Friday, October 16. 1925. r? 1 THE FEATIf i NEWS T.1AT \ If' SK5N0R UNTT5SEE \ j J ' / WE FlREV fOREISr-.EC \ E 4 ! / HAS CHALLENGED 4 - INNOCENT eelia featheRhead MKT BEAUTIFUL WIDCAW LA BELLE, HAS JUST REACHED | /// ' \4\ FANNY'S EARS / j . \ AND ' I | \ 1 rANNT IS JUST NOW HAVING HER INNINGS. J3. M|IIW?>WWW?MWW ?,oca/ and Telethon mo Bonita Theatre, Monday "The Ten Commandments". The migh- e jj?$t dramatic speciacle of all the ages. Cost over a million dollars i to produ- e it. Admission 25c and fc Wc. , ? , For All i * The Family ? "Wo use Black-Draught In our family of nix children and Ww t find it a Rood liver and bowel regulator, says Mrs. C. E Nutt, of Mineral Spring?. I Ark. "1 have taken it my elf In the last two or three m years for indigestion. I we ' feel dizzy, have gas arJ our stomach, also feel a tl' oera in my chest. I'd r* take a good doee of Bfr 1> LACK-DRAUGHT ! Liver Medicine g when I felt that way. and It g* 1 would relieve me, and I would Jj feel better for day a. [3 "My husband takes it for j|y, biliousness. lie says he has J* T neTer found its equal. When 1 he has the tired, heavy feel gay tng. be takes Black-Drnugh* ZT night and morning for a few Rr .. days and he doesn't complain Ofc " any more. ^ ii "I sure do recommend Thed- mr ford's Black-Draught." ^ Your liver Is the largest organ In your body. When Pw out of order, it causes many ei COtnrl.ilr.t_y. Put vm-r liver ^ Fin shape by UklngBiack- it Draught. Purely vegetable. ? I Sold Everywhere hk l9E999J*9^j|?* ; - few/Be IfoTraafj j Quality i? the bfgjjesj Ac / Quality determines t / your car; / Quality determines f you pay is I economical. I Quality, the finest yo I priced car I Chevrolet. 1st 1 The quality built into , w 1 economy /rom the timt I through the entire i "* 1 Come to the Special E * * % shows how quality is hi W 1 Come in?find out for ear \ m*rkable a value you ol f#r % because of it* "Quality! \ Tourinf -$525 $ Afl price* f. o. b. FI ^ " i ~ 1 ?iif ' ] i n DICKEY M< Sales and MURPHY ^AUTT AT IERHEADS Tut IDEA C* KCU GETTING TOURSELF CWER A STRANGE V. DOW / DUELING roN*T even H?i? \cur cv.-n v>e c>f P, \XJ CERTAiHlT AfFCRD Er-Jr ENTERTAIN* OF THE RDARrERS -RE - FROM I MOTEL FWCH X^?5 MORNING S~. I T/--OT SCM" GOOD STORES it ^ > WERE. BE.NG T0-.Dy BUT IT 7 ^ OlT \Xl OWSIN3 ALL OVER X-- PIATT AFTE^ t-E GCLF balls h-/; ) -wto, wiDcrw was J?7 ' i I ^ ^ X-xK":^~X~X~X~X-<-X~X~X~X* Personal | c 20 Charles Dickey spent last wceknd at home. ^ Mr. T. J. Lloyd of Warne was a msincss visitor here Saturday* Mrs. \V. F. Piatt of Caldwell, | daho, i- the guest of her sister, Irs. A. II. Brown in Fast Murphy : his week. "OR SALE?tiood house and ! : in good section. Easy payments 15.00 per month. JOHN II. IIAI ! lt-pd) Miss Ella Simonds spent last 1 reckcnd in Atlanta as the guest ?-.f Irs. W. B. Fensin. Mrs. W. R. IMatt of Oakland, Cal. ? visiting her u < thcr, Mrs. SalHe '.ate Brendle of Brass town, for everal weeks. I ?" ANTED?Country hams. Apply ' to Mis. Nettie Dickey. City, (r. ("I. \V. Harper of Tomotla was ' Murphy visitor Tuesday. < Mrs. Nettie Dickey returned Monay from a visit to Madisonville, enn. The many friends of Mr. L. F.' eal were glad to greet him in town J lis week after being confined to " home about two months on n<- ' r's estate, the lite Alfred Morgan. Irs. I re..- is adniinistrarix f??r his J ll .OST Bunch r.f keys with small : silvev tas: wish name on it. Fin- { or please return to Mrs. Nettie 1 >ickcy and receive reward. lonomy sortation ! : factor in economy; % Ere pride you cake in 1 I whether the price I economical or un- I u can buy in a low I , u provided by I a Chevrolet assures I r of your purchase M life of the car. M rhibit tbU week! le M jilt into Chevrolet. I yourself how re- f >tain in a Chevrolet a , it Low Cost." # ( iedan* - 775 / c 'SST?1. 425 / C CJO X 1 rruck Cht"l? J Int. Muhlsan. ^ /. o. b. Flint ' Michigan P DTOR CO. ; Service f, N. C. t LOW COST ,! THE CHEROXEE SCOU IN SUCH A MES5J IT ISN'T UK-MOOMfCR HER AM; T20 J HC -CC 2f ?4e VMS : >E TRCtlET oaf / C?_'SL "TO. LA ETUI CNT Foa TH= OTSI I R/lAOANT "3 K?,T5? AJGHTES CN M.r I cr-TESHE GETS Sd T-, ?> 1 A-O -AANTS lb I r? ? I ?E W.TH a SCI \l '-r IHAT CAN I IX ? 7" 1 / * ' * ^ 1 ' V-T '?A Mrs. .J. G. Greene had her endtx removed Wednesday mor - ' iigr at the ii.ffl h- pitalMr?. Pearley Arroworl of Mr.r?Ic is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Betty Joyd. Mr. J. R. Mason cf B'asstn .vn vas a business visitor to Murphy Thursday. Announcement reached hero tYs veek '.hat Mr. R"-.;.- n Y . j. nc. ly of Murphy. ' .it :i -v < ' Detroit Mich., would be nirried to diss l.u-y Redman n Or-'.- her _V"'Y it Detroit. Hi i-- the so.- <?f Mr. ?r.i! Mr.. T. .7. I hyd. and Y* many friends here v:! 1 I u p!n i to extend : : ccrpratalatioT: -. Wh< n y ii wart to I! y-.;: rope y, . JOHN H. HALL. our* injuries received in a : autoobilc accident. Mrs. R. F. fro. Y- > : Morristown. Ib-nn. arrived WcJne-dr.v niY'.t :< ? I M-.oral day? -.v-th MY- Kat. Knuvcv and other f ie-ails ro-, atives here. OR SAI.E? Har.y Vtctb, IS irr Cln. vcr, Oats, Barley, for cover crop?, 'ash buy r of Rye, Teas Beans, and 'ane Seed, Dru d Apples, etc. j .ct th? cash talk, not trad . H. R. dclntosh, I'. O. Ilay ?v lie, N. C. 5-6t-pd) Mr. \V. T. Crawford and son, W. tl. of Postell weie visitors to Murihy Monday. Mis. Robert Barclay and litt'e on !' Copnerhill arc visitinsr her on ent<. Or. and Mrs. ). W. Thomp-j ;?.;i this week. FARMS FORSALE? I have a num-: her of splendid creek and up land farms for sale at a bargain end on easy terras. C. X. King, i hatswortV, Georgia. (10-2t-k)| Mr. II. I. Adams of Copper hi II was a Murphy visitor last Saturday. Mr. Frank Herbert of Flairsville was :: budm-vs visitor to .Murphy Tuesday. Mrs. E. G. Clary left Thursday for Asheville to spend *?bont te> , days. Mr. W. R. Anderson of Hayesville was a Murphy visitor Tuesday. Miss Annie Moorman Candler left Thursday morning for Xewport, Tenn. to spend several days with her sister. Miss Martha, who is pria- ( ipal <?f the school there. I Mis. Ivy of Asheville spent last! week with Mrs. Z. V. Brown at the i Wells House. j Mr. Ben Goforth spent last weekend with friends in Sylva. >R SALE?I am offering my farm on Little Brasstown. Have good dwelling, farm .contains 366 acres r>an be divided into two tracts. Terms ran be arranged for part if desired. \pply to Mrs. Linda Tweed Clayton, nt_ ...1 U t! f (8.7t.n/h ^i?ci nm in, o. v. \ v . Misses Blanch Teague and Flora Stephens spent last weekend in Blairsville with the latters perents, Vfr. and Mrs. J. G. Stephens. I 7OR SALE?Good seed rye. Call or write at once H. B. Elliott. Peachtree, Murphy, N. C. Route 1. Mrs. Esther C. Frfcae ?f Pentend s spending sometime here in the invest of the settlement of her fath~ ! LOST?One suit case somewhere near Blairesville, Gn., Sunday, )ct. 4, containing children's wrearing ippnrcl, and papers of identifica;ion. Mrs. B. E. Warner, Murphy, SJ. C. Finder please return to The S.-out office, and *?eiTe reward. (9-2t-pd). ^ T. MURPHY, N. C. By LR Vui Z-!m its The meow / mnow/ > - Be- WHAT is SHE - iKASS, R SA'MES.CQ CSU.ECE W3&I S 5 T-ljT J HA'JE MN SJS",C ON? . 1 ANE A30LIT fft . Z?*. WHO I :5WT WA.ELS ALONE ,N THE J 53 ~ t T,5-*"^ r~\ 3 > j S \i//, t ?jy .4? ^ ^ VwATESLOSS /' ^ T>?^ U^~ Eci.r J. P. I'e-v. r.r >rt ar.i Mr. retiq p.-. ?.t n?.. ? - - Murphy -a r u?ir.c - Thin-? lay. Mr. George W. M'.f? y. Cry ? t r; Mr. V. S. Ste;>: ensua. S: photogra: her, and Mr. 7. M. II erring, < irculati:n department. f -heviiie Citiw i were hero nesday of this week. Mr. McC and . Ste: hoi ; ?n returned "> AVville Thursday morning. : : J Mr. Hcr:ing returned Friday. ASTRAY?A y. unp : ;".! or three years i ! i. C- bar v. kit: and brtr.dle spotted; v*e:g'%* u' mi pour.!-; split ig'.t ear. Apr ly toD. M. Pirehfo ! hief of I'oli-: M X. The r. ji-y frltncs of Mr. P! Heal, who sustained in.'v-r ' left leg two weeks a:o while unl--adins u fre:ght .ar a: the L. & X. yards, vill ! e glad to learn that he expects to be able to return to his work Monday. Mr. S. E. Cover of Ar he" - was a Murphy visiter Tuesday. More powerful than my More vivid tharr the Hiiiel The Ten Commandments'* \ Paramount Picture with subtitle- fr >:r t1 > book cf Exodus. Monday afternoon ar.d night, Ronita Theatre, Murphy, X. C. Safe For All 1 OPERAT< must ha to make mon standardized i almost to a n can have thi using Gum-E Gum-Dipf nates and in: rubber?insui and sandy ro; into the side thousands of Come in? nino vmir ra tires?prices ; M Murphy Servic< 108 Valley River Ave. Womack & Hi 407 Hiawassee St. iUKER 1CAH8 SHOULD * ^ Eatt i ? LL. I / NO, A \/ Sh CAN'T V /SHE CAN ) TSAva ?J( U TRAVEL N AI HER HUSBAND, I J \ B Nc V CAN SHE ? !~< \ Wl} A W(f il 2 WEHUTTY vo hr.vinjr some j<! rains slines that have been dry i nv .Uhs ae bejrinninp to If.v.'f-- fast tarnir.jr front then ' and falling as a ref the heavy frost Saturday | tight. A. Robinson and baby spew . . a days with relatives ho'<? i vet. _ Sunday to EMmy, G.; : it-.: stand 5 suitioncd. V. Martha R >i,i::son is v y il this writ r.?. I Mr. M:s. E. G. Stalctrt an -hisdrcn of Et -wah spent last week end with the'r mother, Mrs. J. R : I Wi.Mrs. Stalcup is leavi pr thi eh for Tampa, Fin. where sin j ylans to sp"nd several week- wit' he- father and -:ste s, Mis?e M?l"i and MaUio Wilbur. KNOW NORTH CAROLINA According to the federal Depart tent of Commerce Xotth Caroliru had an estimate 1 true wealth in 192: "i ?4 543.110,000, and was the thir. r'chest state in the South. Texn? with five times nnr nn.n ?>..3 .:r wealth, while Virvinia tank: -lightly ahead of us in estimate* true wealth. How* ver, in the an ty and Mi Roads and 3RS of large truck, bus ve rugged, long-mileage ey. That is why so man' on Firestone. Experienc nan, equip with Fireston s same extra safety and tipped Cords. 5ing, the Firestone extra j sulates every fiber of e' res greater safety and com ids?builds extra strengtl walls ? an exclusive fea miles to the life of a tire -let us save you money b r with a set of these wc are still low. OST MILES PER DOL1 2 Stat'n 1 Phone 46 103 Valle imilton t Phone 76 101-102" PRODUCE .THEIR OWN RUI eries for Today Are?? T j > ^ ^ J nual production ?f wealth. v.hich is* ' perhaps far more important. North Carolina ranks second only to Texas in all the South. The output of i our mines, forests, forms and inSduslries for the year 11'23 was around one billion six hundred million dol :,icrs. wnicn v:ns considerably more . wealth *hr.n at y other state in the South produced. Texas alone excepted. Both on the farm and in the factory North Carolina holds i high rani: anion.- the states of the Union in the valve f wealth created ant-tally.?News Letter. ! i How Doctors Colds and i'u iiu To break v .. . "J e--?' r ? to cut short an attar!: < i gr:;v* mc fiuenza, sore thr : or tonsilliti-, pfcy, sician- end i: - r r. mer.dir.g C..kta V pa:.* -J refined cnl-mcl iorunouod tablet :hat give3 yoa the effect* c.r calomel i.i. i salts combined, vitiiou". the unpkasi ant eff?? ts ..? One or two >". J. ' ,hs at bed-time with a Swallow ; vv.'er.?-th-.-"s all - No salts, no nausea i.t the ;-?:shtert , interference with y- a - c itir.y. wcrk , or pleasure. Ne:ct imrair^ your cold has vanished, your ry?t r; ; ihrn*ouyhly purified ar.d von are fce!:r-? . fin.-' with a hcrrty appetite for break. fast. Eat what you please,?no danger. Get_ a family pn'-karm. ror.t.air rnar ' full dir^tious, only 35 cents. A* any . drug store. (adv) oK3HMH?'t'' r.wy?-virfirmnir - Wiige 1 Seasons and cab fleets tires if they are y of them have ed race drivers, process, impregyery cord with fort over rough 1 and flexibility iure mac aaas y equipinderful -AR / r. S, Evans y River Ave. Phone 5S L C. Moore rennessee St. Phone 3T BBER ....

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