IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT ITS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW. IT The Official Organ of A _ \ J/IME IXXV1. '>.'40. FIREWORKS AT I MURPHY ON JULY THE FOURTH Murphy Expected To Be Hoit To Members Of Georgia Legists- I ture On the Occasion A telephone message from Mr. B. H. St'-ne, secretary of the Kacoochec-j H.jv.assce Road and Recreation As-! sociation, to Mayor Fain the other day stated that Murphy was expected on ^ the evening of the Fourth to enter-' tain those members of the Georgia Legislature who would he in attendance upon the hig cerebration at N el Gap, Gn.. and it is expected that m st of the Georgia solons will find ' it difficult to refuse to be participants in the barbecued festivities that are being offered down in Union County of our sist:r state. It is understood that the entire Getfrgia Legislature has been invited and that the Atlanta Automobile Association has tendered transportation f r them free of charge, and the sweet aroma of barbecued veal and mutton, and bountiful spread of fried chicken, j cake* and pi s, together with other! appetizing delicacies, will likely be irore than any lavr-makt r or lawbr uker can withstand. On the night of the Fourth, a fire-. works display on the Fair Ground?! in Murphy will mark the cn1 _f one of the greatest celebrations which this section has witnessed in q.'it ' r awhile, when several hundred dollar? | of fireworks will be shot. The com- j mittee has been busy this w. ik ra's-j ing funds for the purchase of the fireworks, and it is understood that ^ they have been mat with a h arty re- ^ sp<-n?e by all the citizens of the town, and section. j * Mr. W. D. Townson ard Mr. E. P. 5i Hawkins are the committee in charge of shooting the fireworks, and it is 03 understood that several extra police- f men will be on duty that night to help a: handle tiaffic and otherwise perform 1 tl the duties of a policeman. It is expected that one of the larg. j.; est crowds ever asembled in Murphy p] will be here for the display of fir.- in works, and efforts are being put forth hi to make the display one t.f the most! magnificent demonstrations ever wit- tl nessed in this section. is Board Health Passes F Rules Governing Dogs The County Board of Health met at the office cf Dr. J. X. Hill on j C Thursday and -tuupUu measures look-: re im? tnwnrH thr> rnnfinircr nt nil Hacn ' within the county until on and after I ti January 1st, 1926. The meeting waslw held and the order passed calling at-1 m teation to the state law in the case as; el a result c.f a dog supposedly afflicted . y< with rallies, and which passed through' to this section the other day, biting Miss i at Addie Lcalhrrwood, of this city, and ; several dogs of the community. The I C dog was finally killed and its head j A sent to Raleigh for inspection and ex. I M ami nation for rabies. j H The order passed requires that all. el dogs be confined, according to state' at statute, and owners failing to com-ln? ply with same will be guilty of aj misdemeanor punishable by fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprison j moot not exceeding thirty days, the, restraining order explains. It is j signed by T. W. Axley, chairman;! anil A. L. Martin, secretary, of the! Hoard of Health. ai ol Colored Folks Plan To w Celebrate July Fourth J" ? w A Fourth of July celebration that'^ promises to eclipse anything:, of its a] kind ever held in this section is plan- jr ntd by< the colored people to be held w at Texana on the coining: Fourth. A sumptuous barbecue is scheduled tj. for the day, besi-jes a number of if| speakers and other features. The p Hayesville colored choir is expected w to be present, anil the committee ; oi in charge has announced that! Rev. ji2 E. G. Clary, pastor of the Murphy g; Presbyterian ^fyurch ant} Attorney ( gt John H. Dillai 1' have been invited to' ei make addresses on the occasion. ft. The colored people of this entirety section are invited to nice with the I people of Ttxana on tiiit day, .says J ^ *bd committee. Th _ cent ,iitt<>e uld like to go from Asheville 1 rough your town, provided the ; ads will pe:zuit. ( y sell ar.d family art> natives of i ecrgia, and more than twenty i ars ago, I drove a horse and buggy ( er the griater portion of the 1 >rthern part of the State, and would ?, ;e to go througr. some ox the same i ction again. t Will you kindly tell me what I ; ?y expect in the way of roads;t un Ashi vilie to your town and 11 :m there into Atlanta, with the'i pioximate distances. |. 1'hanking you sincerely for your ndntss in the matter, I am. r Very truly yours W. B. KING I ension Checks Are Being Given OutJ. According to announcement the v her day by Clerk cf Superior Court r E. Davis, the checks of the Con-! derate pensioners or their widows,' j ive been received and a number,, ve already been calied for. Mr.! ivis states that those who were on \ e pension list should call i nperson possible or send a representative to J 5 office in the court house and rc-J ive checks. He states that about ie hundrad checks in all have been j reived, most of which have already i en called for. j. : , Mr. Zed McClare is teaching a sing-, g school at Marble. Mr. Fred Green of Atlanla is, tending several weeks with home' Iks. ? I I ikeeis> I Newspaper in this S'A FSIDAY.^UNE 2 1 ' IV Of 4*j i_ \ i' " \rf; ifl^ M. E. Bible Students Meet At Junaluska The seventh annual me- ting of the Western North Carolina Conference Wesley Bible Class Fediration to be h:!d at Lake Junuuska July 13, 14, 15 promises the, jest line of discussions and the argest attendance in th_. history >i the Federation, according to O. V. Woosley, superintendent of Sunday School Work in th.' Western North Carclina Conference. Th? ;nitial session of the Fedeiation will ?e held in the large auditorium at Lake Junaluska Monday evening, Inly 13. The leading speavcrs for ;his session will be Dr. Thomas CarClyde R. Hoey, president of the Federation. In addition to the regular Conference officers, the work is headed up ,n each presiding elders' district by. directors, and Mr. J. M. Boone, of ' \ndtews, is director for the Waynes- ^ rille District. j ] Local Masonic Lodge 1 Installs Officers ! ' > Tbe Chero'i-e ^ i ;-U?. A. F. & A. 3d. installed new officers it a meeting Wednesday night for the. ;n.-t::ng M..*:yc ?r I ho * fficers | nstalled Wednesday night were electid at a special meeting of the lodge 1 in June 19, which meeting was large v attended. All new members were \ r ilecttd with the exception of the sec- jC ctaty, Mr. W. S. Green, who was re-;a dieted to succeed himself for th? 1 28th consecutive time. This means j hat Mr. Green has boon secretary ?'fi he local lodge for the past 28 years, luring which time he has served sue-, 1 rejsfully^and well. The officers installed Wednesday j ' light were as follows: Lawrence Hall, Worshipful Master; x 5. R. Beal, Senior Warden; J. W. jc \xley. Junior Warden; Jack Roheit-. ^ senior Deacon; Ben Gartrell, Junior beacon; Pcrter Axley, Treasurer; W.. N 5. Grean, Secretary; A. J. Burns and s lohn McClure, Stawards; T. L. a Sasser, Chaplin; and T. J. Gilbert,;1 Tyler. { Tiig local Masonic lodge i- some- * ;hing like one hundred strong, and," :he outlook is said to he- splendid for: ^ i good. Masonic year. Baptist Bible Class Workers Are Busy i > The Mens Bible Class of the Bap-j. tist Sunday School has a large list of workers in the field inviting the 11 men of Baptist preference to come to Sunday schcol Sunday. Ln-t; Sunday the class set as goal "551 present for that day, end the J goal was surpassed by one. An | effort is being made this week to tout " Section of Western 5REVARD POINTS ' C THE WAY Brevard a little town of twenty-1 iv hundred people, the capital of q rransylvania County, is setting an exniple which might well be emulated iy every town in Western North Car lina, large and small. Through its Chamber of Commerce?one of the; | ;;ost active of such organizations in * his section?Brevard has under- * aker. to provide tor its summer r' :ourist3 ample faciiities for health- ^ ful, enjoyable recreation, while at :he same time the commercial or- L >? ???o juiiiuuiicu uie u?wii i ' minorities to issue bonds for paving feme six miles of streets. and t:? in- p rtall in th- business section of the . own a modern ornamental white way system. c Realizing that, without facilities c for recreation, summer tou lists n .vould soon tire of even th.. superb 0 scenery and climate with which ^ Brevard is blessed, the Chamber of c Commerce Directors appointed a f Sports Council, and appropriated a c sum of money, which with a like sum appropriated by the Town of j Brevard, has been used to lease and ? rquip a large city block right in the j, ri'sirt tf tiu town as a public retreat-j ion ground. Here th;- Chamber of j, Zonnnerce ar.d thL. town, acting joint-; t y, are now completing a number of p :ennis courts; horseshoe pitching, ? 'oursi s. are being laid out; several j ablcs on which are painted checker j j roards are being installed; croquet md roque equipment is to be installd and benches placed about under jg he trees. Just a block away is ai jreen meadow in which an archery |n ourse is placed, together with an [ tj adequate equipment of bows and n irrows, and all for the use and on- tj oyment of the visitors. .lV Co-operating with local liverymen, 0 he Council has caused to be made arge maps of the territory surround- f ng the town, and on these maps are f narked a number of lovely trails and p >ridle paths for horseback riding. c 'artus are Being organized among; q he summer visitors for horseback ides under the direction cf com>etent guides to various points of p nterest nearby. Bievard has gone even further. The Sports Council of the Chambei jj >f Commerce there has arranged, ind will stage during the season, !rom June 2G to September 5, no ^ ess than ten tournament rvonts. in-1 luding contests in every form of >utdoor sports from tennis to check*rs. Not a week will go by in Brevard this summer, front June j !G to September 5, without some cind of tournament, or contest of skill, in which the visitors of th? town vill be the chief contestants. j. One of the outstanding events n >f the schedule will be an old-fash- y uncd Tilting Tournament to be held ^ vn the morning of July 25, and a K lorse show to be held in the afterloon f the same day. A number of j ntries for the horse show have al- n eady been made by Asheville, Hen- ^ lersonville and Greenville people, j, .nd this show bids fair to he one of he outstanding events of the sum- Cl nor season in Western North Caro- aj inn. f, Brevard's municipal band, a vclun- jj eer organization of some thirty- s| :x pieces, led b> a director whose p, alary is paid from the town treas- j iry, give? three public concerts rcekly in a handsome handstand n reeted by the- county on th?- courttouse lawn. at All of tnese things are being done d vith the sole idea of making the tt toy of each visitor to Brevard just luva^lkle ll !>s Co- 1 IS ?o ^ ---- - , ng to co>t some money to do all tl hese things. hut it will be money p v?.) sjK'iil. money which will un- A loudtcbly pay big dividends to 3, Jrevard, for tourists are quick to re- p ili/e and appreciate the things which r ire done for their comfort and _ pleasure, and when the summer sleason is over, we have no doubt but * vhat thbse who sojourn in the pleas- * mt little capital of Transylvania County will go home throughly j' "satisfied customers."? AshcvUle 1 Citizen. r ha*re 100 present Sunday. June 2>- * ;.nd an army of workers are busy in the field. The class has b' en organiz- ; ed on the army style, with one colo- t nel and a numbo** of majors and cap. , ADVERTISE IN the scout "IT WILL MAKE YOU ?ICH" North Carolina 6c COPY?11.50 PER YEAR :herokee farm property shows heavy increase ver 2000 Farmer* Arc Operat* ed in County By White People Farm values in Cherokee County ncreased from $2,563,726 on January , 1920 to $3,067,984 on January . 2925. The* total number of far* rts increased froira 1903 to 2227 urintr the same period, it b shown v a press summary, released by the )e part men*; of Commerce at Wash* ngton. Th-_- number nf iv whiti' farmers increased from 894 to 2205 and the number operatd by ntgrro farmers from 0 to 22 luring the five-year periodA The lumber of farms operated by white wners increased from 1497 to 1769 .nd the number operated by negro wners from 406 to 458. Xoae was ound to be operated on the managrial basis. All land in Cherokee on January 1, 920, amounted to 178,518 acres, ly January 1, 1925, the avtragi had ncreastd to 212.S65. There also was a general increase n livestock or. farms, as shown by he following table of comparison ictween January 1, 1920 and January , 1925: 1920 1925 lorsts 967 1342 Iules 1327 2030 attic 7527 8543 wine 668 4889 There .vas a sharp decline in the umber cf swine, but at the same me a substantial increase in the umber of cattle. Of the 8543 cate total as f January 1. 1925, 3917 ere beef cattle, 2475 dairy cows and ther dairy cattle, 2151. The value of farm lands increased rom $1,948,348, and of buildings rora $614,S92 to $946,133. rincipal Cherokee County crops were omparcd as follows: ORX? 1924 1919 teres i?.49a lft.170 Bushels 362.182 311,303 :YE? Acres 20G4 2,628 Bushels 16.035 14,863 [AY? Acres 4,604 23.257 Tons 6,778 49,42(5 kPPLES? Youufc, Trees .... 2i,6lS 23,257 Trees bearing .. 57,572 49,426 Bushels 90,836 8,672 5APTIST ARE BUILDING LARGE TABERNACLE Work has begun in earnest at 'ranklin on the tabernacle for the meeting in August when Drs. Geo. V. Tructt and F. C. McConnell will reach for ten days. A beautiful rove known as the fair grounds has ten chosen for the site of the builing. The contour of the ground furishes a natural amphitheater and tne uilding will be in the midst of a eautiful grove covering ten acres. The building will be a rustic roof overing over 18000 square foot of pace. It will be open on all sides urnishing cool breezes for the vast irong of people seated beneath its helter. It is estimated that 3760 eoplc can be comfortably seated uner the roof. Rising gently on two sides and tho ?ar of th? tabernacle the hill side .retches away beneath cooling shade nd will furnish ample room for aded thousands who will hear those vq peerless preachers of the Gospel. The meeting will begin on the Uh of August and continue through lie 23rd. Dr. F. C. McConnell. astor of Druid Hills Baptist church, tlanta, will pi'each at the morning ervices while Dr. Geo. W. Truett, astor of the First Baptist church, lallas, Tex., will preach each night. ?Franklin Press. ains. Mr. C. M. Wofford is heading he organization as Colonel. Several Sundays ago the class aunched a campaign to have 100 men n actual attendance by July 12th, ind officers are highly enthusiastic, md well pleased with results thus far Master David F. Chastain, Jr. o{ Knoxville, Tenn, is spending some time here with his cousin, Ben Gar*