IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT ITS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT ? The Official Organ o r *' 'volume xxxvi. 47. MURPHY TO ~ BE HOST TO GA. SOLON? ^ Governor and Member* O* Le<*:'!sture And Other Proninrnt Visitors To Spend Nii-ht Of 4th In City Word was reei-ivd he: .this \v !; G v.mor Walker ?.f Geor-.::;? end Satar : iy evening: and night t along ? I entire m ?ra . f the Georgia Legislature. . . A. VV. McLean. v ". v i h: 1 t join th. del-nation h.:o, it n ce t decline th? i.. Th, v ncluding < : t.vo . i .voting (-f the Nacooehee-Hiy ^ . - v- K .'ad a. i ilnr. at: m A>>oand the i- iihra..-a i th 1 ; of that s. a; ion ? ;' th .. Am a- . J-'vtnic lliiihw:;;- f: r .M;r :> 5 ' Ga .. sville, Ga., i- ti. occasion that bringing the Georgia G . :u a i hi- solonf here a! ! v wit':: J". J ant: 1 ether p pie ?' . r.: N h Get tgia and Western North Car* ina. At a meeting of ?it:::e? - < t . , ...t at the asembly hall of th.*' M"?day aft-.- nun:;, th-. ;e-| -? ! - : i t.ne N;a -ik h. Hi:.v..; - | Koad and Recreation Associnti n that I be last . e hvnrfrd m m f ;i.?- Ge rgi i i. gialiture n was hi at t iy accepted and the meet- I ; v. hi ncord . i-\". ni to the ] ; ?rgia i. 'ati'.i-.- tl: Gov- k. i . (I . ':ia a; tao G \.rn<>rot p? a ita ( a:a hearty invitati n \i - : M;:r|-.hy on the l ouvLn and Ik ; i for the fircarorkS>flflt?pfffy that !' r ight, whiih will mark the c- r. lu? ] i^n i.f one of the biggest celebrations J evt r h=ld in this section. Th fireworks display Mr.rphy Jvc< will f -Ii-Kv the speaking ant! : irbe- ' R 1 <- i tival at Xtc! Gap, j'.ist in :<>w ^ Blairsville, Gn.. on th< Fourth, viici. 1 r i* I fine saonsoiad by tin- X.>uhei- * " Hiawa.-sie Road and Recreation n Association, and the event marks the * opening: of Georgia's Million doll.v 1 ll mountain scenic highway. Tins high- : way is a par t of the Ai onhi m ' Scenic Highway, and i.- k:: w:>. as to ; ' Atlanta -Murphy -AshevilL- highway! At the meeting in the Library | c Monday, a motion was carrit ii to I > appoint a ree.pt'on committee head-] id by Mayor Fain us chuisman. The w eomnV-tteed appointed is :? t* >!!.\vs-' l' Mayor W. M Fain, chairman; Mr?., ' E. H. Norvill, Mrs. Gordon Hast.- ; '* Mrs, Iiarv. Elkins, Mrs. C. W. Bail y w and Messrs. Harve Elkins, J. W j Davidson and Frank Hill. The committee has been busy this !_ week securing homes for the one _ hundred members of the legislature. and they report that ;? hearty re- j sponses by the people of Murphv ha\\. met them on every side. It is expected that everything will be in readiness by Friday. Jo1 it is expected that several thous-l and people will witness the display j of fireworks here on the night of j the Fourth, at the Fair Grounds, and ; that several hundred in addition to' the members of th Georgia Legisla-j sot* ture will spend the night in Murphy. A si The Hotels have announced that al- anr ready reservations are being booked ten for the occasion by those expecting to attend from different parts of the 1 three adjourining states. Several hundred dollars worth of Th* fireworks will be shot on the night >in1 of the Fourth at the Fair Grounds | ffit( ?n Murphy. It is said by those who; have charge of the shooting that this j>v? will be one of the most elaborate . , ... . i ti?i i displays ever seen in this section, mo] and every effort is being made for ^ its success. W. D. Townson and E j t r *t P. Hawkins have charge of the shoot-1 ing, a^d every precaution will be . on made,(they stated. to prevent any. accidutts. It is also understood that * \ several additional policemen will be' on duty that night to help handle '' the traffic. Th? telegranvs sent out inviting th"b ^ members of the Georgia Li gislature, snd the Governor of the two states,'* together with replies received up un- j (CsMiaued on page 6) i Til . tKi)t f Murphy And Chero ma Tr iHv I %j One Hundre IE Mi Jar w < - - - ^ X- N- ry ... & N. TRAIN TOffffflELD OVER Through efforts of the city our.cH and local officials, anjur.cncnt was made Wednesday y officials of thu L & N. Rail-( -ai ihat thc L. & IS. Train Ua?J ig Murphy at 2:12 in the afteMi oori would be held over on July th until 9 o'clock that night for ic benefit of those desiring to at?isc She tir-. works diuplay in Mur> y that evening and who wish4 ?o return that night. 1 his courtesy of the L. & N. is r.atly appreciated, and it is exrcted that hundred , of people of *c lower section of the county, as ell as th?- people from the seeon* of Georgia and Tennessee aversed by the L. & N., will avail nvs.nl- s of thiv opportunity of itnessing the fireworks display tc en the 4th and returning to >"ir hotnrs that night. AR ASSOCIATION MEET ASHEVILLE JULY 1ST TO 3RD in H. Dillard, Local Attorney, Delivered Address'Before As socialion Thursday rhe twenty-seventh annual mcetof the North Carolina Bar As-' iation is holding its sessions in teville this week, July 1st to 3rd. I indications point to a large atdance from all parts of the State. program arranged for the ocion is an elaborate one, some of most prominent barristers of the te In ing scheduled t.? address the etir.g, ?unong them Co! John H. ard of Minj h\. Mr. Pillard will deran add re!* i n "The Judiciary" bt. e the association on Thursday ming. lr. Dillard is re cognized as a speak>f unusual at.lity, and the local Bar iociation should feel honored that of its members was selected to ak beforc the state association, dr. and Mrs. Dillard left Wednesmorning for Asheville. and foling ?hc sessions of the Bar Asiation will spend the week-end h V* i!i brd'-. s?t*t at Jleic';\illc, f ' | kfr. J. M. Stoner is visiting in omasville this w'eek. Ojcr. kee County, and the L MURI'HY. NORTH CA [ MiH|: d and Forty-Ni ' Wl- ^ &vj:X \'. < \< \'\ \ \ \\ ' \ | * ' ! ^ i I W ' ( Two States New Highway i :** , T ,p y I >-l r.iji<^HY BLAIRSVILLEBk NEALS 7S GAP 0AHUONEGA ?X Jrj ' *" | IWWSONVILLEef if/ J u J n~AM CUMMtNC- p // f^l/ i <jdi avkr\f-m/ i vTatlanta The map shows the official route Highway from Asheville to Atlant and .Murphy in North Carolina, ai Lawrenceville and Atlanta in CIwhere the Nacoochec-Hiawassee Ri becue will be held on the Fourth, c this great scenic highway. Roscoe of the Appalachian Scenic Highwa LEGISLATORS AND PROMINEN CITIZENS 80 ATTEND APP/ LACHIAN SCENIC HIGHWA PROGRAM AT NEIL GAP By BEN COOPER, in The Atlant, Constitution. tion Formal opening of the Atlant Asheville link of the Appaiachii Scenic highway on July 4 at Xeal G: on the Blue Ridge drive, will be a tended by practically the enti: Georgia legislature and a large nur ber of citizens of eGorgia and Nor Carolina. Announcement of the program the opening was made Saturday 1 Bonnell H. Stone, secretary of tl; i ote ?& .eading Newspaper in this ROLINA rRIAI)V. M:.\ 1..-3 ? ?\ F nth Birthday x x'? v -55 / Will Celebrate Opening July 4 .^^RYson ;! N C. / ' highest.- point on state highway SURFACE ftem \ 3J08 FT HIGH ! i EVEL/HND V R< V |n, \ t V N. fl ESVILLE \ \ (3 -A - \ EVILLE !fi ! ,e | th lis followed by the Appalachian Scenic in :a. by way of WaynesviHe, Bryson City, i id Blairsville, Cleveland, Gainesville. ' * 1 o:ia. The cross indicates Xeel's Gap, ' Dad and Recreation Association bar- J m elebrating the opening of this link of I 11 A. Marvel, of Asheville. is president j v.?Cut courtesy Atlanta Constitution. : _____________ nv ' . '"I Nacoochee- Hiawassec Road and Etc- I.. - - (vaiivii aaaunanoii, wno is in cnarge or of the Independence Day celebration.1 us The program includes appropriate; i exercises with a speaking program at N eel Gap, folohvtd by a barbecue. During the afternoon of July 4 the 5 motorcade will move up the highway a" fron- Noel Gay to Murphy, N. C. or m where there will be a brilliant pyrotechnic dispiay at night. Atlantans to Leave ro The Atlanta motorcade will leave _ n" at 6 o'clock Saturday morning from ,n ^ the Kimball house, and will follow the official route north on the Appa- '' lachian Scenic Highway, by way of n! >y 1__ ic ic (Continued on P? * ?) 7r cout f Secdon of Western Pv 1 ,k V is-l? 01 tobbinsvble To S Celebrate Opening t Of New Raiiroac! Kubhi nsvHld -luiy 1.?Eobb'luviUej ::d this cntir v.. " ce: bra'.e ie o; nin? of the new railroad whichcompl ted this u-eek an i opene! > traffic. Th r Iroad run-? fro:.-. . a . it- ' ' in-v .it-, and has 1. -.;: C : . ...st: u. li r. for some time- f , Vi Th el ration wili be hel J July ^ th. v.r it.', day is in l:< . g with th t; t ' fr t our.ty eoic wh-. vvii! ir.ak. a ti.w declaration _ n, ' in ley ' m <.ri that d;% Th; t ?, ichration f the ore;: of v le opening of tin- new railr.ad v.ill v r.t . : tr. biggest eve rt> vet* held ft t Robbinsvii e. The program is : shtuuled to - iii \ at H> o'clock in th : g, and include- fiti.: stU-.U e: ith prise- which wiii be n t> all. 'h'.re will he rue. - all kinds. j:? ay. ig cht se, greasj ; walk, pi eafc'-C contest singini, by the Cher-he C ndi::r?. ad.'r. by prjlr.i- er.t fiti- th a 1". c barbican- ;;t tl. n tt; our. in The aftcrac wii! be giv. i vcr t f iddle and banjo contests, followed by th ivc games of ball, etaoinetaaiiu i a cr game ot bah. Th Indians will also f?l uve a ball gain, in the afternoon. | A: Under th competent management 1 id:. 1L C. Bemis of Bradford, iV:::*. A r.d his corps of engineers and fore- 1 1 nr., the Graham County Railroad ompany completed its railroad fro.;. , optor. to Robbinsvilic last Thursday ' ( oon. I: i- a real railroad?cone.et nd steel bridges and sixty-pound " ?i'ir.gs-'-r t Lased but purchased j * Stock of thi Graham County Ra I-. ..... - t> owned By 1 h lately purehas, ,1 the tiisiKr :m' $ irmintr land and town property of j J *.. Hutialo Realty C ur.pany and th nrolinn aRilway and Lumber Comanv. He has secured rights-of-way * at of Robbinsviiie to construct :? ti: I?1 p*?? - * ?-wn- umwr o"; I n-wlird. Buffalo and Sateetlah and -*1 xpects to build a band mill an ! plan- iff mill at Ivibhinsvillr. Mr. Bemis 11 laying out new streets in th town a' nd plans to cut up a portion of what known as the Junaluska farm, for ' lerly owned by Mr. G. H. Walker 'J ito lots. This farm contains 1,2s I i res and em brae ( - 5 or f? hundred :res of practically level land. Fx ; nsive improvements are being mad*. ; l the buildings in town and the tture development of RobhinsvilR II vks very promising at this time. St i th itakeleather Now Ready To Discuss !'f Loans By Counties According to information coming om Asheville this week, J. G. Stikeathi r. Highway Commissioner f r m: e ninth district, announced ?h:i* he ^ prepared to meet with County Com. issionc-rs of interested counties to sti scuss loans to the State Highway vil om mission to build needed roads. do This announcement followed a rul- M'. g by the Supreme Court in which do was held that such loans t'o- roacj Le lilding are valid. all It was also announced that a seven Ru ilt. link in Swain County from Iniond in the direction of Bryson th? tv, will be built and hard-surfaced m? i "force account", which means the tlx e of convict labor. Co Mr. Mnki leathi r has also order- A a survey for a ten mile link from let lunky Gal Gap, Clay County, to- in} ?rd Haycsville, and is now nepotia- ish np with the County commissioners do i the project. inj Th,- commissioner states that he so hopes to let contract for pradinp otl Om Bryson City west to the forks cit the road to contractors now work- do p in that section, as an "extension" ee eject However, ho. said, if a sat- fe factory arrangement can not he th ade competitive bids will be called be ?r on July 22. Convict lavor will ot ; used for hard-surfacinp. ru _ , . * ADVERTISE IN I THE SCOUT i "IT WILL MAKE' 3 YOU RICH" forth Carolina Bo COPY?tl.50 PER YE*8 ration UPERIOR COURT \DJOURNS SESSION WEDNESDAY 24 ocket Growing Faster Than Cases * Ar> B- :n; Disposed Of. SayCourt Officials The k.o ( ur.ty Smft-ior u:i, which mt-1 hi- on .Jun- 15th, -!' a tv. v.vck- - >r.. adj ?urned Viir.esci:iy t'v -It'.. :f:.r h ; cie!.! days. Only twelve ..- - \ I-. ---I. i f during: the .... alii. i f cast.-t : the d -i f. -t. t announce> -ur' i-: :'i.\ th other* . It v.a- - ate J that more cases U\. 1-. a.ii.-i t" the V: t than er. In ir-* - i and the dockt a ov. : ci--?wded for some -T ... I., i ;. : raided over ; t. of i ?urt. vsh.ii ii tried civil -es only. "ire tv.i'vi- i- d of. nordinjr t j i rrt re- : d*. fol!?ws: T. 11. Grant vs. We hi yd Lumber .. judunamt ayainst defendants in - miiii f S2-S.0E. Southern Railay Co. V-. - - r.ee Counts*, iml" J'* v< --<t t! - I 'unty rend i..\ - i- !l--ct.d from -Ii:tifi'. I*. 1J. Kins; vs. S outh11 Railway. Judgement of $.r>0.00 th 1.i-: :. ir : ;i . w. W. M. nderson v~. ('inter & Abernnthy. idgement of $75.00 an?l c<?st. D. L. she v.. Pai - - Pulp and Lumber ompany, Judgement of $700.00. V. Barr ett v.-. Fedora! Construc>n Cjir.pany, Plaintiff non-suited. A. Pa v.*. II nr; Mi Ad-n. Ju lg.^H| ur.t i-n?l v<i i f..\ ir of plaintiff ver dispute : land gram. appealed. V:? lii ir v- Andrew- Manufacture :g t'onipar.y, Judgement rendered in iv >! of jdaint'tf in the sum of t) and east as damage for . ?>ona! injury, appeal, d. In the is \V. P. Odo:n, Sheriff, vs. I.-s H. It. Klli. Lt. fur collection of ixe-" the i art sustained ;he defenant ir. contention that she did iir queSUDIli ^AIOIK ' irvral ,cy v?. Fred Stiles, :ul P. A. Mauney ve. Fred Stiles, 'oti-st tentry declared inoperative id void. Ma. Hood vs Bugger ua!, divorce granted. 'elegram From State -aboratory Of Hygiene Says Dog Was Mad Last Friday afternoon Dr. J. X. i.l received a telegram from the ate Laboratory of Hygiene stating at the examination of the dog's ad, which had been sent them markI.eatherwood, showed that it was flicted with rabies. The telegram follows: Raleigh. X. Car., June 2G, 1925 . J. X. Hill. Murphy. N. Car. Dog marked I.eatherwood was id. Treatment sent today C. O. D. TATE LABORATORY HYGIENE. The dog in question is said to have irted our from up toward Hayesle and Brasstown. hit.incr e?u<i?i gs in that section. H** came on to arphy and bit quite a number of ccs here, also biting Miss Addic atherwood He was finy killed and the head sent to iteiprh for inspection for rabies. On Thursday morning of last week ? County Board of Health held a eting and took steps looking to * confining of all dogs of the unty to prevent further outbreak*, restraining order was passed maktheir dogs run at large, punX it a misdemeanor for owners to lable by a fine not exceeding fifty liars, or imprisonment not execedr thirty days. Officers of the town stated the tier day that the co-operation of izens in the matter of keeping all gs confined had been most ex* llent, and as a consequence very w dags have been running at large e past week. Several dogs have en killed by officers on request, and hers have killed several dogs found nning at large. . H

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