests pr? sent o enjoy the sumptous dinner and the nusic. b?th vocal and instrumental, vhieh followed. Mr. Joe llenson is planning on moving soon acrss the mountain to the potato creek section. The work on the highway is progressing nicely and a line grade is >eing made across the mountain. Mr. .T. M Harren made a business rip to Murphy last week. Th( re as still many eases ol whoopng cough in our section. Some of i ur farmers are still bailing Lime from Copperhill, for agriculural purposes. l ia is a harmless Substitute for ' Drops and Soothing Syrups, .rms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels omoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and ut Opiates ^ ' 'J signature of ? hysicians everywhere recommend iC Home t with a thought about s. Cooledgc Hygrade M e handsome colors you jjgj is mixed especially for ??6 will keep your home M kably long rime. Kg tafneColar H lint Booklet WAYFIELD K .u=. |m iaii A I :.

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