Thi? Editic Asheville IT ISN'T ;;< THE SCOUT - : 2?> \USE u z DtON r KNOW IT The Official Or ~an .. Much Of As! .Murphy His During ] c ' : - racoon Irtt - d ; C. -f z: ! _ p y-A?a? vi'it- Sc . ; i- ; way In !0*.j B -;l difficult r er I vN*jy - past % ; t T oo ru::id :: .7. ?Paid . Lir . iSf.? . ; or \V( rr. \ in.qr i:it . 'he Aj . - many y ai> r t*. vrild animals . and of : - Vi-h. 'i '.In- openinjr ; :iarhv. ?y? -I V :-tnry i i.'. : I.'-.' .. _,.r I , Si I. C;ra:>u : : .<!- . - - -.-on haw -m .v.thin i-r six Wythe M. " , after thite ; < - a . a ho!.-, v .1 V. ii N : lh v 'a-oltna I > '-}* ' I - I \ i" ' y CM;,.:: I >!? ;; i . .{r.-Uior, engineer u* >in iv'- m. on work in the 2:! w - :: ( I the SmI .1 to gin -election anil location ??j* : .ii- :o'< ] art .f UK- yrtai ->>-1 iv,ii not until :h?- pa-sac: f th,?' h;j'n\vay act appropriating $50,000,-1 much progress! made i ? thcl of . .'.i-!:- in this section ;.i i, ' yti.r. th ti . v 5 : . th ' N istrict which apiist the . . stern i >ui - ?' yton K.--C *h... " - lachiai S< . j in . f of A hevill V\ th *>. . mat 'v live o - f asphalt ; ivemei i' concrete, >Ilo\ i >utj iv :? - nt old ; u n wrat< r hi un I macadam ! iding to I i >ntiny, St Fi. i,. ti.;,, po n; through toi th Haywood Couuty line was aj wholly unimproved country roadl became impa-sabk i : Conveyance at rtain p ri (is the winter. Fiom he Hayu "i-Buncombe County line to ^yuc-sville the county o| Haywood ci-o pet at ion of Federal aid unStatt supervision was building a Plaii grade t earth roadway with hopes being abl to surface same with) shale of gravel. From this point on 'luiujrn t? th,. >\vain county line. a ' -lance <?t about 3a n?ithere c*i'tul only a men- t:aii. alnu. t ini- i passable the whole year through and entirely in-passable throughout the winter months. From the Swan, County line at Whiitiei t? Almond j the county of S'vain had constructed a very good plain graded earth road and which was maintain! <1 in exec i lent condition through dry scn-ons hut impassable at other reasons of 'he year. From Almond to Old \ alley town near Andrews the- was only hero and th??ro ili<?ht trnc* * of a trail hardly surf arable for walking and not ( Continued o? page 8) >n Dedicatee Division A; of Murph> ir.d Cherokee neville' T"S 1 ? way Dunt Last 6 Years To Greet Tourists Here ? ' ~ _ " gupm : " "4 w^p . M, A:: . V.. ' v.'i 1*. ..:J th- ir.t Xt>r:r. t lit :.. vt. nos 31 cs :'i will aVriv.- i:. ab->ui -non M~.ntl:v tvl wtil vhv?U i the this - etion ur.i r tr. . . V?; .. near P-.rk ' - v. -:?r . I L'l ir i r ol~iv_ TO CP EN MONDAY WITHOUT FAIL Hip1-. : , ! Accredit d By .'.rso.ia'ijn o; Schol ind Tt! [?;L :i. c.! v... . - . i. lu-v III!:, v V ! ; . : week. Ev i . *> !?: . - : ml ; :> ; \. rted t ait- .ul t"; ii? >I ?. Jr.- ni:!j < piop-riv ;>::u il .i*t : J v- iih every :!it r eiii!.:. j Sirho< ! will b in m :: all the first Hny. it was .-CaUtl. s V... i: will no; b:' j: -mi y f any Mr : ! t y briny" lunch on Moniisy. It \ d that :?: ! will b -uffie . wet-: ll' i. i> prop.rly conserve-.:. Tiu- hijrh <cho:il will t :;!v ir.1 I. The addition r,f ?I. .t?t -: i: :?!!'! ;a v i .i tfcK.- in :!u- hiy-i ,.! >} *.ts- i t :?<:?! ;< the attractiveness -?t the work. Mayor Fain Receives Letter Frcm ,Ty Cobb On the occasion of the celebration the Ibtroit baseball club f thy ^ ..en'ieth ann'v rsnry ni Tv Cobb's connection with th. club. Mayor W. La M. Fain, in behalf of the town wired tan ri>r?<riatul:ition.- :? the famous base- .ill ball player. rap !t will be n me inhered by .-onvo the the more mature citizc-. s of Murphy liri that Ty Cobb us.d t:> play ball with roc I he Morpk.v team on ih wry "rounds ?i that will be the suae of the .rrcat ? speaking jvn.yrani at f'herokv Park j Monday night. ! Mr. Fain reee'vfcd last week a llcttci of appreciation dicta'ed and : signed by the famous Ty himself, old It follows: . Au \i ; v: i i,. I I- - Mr. \V. M. Fain. .Mayo: fal | Murphy, X. ('. Fu Dear -Mr. Fain: the i Your communication i.?eived. I*h ' I certainly appreciate- the felicita- Cli i tio..s expressed. You can not re- tei j a'izt* just how much I appreciate etc , hearing from you. } it mak; - one vtry happy to know :iv that one's friends a.e so interested, ani I <-c!t:iinlv hope ':i th? future. Mi I can merit your interest. ; Fr I am Jail Very truly, J lat Ty Gobb j pa 'I ! to Jourric ipalachian Ct)fra i County, and the Lead yu?.?hy. iizn <_ a ko :jn The~D i ^ ! - '* \ i % '<? 1 c i ~ X i-". ?Nvv i " *1j? i " - \ ? ; ?| || ILABORATI ENTERTAW MQTORC MAIN HIGHWAYS ' "" ' * ' "!? - map >!io'.vs ih-- mai h irhw J dirtetiy :nt? Murphy T -i. raiie* v.: x * from Murphy i? Aslu-villp. A?.:-. The r^a i !?nil i n_' pr > iam of ?i i!y in the la>t t'.v.? : wh hi-st ami m. >t c>*it>.y >v it. The State h:j- ajr-. ed to accent a i!:-s int?> Tenntss v for muiat r. Mai hy H. !\ Smith. County K srin .ED MURPHY CsTIZEN jM CALLED TO REWARD i i Mr. Th.-odorf X. Unwell. 7i? \v j I. at his reside-no.. Sunday. aust 'J Jul. after an illness of i >rt duration caused by his hor.- ! [;, linir <n h;m sev ral weks a70. r, no a I -erviccs were conducted from i>( .M. h 'tii.-i Church by Rev D. H.j >] inohnrt. assisted by Rev E. (I. \ ?rv and H' v. T. I.. Sas-cr. and inment was in the M.-thodist c:ni- i vy. u He i> .survived by hi- veil' . and .-1 ; children, thtee boys. Ed. Allen d dim Howell; and tv. ? daughter-, ti j*. Virgil John.son and Mrs. Jim v. anklir, a number ^r:indch:!'Jren.. 'J of Murphy, bvi.l.s a host of re-, ,ives a d friends to mourn his b ssing . j > i! Tour O' Scenic H KM: S ing Newspaper in thi \ t :;.. . awn of a New -p 2 ~ . - > ? - ; c ^ -./ " c- - : cT f - ' > '* ~ . -5 W' - . r , ; , T ? l_ <r ? -. 1 Tj, PROGRAI <MENT OF ADE MON1 OF CHEROKEE s > : ok. t s*\ vvhifh i - tli. diffcriTi- in the dist i. Clint: ^a, and Ktsox unty hi5 been jr-iniz forwur-.l ; completed wil". constitute one of . ??. ! >f h?srhwa;.> in >." ? th C nrnd take ov< - o*e of the three ;i ne as a part of the state >, sl -ni. eer. URPHY WELFARE BOARD HELD MEETING AUG. 27 TJv Murnhy We tare B-?*rd 1 *? * : rgular monthly mecung in th ofiuo : tin- County Superintend -nt <?f Pul> Welfare August 27th at 2 oYlock i th? afternoon. The following memers were piesent: Mrs Ed. Adams. Irs. ?. II. Stoiiy. and Mr*. E. B. orvel!. A constitution for the new organatton was voted upon and pas d, hich wll be published in The Scout >on. Fi sides the business of organ i/.a on. several local relief problem^ ere discussed and pla - mad, f??t uB SBSm Tli- September meeting of th. oard svtil be held the 17th, Jt .1 P. I., officers announced. ver Atlantc ighway. Sej '?OUt ' Seouor. c: Western ? . F)-,- J ^ C*. Y a " ' * ^ -r S> V ? -> v" c : A f f . " - 1 - - * " ^ ' . , r\ ' X ^ ^ ? V pill gj jv ; :. :Pi ITT - ? J * Vi FOR ins IRNAI V V W A * A JL A.J )AY NIGHT To Be Greeted At State Line Mcnday By IV. C. Citizens Many ?.-omi \-nt Jpeakrrj of - KotK stn(o take part in speaking program at Cherok-e Park ( " 1--. -H?i eia at..- pro. t ' Tunis !:? :. \ i .1-. :?} ' > L'- 'f-U* n:i> h.-i-n arrant; <11 *' f?>" ?'|. I'lori "livt. :.l of the A; ' ?i 1 mr . r th?. Atlanta-Murphy -Ash division of he Appalachian I yhighway for Monday niirht. t when the tour will make the first,' night if the stop in Murphy. - al! for th- in- -tin ' of" kite-' mot-. .1 ? a 1 the G gia-Xoith Carolina line ami welcoming thtm 1 into tli Old North State. ! It i .expect,-d that Governor A. ' j VY. McLean. of Noith C.-'i. 1 : . will rirrivt* here Monday Aft .moon and I !?e one those greeting th. mptor-l iftrle -? the stilt line, a-d it is un-i der-ti .?d that Andrews. Il.yson City. .sylva, \\ nynesvillc. Canton a-.d Asho-i' ville will h"\\. delegations there also.'] TK' program at Iklteview will be ^ short and informal, greetings being, j xchangi <1.. and a concert by the; Murphy Band. The visitor- will then he escorted int.. Murphy by the official ear of the city, where accomodations and assignments will he made. Tin y will then be shown point of ' interest in and around Murphv. At i icht o'clock in th-. evening a sjKNikinc program will take place in Chcrok. f Park, a speakers stand having hern constructed for th. occasion. At .t meeting of the ntertainment | Committee Thursday night. the fol-J (Continued or. pa?e 4) ! -:*j i-Murphy3t. 1445 North Carolina <oad History Or Cherokee ELegan 1S13 - . T.? -Pc: V.r.i Road E - !- - ? Was 3-_ t i - . *Z t - TV PROGRAM OF BL1LDIN0 3EC-N IN 190? \..rr ?.- -'rort!.. .shifted V> .. \ ? : ? z B _.: i iz * ~ Th? County a . . Us! 'Wv or the. - T. . - : . .. . " or.i^ the ;.. LV T? n.. - ' v; . X-?!'th Hv.i- . ;i .d passed H '.us- ' I'.r.'.i t S .ky r. T.- - V ^"-r 1-UbKi^>ad w.t- :-j5J fti: .. . nw.t r. t ; r. ft Ten. c: - N . ir. 1 <ITh.- .. ! ? c -tnplotj thr. e Vvar? l:xt . r Or. the . ff.-ri- t build : highways, b \ .-v :. v. - made i If. 7. \v!v n T ivn. . i ' ,i !av. v . wh -.V3S non < ?!. ! ?hr H. Haul, o,* ' .. :.n I :t -i ' ha r. i.i v. : :?li ~ 1 Uuil'iir.-r i ! th . y. :. ? draw r. a : f' I 7 ;i is o. ; T v. shift. Tiy- id - u f v ! '. ulMinsf rath r ;v I : ! i i-nsiil-d.tion vc! ?: i, I'-.v.aially ; it mnd M whit t ? ; bond is' Hl.-'rivt treated : part of the town :: ho X:-. Vf. sM of \Y;->. h i!v. Dc>. II. Ni v.. :,. G. Webb . K. G. Hrnnin,:. , -iny .5 the Mitrii--:-n . i with th- proof the bo:n! i- vrailoil a road : . th V. . h Mil! ? !v t;.i -Janat.a < i?- 1 V. . r_ C -! Tls and it o i.-'r-o it from th 1 l .-v." l*i\ek to Jur iiska. Th:.- was i I'.'OT. The a a! mi - vc Wo- nu'.rio in I'll, Mr. '.va- a. to-: her ot i: . -iiMatu o. Knrly in th... session irti rulm i-i .i t>ii 1 creating a > ?>.o i-Mou !" i! Mm : hy Township nil out Itoi'ittia: mom! issue. When - of rli.- '.ill reach .1 Murphy. : i?-'i opposition was v : ;i <i Mr. >ili'l v.. - wired r : t . Murphy <.r .in i v. rvh w. A day was set and mot-tin h id in the h -r. Bate** . at which tin Mr. Diitard, a il: iiitr that th r--a i : r . am tva.< tor hi- l?C=t ilit'-l*: >tS of the flilinty. teamed ail rcspon.-il<i!i: y !*.,? the act ind i;?M th.- meeting that h would lo all hi could :< _; ; it passed and ret thr township . thc. mud. The act chargt ti the c >nimission vith the duty of maintain! the- four naid r ad> out of Murphy and lying Chin th.- c:> jioratt limits in as much i> Murphy paid most of the tax of the wnship. Mcssr . \V. H. Woodbury, . K. Wood. A. (I. IK v. . . \\ S. i.irbin, A. J. Davis and M. 1.. Man; :y composed th commission. This -ommission graded the road from the 'lay County line to the center oi the' i<iuai'i. from the square to the Notla ind Valleytown Township lints. a d ;o Grandview and down the lliawa.-s<e oward Bi-averdam. and paved the public square and a part of Pcachtree, T< nnessee. lliawasseo streets and Vrd Mr. Oillnrd state one of the re a* ons prompting th Murphy Township Commission was to build some good roads here at the county site, where prat tici.ily all the people of the county would set- them at ont. time or another. so as to create a sentiment for good roads, nt which time the "county unit' plan might be adopted. Sentiment did grow, and in 1913. Representative A. I.. Martin and Penatot S. YV. Lovingood created separate commissions for Beav^rdam, Shoal Cteek and Xotia Townships. (Continued on page 8>

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