f IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT > ITS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT Hie Official Organ of ' 0Lt'" XXXVI. Xo. 14. * lioT Engineer Pri I Recomrm I T ake Inly one state could accept, i says report cp'.r-d Tennessee Connection SkortAr. i Most Es?!>9?tee! Is I liji-e'ing and Maintcnnancc, He Says \ Mr. - - S. Ruwell. ?c:r t:\ry i-f th i ere 1; - . u::i. 11^zed C : :sv.i--ion, Jh5< week in leceijvt of a 1 iter >tr. M . .1. G. Stikekather. S*;?te ghway Commissioner for this di.s-. et, in which he encloses a report St.:"- Locating Engineer Chas. Pritchett, relative to hi.-* survey and dings of the proposed connection th Tennessee in Cherokee. Mr.1 Lei eat her's letter and Engineer itchctt's report follow: Asheville, June 10, 102.". . D. S. Russell, Andrews. N. C. ir Sir: i air. enclosing, herewith, cony of .] tort made by Mr. Chas. M. Pritch, 1 .rive to the various routes m Murphy to the Tennessee line. 1 sirc-.i you last night stating that J . Pritchett's recommendations j re- for the Hot House Route. 1 do ; know wither you gentlemen fc to take this ns final or not, bej ise in the meantime I have taken with Tennessee the questk n of ir preference and I have a feeling t we ought to co-operate with the : jhwav Department of Tennessee, n Mr. Pritchett's report as you 2 I observe in his P. S. you will note people of Copper Hill have guarBee! a connection at Jellico Gap Bh the Tennessee Highway Sys- j ThtS 5* 5?* trti? nf pithnr of ^oth r two routes. Mr. Fritchmijrht be in eiror about this, beise while they havi not irade cithth. two roads a part of their sys> it is easily possible thev csn do I- I shall be very glad to come iMurphy a? some <arly date that or.venbnt ant' ? cr :** \:\ i fully; h? wever. Mr. Pritchett** art seems to prt elude th possibilof very much argument?that is, hi* findings are correct and I W it to be a fact that he not only * this his personal attention, but gated one of his men to get up nil and complete report, realize that it is necessary for gentlemen to know about this in early date, if you can wait until hear from Tennessee please do as I feel that we owe thrm this ftssy. If you should give this ret of Mr. Pritchett's to the press 11 do net object to this I wish you aid state that I have asked the We?see people for their reconiI Lj?. Iuanon m the matter i>ut so lar ' not received it and it is my deto co-operate with thenv In r words should the road selected Mr. Pritchett he adverse to the nc^&ee people then the mattefr W at least require further conration. I should be glad to hear n you in reference to this matIith best wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, J. G. STIKELEATHER. Commissioner. Pyjt-L.l.'. Asheville, June 9, 1925. J. G. Stikeleather: t compliance wtth your request to 1 Barrend a Highway route berokee County from Murphy to Tennessee line, I submit the folag report. I made an inspection be three possible routes on May and 22nd. eaverdam Route?The Beaverroute" will be approximately nyles long, 12 miles of this (Coatinned oa page 6) J Murph> *nd Cherokee HOUi tchett ;nds State Lower Route B.'G CELEBRATION IN UNION COUNTY JULY FOURTH Cher.-kee County And Thi* S ction ask<*d to join in celebration of President Charles \Y. Whit-, and Secr(U?'y Bunnell K. Stunt <?f the Naeoochi":--Hia\va*>ee Uuad and R-. creation Association are fast whipping into shape plans for the big barbecue and Fourth of July celebration to In held in North Georgia on I July 3 and 1. White. Lunn kin. Hall Towns, Clay. Union, Fartin, Gilmer, and Fulton Counties are in the As-] sociation and this year Cherokee is being invited to participate in the delibi rations of this Association and enjoy with her Georgia n ighbor? and friends the big1 barbecue and Independence Day celebration on July 4th. The Nacoochee-Hiawassee Road and Recreation Association was organized several yiars ago to forward the building of roads through the Southern Appalachian Mountains in North Georgia and Southwestern North Caiolina. Several of the ] pjrojeyw lathen d by this Association have been completed during the past few years. The meeting this year will be held at the foot of the mountain just beyond Blairsville, at Neel Gap, and in the nature of a celebration of the completion of the highway frcm Bellview, N. C. through North Georgia to Gainsville and Atlanta. The Association will hold its regular business meeting in Cleveland on July 3rd and then come in a body to the Blairsville territory! for the July 4th celc bration. Cherokee County is being asked to i 1, ?u:? a ? ?u:~ i year. The work of the Association' means much to this section as it1 has been instrumental in opening up several roads leading into this ri y. C nsiqrentl-. hi", iness interests of Murphy and Cher I.e. County should bo vitally Interested in the work of this Association. It is expected that more than 10 000 people will be present for the barbecue and celebration on July 1th. For the purpose of making the barbecue free a fund of $2,000 is being raised to provide the various meats and other necessities to make the barbecue a success. Mayor W. M. Fain of Murphy has been design-, ated as County Chairman for Cherokee County and has been asked to raise the county's allotment of 200 to help defray the expenses of the barbecue and other free entertainmnt. i Charles W. White of Helen, Ga. is President of the Association. Messrs | O. L. Anderson of Hayesville, J. A.1 Sharp of Young Harris, Gr., and A. J. Nitzschke of Blue Ridge are the Vice Presidents; W. Cb Sparks of Hiawassee, Georgia, is Treasurer i and B. H. Stone of Blairsville, Ga. is the Secretary. It is the consensus of opinion of the officers of the civic organizations in Mur~u" that Murphy and Cherokee County should leave off any independence Day celebration this year and join hands with their friends in North Georgia on that day. The northen part of Georgia and southern part of North Carolina are bound together by many common tiw. not the least of which is the mutual business interests of the two sections and the road systems, which are just now being completed, will do much more toward building these sections together. Chairman W. M. Fain for Chero-! kee county is inviting and urging al! civic minded citizens of the county to rally to his support and help ra'se the county's quota, to provide free \. <0)erc County, and the Leai MURPHY. NORTH CAROLIN r V jii (Ccrv-igH.W S C.) Singing Convention E At Marble Springs Sunday June 14tb The Cherokee County Singing Con- w vention will meet with the Marble Springs Baptist Church r.ext Sunday, which is June 14th. according to recent announcement by Mr. E. L. Bilktrd. secrotnrv-trensurer nf th<? n county association. This will be the v> 28th annual convention, and quite a G number of classes have manifested n: their intention of entering the eon- u test for the tanner, which ia a,featttte_J of the convention. The Yellow Hill b( Indian choir has promised to he cthere and sing for the convention, and S1 George W. Sebren, of Asheville, s? publisher of the sonc hook. "Win- tl ning Praise." which will be used for n> convention singing, is also expected ci, to be present end to:. .? pr.rt in the ?' ringing. n In making this announcement Mr. w Ballard stated that all classes and C singers of Cherokee County are re- fi quested to bring lunch with them and ei George W. Seb! en's 1925 song book, V "Winning Praise," for convention e singing. The contest for the banner E will take place in the afternoon. Dinner" will be served en the grounds at w the noon hour. j tr "All classes of the county are ur-J16 ged to be present," said the announce-j G ment. "and classes and singers of ad- w joining counties, although they can- w not participate in the contest, are cordially invited to mc et and sing with . s< us on that day. I A Mr. A. C. Richmond returned or jt Jrhr.P?/tor frnni a frin t r. PUiloJol.' phia and New York where he had been on business. | g, Mr. C. B. Mayfield of Albany. Ga... is visiting relatives here this week. te , k Mr. M. W. Bell returned Thurs- 's day night from a visit to relatives on(ai the Pacific Coast. 1 m entertainment for those who will th praticipate in the celebration and then he requests that the people turn at out in a body and join in the celebra- H tion at Neel Gap on July 4th. Many N< prominent speakers will be present, m An attempt is being made to have Pi the Governors of Both North Caro- fa lina and Georgia, Officials of the th U. S. office of public Roads and of ov the North Carolina and Georgia State te Highway Commissions. J tr A few volunteers have already th come forward and tendered their a contributions and all others who are interested are asked to write or see ho Mr. Fa!n at once. in ! BUM ifept H 1 ing Newspaper in tl A FR11AY. TtNE 12. 1'.'2" The June Bride gag-*"-;"' ITS AU KI6I _ """r OFFICER? HUl- ?jF ^'^RT ^ k w6$m$>?i -I ;|| JOARD NAMED FOR CULLOWHEE BY GOVERNOR Giles Coveri Andrews, and Dr. J. N. Hill, Murphy, Among Those Named CULLOWHEK?-The new hoard of ustees for th Cullowhee State or ma I School recently appinted l>y lovernor McLean, met the other day ad organized and transacted an un-' sual amount of business for a new j>ard. The members had been call-j d tcg'.ther by Governor McLean jecifically to hear the renort of j >me special engineers appointed byi :e Governor to make a study of the eeds of the institution, and espejally to study the heating system. v* 7 which tl:?re has been considerble controversy. The engineers ho made the investigation were E.' . Wiley, of Lynchburg, Va., of thej rm of Wiley & Wilson, consulting j ngineers, and Professor L. L. j aughan, of the State College, Ral-! igh. They were accompanied by , . B. Boynton, of Lynchburg. Rep- \ senting Attorney General Brummitj ho had recently ruled that a conact for completing the heating sysm, held by B. McKenzie, of reensboro, was invalid. J. H. Har-! ood, assistant Attorney- General, as on hand to explain the decision r his chief and to render any other >rvice desired by the new board, ppearing before the board in beilf of the McKenzie contract were idge J. S. Manning, former Attor-1 y General, H. A. Underwood, enneer, Raleigh, and Walter Moore, irlva, recent chairman of the board trustees. The new board of truscs was of the opinion that the Meenzie contract was invalid, and it understood that plans will be in-' igurated at once looking toward >r.;plctir.g the hcatuig o^slcm and, aking other improvements, as au-. orized by the recent legislature. j Amongf other matters of buisness tended to were the re-election of; . T. Hunter as president of the ormal, the election of certain other ' embtts of the faculty, empowering resident Hunter to complete the tculty for 1925-26, provision for| e settlement of all controversies er rights-of-way for the water sys-! m, for taking over the hydro-elec-. ic plant, for the improvement of. e grounds, securing the services of i school physician, etc. Two of the appointees of the new iard were not present at this meetg, Messrs. Reuben Robertson, of i ?cout lis Section of Western ) d k^X ; ' mm le= '^<3 J Meeting Called In Interest Of County Fair For Friday About six hundred letters were mailed out this week t.i farmers and! business men of the county, caliinp, a meeting: for Friday, June 12th. for the purpose of discussing plans for the county fair this fall. It is hoped that the fair association will rece ive , every oneouragt ment for a good county fair is of untol-.l benefit to uny county. The ietter requested; that all those interested in having a county fair this fall meet at the court house at or?e o'clock for the purpose of discussing plans. It, :s hoped that a goodly number of representative citizens ,f th ' county will respond to the call. The text of the letter follows: Murphy, N, C., June 9, 1925 Dear Friend: After a conference with County Agent R. W. Gray and some of the leading men of the county we feel that we should call a meeting of the farmers and business men of the county to discuss ways and moans for holding our county fair this fall. This meeting will lie held in the county courthouse at Murphy on Friday, June 12th at one o'clock. I Please talk this over with your neighbor and bring him and come to t thus meeting. Yours for a successful fair, B. W. SIPE Secretary Cherokee County Fair Association. Canton, and W. (>. Dickerson, of. Rutherfordton. Those present were Mrs. Giles Cover, of Andrews. Mrs. J. W. Pless Sr.. of Marion, and Messrs. J. G. K. McClure, Fairview; H.. T. Shipnvan. Brevard; Alex Moore, Franklin; J. E. C.-burn. Ery~>? City; and Dr. J. N. Hill. Murphy. Mrs.; Cover was elected temporary' chairman while Reuben Robertson, who was not present, was made perman nent chairman. The oath of office was administered by John D. Norton, Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County. 100 In Attendance Sought Bv Men's Class Of Baptist Church The Men's Class of the Baptist 1 Sunday School is putting on an in- ' tensive campaign to have 100 men ! in actual attendance by Sunday July '1 i - ... ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE VOL R IC H * * North Carolina 5c COPY?$1.50 PER YEAB DEED | WELFARE WORKER RENDERS REPORT MONTH OF MAY H. K.ng Appointed To Succeed Chairman Martin of County C ?nrrissicncrs # O Ju i 1-'., t : Chi rokoe County L . : 1 i. WelI i . nthlj meet: . it: the- office . . t. r.ty v. lfare - i: t . urt house. A . . the is ; -r^ant matters trans. \va> ti. a. ' r.t < ' Mr. R. j H - > _ ;.> a n -r > : the Board w succeed Mr. \V. J. alnriiii, xorm] v < . mar < ? the hoard, and : v.* r.t- ' f th_- county comf * r . According t the N- * . Carolina law. that one person < an< : k t\\ pu . offices at the ^air.v time. Mr. Martin's place on tl.i Welfare Board was vacated aut-.maticaily when" he accepted the . ffice of County Cimnvissjoners. Howm r he has l n-n serving on the welfare hoard until his successor could i?e appointed. Mr. King received notice of his ay; ointment from the .State Departnr. nt < :' Charities and Public Welfare at liuh iirh last week. lie attended the- regular monthly meeting if the Cherokee County board on June 1st and assumed the duties of full membership. The members of the board now ate: Mrs. W. B. Johnson, of Murphy Route 2; Mrs. G. B. Walker, of Andrews, and Mr. R. H. King. Besides a discussion ot several problem cases, which hart' come before the department during the month of May, the statistical report cf the department wos submitted to the hoard. It follows; Juvenile Court: Casts remaining from lust month, i> white boys, 3 white girls, 1 coloted boy. making a total of 1) cases. New Cases reported this month, 5 white boys, 1 white girl, making a total of 6 cases. Cases handled by court (official) 11 wKitr boy, 2. -Wb'*" jjirb. total ft. Cases handled by welfare officer, (unofficial), 5 white boys, total 5. Poor fund cases: Reported and invt^ligatcd. 3; placed on poor fund list, 0; Cases carried to county home, 1. Miscellaneous: Conferences with bomd members, 1; conferences with Juvenile Court1 judge, 7; conferences general, 67; meetings with board, 1; general meetings, 14; investigations for mothers' aid, 1; investigations for family welfare, 3; inspection of county home, 1; inspection of facotry, 1: persons advised and assisted (not otherwise reported) 2; homo visits made, 30; office calls received, 17; letters mailed, 45; phone calls, 8; telegrams sent, 5; miles traveler, 600; official trip out side county, 1; investigations for out side* agencies, 2; number of new cases reported during month, 16. tcugned) ANAti KUTH MEDCALF, Superintendent. Street Through City To Open Next Week Perhaps the greatest bit of news to both the business and residential sections of the city is in the announce ment by road engineers and contractors that the portion of State Highway Route No. 10, leading through the city anu uuL liiiough Fast Murphy, which has been under blockade for the past several weeks on account of the concrete surface being placed, will be opened for traffic the first of next week. It is understood that the contractor will begin removing the soil covering from the concrete the latter part of this week and preparing it for traffic. 12th. The class has been organized on the army style, with one colonel and a number of majors and captains, Mr. C. M. Wofford was elected Colonel, and the Majors are as follows: Fred Christopher, T. J. Gilbert, Spurge Christopher, Fred Moore, and G. H. Cop*.

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