?*GE FOUR MURPHY ASKED TO ENTERTAIN JOURN AL TO'Jf (Continued : rcrr. p*r< h:t:~ /": N- .. \ rr T-Xia - - At that b N - V - it K t* v:- x- *rr* - r.t > ' :h - : :r. t?w t. -r . -r th *>.-.? rr r? *. AUa'.-- rr - xt tr.-: tr Vt - - . N f- na: r.a: *-?-t r. - - ; t . * as?t-r t. . -t- : . T'-1 * v-j. i rxr r. w- c "r.- t _r *rr--r a - s- ' ... jjhway tvr. Nr* V -r. - *i n. H 3 -tattC t: " . i frti yrar- travv. n rr..* 'ttivt.it* ts?-; t _ r. ?*a< pra.t * - a _t r. .. t-.at tr Ikkc'J:r -r.ta " " . : ? >; v; jp -. - a . t t r - cat.-' c rs - XT. " ~ * pa ,. -* *.a: s*tr - i. : _ - i -' event t .r -t pu:; -- : r UV- tfei" " 3" ?rr'_ ? tr- " - r " Si.- *. : the a: Ar -&r. : Higr. A-3y. V"- - r -rx : ic*r.... * -- ' * " l-" '* Ur af:>rri : .un : h*t ?fk-r- in th.- w : - -cunntr;. H- er- : rarr: fp?r?r - :' - ' -i* * J r?u*.?r * )m A: Murpr.y and . ->** - . - - : r * > r - gptase and - - *rv ' hai e&-me~rw iate - n. Ho* many car- an : : : ,p e w , i re tv? four he ..: r. ? -av. - ut -tated tbftt rntXy da*-.? announced la to- He - : :r.u; the rmrmitte. --cure *r.- name* ft th.se a-, would open the: home- for the resi'or*. * eether ui*h :r- number >: **>nts a-.d the number f r- that l<- taken arc f. avwis. lodzins?. . ?n i - -nd the siormation r hirr a- - on a- praciica'. H e-v.nated n><-rv:stLv.-ly that fifty car- w - : l e the * \-r with an av- - . :-,-r- -r.- r ??ch car, but -hat v.:th the v:rR;iv? adv.rv- r.z campaign that ??- being < nouitei ar.d tr.at w .u! : nxrtisoe for a r rid al t <-ty Jays. ke- expected that :: v. iuld far exceed these figure-. Air.-ady many roJurr.vs m! space had been * lirtrcsinc and creating a -er.t intent .n fa cor of the proposed mute . he -tatirj piedgirtir h ,r" ?>? could be taken a- nr. ird a*. ?n &i> tour would be one : tfc. rr. -*. successful and so- taular ever underSTOUT PERSONS ir.cij-.ed to fail feeling after eataa-?iMri?ins, con it. pat - w.il uj*f.vi<:rf, and thf:rd:j?vd by ta*.r.g CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS Oeaxtaing and comforting - only 25c for iale By R. S. Parker. Druggist Getting h II oirot^jncs ij?HB|fl conii:;x:? e t * * trouble T marshy p - L * moi healthful. HQ Your buiU will be *la?J Pi"ways you < ^I pro^e you PcrttandC P^TL "ThtStand^lir/zx:. . tM ^^3 ' " 'J * _ - . rir.) r.rf- W. ^r.r-iay r.icht ?a< - by Mr R ?rt L H., v :h- Yirbr Motor < mpany -- ervv- :..str.-^t rv :" Atlanta. Ar. . A.. B y- r City Wayne * ar.: tr.rr r rt* -nroute to villr?. It * ?xpeci -! that the cal committee wi . shake i ir.vx-.- of the - r. -.v.th:r. :h * \t ? day? ar.i -:a : mer.t jr. i re-, -pt: -?n a operate "A.'h them : - the er.d that r.tertain.T.-rand rr.ept. r. a; WHY SUFFER SO? Get Back Your Health A? Other Murphy People Hare Done. T ) _rt.. p-lam- aching bac.-.-. distre--ng k drey d:--?ier and rheurr.u*;- . ar.d pa::.* Oft - r. th;- : - - t faulty kidney a r. a - a *r.-re"- danger : hard-ned ar:-r;e- dropsy. travel .r Bright*? dj.-ra-v. DC: : weak k. in-v* ue.-r you out. Use D an - PiU'a before it - too late! Doar's are a stimulant diureth to the kiin.y-. Duar.'s have helped th --and-. Hero is .ne >f many cases ir. thi- 1 calitv: Mrs W. R Davi- 124* Killian St.. Waytte.-vllle. N. C.. says: "I had a :a he i:: try .k that made n;e .< rn When I ber.t. sharp rm.r.s iarted thr- ugh m?- and I had i r.Jinz i:?.?.y sp.!!-. Morni- e-. f ...is ,a*r.e a- 1 I . juhi hardly get .?r . ;nd. I had nerv ,us headache? ar.d rr.y kidney- i not act right. Dean - P 11- re'.iev <1 me >f the trouI ' T- D t-HT CT- . n- ? ? ? *-? ' i ' f. i ...AKS 1-.A I E.K. Jlr*. . . . A i -.vd "I ai.- Doan's "C. a>: r ...:y ar.d c-t the result.1*. . at ;t': Jeai-r-. F-jster-Milburr. . M:-. Bjft&l t. N Y.?A iv. WOLF CP.FF.K ^stotiUutuuBisoi our pe^pir 9????.dfd ' the a l-day - r.icin* at Mr. Mariah .?arch S ndav ar.d reported a nice time and an excellent Jinn* r. I" * . !; > he: - With the pr > p -1 : a very p . .r crop of corn. Ther- wer a number of tamily "I.r?" r. :ho community la-t week.',, c atr : thisshrdleta >:dlue-Jr-hrdlcjr*! which we hope will not be repeated-, this. It seems "old corn likker wa*! th- cause or' the most of it. About >ne half f the - id i - ^ under poor weather a big enough My 1 without meeting I n route such as un- B ays and ditches. B culverts bridge the H -J alw drain wet, B lace j ? malting the c comfortable and B I h ling material dealer I to tell ycu the many :an nencly im- A 1 r lanr. with -Vclas H ccjpr.i. I 'LASjJ AMD CEMBff | THE CHEROKEE - - s ?v*rda~ r:ai M C P. : - Grm - T i " f part ? th* Sc pes tt 5: 1 ay: jr.. T-- n. '- : ro :ng "' H- ?r - i arge cr *i th< rarml i house Saturdiv Dar: tea'.: wl:h th- -uj;-;: :r. : ?:ar.dpj n:. K -a i i* : :;r-: : the B b. : '.d - w ry ; :.w a'.; th.r.iji r. - . and tr.i: :- r-.-t :: I.". - dv*_u..s f how it a H- rr.phasizei that "G - a : .t v .? done. "Just a* J a. i ' " - *.ivev "Pza: b. H said that the d:?-. n "i" - k.r.i" *a. u> : : ir. ::a: ?a~ :\r>: -..p: r. a :-a*. n a-, n-: re r be-er. axx T' * pr"r, r w .h hai r --*>i :r. it.--If. :r. r . i . t ::? :n: :h- incon?.:ar? :r.e ,?ry. by a .* > > : . y '.lag Fr r man wh ?fcaii.-nifrd one his r ri-.-nd' a- * whether :h.--e wa> G l r r. Thr -t.ivient admit: that r.- : ther*- ^a* a# G d t ha studied I'hii -ophv. Ma:-..mat; ?r. : P- bur that after - doii he wan convinced that God was : er.pty word. Hi- friend asked p-rmb ion : d a-k him a question, which h- h adily granted. She said \T 1 n whence the egg H - r-pl.i /from the h-n." She asked "whii : them xisted I rst. th* egg >r ti hen?" Hh an-we.id "th n S! answ *o?d "there s a her. then th; did n : 'jv-* from a*. < ?;. . Th? i, . . ; .i. . ? i- - - - ? v - nt- L- .I '/'-a r. ? i said the ve n : pr >-ar. There are hut few families here that do not uvrn .ar ot som- kind. Are we turning out to be .? r.u Anarchists? Your Scribe 1*1 h - *a : . an i tr ir, >Iu?f last week. ibout a- many doer? in tr.e t'n >aa as chickens. "Honest" I saw bu r.e doe tied that day. and it wa? m wr.. Has th- order of the < ont [iuard of Health been lifted or ar -?ur pe -pie disr?eara ne it" If i sas not been lilted, then it > :? ver eriou- situation indeed, not aion' rom the menace of infected d?-gs. bu ar disregard f ?r constituted author ty. \Y. ertainly should look abou ind >ee where we are gonig. Zonstintution Receives lnquir:es As To Routes Into The Mountain! Janves A. Hoi man. writinz undei r.e head of "Just in passing." '.n th< Itlanta Constitutian in last Monday'i The Constitution is receiving J uirfcer of inquiries daily about thi Georgia mountain?, the best routes t< isheville, etc. Many of the-e inquire particularlj bout going to the North Ca-olin? fountain* over th.. beautiful new Ap aiachiar scenic highway via Cleve md. Blairsville ar.d Murphy. The Georgia link of this highwaj execeUent. but there i* quit.- a sec >n in North Carolina between Mur hy and Br/son City that i* andei >ns:njcti'.n. and it will be several eek.* be*ore completed. When it is eoupleted the whole ill make an excellent route in so far 5 mountain scenery goes. S COL- U\.X-r- r N C NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ~~~ MfctHAMC'5 LI E.N - - - . - - S - v c - ; i S- itut.?*. * '~ z r.-r. t.-r. f r repair.' - R -* H.-.rry. r:"--r f r -ale 3' 2 " ' - : tr.- highest bidder > ' ' - it Garan:* under- " : M.-; -y. N. C. .n th- -*h " : A:;;-*. Ij2". ?t ten o*c! vk " A. M. :>~ Hu i ->n T >\ir:njj '""ar, - . n f - und-.-r* gn d. i: Hasty (iara^, ' * -2: ... By G A. HASTY <* P? BLIC NOTICE T W I: Mi..- C > err. 1 N t - giv -n *'v?* j a ^ b- responsible for any debt? a nad r contracted by W. E. d T:-..- : .;> 2 . n r L. AND LILLIE SCROGC.S o ~?"-2:-pd? Brasstown. N. C. Highway No. 28 ti N -r 2* Highway Association. v "- ? -'-d Saturday at H.gh Harop- ]'] : *. n. has an . ctiv.- worthy ?>i the ^ - nthu>:a.-n; r the n,. hundred and a re :*:7. fr-'or five counties, who 1 : r -i the association. This road. ^ in a -nv-. t ;n some ./f ih-. coun- 1 it strangers because ' . rn . bar :ers r.<>t cr ?d by 1 1 p g d r e . It wi'.l offer t the ,l* uri -t n W-Mern North Carolina ^ tr.ita rly faintly sugg -i.-d by c-1 "a splendid sccr.ic high N' I way." bi i * , When th nighvvay i> finished the l , tr.f. ..-ier ..a;. Lave Ash villv. Herder- 1 : - : v.i.e or Br vard. drive through the Y r Supphire C irtry ot Transylvania ? and Jackson Counties, cross Macon bv ... wav of Highlands and Franklin t-.< I Kayt:vi!!c in Ciav < >unty. then t? Murphy, there conr.ecting with H.gh,, way No. 1?? which crosses the Nun-i a tahala^ an i the Balsams for the r*; a turn t.ip to A she v: lie and nearby towns. A shorter route will bt availably through the Sapphir- ref gby way of Cullowhw t-v Sylva. Highway projects have become so! numerous, their fat-reaching results' e . f tr.ar.v kinds a:e becoming so fam? iliar. thai the mind is oftfn ur.ablc t i v throughly apj-reviate the sigr.iiicanc?j v of such a road program as this High-j e Way 2*. soon to be a reality. Speak t ing of this road and what it wouldy mean to all the mountain counties, an e Ashevilh man yesterday said: "1 want i to live at least twenty-five years more . to se_- the wonderful develop* ments t in tni> section brought about by good : oads." There was in this remark a reaiizatior of the fact that we of ' today can see but dimly the great i future ahead of us in material andj social advancement, a future into | which *he paved r>ad and the motor vehicle an taking us at motor sneedj r ?Asheville Citizen. 'I FOR OVER 40 I EARS : HAUL'S CATARRH MEDICINE hia i bT7L.u*l ^c^*'Bny in the treatment . or Catarrh. . HALL-g CATARRH MEDICINE con lift* or an Ointment which Quickly ' Relieves by local application, and the j Internal Medicine, a Tonic. wMck acta , inioutn uie diooq ' h in- mdcmi 8ur- ; thu? ffducinr th- InftarnmaODn So 14 by all drujditi ?j F*. J. Cheney * Co.. Toledo. Ofcla. Perhaps the moat beautiful . * . :r:ty. hav- tnov?*ible ? ' r.t : th. . water power. : - Survey to '?e rf.ne b ythe - - " E-.u r. - f *he War Depar* h . 11: r. - if Major '* : r - . >*rich Er.2;ne?r. 7 H: j -v R v *r - ?n .f - rry r\?r- *r ' ' i'i ^ .f the Ten? ar-i the par-;. -"zinee - r >w - R t> :-* Park ar en;r. v.. . - 2 th survey f ther. Ir i:\- -y ter ?-yhot 'graphs a e ,*a?j - connection with th- f:e'd rk. The* photo ?rarhv*. . -r'2 ' H River Vali y fr n ; Hia .s a*-.e. G- >rci ?. to .V R ' T?ia_ ?>- * nraie ast 3umme fr r.% .1 h ight of about :n the iir. Each ph-toraph ar. or- a ' th-?-jr 4 rv ir-i -:: r. v ry pla'tily all the * xi i*. tr- *? -. K!v\a: ?..? of dif rer.t nt? a! ng the Sort > ?? ar. ] p 'r. - * ihutarie? are tak r i p. :* -d n th * ph t-uruph *?ver"..r that par'ivular vv-i-'ty an 1 the opjiir r h v ?h wn Vy rr.rans of con t~?. Th - lev it. >ns are all referrd : . - a and the contour* a e ater -urfa- - - fh pi??:h!.? Jam -it,, 'he ph"- -graph? are then. i-.kd in nd ?-?n'. ' th- Chattan ?ga frito -h re they ar-. -ambled on larger racing? and th-> finished map? ire iade. Th -e map- are on the scale f t inch equal? 1250 feet and the ontijr intervals :.ro 1" fe-t. There ar- a* present thr?- unit- of r.gin-.er- of about 2" tr.en each in r.- fi-.-ld unde- th. g-neral sup-rr>; r. t Junior Engineer Hugh H looper : the Chattan-H ga offic . 'nit N . 1 -Nn thr Pigeon R;\-r t Lak lunaluska, N. C.. No. 2 1- ( a the H?lst.>r. Rv.r near Bristol, enr.-Va.. and N .. 3 here at Murphy, 'nit, .V;. ' v.inercei opera'...> ri? t the Hiawas-e River at Hay .? i He abut June 1. It i> expected that ie entir. riv.r to Charleston. T-nn .1! be completed by late f?l { This unit of engine?!-? is comae i uf twenty-five nun. headed by Mr. r.i\vfjrd C. Anders.Topjgra1 nr-itttnun Th.-v .-ire t ' ( . ?! mer.. from several differ.-n? s ? - % (ins of the country. Some of the represented ar : Kentucky . late. Purdue. Univervty t Air- j una. Massachusetts Tech. C->l;*ate j niversitv. Centre Collee*:. Ornell, x hattanooffu. Lincoln Memorial. s ennessee Tech. South Dakota Schol . Mines. University r P--- van a. flu*"" &*/$>tl MOTHER! Fletcher's Casforis Castor Oil, Paregoric. Teething prepared to relieve Infants in ar Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, pre Natural Sleep withot To avoid imitation* always look for the i Proven direction* package. Ph Valet The & AutoStrOp Sharper Razor '? ?? | - Sharpw ltmmlf r.icaoi ! SBjH FRIDAY. JULY 24. 1925 ? _ r.and S T - V -r.2 :r - a- a . .--y i -- rur- i2r:- ,f :-e:r r 7:.-: have b n ?. srratclated n their r: i bc-ha-. ur a-1 straight: rward. clear cut r;. f the impartance bf ?. tu-tine 'v-? as eentlemer. ;a v-ry re?r *. They . xj res.-e.-i th-m*a. ; ~:n? highly impressed with :h v/nrr- . me a.vordrd then-; by r.z >: Murphy. AH 'v.t-t.j ?h-?u!J c>- -r:.t-* in sh owing: t-??* une r r. t>. tt Marr > is a v.- 4* aw.i!:. tcwn. "c that they may rave :U'> t r?rret the tin;- wk-v-.-y must necessarily move to another vicinity. Th r of the unit her a. follows Crswf-rd C. An i r-,r? Topogrephi.-al. Draftsman.- -Chief of party; W: i;arr. M. Aikman. J_r r Draftsman. Clarence F. Sha'.ib . W. ( :1 F! >k- r, DaF Lee. Paul M )rrij. J. F.. Wamock. Jam.f5 H. Dmnelly, Rob' r*. D. Reynolds, George K. Tatr. Russell F. H" der. A. H. Ft.-ir.er. L. A. Fo Reid Irwin. Ervin McE* n. Buck Th ma3. Gordon Sh-phe-i. T. E. Ti.; :ferr). <~hari-s A. Pal:-, r. Arthur TV. Crawford. Orville S Baker. Clarence Bak*:. Cl f:'ord Ton-. Ra^s Swan and George Eva 15. PLEASANT HILL Th p of pleasant Hill w-re y i h-ar th- sermon prea -- d l.y Re-". E. D. Cole Sunday mornn: * and night. Mr. JfA Coleman died July 1"? a* l" - h her -. H ? was seventy five year? old. was buri-d in the Liberty Cemetery. He is survlv. e-d by -.is widow, th-ee boys, two daughter--, and scores of relative* ani friends to mourn his death. Quite a crowd from Duck* w*. Etowah and Copperhill attended the funeral of Mr. Quincy Hamby oa Monday. Mr. O-car Kilpatrick motored U H:awa?*fe Monday. R- v. FT. P. Colo is conducting a *p% ies of meetings at the Pleasant Hill Church this week. Mrs. F1 L. Amburn. Mrs. S. M. 1".demur.. ?nd Mrs. G. W. Ki'pat: l< A"tr(' v'*:t rs a? K. TV. Shearar's Funjay a Barmy Taylor and sister. Miss T-.-I L*t:.u.- v . .>un. rrfj Henri v. ani Miss Ethel Davi# of Ww Prospect were visitors of Mrs. \da Burgess Sunday. Mr~. Ethel E*.!er was the ea *t of VIrs. j?. If. Reiii Monday. Mr. Charlie Ledford. Lester Ledrd. Misj?- Julia and Gerta L*.drd. Gord->.-. and Richard Jones, and dr. Berr.-nsj's fanVly ani Ersia Payne net red Cold Springs on the Kimify Highway iast Sunday where they ne: friends f- >m Etowah. Ter.n. and .. : a cj d tint.. iJlL l is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups. TOS and Children ail ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels imotmg Cheerfulness. Rest, sad it Opiates ^ denature of racism everywhere tecoeumeud it sfety Razor that I is Its Own Blade* I t outrts v : jo a sum I s?~wi hh. e.?. ^4 nam. |