" '?_ i if IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT IT S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT ! The Official Organ 7 ME XXX VII. N . : TRUETT AND MCCONNELL TO BE AT FRANKLIN AUG. 1-1 . iinpr to a statement s nt cut - Franklin the other day >>y R A Smith, pastor of the Franklin B Church. everything is in, rt ' -i- fr*" the jrr-'at Tra tt-M, ( I meeting there from Auurust 14 th 2.".r 4: [ text of the statement issued lr Smith follows: i days are at hand for the ng oi cne Tructt McCoi l 5! : g at Fianklin. N. (*. Much j,. i*y has been u.vcn t?? the and yet I find qui >ti being nskc 1. 1 am sending, t)i this lett- r of general infer;. .' n to as many a? possible in ^ a tions. Some Tructt preachi: morning an I r.i- Dr. MeCon.i.ll prcaehhg in :: rni.n. Announcement to h mil later. Accomodations la: rnuttion bureau on grounds. K 11 vat ions can he made here. Mr. ; I . : Higdon in charge. Corr spoilt!- ., t. ct.nctrning reservations previous t mooting should be addressed to him o: pastor. A. J. Smith. ? I* to homes. h? Ids or camping tii'. i. i h ; A good number ?.f homes pivna- d f I ?t\< roomers, s ?nit. five and otlu rat s : y reasonable prices. H autiful camping sites. Free. \V. i( i- many as jv ssmi. i avail Went j B sC\.s of these camp site-. They ari ^. I ru . at hand . W Ample parking apace near taber- t nai !e under careful supervision. i B \ry sick or crippled old pe>nl I Bw; be permitted to ?nter grounds B v. car that th.y will not ha\> to 1 Bw.ii-v. Privilege granted by chief of r Bp:. :r:g officers. All other cars will h B '* v parked from 100 to 300 yards from f I'v made. ! h jra I idies rest room on grounds. |d 0 i ice vat. r on grounds. c B Punch stands near at hand. (Umhtir ^ chc::h supervision but not run by the: r B*hur.h. We have nothing to sell.) a H Roarii. p B a . v.- concrete highway to G;o:gia|s line. Open all tht way. High ! Brysoa City conecting with 10, good all the way. H'ghwavjn " Pillsboro connectig with N\>. 10 p under construction. Detouis p B1 each end fairly good. Only 30, tl ^Brinutes longer to drive by way cf: ^Br\>on City over f'ne roads a!! the j w Two tiains daily on Talulin (d R. R., connecting with mair.jw ^fli:n- of Southern at Corn-, lia. Ga. ' at Franklin 1:30 and 6:001 fi - M. All Northeast Georgia rovd ja! Bo FILE SUIT FOR r B POSSESSION OF I P I INDIAN LANDS R r. John M. Taylor, attorney for o, leirs of Richard Henson. and the '-r em Rand of Cherokee Indians, in here this week and filed papers J. Mr. A. M. Simonds, Register ti feeds, of th? effect that suit d be f led with the United States' "t for the possession of 210 acres! i-trict No. 5. sec. 11, and 157. jh; * in district No. 5. sec. 14. with1 le dy claim of 2,700 acres, together, the improvements. The lands in ition are said to be located in' hi "okee County. ' al rhile here Mr. Taylor stated that j re fas born in Murphy on Auir. 14th. G and that he would celebrate his i'-fifth birthday Friday. He; Tuesday for Maryvillc, Tenn., on J pi iness and expect? to r:t*om t Thy 3cr* tin-? next week. |t? ! m* of Murphy ir sent. It is understood that the nee ting will seek t ? formulate a p rnanont organization for the compl i--:i t t No. 10 highwav and No. 2V. : liscuss the opo-tunities afforded Vest- rn North Carolina through th coning <>f th. J uirnal Tour on S pember 14th and 15th. and th.. bono, its to he accru.d om the Appal; i hian Scenic Hi-rhw.y 'OULT-'Y SPECIALIST CIVINC DEMONSTRATIONS j. IN COUNTY THIS WEEK Mr. C. I.. Parish, Stale l'..ult:yM pecialUt. is in tir county week * 'ssistin-r County Agent IL \V. Gray n holding demonstrations in the eart. uul ; ai.-ing of poultry. .Mr. Par-sh! arii-.s a small poultry hou.?e that is omplete In every detail and with it ie i> able to giv practical demon- . trat'ons in the nv- i - n h using pro-n h m \\HUT; n i ;?;iry for sucb.ss-j" ut poultry raisin?. Thc-o dt-nionstrati-rn- are Wrinir!: [eld for the ben-fit of those who i ,n inter sted in raisin? poultry for | noncy. It i.- ' aid that the poult?yjf this county and immediate seetiori; s rcarhing large proportions. ?om -11 hing like two thousand dollars Wnrthji f liv. poultry in-i n; shipped \v. kly. , : is stated that with little effort this mount could i>... doubled or trebled, ; "his section is well adapted to poultry'; aising, and County Agent Gray is;. ighly optimistic with the out look[: or increasing th amount of pouihy ; etr.tr shipped. II stated the other i ay that the poultry business in the;' ounty and section had been greatly j< etarded in th past from lack of a ( eady market, but that now a ready A r.aiket had been as. ur d for all the j -oultry and poultry products that this J, ection could deliver and that these i; emonstvatior.s \v? re being held to how th. raiser the m.thnds that ha J ! t roven best by years of study andJ raetice, and it is honed that it will ; rove a stimulus to the industry in j rie county. It is understood that Mr. Purrishj; ill go to Clay County next w.ek. for;.: emonstration work in co-operation t ith County Agent Anderson. :j Th.- demonstrations held this week i >Uow: ' y Thursday, Aug. 13th. 10 A. M.,j t Mrs. Bertha Ellis. on .Murphv,jCl oute 2; at 1:30 1*. M. at Mr. Law- g nee Hatchctt's, on Route 2; at 4:30. r . M. at Mrs. J. H. Hampton's on! oute 2. On Friday. the 14th, demonstrat-' c -n will he held at Mr. A. M. Lovin-j ood's in the Gradview section: and i the afternoon at 3 o'clock at Mr. j, T. Dockt ry's in the Gradview see- c on. Jo I u And to think, with all of our widevake chamber!" of commerce no city w is* as vet sent out a bid for a bootftjrers' convention! s) Maybe now some of our pood ]r ehcrn who claim to know so much ei jout the Diblc will sit down and nd at least the first Chapter of ,? :nesis. | 1 " ; ti A wife may take a congressman's Ci ace, out we haven't heard of anyj - asm an falliac over himself to as u his wife's place. , fj i cee County, and the Lei MURI'HY, NORTH CAl'.OU * Event of Septe ?D_ I^ 'I ?' "I al of Aug. 11th.?Cut Courtesy The . ZOURT ADJOURNS THURSDAY \ UNTIL VONDAY MORNING, Criminal Calendar C mydetrd?Jud;r BrXson To Preside Ovr Court Next Week The Superor Cou. t t f Cherokee bounty, with -Judge James I.. \Y< ' >'). >f Shelby, p.. siding, took r??.:ss adi iri-nunt Thursday m>rningr f ?V. v.--, '..tu completion of th-i criminal i-ckel until Monday morning. Aug. \ iTth. at which tin th .:\il calendar | . .:!! b tak. rv up and Judge T. !' . Bry:: will a sump the bench as pr aid-j iur'g.-, according to announc* ment y i .u:t officials Thursday morning. Il was * a" . d that something like i or -i. ?re of the criminal < a- - of; r.in t offen>'.s v.\ r transferred t1 ;I e r; -n. ril county court for trial. Tr.r. iv11 calendar >.i d to he rath r heavy ar.d i1 is not likely that it will no completed a* n xt week's se-sion >f court. 1 - ' Considerable interest attached to; the ca?e ot the State against Arnold Tils on and Welch Tetu-ka, ch . u ei . ivith alli-g. d lub. with intent to mmit rape, which occupied two or three dayof th- court's att-.-nt <.n.' 1". jury received ih c::-c We :r. <:iay afi rnoon a? 1 :'.0, u.d v..? out J -iibc ati:!.' until > 'clock Thu li> morning, at which time they r? r.deivd :ht? fallowing finding-: "That the jury fin ; the d f-.-v.dant Arnold Tii>on r.ot gulty; and that the jury find ( ii:d..* ndant Welch Tvtu&kn not of an asault v-nth intent t.' c mi-, init rape as charged in the bill of in-{| illviuiciti, uui thai they find him guilty ofSjjj assault upon a female." The: ?ourt than orderi 1 that Tetusku be J tentvrcid to the county jail for a p.iod of ten months. Other counts) .gainst Tilson and Tetuska, accord-j ng to court iv cords, were ns follows:' Ph.- S:.-.to i-gain^t Arnold Tilson,' h:j*vr;d with ben,- drunk and disorlerly, $15.00 and costs; also t-haigidi vith speeding, $15.00 and costs. The! State against Welch Tetuska. charged vith being d:unk and disorderly. >'- >.00 and costs. Other cases disposed of. according o court recordj, are as follows: The State against John Moss, for tllogt-d violation of the jrohibitlon aws. $25.00 and costs. I:j the case of the State against 1 .'hr.rb. s Cothran, Crist Cothran and Vtthur Rowland, they are to pay the ourt costs and jail fees, and were < ilacid under $100.00 bond each for i heir appearance at court for two i cars anti .-how good behavior. i K. O. Green, charged with violation i f the prohibition law?, drew fint. of 1 >150.00 and costs, with suspended i oad ser.u nee of four months.. i Bob Moore drew a fine of $50.00 jJ nil cost?, with prayer for judgment r ontinucd. !( Clifford Taylor, who failed to ap-J .ar ar.d -how good behavior, ordered. I y court .hat prayer for judgment be j i ontinucd and that capias issue byj rder of solicitor for further punish- f tent. c The case of Dave Bryant, charged c ith murder, continued. \ Ca-c of Clay Kimsey, charged with t induction. continued. 1 Cord Cothran, charged with barg- i try, 18 months sentence and assign- v i to roads of Buncombe County. c Fiil Hamby, charg. d with violation h f prohibition taws, fio days in jail. v C. M. Trull, charged with abduc- 1; on and violation of prohibition laws, v jrttinued. p Henry Rose, charg. d with alleged e ttirr.-t t> ra~e. continued, and bond r xed at $3,000.00. : fott is iding Newspaper in th SA M11DAY, AUGUST 15. 1925. imber ; S> . J*Tawf " " - v--;-: \ - >r.' . -' >urr.al. DES RCCHERS TO ORGANIZE FLORIDA COLONY Mr. H. D - R capitalist, f Lc-!?:?j: City, Fl:?., !?- weak purchase*4 12 a- r tract >f land from Mr. i: : M.imptor, about t-.vi? and i hair mi: - S >u*h of Murphy about \ hall mile off of State highway N" >. 10. The ^iil? at Ion was not learned. Mr. Dv- !'.n-hcrs contemplates improving the property and organizing Florida Colony for sunmr and vacation purno- . The invu'ov eu-nts . . ".toivplated will h* made ra x: spriny, he sta! d. as th summer season was now too near over t > makt any gr at headway other th :: getting the plans in .-ha; . The impr vent n*- will in. lude the grading *?f . road to th top of the mountain, th clearing of about two acres for park and rejr rational purposes, to be . raipped with .-wings, benches, and other pa?k fa-'lities. The property will be cut up and the str ets laid ou' and several modern cottgg^s built. Mr. Des Rochets says that a carbide \ 'ini will likely h,. installed for i toking and lighting purposts. A v. !1 will he dug. and a pressure tank in-failed for forcing th' water into .: ?* homes an : sewer system' which wi'l he ? part of the impiowmenis. .Vr. I>- K chcr- -a d th. other day tha: he had investigated oth r location in Alabama. (I. o.gia and Xorih Carolina, but that th- facilities and adva tag"-, together with the wonderf i climatic conditions and beautiful cenery offered by Murph and us immediate vic'nity. made this an rd&ajtwPcat'on for his colony. He rated that the vi w from the top of tht mountain on his property was won-ienui. ana unit me rugged scenery ?>: three states could be seen. H is highly optimistic over his purchas.- and the outlook for d velopnient of thi- section in the future. NEW FISHING RULES PUBLISHED THIS WEEK E!-.-where ii: ihs issue of The Si-out will be found the new ruling of the Stat.- Fishing Commission Bia ?i. of Which. Mr. J. K. Dixon, of Trenton, X. C. is chairman, at a meeting of the comm'ssion at More head City on July I'th. relativ- to fishing in the stream- and wat rs of Cherokee County. , It will be remembered that Mr. L>i\ -n made a personal visit to the, county earlier in the year at which; Lime Mr. J. L. Fain was appointed Fish Warden of the county, to have .-harge of the c-nfore.meat of the fish aws of the county enacted by the' ast legislature. Mr. ICron stated at he time that the commission would neet at Morehead City sometime in i Fuly and that in all probability soon uling as to fi-hing in the water, of Cherokee would bo made. In connection with the new ruling! jy the commission. Warden J. "ain issued the following statenj-nt:1 "I am having the ruling of the ish law published through four issuis! f The Scout so as to give legal notice; >f the law. and I will appreciate it ' reiy much if the people of the coun-j y will aid me all they can to en-: dree and carry out this law. If it ! 5 carried out properly, I am -curt wet-ill see great results. The fish in j nr streams have been caught and utchered at stasons that have been i ery detrimental to them, and if this, aw is enforced it wili stop all this I taste and destruction of the fish and >ut the fishing in our streams on an qual basis for us all. Please give ne your support and vou will feel rouJ vop d d in th. future." 'COUt [ lis Section of Western JOURNAL MOTORCADE R PROMISES TO BE BIG EVENT FOR THIS SECTION Extensive Preparations Bring Made For Entertainment of Tourists On Night Of Stop In Murphy 'i W; nun:'./ of ears cn'-.T'd P in the Atlanta -Journal'- great a r. tr ' i tour over the Appalachian p S . Hiii'hv/.sy 0:1 S - 11th : < from Ail int.. : ? Ash vi',1.. v.vK i'V.t eighty, the event promise; t Cm i or.j Of th* b:gg t ever witnc- - v . i in this section. ;-.r. 1 the 1st ? f entrants contains many figur s natt??ri it 11 y pror.k'.n rt in the busim s>. v. outical a-d pr>?f >-ional 1 i\* <{ thre: "I state-. TTie com] I te list of 1 ntrant 3 will be found clsewhcr- in these col- o anir.s. | . Kxtensive preparations are beir.it made l ?r the . are and > ntertainment I of the visitors here on the night l Fejvten.b.-r 14th. The ??. native pro- t gram as announced by the committee i| . i.v. iud- 1 aii-i:es?-.-. Indian singing i class and fiddler's convention, ! >:lowed l?v a dance and refreshment.-, t It i> tind i sto. that a fund of sevir- ' al hundred dollars is being raised for ' this purpose, and that hearty r- spot. s are meeting the committee en ! ev ty sid -. Hotel aeconvidation- as | * secured by the committe and sent ? dr. Harllee Branch, who i- in charge ? of the Tour for the Journal. Mr. I Fain .ted Wednesday that already . fifty creation- hail been made and, i that , i.r.\ mail brought other requests it for r\ati to a number of invital-' ions extended F. Fain have !> i received, in which the writer* spots.k veiy highly of the proposed t >ur ami . what it will m an Co this seitioe. A letter from Mr. Harlt1,. Brawl:, who :s in charge of the tour for thy Journal, stat.s: "Your \ - ;'y . nr.; i -he:. lette.'. along with hot:I a.coju..;lations and.: ratis. received. We arc publishing these rates for th. various hotels, with . xtracts from your letter. "I am convinced that you peopl at Murphy are going t.? do yourselves proud, a.ai that th.- . 'ari ! with vclnf.r.tly leave Murphy, ami Will cany with tin m delightful m n?orio. of your hospitality. which you have set out, nam.-ly: ad-: i dr. -ses, Indian singing class and fid- < dlers* convention, followed by a dancem ami refreshmei:.-". is a fine one. < "Kindly ke ;> me informed of dev -lopment.-. Ploa-e remind your com-_i mittee on arrangements that it will , not only be u? sirabk but necessary : to arrange for tht. paiking of all cars so that thev will either be in con- 1 secutiv,- line formation, or in position 1 to d op into that formation without,: ; any difficulty or delay. i In a b tter from C -v. flifford Wal- i ker. of Ceorgia. to M*\ Fain, he says: I "i thank you cordially for yourjr | favor of August the 1st. 1 am not t at all sure that I can conic on the ( lour a- I have promised to take a va. \ cation trip into Cuba. If 1 should j. fail to com-, however, or for any S other reason I can get off. 1 shall h- ; di lighted to accept your kind invita- i tion. I remember with great pleasur- li rzr my la.-t trip to Murphy and shall e look forward to an opportunity to e come again." b A letter from Mr. J. C. Walkir. a district engineer for Western North b Carolina, says: h "I shall certainly l\ at Murphy t? a meet the motorcade fronj Atlank- ; s and am sure that they will enjoy the t entertainment your town is going to e provide tor them on the 14th." 1 Mr. .1. G. Stikeleathor, High war ; t Commissioner, states: >a "It will give me pleasure to be on s hand with the Atlanta motorcade reaches North Carolina line and I accept your invitation with a great dea! of pleasure." 11 A letter ronv Mr. Withers, see j F retary of the Waynesvilk Board of, I Ttade. states: I "I appreciate very much indeed in your favor of July 26th extending me an invitation to join you on the rour being planned by the Atlanta I C (Continued on page 4) i ' :-! ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH" North Carolina *> COPY? t: 50 PER YEAR EVIVAL AT MKTHOnKT CHURCH TO CLOSE SUNDAY NIGHT I ? Trv rivval services at the- Methodt Church will . ;n?.- r . a dose Sunay right. accord in p t present planhich will not likely bo changed, the as; ?r. Rtv. L>. H. Khin. hart, stated ic othe: day. R- v. .1. E. Abernathy a-t.?r of Trinity Mdlsfc Church 'Harlotte. a form.? pastor of the hurch here, - -Join.' the preaching. : i Mr. J. C -ston, of Hendcrsonill.. is l.-adir? th sinking. Th. service- are lieiiu well attendil. both morning and evening. and nuch interest i.- biing manifest* I "h- strvie - are all . vnngclic&f,' and Ir. Abernathy appeals to the r-ason f his hearers as very few evangelists ? 1. 11.- otfilons a . e all clean, clearut xpo-.tions of the gospel. and his learem ar.. hold spell-bound from Kginnini* to end. He p > ssos an in usually strong voice, which caries to all pait - of the large audito'ium. An unusually go k! feature of the neeting is the exc !! nt singing. Mr. >st'?n is an exc* llent soloist and !iroot or, and with the excellent sing r> of all three churches of the town las organized a choir for the meeting hat ha been excel!-, d by few if any ?ver organized in the town. A number ?f instrumental renditions have aiso teatured in the musical part of th ervices. There have been quite ;? lumber of conversions and many more int.-re-tod. Practically the ?.n:ire membetship of the church and a food many n.embers of the other hurches have rededicated themselves. Following are th. subjects an lounccri for the remainder of the sc k ici s: < Fiiday morning: The Bible. ' v.\ Friday Kvening: What shall the harvest Ik-? Saturday Morning: The man of Galilee. J Saturday Kvening: The Great Judgement. - *" ? i Sunday Morning: Th Law o? "j Character. ^ Sur.d:.y Atei-riion <:t o'clock): Th? man our * :intrv to ad-. H > Sunday Kvi. ring: Kxeus* - and Re- I a-, r.. - v * j7 . c V* STATE HIGHWAY WILL BE^BUILT TO TAPOCO ? Aproximately $300,000 Guaranteed f" or Construction Of Road ? Robbinsville, Aug. 10.?At a special in ding of the Board of county Commissioners, of G'-ahant County, held >n the 27th day of August 1025 a ontract was signed between the County of Graham and the State Highway Commission, by which said ;*ommi:v?ior. agreed to build a highway from Robhinsville to the Tcnness^ state line, by way of Tapoco, X. C. The budding of this proposed highway was taken up with J. G. Stikeleather about the 2i)th of July ind th? matter was discussed at a neeting of the State Highway Comnission in Raleigh of that day, numdiately thereafter the board of ounty commissioners received a leter from Mr. Stikeleather enclosing an rder of survey and declaring the iroposed highway a constructive rrojcct No. 951. On the following Jaturday. by telegram from Mr. r tl?. ~4" : oners was asked to meet Monday the !7th. at which meeting J. C. Walker ngineer for th. ninth district appear* <1 and presented the contract. The oard of commission* rs also signed an grecment to contribute SI00.000 to uildnig of the road ar.ri to loan the lighway commission $100,000 and as ,n i vidence of their good faith the ale of $100,000 of bonds was eonractcd. A survey of this project is x pec ted to begin about September . and construction to begin as soon hereafter as the survey is completed nd the contract can be let by the talc Highway Commissioner. A CORRECTION In the announcement last week hat a gold mine was discovered by I. C. Ricks, the Scout was in error, t should have been R eh in place of ticks. This correction is gladly -dfc We don't exactly know where thd S. C n- rnment got all that $250,>00,000 surplus but we can account or a tew rent, of it. as* m