PACE rwo THE FEA' ie : ?.c* i Goer r*" CCP :4!-wt *oo Ly . - -c Coca/ ara > "piepi o-c-c?x?r? Tr^t> ? a gfct Bad y *. i :r. W.. ;; V, ten'* Fici?h; N 2 Mr- r- F , ' ! r . G r" M.:r - I :: r v.- - c't M.: ..v. Ttf M - r - >!'?? Br v.r. r~- rr>i ^ ecr.' " W:r.?* Tr :.rc r:a! K ' * V.c: v. > :mp- v. ing ra- - .. ar. : x: - t- ?. .e to return - : - * t t a S, Mr. A. P. I .. the F a: A-r.t-- . - - - A - P ?* reastrr* ' *V. H. . Mr*. Tht'.~ a Marl", ar.-i <"iyc?; J arret:. Aidtfs - .-.'tended. XI -.if. " r r, r r the Tr.- It : 7 N. "* * the ? - f fr.-aci- who w.:: "re - ; _-: you. H-- -w u new - r : Get.era. Mr-- } fu ^: right - - Plenty f i e ind pleti< an*. .adv. and ;rr-rr.en < I--rk- tac;. t wa.t r. y lt-pd. > Mr. R. F . Wi n ar.d . : -r tper.: w? -k?-n : .Th rv".at v- s in Tcr.r.?r**? - Mr V. ? rcirr.t Sunday - -a.-. th. h.'.-iren r :r.aintd f ; ? ''w .. . ... . y , Mi Mr Mr. ; . . and Mm. c. L. Uo ? ^ dockeryj , lAi. Mill. * * Mr. v " Mr..' 1"v * rgui?^-r: *'h- J For All S s The Family 5 u=e Blaek-DraugM tn 5 m our farr.llT ? I^SsrS^S RUfiK-nRWlfiHT mm u mm m ? mm m mm u w S Liver Medicine I jm when I felt thai way and it * would relieve mK and I would y feel better for daw. V M My husband takes it for * 'J biliousness He says he has * never found its equal. When V he baa the tired, heavy feel- |B ^5 in*, he takes Black-Draught y Wt eight and morning for a few V days and he doesn't compiain _2 an* more _ Wt "I sure do recommend Thed- "Br ford's Black-Draught." A _ Your liver is the largest ?. organ in your body. When ^ out of order, it causes many ^ complaints. Hut your liver n W in shape by taking Black- ? Draught. Purely vegetable. am Sold Evervwtiere tm SvMllfVIMW IHERHEADS >- -= Hi'-fC-CO? ! | !w' '?.* C*= - a-> "?* G*tS StS" r? J i ??c ~-=*5 ??-?:? 4***.-rc r~- ^?-i i / ?? 7- ?!1 C ___n ^ + Hlfc ?r~ ~ -o-<?: -:?t-<--x-<?:?>-x?x-r-o-x^ r/, ! Z ersonal ro*e JO ? '. * : *!..-? L-. .r " -r f Kr. xv lie - - r srut-t : - - wtafc. R : . H. Rr .T- .r-. Dr. H. N W? - M?hti S. : Akin and J. H , Br- - .;? utter. .-ii :r.eet:r.>r : '.'r. Bibi< = F\d-r:.-l - at] I. . - e ' :r .. - r . - - .v. D. F Chiftuir. and hi'drer Kr. x. ". . T r... arf -purine -.r at tr- T . y H ! r. rd Wa!wr. Who wa* ' * uphI' . - - u S n st r. - W : r.-r a?t Saturday charred vv.*'r . --t.'.l was released be ause - -a-.;. - - -r* r r.-.i T- - y - E l- C!a?* f the B.-.t -t S ar.ciy > h 1 ch ?ed :i* i ?-r>r .. rairn Sundayi rr -2 tr "I t resent. Sev-.ral >ur.'- a?r . the 1..-* set a- *- jrual r.?- j-.dred rr.*r. :r. a tua! attendant by Sunday, July '.2th. The class a rk*c.r.:zt d r the arnvy ?tyU-. with a *.?1. ;.r.d a r.un r f major* and a: t.s r>. an : * r - -. - t amprii.-n '.was wap-Mr. ? . M. W : f rd .?.t' t-d - - -!. and h* and f fleers c: the uvre h er. y with J'he r - . f th- nrvraig- It :! .r. i r*t ?*..- * - I.-..*: r. w 1' t.n .r.ta ' r. .e rt t ? att< adat s hifth as 1 - Ar. rdiartior. -erv. *dll bf held Huj' . -t urv.h f 'Aire the r-tr:...r servie. Sunday evening. a: i -a r . h the f !!? winsr will be or-' ' lair.- I a* des. > r A. B. Dickey, f. I M. W ?: rd. and T. J. Gilbert. Mr. R L. H- ry .nd M - - Belle Stewart Murphy were married T. day. '-.y 14::. at - me <f i - . T. N. Bates. Mr. Bat 4 f, Mr. and Mi-. Dfti ?nd hildren We ?.- r; . u :h : b.'r- - it Kr >: . ] . Mr. W. H. w .li.ary. P? - m :f :he Valley River FurnitR# <*"nw. nRU':. :n tt'wr. :r.i- week. * Mr. In k 1 .rn Bryson City' a":k4 ;i I udr.t? v;-.tor h?re Wednes" day. II Mr. 1 r.n A. ? rr. : Bl;.i:4\i'.'e. Ga. We in- 4 day r. re Oft Business. Xe::> Wo* * Ath-nT?--r.. > v- tin. v<. - M . ;>.y. Mr. A. C. Richmond returned the : 4* f :hi- w- k New Y. rk and Philadelphia wh- :e he had been r. bu-:r.-?>. Mr. M. H. D: - Atn- r-. T r. n: the w k-end as the truest f I Mr. i Mrs. A. M. Sintonds. Mr. and M - A. M. Simonds spent F1 _ oil Penimzn li Creek fishing. # Mi-4 IP"- Axby returned Monday n.irht fr m Atl.-.r.ta wher? she ( sport s? v ra! .Jays. Mr. P-. M. AV. mathy ..f Mad -< Tenn. was a business visf???r Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Smith and children. Mr-. Brown, ard Mr. and Mr-. M. A. K 'lock and chi d last weekend at Bur* n's I. k-r. Misses Jtsephine and L? rothy Highway are vi-iting relative- in Cincinnati. Ohio. Mr. W. E. Stud-: ill is -pending his vacation with relatives in M ultrie. Ga. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. BayUss ar.d sons. John and William, and Mrs. A. II. Brown spent last Sunday in Copperhill as guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Snow. / THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. V. *?c A - - , -5? i-* .*?S DC**' :< "S y ts- -5 '-A- -N: S ^5^ HI y- ^ i '^ i ^ ~^7 ~ M: Tl. J. Hurt r. f Ma: Mr ari >:--. Tor Maur.ry .v. .? tr.eir ?ue>Tc th> wc^-k Mr. J. 1 Ryder and *"-.''.drer. of v.urn.v Ga. ? Hi ..r,d Mrs r Mi . . Neil ScmL r?avr T ?aion, Kii: t.' . .'?<i ' rr-f'-. t and attended the ball car - betwien pj-r : r.: *' and Tate. M? A Ba'ton - B : 5 re'at \ - r- M r. ...y. Mr. .7 r.r Martin <* Oc a ' _;?:ney< xi-htor her* W. .-res .. v. Mr. ; : : Mr? G. v.*. - r ar. i daughter. Ann. M r-r.. - : Mr. :.rd Mr*. -T. M. Vaughn t?. Anders n. >. C.. ar.-j spent day? Mr. a : Mr?, K . Bray-r. rr. : ring *a?t W.a "a H gh* * d? a : ("... ' ; >: Th at re T. 2l?t. M-.t; r in "T- r th>: r , " wr.t:' Mr. Mrs. K. H. W : r.f At .r.t.i are vi-it.r.g Mr. ar i Mr*. C. W Sr.vag. *' several wot M-. and Mr| ?\ I.. Dan: 1 f At. -an*-. nt the w-. ektnd h?r?. g : - > at -he Regal Hotel. Mr. D-n; - a th thi firm f Dar. ^ Br th t'l.-fi-.g ?'urrpary. Atlarta. Majnr Hnwrird r Fiike. F lie Power ? >ner with h = ?tar't mp-?i-d " Mr. C. W. H *v.,r i and Mr. H. >. Thatcher, wh re h-rt ?e-\er. al day? a<: we- k. Mr. F.-ke i? in chare<. all th- survey ard tield w .rk : the S -utherr. Rivers. Mt. ami Mrs. .M:i. i: I.ur.-tonl a-: k r.iMren f Cincinnati. Ohio. arc - m* time with fric-nd? 2 ]-!ati\o> in this county. Am nc v. h r.. f- Andrew? this . r. w.-:e M --re. (i . J<>nes, W;.;- l: .-. 'r. I. ' Ar ga-T. O U* BSSiSSSMP^ill M: and Mr>. I!. II. S* ir.dle pp.-fed througtt feere Fur ;;.y nr .ute to th r h me in ?"r.ri-: an I g. Va. after -per.* ? me * r v.. California. Ther. will ht services at the Flpis pai <'hv.!\-r. Sunday. July 1 i*th. b?-th ir.ornir-.e and even:ni?. nducted * v the R-v. Arch P...-I<~r. r H. G:iffith'bf Asneville. Th- annual music .il : r cram of *r. I Baptist Church wi'I held a*, the c hurch Friday evening. July 24th.. at 8 oMo. k. Th- h been making pre para: r.s >r the com n: r.ius'.i-al f- a>t f r - vera' witcks. arci ar. excellent pr-grar* is assured, The general public - . rdially invited. I r.o < hero* i" ?.r.* . Summer S h? ! 1 ?- d its ann :r.i se>si n on Tuesday of th:? week. an i the teachers returned * th-ir r'e; :;vo homes This was one of the r. -t succe ? unty. more than . rubers atful summer sch<- 1- ev r held in th tended. Mrs. Stuhblt field and Mi-Hj?!! were ir -hanre ? f this year'.session. Mr. n<J M Fr-d I'- -y ard Mr. -J. H. Crisp art. on a fishing trip on the Tennessee River netfr Tapoco. Tc-nn. CHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND C?^ \ I aL m ***&. AU J*mr Dr^rt/orCfnCHES S A P;aMO-;D 1-XaJPILLS in R;a a3-/Vv Ccto ne'.-l.ic b--??. tested witi Till no OTII1. H.irfjnr W Dra??*u ,-j Wk f.? ( ni (?rer<M V PI **oxi? Bm MI PIIH. for Tfartrfririf 1?? Bert.Safest. A *?n IrliaUf. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS sLYi, EVERYWHERE LTvPHY. N C By L r.Va ZAr .3C- 4- S_~ ~-E Or?jt "5 ~~E 'A 3--" - 5C" . -?3 r : ^ ---. 14= - -? 2cIf-" ^- - -?-=-;a ?1? A f i'-i7 'w?J : ! B. W. J?:pv !-:f: T*. .. M rr. rxz *" r Chajri Hi!! : atren.J ter: H '.'!? Br- :r? r>. ... " r rc heat.ns: rtra.-t r? who have n . _-t , pitted a - r.tra. t Ask* v lie v.' - -r.-.r rr.ot'r.-: - - Th-y 1 ft Thur*- ^ * . j : . N. C. wher the . have ^ Mr. :.l M H. : Davd. a and _ Hay--. - a: ? ^ !. G : p T: ur-.lav : r . , - PUC A?: . ' ~d *ev.-ra. day*. SUIT IT F.MS - S;. ! E- ;.r. . :'ur..i'y i Et wah ' ; - - L?itinjr the f rmer's par- " J -. Mr ar.d Mr-. <"".ar!je Pi!!*. M s- M u-z:n Mr.r.tsr 'Tr.e:y : D. k: vsn ns r. Misse? harit tn. >,jn H -t- I' sp-.-nt Saturday v.:*h Mr. H ward Hi k-y. " Mr. and M*-. Burt n M< XaV: Sp. r.t " - - w'.'h ' F. W : and Far:: y. ' Mr. Jr.". R. Ma- r. and Family : ' r.t our. \.-.t : Mr. R Ma- P.J Sunday. v'**1 Mrs. Hyde IV.;. k* an -: r.t Sunday with M:>. J. J. Rose. Mr. T. ;.! . r M N'abb \ - J h- r: ' > n ?"3yde f'->pperhi;I last wt M-.. Mr-. Jane St:!? f (last-.* .:. I- . it.r.c her -< n Mr. p.Stil- -\ A few d:.ys .. a swarm f * - * setthd ;etwe*r. the w?ather r* ri-:?i f.iins in th?- residence M-. T' J H. N. T.ylr and it is reported that Mr. Taylor was not pleased witr. >','A his v -iters. Ruf::- My- r* and farv.i y !>.i k- ?'4 v town 1 Mr.J. P. Decker Sunday. Mr. Hunt Wart and :.?r ..!> spcr t "* ' S.ur.o iv ut'er : on with Mr. J. E. "'^r" Parker. " e v, v ? ... . ... . M vt-r the new r S .v;rd*v after- *' r,n. ' >1 Ry.-ival services hav< commenced the OV'li* Ba- * -" ? .;r . the K an.i B- ,-.v. ?harjre. i R< H WE HAVE MOVED! Ri S?-cond F'.. r f The Davidson Building Our hen:* a: ?! Frirnd* Wi'l i Tak- \* e ? MOODY & MOODY LAWYERS J Second Floor Davidson Bids?. ICAN I HOME T( | Our Big Jul> \\r tt?? v vy e are uiren at Home and at Home and x We are offeri weather. It New Bargain | Candler's ! x^x-x~x-xx-<-x-x~x~x~> x-m~x-3h TV -a~. C* -t= i s** : f "t- 2HZ1'5E-** *-' ! t: kr ~-r *;:e. sc 1 ' xe- r sato a .r c H-*; f. : ??Vt * ""*" I / " *C. - >j ! ; V r>' Ir. r... S:">< f n. w !; -*? F.!:r..? A. r. .r.ii I:.. 5v. n-j a: Suit Friday rich:. Ir>. Lyda Cran'. ivm R'v*r H.. ! :*:*'* c *r?r .ch*- r Mr?. Arcr*wj m: - r. :r:i.? w? ?. r. : Mr*. n r-rt A ;tMr Mr . V -sr:! , ,r. !r. and Mr-. T S- f > ?? i Mr- ! r*5 r r.:*. Mr. :.?.d Mr-. I k j \er the week-end. q Ir. and Mr-. P.- - Euryr " pkt wn. Ter.-. v - ted Mr?. Prct ' her Mr-. K'.'.ar H e-< d Surd.-.y. Ir-. R. P Allen ar.d ! j.-ht-r, red Mr-. M.-. y Sv.I-. * >'-* d.- y . err. n. r Ir. Br'. M - *. :rr-r S* p.], 1 h "'* rr " ' day. Ir. ("ir I, Mil? ' ;.de .-r.e--- ( ; t Murrhv Saturday. I:-- V:r K turn- d fr re. .! whe. wher* -h? r.;.atten?i:ne S h !. r [ >-? r. T A > n y ted Mr. \V;,.h >w . - r Sunday V rn or. Ir. David M.N..' ! :r- S.;.* n.-. ur r. : S r. OWL CREEK ITEMS p Ir. Henry Alxrnathy 'd Mr. r.k W- :y . f B- ..inir Srrinc* were . ie-t< Sunday f Mr. ,...d Mr*. V. Solc^hee. Ir. W. Ha-- - rn \ed hi* :- in * h pr? *rtv f M-. \V. q, >n\i- where he expect- V. : -< T.e fintr I re- N?d Vina I an-r"H h| indii A* vi-.t-d th? r grand. arent- p and Mr-. S. T. K-phart la-r ?r k- pi Ir. B. M. Aternarhy ?.f Mad - n. T- nn. spent the w- -. d r. : q ueine-s. ( [r. P> ter Man-.:- ".rt: ast Saturt--r Madisonv.lle. T- rn. >bust Mother of Five Healthy, appv Children Keeps Fit ith Bcecham's Pills "ttV- > f:;I - J,::x vi.n.-f comae oc. 1 tab cot or r*c ['i P^!i. "1 am 33 ? a hrti-nv fchitr rr..*Krr w??t? 4*re h?r7*v5h^ni..l t rae.haroV Ideal] tr.* . arr. 1 ?-u?e ?. . ircr.inv ?r.J l- tyt ihe children.'* m Mir Albert <?f-r.erc<i. Fatl Riwr, Miu. * For FKL^ AMPLE - Write F- AllraCe^^iv C<nal Stmt. New York v from lour drugtut in IS and see bou* I ccrjti^z:. "...iwutwi. tick jnd Set d^crnc auimcncj t-*e A Seecham's Pills s DO DWN BAF yS r Bargain S*fe is Still G ng New Bargains every i seve money. Your Hor save monnd a safe place ing special prices during will pay you to come an s Being Placed on sale E1 Departmei Murphy, N. C. FKM=T. JUL Y ,7.^. le 1890 Rattletrap m "** ' -r := ~.*-?> -T C*** ~ E 4.: Hf * -"<-? 'C s;.. ,r. BL- rr-T= T rtjx fcCO" - ?C"tB -U e N " * ^ ^ ,r __' D?'| I Jpi ?kK : B -7; i? U. i )M .r ' H:,. ~~.i i'.'.fr >Tcke wfei. M .. < " a Kcphar- ,i: .i ' K - K?* E r- Mr. and Mrs. TJ ' a by hoy F.eport cf tr.e condition cfl Bank of Murphy I t Murpby, in the State of nJ Carolina, at the close of buiial June 30. 1925 g RESOURCES I - an* and di- . . ?2?"; >'l verdrafts unsecured ;;1 r. ited State? Bonds | ink in? r uses. $2.2''iv c Furr.i'ure and Fix.. ? 11.4*4 . - 3.<J ash n vault ar.d net I amounts due from f har.ks. hanktrs, and j? ?ru-t mpanie? 153.Mll he< k? f r clearing 1 ml LIABILITIES I apita) stctk raid in 30.mI fur ! . IS.O&S ndivided pr"fjt?. less | jrrent expenses and I taxe- J aid 5,?1&l ' ' -..i.e.: T ch- k I in<:i\idaal . ... 15y.32il tn and certificates J f dt pi-sit . 215,it'm ashier's "check? out- g standing . . ?,6yi* TOTAL TTiml late of North Carolina. i ounty f Cherokee, July 11, l?l 1. L. F.. Bayless, Cashier of til bove named Bank, do soleacl vear that the above statement I ue to the best of my knovrletf !.. K. BAYLESS. < ..shier. I orrect Attest: 1 A. B. DICKEY. I J. M. VAUGHN*. I WALTER W. HYPE I Directors. I Subscribed and sworn to befot^ > thi? 11th tiny .,f July. 11*25. J. D. MAI.IdSEE Notary Public. DASTORIA For Infants and Children n Use For Over 30 Years Iwavb V*ars ifinatu'a ot :r's SGAINS oing On Jay. Buy ne Town <r_ 1 to trade. ^ this hot d see us, /ery Day nt Store < J

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