' if it isn't in ) the scout rs because we didwt KNOW it e Official Organ of rjtE XXXVI. N 19 iday School lonvention Program Is Announced 0. _ " ltt ginning at *:?>?* c'- Thurs- I night. July 2*1 ar..": mtinuine it. 'gh Friday, the Cherckv Counltt unda;- School Convention w II M -y at th Presbyter! nr. Church,; ^ hy. Participating in the cunon ' gram will I e Miss Freda X.'u Oritur?. La. F. iucational xintendent N?w Orleans Council! !eli?i?-.u> Kducation. and Mr. P. ;im>. (bneral Superintendent N. 'ina Sunday School Association, ng the local county worker* :g part on the program will be ,>llnv. ::m: Rev. F G. Clary. R v.' . Smith. Rev. T. J. Houck and T. I.. Sawwr. ;e feature of th convt ntion will he | lamentation of a beautiful iar.t to the Sunday School bavin th convention the largest of $ :v m. sixteen years of age : ,vr. <>*'! njj t ihi- number f ? tra i. The v ntest is open II Sunday Schools in the CounThe pennant will prestntcd :e ?i< of the session or. Friday no n unusually large attendance of :cr i'r< iv the tntir county is exAll sessions of the convenare open to t'n- public, and all are interested in th advancrt of the Sunday School, whether art active workers or r;.?t, aie' d t i attend. ht- ' protfiani is as follows: r grain, Cherokee County SunSah. nl Convention. Preshytcri . i., Murphy N. C.. Thursar.'i Friday. July 23 and 21, i. I'mlcr the auspices of the : County and North CaroS.inday : ho??I Association, for Tl und.ty Night, July 23rd Sat'iay School \V?.:kirs of all ominntions: :UU? Sonsr. ptuie Reading: and Praying and jrer. Rev E. G. Clary, Psator byLiian Church, Murphy. :! " Youth and the Church. 1 r da Bo.se, N\w Orleans, I.a.. r..i- rial Superintendent. New J.. I't.uncil of Religious educat :4> -Song. :5u- -Trained Workers?Why and r, Mr. I). W. Sims, Raleigh. GenSuperintendc|it North Carolina day School Association. :2o?Record of Attendance. 30? Adjourn. Friday Morning, Juiy 24 1?Song. Scriptur* Reading Prayer. Rev. L. P. Smith, Pastor >t:-t Church, Andrews. Song. I" - The Sunday School Organ iz: erviee. Miss Freda B< > . Bui.. d: Report Of kers. Appointment of CornRecord of Attendance. : ? S ng. 40 Better Results Through peration. Mr. 1>. W. Sims. Offering for Support of and State Sunday School As2:25 Announcemen ts. 30- Adjourn. )inner at the Church. Rveiybody and Bring a Basket. HPAY A FTP RNOON, JULY 24 !:0i>?Song. Scripture reading 1 Pray* r. Rev. T. J. Houck. Song. :1."> Preparing and Telling ;? >' Miss Freda Bose. -4"?Song. ?Suggestions to Sunday 100! Teachers. Mr. D. W. Sims. 1:20?Suggestion and Problem ; g Period. Everybody requested pris nt their suggestions and >M ms tor discussion. ?Business Period: Reports Committees and Election of Of-J ers. Place of Next meeting.; Mentation of Attendance Pennant. 1:00?Adjourn. FRIDAY NIGHT, JULY 24. 8:00?Song. Scripture Reading i prayer. Rev T. L. Sasser, pastor Ptist Church, Murphy. Si ng. i l;L>?Worship in the Sunday] 10nl. Miss Freda Bose. 1:50?S ar.d Chero Mis* Freda Bose, of N* w Orleans j 1- u. educational superintendent of the' | New Orleans Council of Religious Education, who will take P'*rt in the d - : ! cussions of th Cheroko_ County | Sunday Sch Convention to be hth: 1 at th Presbyterian Church here on | July 2Hrd and 24th. CLYDE JARRETT MADE PRESIDENT BY N. C. BRANCH Superintendent of Division of Po?tmaster Appointments Addresses N. C. Branch of Leaijue Asheville, N. July 14. Clyde | H. Jarrett, ef Andrews, was elected ed to succeed himself for the con ing year as president >f the Nort: C-iroIina Branch i" the National I.^igu of District Post master. and was also dieted as dolt gate from the stat . t> attend the national meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, the latter part of A' u-. ( at the closing session of the c . n lion here today, (in unshorn will entertain the annual stat-- meeting next year. Other officers elected are T. M.' Jenkins. Robbinsvillc, first vicepresident; J. T. Jennings. of Jennings, second vice-president; an! Bailie !\. Wilkins. Magnolia, to succeed lu rself as secretary and treasurer. Resolutions of thanks to Victoi 11. Stoncsifer, Lorel N. Morgan and W. H. Garrison, special speakers I sent by the postoffiec department, were adopted. A vote of thanks was also passed to Dan W. Hill, local postmaster and the city of Ashevllle for the "fint. way in which they had R. C. Chandley, of the Central Association Bureau, of Greensboro, made a talk this morning on the technical side of post office accoanting and bookkeeping. Round Tabic Following this talk was the usual round table discussion and other business. Clyde H. Jarrett, Andrews, president of the League, impended to the importunities of the delegates and hoped to crowd the election of officers into lh- morning session in , older that the delegates might visit , local points of interest. Some of the delegates also planned on catching | an early train to their homes. Some* interesting information to the assembly was th(? length of time that some of the North Carolina postmasters hail hi Id office. Daniel v E. Wilkinson, of Ridgeville, has been postmaster since 1870; Robert H. r Plott, since 1886; John C. Corhett, * of Corhett, since 1882; Berry O'Kelly r Brown, Prosperity, since 1909. * The session will close today with v the election of officers, reports, of f committees, sc lection of delegates c to the national convention and the ^ selection of the next meeting place. RANGER BOY tf AT FT. BRAGG t .1 Fort Bragg, N. C., July 5?The S Citizens* Military Training Camp at r Fort Bragg has opewJ and among h the candidates was the following lrom ci Cherokee County who was assignee c as follows: Fair C. Lawrence of c Ranger to Battt ry B. s at each session of the Convention, t The pennant will be presented at the r lose of the session on Friday after- t noon. t i>. H. TIL.LETT. County Pre-ident. M.*RY WILLIE FISHER, Co. Sec'y.li Ojero kee County, and the Lea MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA \ I Ju"i,LP /*> \ \ ^.- ounmeh> NX. Kttl ^/' I \ \ \ \ ! rtOBBEHS / I jjj / L r Cqtt* 'it ';' *,*">/l*5*/.i%3~' -r ^VhH<^ffT'1 ^ i -. \r'-'>- J HHi m Rev. J. E. Abernethy, pastor of Trin vho will conduct revival services at tlv, ing August 3rd and lasting two week County Fair Plans Gotten Under Way,''" Definite plans were gotten under i**11 ray a few days ago lor holding the: ^1' innual Cherokee Countv Fair this er*' res all. The officers and cx-futivo c mnittee, representing every part f the rj.,1 ounty held a three hour session in to he office of the county agent and j>u, forked cut some of the major plans ' cot or the event. It was tht? unanimous onsent of all present that this should t e the biggest single event of the pa] ear for this portion of the county. Attending the meeting were W. M. cal 'ain. President. B. W. Sipe Secre- w;j ary, and the ^following members of he Execution Committee: Messrs. cu) . U. Shackelford. B. L. Fox. A. E. m. Judderth, T. W. Cole, and J. F. Pal ner. County Agent W. R. Gray lent lis presence ?nd advice. Abo, other" j.. Iroppcd in from time to time and jOT ffcred suggestions. It was the aim st? f the Execution Committee to adopt uch plans and regulations as to put ^ he Fair on n sound basis and so as n( ;o meet the approval of th? greatest ^ lumber of people, stated members of he committee to a representative of pe his paper. Of majcr interest to the public . jrobobly will be the announcement' to d ing Newspaper in th FRIDAY. JULY IT. 1023 ;ction Sustained \ // w; v \ \ \ 4 ' / p""&le he f / \ \ ' -i-x {trial ope / \ \ P /(( ^ f" ?ii. ?4' '. - iWBH>TO Ai* ?>$ f'? B Him''1'- 1 k vi-^'' n Ki' 1EF^SBh^H8?<< *1 it*." Methodist Church. Charlotte. "l ALthodist Church here Bcirinnw U: it the datrs for the fair were de- M itely determined as October 14 t: and ldth. This is about two or . IW co weeks later than th0 fair last j ir. ;r;J it is believed that it is far le >usrh away from the equinox as to ai tscr.aMy assure Rood weather. jtc A ;-r. niium list was worked out.' total premiums will not amount It as much as was offered last year. d< I it is the hope of the officers and. ti nmittees. it was stated this w. | k.! tk tt the fair would b-. able to pay the ; a< >mium list this year and possibly l ?t rtr nil nf thn nntioiJ nMimi.tm t!o* J last year. If the back premiums' mot be paid this year, the record] II be kept ar.d paid in the future possible. Rain last year greatly! t the gate receipts and therefore ide it impossible to meet the premn lid. The catalogues will be sent the printer within the next few ys aid should be ready for distribut. ^ r by the middle of August, it was t( ?t d. \* The committee recognised that all 1 ows and amusement features eould a t bn birred from the grounds and ^ t make a success of the fair, but in ie with the desires of a good many ople. riles were adopted that would a nit the kind of attractions allowed Is ^Coatlnufd on ?ags i cout lis Section of Wester > r 7 hems _h \ \ ! S/A DIB OF 1/ \ \lQZi hootch IL \ \*?ijQPo'ioH 1 '%$&/ lAaiFrT?l TBL'U 1/ I V/l/**-*-' " J\mi 4? ?lw-> METHODIST REVIVAL BEGINS AUGUST 3RL lev J. E. AbcmatSy To Conduc Series Services Lasting Two Weeks According to announcements thi feck by th. past' r. Rev. I"'-. H Rhino lart. a series of revival services \vi >e held at th,. Methodist Church be rinninu Monday. Aug. tlrd, and I ?>: nc for tw weeks. Rev J. E. Ah -mathy. Pasta- < f th Trinity Methodist Church, Clia '-. t:. C. C., will do the preaching, and th rvices will 1 held twi.-e daily, a 0 o'clock A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Mr. Aborr.ethv is a strong eva:_: ist of unusual ability as a sp;r.kr ind it will be pi asantly recalled l> nany people of Murphy thai h v;a last ;r of the church h r.- - -me twen y-fivo yt-a:s ng-. He has hell a number < : thri high st appaintm nts in the West . worth Carolina Conference, anil i aid to b plt. of Murphy but from seo ns round about will avail themselves f thg opportunity of hearing this reat expounder of the gospel. Special music under a competent ader will feature all the services, id every effort is being put forth i make this port of the mi:vices a iccess. A cardial invitation is ix nded to everybody regardless of ?nominalional affiliations to pavcipate in the services to thd end mt great and lasting good will l>t rcomplished. .ocal Student Takes Popular Part In Play Mrs. Kmmett Fiy, of Andrews >ok the part of a n egress. Lind> inc. who "helps around," in a plav Home Ties,, given at the Cu Ho whet formal Schoo 1 Tuesday evening, frs. Fry made a very popular charac ?r and furnished the audience wit! musement all through the evening luch enthusiastic praise has heei ccordt c: her for her acting. Thi lay was presented by the Columbiai literary Society of the School, am roved to he a success f**om a financi 1 as well as social point of view Ire Fry is a student at the Summc chool. \ 4 advertise in THE SCOUT "it will make you rich* ti North Carolina 5c copy?$1.50 per yeah ROAD MEETING HELD AT COURT HOUSE MONDAY A liv ly r ad r.i -. 'A g wan .eld i? the c? ':rt: use Monday afternoon at \v; h tie; - "he ir. it: t of the ; mp!'.?'*or 'f N.:: ' . 1?? highway from Murphy t Asr-v.k and the . selection of a r ?ad fr- -. -.irnhy : the Terr.f??"c- State ! v.-re d - u ,-s? ed. The meeting w ; - a r..< .' of * feeling an- mg - r. * opl< ;*f th? county that tee road or- gram was not being prosecuted as xneditiousiy as it might b \ and probably was directly precipitated by an article published last w o k r v :r the signature f Attorney J hn H. Di'iar-l. in which ; was stat'd that rher .k - C >unty i d s< uthwetern North Carolina vere apparent!;- r t h inz tr.ated faireiy ir. t'-a - id building program. Quit- a numb ?r from a!! parts of l ithe ci inty g thered f r th meeting' in th courth ?u-e. T% meeting was I organ i red by ' f t "f firmer j S rat r (I. IJ. \Va!k?-r r.- Chairroa;i ind Mr. G. W. Candl a- Seer tary. | Mr. I ela.d was called up n to ext-!a:n the ? '. of th m et'.ng. He stated that he d !::i whether | h . could x; lair, the >bject of the meeting or n l>ut th.:: he did have I , some matters to mention, wh:ch he I rbought, c instituted distinct grievance. The burden of Mr. Dillard's ad re ? was that number 10 highway. . ' which is th main highway across the state, was apparently being neglected in f.- \ ir < !' 1.' e* a! roads, for which Mr. I'iilard hi:.- - ! t highway v author!:: Ii a!- had - i.v what t> | say about the chgih r's recommendation as t . the selection of a r md to > I the T'-nnt?:-o Stat - line, which would i be maintained by th... State. I ; -n th i i.nelusi : of Mr. Dil- | ! lard's talk. M -. Stiki leather, the District Commissioner. rose to answer Mr. Dillard's complaints and to make certain explanations. Mr. \ , Stikeleathcr explained that under the f - circumstance - Number 10 highway . through Nantahala gorg<- had been t ?????.> ?s He pi inted out that it was a dif- " } fi.ult piece f construction; that two contractors had failed, that thL. bond, in v.- . ..mpany want, d to build the road ? ins*. ;,} : pay the forfeit to the 1 highway commission, and that so long as th, t mtpany kept men at work f the Stale could not hurry up the " matte;. H?? explained that the mats' tor of dealing with the bonding com^ : any was in the hands of the chairman of the State Highway Commiss| iou atiu uiui V hau dune nii in his power to push the work. In answering the statement that latn j eral roads were receiving more ats tent ion than th - main highway, par-iticular reference having been made 9 to the- highway from Dillsboro by ! way of Franklin to the Georgia State line, Mr. Stiktleather explained that , Maeon county had received a concrete r?*ui from Franklin t?. the Georgia line because the county had I donated $541,000 to th0 completion j of the road, and that the road front . Franklin to Dillsboro was being made . concrete because the county was loaning the State $150,000 for this . I purpose, to bi- paid back out of future , state bond Issues. This question ,(came up, because much of Number 10 highway is being paved with ' water hound ipacadam and penetra lion macadam surfaces, i Coming to thi- question as to whether or not Cherokee County had received a square deal, Mr. Stikeleathe or explained that the county, under the method of alioting funds to th?* ' vai ious districts unaer the Stat law. , according to area, mileage a d p I pulrition, had brought into his dis! trict $ofc3,000 less than will have been spent in the county by the time the road to Andrews is completed. '.Mr. Stikeleathcr explained, however, ! that ht. was not building county sys, terns of highways, hut part of a great ' state system. ,Following Mr. Stikeleathcr. Dr. L. * | E. Kimsey of Pucktown was called , j upon to address the meeting. Dr. -! Kimsey explained the attitude of his ? county and his state with regard to . | building a connection to the North ^ i Carolina line to meet a route conneot? ing with N. C. lo and North C-aroi lina's highway system. Dr. Kimsey 1 is responsible for the scenic highway - in East Tenncsce that bears his name . and stated its condition and how mucH r had been spent on it, etc. (Continued on page 4) ?