ir IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT IT'S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Organ of VOLUME XXXVI. No. .-J. 1000 Cars Expected To Enter Asheville For Highway Meet (Johnson City, lenn.. Staff-News) "We have an international organ- j iiation meeting of the Appalachian Sceni-- Highway Association at Kenjltv trih. Inn. Asheville. N". C.. S ptember 14-15-16." advises Captain T. V. Orr. Vice -president of the as-ociation. who was in Johnson City Wednesj day. Continuing. Captain Orr states: "We are now organizing a motoreui . one branch to start front Riviere Du Loup, following by way of Grand Fall*. Canada, to Bangor and Augusta, Main, and into th-1 main lir- it Rutland. Vermont, A second l.?. . -i will start at Quebec and travel by .'/ay of Sherbrooke to Rutland. Verrvmt. Another form M <>ntreal to Ottawa. Kingston. Toronto. Niagara Fail-- Buffalo, to Sunbury. where this vt:' j >in the other two motorcades an: proceed down throuth Pennsylvania Wtst Virgina, Maryland, Virgin::!. .Johnson City. Tennessee, to A- -ville. picking up all that care to tia-. i with the motorcade, enroute. A f isth branch will start at New i Or ins, going by way of Mobile. P ola, Crestview. Tuskeu Alaba i. to Atlanta. A fifth f: ... F rt My rs, Florida, will travel via punta C ia. Sarasofca, Bradentown, Tampa. St Petersburg, Tarpon Springs. Live Oai.. Cordele, Mncon. Joining the New Or! ans motorcade and proceeding by way of Gainesville, Florida and Mur. ph . Bryson City, Waynesville, North Caro/.na, to Asheville. "At least 1,000 curs will converge) b-rming a parade at Asheville, and each car is to have a banner on same V- .ving town it is from; the motion i picture people will he there to take j tie pictures of the event. "We want Johnson City to have many cars as possible in that motorcade, ready to join with the pr cession when it passes through Johnson City. Incidentally, it may be an opportunity to entertain some distinguished visitors from the north tsst, if Johnson City would like to do It miwht It** n.t*<ilth> to have those gtr.Uemen stop over for one meal. '"The governors of the 1" states and pr .inces traversed, will be invited ti at: nd, as well us the Premier of Canada, and president of the United State? and prominent tourists and motor officials, and others, whdse influence w 11 be Important to th's I section of the country. The Appalachian Sconi. Highway A^ociation will be glad to cooperate with Johnson City in any way it may Ik possible to make this event profitable to this city. '"The Georgia sector of the Appalachian Scenic Highway reaching , from Atlanta to the North Carolina state line at Murphy, N. C., wa? formally opened by a barbecue at Neel Pa - at the crest of the Blue Ridgr . July 4th, 1925. About 8.000 peopl were present. Governor Clifford Writer. of Georgia, was the principal speaker, the Georgia legislature attended in a body. Th evening mating was held at Murphy. N. C., with attendance of about 7.000 at which Captain T. V. Orr, vice-president of th* organization, discu-sed the appaUchian Scenic Highway Association's project and it'-* meaning to Georgia. North Carolina and this entire section. acneauie will nave to d? woi-kwi i out accurately, so that all branches of j this immense motorcade will arrive in ; Asheville on the evening of th - 13th j of September, or the morning: of the; 14th." baptist revival to begin aug. 23 According to announcement this "eek by the pastor, Rev. T. L. Saser, plans are being formulated for >oldir.g the revival of the Baptist J Church, beginning August 23rd and j continuing for a period of two ( reeks. The plans to date are to secure the ervices of a competent song leader co have charge of the song services, unless some change in the plan? levelop the pastor will do the preachnK One service will be held daily, 't the evening hour, it was anr.ouncd. Mis3 Lucy Lemon, of Jackson, <3a., s thc guest of Mrs. J. B. Storey lilt Ruth Whitehead th's week. my Murphy ?nd Cherokt * Su N fw.'W fKTTC [fQUME J <C -yyHitn. W. S. O.) Blairsville Citizen |l Commits Suicide * According to infotmation reaching here this week, Ed. Waldroup, ot Hlairsvillf, prominent in road building and banking circles, and w. II known throughout this entire section. _ ommitted suicide at the home of his father Sunday morning about eight o'clock by putting a shitgun to his ncau and pulling tne trigger. It is thought that ho had the muzzle of the gun in his mouth at the time, as 1 the entire top of his head was blown off. His head was so ba lly mutilated that it was wtapped in a sheet and never unwraped, it is said. It is thought that dometsic troubles ; was the cause of his action, as he nr.d his wife had been separated for j some two or three years. It is sa d 1 that he made statements to several , of the family sometime ago that he was going to end his troubles, and that he had repeated them onlv a day or two before. Kuneinl services were held Monday aftirnoon and intirment was in the Blairsville cemetery. He is survived by his wife and one child, his father and mother and sev- j eral brothers and sisters. Commission Confirms Road Contracts The Cherokee County Road Com- | mission, composed of Mr, A. Rice, J chairman; Mr. D. S. Russell, secretary; and Messrs. G. 0. Crawford. T. S. Evans, N. K. Doekery, W. F. Hill, met in regular session here on Monday and Tuesday of this week, and besides transacting the regular routine business, it is understood that the commission confirmed two contracts for the construction of roads in Beaverdam township. Th Kido in min^tinrr m r ? ?n-d In be those if Crye and Kollock, for three and one-half miles on Unicoi Mountain, conntcting with Tennessee thi through Bcaverdam township, at an ^r' approximate cost of $20,000; and 5.7 miles on the same loute from the bil Dave Burrell place to Dr. J. W. Craw- an ford's at Unaka, at an approximate *u cost of $25,000. It is understood that the contracts call for grading, n,l the maximum not to be more than 3ix and one half ptrcent. P^1 A delegation of citizens from Cuiberson and vicinity appeared before ni* the commission, it is understood, resenting and showing the need of a m road between Murphy and Hot'House. te! and asking that the commission authorize the same to be built. It i? ? understood that construction on this ?-oad will begin at once. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rogers of mi Gainesville left Thursday for their As home after spending the pa?t week lai with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. . .. ret ??of Tomotla and other relatives Tu in the County. tlv Cfjcrc ie County, and the Le MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA Lmmer Follies Pfl [U5t 10OKS JUST m - Lltt &? *$>;' ?.> rtURPHYN PREPARA ENTER' Route Of The Tour ^ %SU?l//lLE I f CAVDcgJ *-.r c m / Qwycrwut S 4. }BALUn y ^y^o,u.saoiio f^LMOMD j mA/fTAMALA /'" J*"Dse*,sy&~ Smaarle Wy , 1,0 0V*O#ol ' *~**-MC?-CfL-/I, J> STOAA ? MOUMTAlM^ oeCArv/zjf 4TLMr/)cf # This Map Shows that port:on of d Appalachian Scenic Highway. >m Atlanta to Asheville. over which i Atlanta Journal's (treat Automoe tour will be run September 14th d 15th. Some of the mo3t beautiI and inspiring scenery in Ameri is on this highway. The first ?ht of the tour the motorcade will guests of Murphy and it is excted one hundred cars and four or 'e hundred people will spend the fht in Murphy. Mr. Harllee anch, city editor of the Journal, is charge of the tour?Cut Courty the Atlanta Journal. ommissioners Met This Week The Cherokee County Comssioners, composed of Mr. T. W. [ley, chairman, and Mr. W. T. Hoi. nd. and Mr. W. J. Martin, met in rular session here on Monday and tesday jf this week and transacted o regular routine business. iktt ?s> ading Newspaper in thi i FRIDAY. AUGUST 7, 1923. 1 iwi * p !i ? 68&EM APPLES ? IAKING j! TIONS TO rAIN TOUR COMMITTEE SECURES RESERVA , TIONS FOR 30O VISITORS. AND 200 MORE NEEDED, IS SAID Developments in the plans f r thi r onti?rt]iinin<r ..f ?K.. I. t.?ur in Murphy on the night of Sep ; t ember 14th have been great a: d tr. i ] rapid succession during the past fewj days. The committee in charge announced th>- first ot the wtelc that accomodations for taking care of s ime thr. e hundred of the visitors expected had been tecuied and that in all ,?ro- ! bability accomodations for at least two ( hundred more would be needed. This was followed by the annoui.eement over long distance telephone by Air. Hurllee Branch, wi.o is in ch: :g? ' of the tour for the Atlanta Joui tal, that up to nun Wednesday sixty ar> had already been entered in thL. p oposed tour with more than a month inervening between now and th ?.ate et for the tour, and in all probab lity hire would be more than a hundred a?s in the tour by the time the motor* ade reached Murphy on the night ol Sept. 14th. Also the first of th^ week. Mi. E. I'. Hawkins, local Hudson dealer, announced the tendering of a s veil passenger Hudson to be entered and used as the official car of the city. In the event the car is accepted. Mr. Hawkins plans to drive it himself, and it i* understood that his proposition has been or will be accepted. And it i is hoped that the official car of Mur. I i phy will join the motorcade in At-1 | lanta and make the entire tour from I Atlanta to Asheville. j The committee in charge of ar- J jrangements tor the entertaining of j 11be tourists are highly optimistic ov. r i the co-operation being recc'vc 1 from the citizens, and were picased with jtne re?u>-3 of th"ir ef:'*rts during tht. past few days, but ii-o.l that if any. "is or nusirss * ? ;uir %.?*> t?? sibly take another guest or two, it : w uld bo greatly :ipjire-:::ited, and the c.-.mmittte she bl l?e not fie i at ?i-op "i was rvicessn *c thn'; *hc information be communicated to Mr. Branch of the Atlanta Journal as soon as possible. From the annunetment of Mr. Branch that sixty cars had already been entered and that more than a month yet remained for entering, and that he was expecting some one hundred cars to be in the motorcade by the time it reached Murphy, the proposition to take care of the tourists here on the night of the 14th becomes a huge one and the committee stated that is was with a degree of ser(Continued on page 4) tout L a Seed on of Western N TRUETT AND RE McCONNELL TO D1 BE AT FRANKLIN arge Tabernacle Erected and peo In C pie Preparing for Great Rev- H iral August 14 to 23 l^arge window placards calling a-.- ^r ention to Great Truett-McConn P.,tron evival at Franklin frum Aue l' t?t 11 to 23rd were received ' icre this week and placed n windows ot the bu.-in , - *j?sious<s and other prominent places. ; "*erv The placard is about 11x14 inches wee inu snows pictures of I>r. Georg Il,r rV. Truett and Dr. F. C. McConnell,'Mrwo ot the greatest preachers who j rver w?.nt out from this mountain oas ection. Dr. Truett is pastor of the **ir-t Baptist church at Dallas. >;iK< r- xas, and Dr. McConnell is pastor i fo*"< ?f the Druids Hill Baptist Church of Xtlanta. day The event is a sort of home-corn-1 thei ng for the two great preach- -, a- , thri ?oth are native North Carolinians I whi laving heen born and reared in Clay 'hr 'ounty near Hayesvill.. It is under- -safc tood that Dr. McConnell will preach ?ne it the morning service and Dr. age rruett at tht. evening service. 1 hr The people of Franklin hav ? erect-1 or id a large tabernacle and are pre-1 don ) a ring to take care of the thousands I' jf visitors who will I in attendunc , liga Irom all sections of Western North j be r Carolina, Georgia and Tennesse 1 juite a number have alr> a iy signi- : the "ied their intention of attending fron viv; Murphy. , Kin Th,. placard, besides the pictures of! sun )rs. Truett and McConnell. bears j ing he following announcement; "Truett- Ii McConnell; big crowds. big taher j peo| lacK*. great preachers; 10 great day? pro: Mornings at 11: A. M.. evenings at iallj 1:00. Th,. old Gospel. Franklin. N j to s August 14-23." | thei The Franklin Press has been car ship ing serially for the past several weeks to t he life story of Dr. Truett. and the the meting i-? being well advertised. I' aud I"o Complete Unfinished ^[r Link of No. 10 By Jan. 1 as gre; Th. Scout i* this week in r cei 'lt ?f a communication from Mr. J. G. ove Stikcleather, district highway Com- e's^ missioner for western North Carolina ^ in which he states that a reprcsentative of the bonding company in charge of the unfinished link of ,,,u: Route No. 10 through the Nantahala ; Gorge was in hi- office a f< \v!na? days ago and made the statement t*>a that he. the contractor would per- lo 1 haps have that link of Route 10 finish- ! ed by .lan. l-t. He also stated that ' ^'n the repri sentative of th?. bonding com ! " pany said he ha?l made arrangements ! no> to use the output of Hewitt's Quarry ine on the West end of the work. 'STr In conversation over long distance ^ telephone Wednesday morning, Mr. Stikeleather stated that extra "'<ot, force of men had been put to work on j the other end of thi-? unfinished link ! VIC and that everything possible was being' done to speed up the work. |ce' Mr. Stikeleather also stated that'a he had not as yet had any report .<:UT from the Tennessee authorities rc-|seT lative to what Tennessee would do re-. garding the proposed connection between the two states, and said that i he did not understand the delay. "I have not. as yet. had any report form Tenmssee Department." the letter states in part, ''and I do , not understand the delay. When I * mo receive a report I shall communicate ( ^jr most likely, with your paper to the1 jg end that the public may know of j ?f Tennessee's decision. f ^ "It also Rives me pleasure to in- nf>( form you that a representative of the IwndinR company who is doing the w<k] work on the Nantahala gorge was ir {w< our office yesterday (July 31) and! g he has arranged to use the output of! , the Hewitt's Quarry on the west end' " , of this work and he says that they! ^ are RoinR to finish the surfacinR by January 1st at all cost. Now I want it understood plainly that he say this and I believe he means it. Thi? sounds most too Rood to be true, bu" , you may rest assured we shall do all ^ in our power to co-operate with th< contractors to the fullest extent." , pic tin Messrs. Burton CornweU and Ed ? Hyatt, left this week for Miami, Fla to be gone several months. They of drove throuRh in a Ford car. - Vtj ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH" orth Carolina 6c COPY?11.60 PER YEA* V. ABERNETHY RAWING CROWDS AT M. E. CHURCH Ip^ninf Sermon Monday Nifbt e Urged To Br All There rn Wbateeer One Does i a *tr->ng ana in.-:urir.g sermon u the text "An-: r. L rd Added lie Chu.-ch daily, "at : M -thodist rch Monday N-r. R v. J. E. rn? thy. past <r : Trinity Metho, Charlotte, opened a series of ices lasting over a period of two ks, which hid fair to b fruitful thrt kingdom of God ir. MurnKir Abernethy is an eloquent and nt speaker, an i his strong: vigorvoice carries to every corner of large auditorium, driving his mes*s home with the still -tronger :e of his log.c. n the course of his sermon Man* right. Mr. Abernethy stated that *e were tw ? beings which worked iugh human agency and through ch human agency worked, namely ist and Satan. Ke stated that an could do no evil unless some, some human agency, acted as nt. Likewise the same was true of ist. The coming of the Kingdom, anything that God does, must be e through human agency, he said, le -tated that all were under obtions to Christ, and gave a unmof illustrations to prove his point, le pointed ont that the trend of times seemed to point to a "suril of the fittest,'* and that God's gdom was not concerned with the rival of the fittest, but with makall fit to survive. n conclusion, he plead with the pie to "Br all There" in whatever feseion they followed, and especr did he appeal to the Christians support the services by being all *e, in person, in prayer, in fellow> and harmony with God and man the end that success would crown meeting just beginning, t was a great sermon, and the large itorium was fdled to capacity. 1 services have been well attended ing the week, and it is expected, the word goes out of the really* at sermons he is delivering, that auditorium will be crowded to r flowing before the week closes, pcially at the evening hour. -Ir. Abemathy was pa-tor here le twenty five years ago, and in remarks as a prelude to his serii Monday mgnt stated that he us* to know everybody in Murphy and f of the cats and dogs. He stated t he was glad of the opportunity come to Murphy, and that with the p of he Lord he would do his best, cc leaving Murphy he has attain* .some very distinct honors, and is v pa-tor of one of the most promnt churches in Southern MethodVlr. J. C. Coston, of Hendersone, soloist and director, has been ured to lead tht. song services, and solos are a feature of the seres. A number of singers from the ier churches, together with the exlent choir of the local church, and competent, leader, more than ns e the success of this feature of the vices. rand view Farmer Loses Barn And Houses By Fire Word was brought here Tuesday rning that Andrew Davis, son of . J. A. Davis, who lives at what known as Rocky Gap on the line Murphy and Beaverdam Township 1 two houses, a crih and shed bur* i down by fire early in the mornIt is believed that the houses re set on fire by someone, as about > acres of corn in a field near by re cut down, a potato patch and tobai'co patch torn up. rhe amount of damage is not >wn, but it was estimated at sev.1 hundred dollars. None of the ildings were occupied, except a r pen adjoining but it was believed hogs escaped uninjured, rhe blood hounds were sent for put on the trail, but no informali as to whether or not a trail was ked up had been received at the 'e of going to press. Mrs. Crouch and Mr. Fred Hartell Melbourne, Fla. are spending feral weeks in Murphy.

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