? PAGE TWO * " Ct)e Cticrobee 3>cout 1 K? Official Oij?d of Murphy u4 Cherokee County, North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ? C. W. BAILEY Editor-Manasar MRS. C. W. BAILEY. Associate Ed. ,j B W. SIPE Associate Ed. Subscription Rates 1 One Year $1.50 Eight Months 1.00 1 Six Months 75c v Payable Strictly In Advance I tgal advertisements, want ads. reading notices, obituaries, cards of thanks, etc, oc line each insertion, payable in advance. Display and con- ^ tract rates furnished on request. All communications must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be accepted for publication. Name of the w i iter will not be published un- 1 less so specified, but we mfcst have '/ the name of the author as evidence of good faith. Entered in the postoffice at Murphy, ' North Carolina, as second class mail w matter under act of Mar. 3. 1579. '' SUMMARY OF DISBURSEMENTS * OF CHEROKEE COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION. 1925 Money on hands from last year .147.58 Received from ad-is in catalogue SI 13.50 Gate receipts for the year 605.75 Cecil C. Rice Concessions. 700.00 Premiums refunded to Association * P. Withersnoon. Premium $2.50 E. B. Norvell Premium 7.25 Mrs. John E. Fain. Premium .50 Mrs: A. H. Brown Premium .25 TOTAL 510.50 1 Total Receipts 51577.33 ' c SUPPLIES 1 A. B. Dickey. Postacc . $10.10 ; Cherokee Scout. Cir Letters. .2.25 ' Milwaukee Label ar.d sign Co. T nt.nl, O n W. M. Fain, Stamps and Envelope* ; ..2.00 1 Cherokee Scout. Printing Catalogue 84.00 < A. B. Dickey. Postage and P. Post. ,0.00 P. F. Harrison Co. Supplies 72.70 * American Poster Corporation 1 Supplied 9.25 ' Western Union. Telegram .45 Edd Hyatt, Printing Sign . 1.00 ' W. M. Fain Gro. Co. Express Cav. 60.09 ' Cherokee Scout. Printing 12.25 Murphy Hardware. Supplies 3.65 ' Griffith Inc., Supplier . 2.70 1 Try-County News. Printing .9.20 1 North Georgia News, Printing 6.00 A. B. Dickey, Postage 1-90 Car. Tenn. Power Co., Wiring Building .32.80 Car. Tenn. Power Co. Current .45.00 Total Supplies S395.S9 FREE AMUSFMFXTS p Taylor Brothers, Free Act 100.00 ' I.AROR Ben Teague, Labor $1.50 M. Murphv, Labor . 1.50 r ^ n-.i T-U? * ?. V. ?C.?, W1UIM . ....->111 Aaron Seabolt. Labor 3.^5 " V. B. Henry, Labor 9 00 ' Arthur Martin. Labor . . 2.00 Gill Nealy. (col). Labo? 1.2"> V. B. Henry. Night Watchman, 20.SO Miss Mabel Ellis, Office work 3.00 Gate Keepers ....... . . ... 102.00 ^ Total Labor 161.30 " JUDGING c M. R. Yar bo rough. Travel 13.6S u W. R Anderson, Travel 3.00 Miss Hester Wallace, Travel 3.00 i Total 10.6sJ" Premium List 1925 291.00 jj. a Total Disbursements 967.841 a Balance on hand to pay on premium' ^ list 1925 $609.49 { W. M. FAIN, President B. W. SIPE Sec. Editor The Scout: Much disappointment was felt when word reached here last week that the Court had given D. R Bryant only one ar.d ore b:?lf years for Killing Lew's Adams tvv yen s ago. Living near where the crime was committed, and knowing many r.f the details-connected with it. \ an surprised to think any court would J hare "Justice" aesouatcd with it*. j name and tun one loose with s \ small a penalty foe so heino*s .a J crime. It is a travesty on Justice.! No wonder our Country is filled with crime and criminals, for "Justice is turned aside and equity has fallen in the streets", not only in this case but in many others. Some one has committed a crime against our great state in virtually turning loose a "Red-handed" Criminal to go and imperil the life or livek of other citizens who mav disagree with him. ' J i nMWn.il ii No doubt, in a few months, ft . etition will be presented to the tirens of our County, asking our' ood Governor to pardon Mr. Bry-' nt. If such should, fellow citizens, i sk yourself this question and then , ct: "If my father or brother was ving back in the mountains some tro miles from any public highway nd a man should arm himself with shot-gun and a pocket full of shells nd go to h;s home ar.d fir.d him ork ng near his house a'l alone and hould shoot him down like he was ome wild beast of prey, ought he i be a free man again, or should I sk the Governor to release him to otnmit another like crime azainst jy own immediate family, against sy neighbors or the citizenry of my tnte?" I am sure that there is ; ct a person in this great commoncnlth. who knowing tr.e fact* c:nectei with this case would say let itr go free, or that he had gotten List ice. While r.o good citizen can afford j 3 condone the crime of Mr. Bryant, i am sure that all arc in sympathy rith his good wife, his children and rand-child ten. "Because sentence against an evil, ork is not executed, therefore the | eart of the sons of men are set in | hem to dc evil continually.*' A CITIZEN GRAND JURY'S REPORT Folowng is the teport of the Irand Jury: Tn Ho or T. r. Bryson. Judge Residing: We the Grand Jury, beg to submit he following report: 1? We have transacted all the iusine>:- that has come before us to he best of our ability. 2) We have examined the Court louse and find the same fairly well ared for. 31 We find the Clerks office neat ind well kept and all the records n good condition. 41 We find the Register of Deeds ?ffice well cared for ar.d his hooks veil kept. i 11 We have examined the Sherff's office and find it in good conlition. i ?*? We have found the books of he Coanty Treasurer neat and wel sept. 7> We have examined the County Jome and find the Inmates as well ared for as may be expected. The rmates stated that they were geting plenty to eat. 8) We have examined the County ail and find it in good condition. *risoncrs stated that they were well pi! and troatod kindle. Signed) M. II. PALMER Foreman of the Grand Jury, j rIETHODIST MENS BIBLE CLASS BANQUETED ROYALLY ] LAST FRIDAY NIGHT An enjoyable occasion of last 'tiday night was the annual banuet of the Men's Bible Class of e Methodist Church. Five or six large long tables were oread in the spacious social room, round which tome 150 were gatherd. A number of the ladies served most delicious and appetizing inner, consisting of tlyee courses. I)r. J. A. Sharp, president of 'oung Hanis College, was the rincipal speaker of the occasion. Iv. J. H. Hampton acted as toastaster, and Rev. T. L. Sasser. of he Baptist Church. Rev. E. G. 'lary. of the Presbyterian Church, nd Mr. Wirth Sharp, son of Dr. harp, made short talks. The fact that Dr. Sharp had his lind so engrossed in thinking upon he good things that had just been efore him and foigot his joke is mple attest that the banquet was sumpuious one. Following the en edict ion, many felicitations were xchar.gcd and all wished the class1 lany happy returns of the occassion. j {? A I oure, Quick Way to Relieve Rheumatism ;ien!s Sores, Cuts, Burns Coiled Mexiean .Mustang Liniment .\"o matter Hot lonz you have suffered. iior severe the pe.lp. you can net rid cf I? agony without d?lnR. ami without ekirs powerful drugs Into your system Tr v rrct is novr available to r 11 in the Meylean Mu-tamr Liniment It* real penetrating power is nothing Port f marvellous and wherever used, nothing Wt N?r found to take l?* alarr It -hottld be r [ piled to li e surface of the 'kin opposite the scat of prin ind gcditly ?tihbv* There is no scnx? of smartin* or bum in* like our modern liniments prcitir. -- ?ut aliPW in r Jiffy the pain coes? sflrTVned and sore muscles become limber and il.-Tibir liver;- household should kr:p this rem,n'..able preparation on hand for uuick ?i-.hen emergency arises ?it brings re?ut:a when rvnytLinnelse f-il*. I>n;f;rlftla and wholesalers sell Must*'.* Idititnent or can get It for you. i ? Mi 11 ifiSiiii ~ THE CHEROKEE SO ~ SONG RECITAL BY MURPHY GRADED SCHOOL Friday Evening,, Nov. 20th, 7:30 Beginners (Miss Albright) Dear Mother Goose, An Indian Lulabv. First Grade (Miss Simonds) Hushaby Milkweed Babies. Second Grade (Miss Ferguson Baby's Boat, Little Wee Wee's. Third Grade (Miss Wilson) Home Going Song, Good Evening. Third Grade (Mrs. Bell) Lend a Helping Hand. Bob-O-Link Fourth Grade (Miss Triplett) The Circus Parade, Thanksgiving Song. Fourth Grade (Miss Leach) In the Rain. The Little Dutch Garden. Fifth Grade (Mrs. Potts) Church in the Wildxvood. The Swing Song. Sixth Grade (Mrs. Hoover) Flap Drill, Uncle Sammie. Sixth Grade (Miss Hawkins Thanks Giving Sor.g, A Band of Pilgrim?. Seventh Grade (Miss Hawkins) Gentle Annie. Duet Miss Pauline Martin. Mr. Boyce, Home to Our Mountains. Eight Grade (Mr. Carroll) The Old North State. Ninth Grade (Miss Howard) Carolina Sunshine. Tenth Grade (Mrs. White) Junior Class Song. Eleventh Grade (Mrs. Kinsey) Farewell to Thee. PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION AT SHOAL CREEK Program for Shoal Creek Sunday School Convention To be held with the Friendship Baptist Church November 28th, and 29th, 1925. Saturday Novembey 28 9:00 A. M. Assemble at Church. 9:00-9:15 Organization and election of officers. 9:15-9:30 Singing by convention. 9:30-9:45 Address of welcome. Walter N. Andresan. 9:45-10:15 Address by Rev. Roba. Bell. 10:15-11:00 Address by Col. John H. Dillard. 11:00-l 1:30 Address by Rev T. L. Sasser. 11:30-12:00 Address by Prof. B. W. Sipc. 12:00 Dinner in the ground. 1:00 reassemble in church building. . 1:00-1:15 Singing by entire convention. 1:15-1:45 Address by Rev. D. IL Rhinehart. 1:45-2:15 Address by Rev. E. G. Clary. 2:15-2:45 Address by Rev. C. F. Conley. 2:45-3:15 Address by Rev. W. G Sparks. 3:15-3:45 Address by Rev. E. A. 3:45-3:.'>5 Appointment of Committee etc. 4:00 I*. M. Odjournment. Sunday November. 29. 9:00 A. M. Assemble at Church. 9 00-9:15 Singing by entire Convention. 9:15-9:45 Address by Prof. B. R. Carroll. 9:45-10:15 Address by Col. O. L. Anderson. 10:15-10:30 Address by Prof. A. D. Davis. 10:30-11:00 Address by Frcf A. L. Martin. 11:00-11:30 Address by Rev. J. P. T)ecker. 11:30-12:00 Address by W. J. Martin. 12:00-12:15 Address by W. A. Curtis. 12:15-12:45 Addre^ by Rev. Carl Sentelle. 12:45-1:00 Reception of reports etc. qp FOR THANKSGIVING FAT DRESSED FRYERS AND HENS Wanted To Buy?Fat hogs and sheep; Green hides; country pro duce. Will pay highest market prices. Free Delivery?Phone 28 Crisp & Gulley At R. M. Fain'a Mills Murphy, N. C. 1"' l/UT, MURPHY, w. c. UPPER BEAVERDAM Mr. Henry Rose and family returned frcnr Akrcn Ohio to spend a few days with home folks. Mr. Andrew Rose made a business trip to Atlanta, Ga. a few days I :'g". | The Farlee Rose who has boen very ill with blood poison has been 1 removed to the Hospital in Atlanta tor medical faeatment. Mr. W. G. Allen made a business tiip to Murphy Monday. Miss Cassie Allen spent Sunday afternoon with her s'rter Mrs. Uessie Dockery. Miss Ethel Clayton spe-t Sunday afternoon with her sister Mrs. Tinie Rose. Miss Mattic Dockery of Unaka has been visiting home folks. Mrs. Ada Deckerv has returned to Ohio after an extended vis t with home folks. The school at this place is progressing: nicely under the management of Mr. \V. R. Martin and Mr. ' S. P. Mason. Mr. W. S. Clayton, Mr. T. W. Radford and M-. Riley Radford are building cribs, this is evidence that the corn crops were not a complete failure. | Mr. O. C. Davis of Murphy was a business visitor in this section the latter part of the week. I So Weak j! Couldn't Stand | "My wife's health broke n down and for years she was sf IJuat a physical wreck," says BQ Mr. Thomas Gl*nn, of Gib- (n son. La. "Wo did everything IS we knew, yet she seemed to get worse a$d worse. She Ifl wa? so weak till she couldn't ifl stand, and had to be carried 19 I like a baby. It looked like ntj nothing would save her that 3u , II had been done. 1 n iCARDUll il For Female Troubles if \\H "I began looking around. I ja Ha knew that Cardul was for wo- [9 hI| men. I decided to try it for |H GO her as all elso had failed. fa 3 QH She couldn't eat, she couldn't Bfl II sleep, and 1 was desperate. 'I ( ; "After taking a few dose:; a 3 II of Cardul. we were so glad !p el] to note that she wanted some- JH uH thing to eat. and with each Jp II bit of nourishment, and each _ ;? ijfl day's doses of Cardul, she ?r| grew stronger and get up out ?? {$ of bed. She Is now able to ill 81 cook, and stronger than In a jjj long time." BH It Cardul ha? been In success- hU | EE ful use for ntarly 50 years gM H| In the treatment of many com M* mon female troubles. R'] All Dnigglrts' ' c r.mi ca uuiuiiii ir,r;cr 1rat'v..s Hucaiiu - - "? f " ? & 'A ' TOURING CAF 29( c T ' Touring - $290 I Runabout 260 I Coupe - . 520 1 Tudor Sedan 580 Ford or Sedan 660 1 Cloud cmr? in cok>r. I Demountable rim* I and ?tarter extra on I open cara. lL Ail price* j.o. b. rVrroir j25V /\j l/nP^^9 . _ CULBEBSON ~ |l Horn to Mr. and Mr.-. L. W. Shield? a boy Friday night. Mrs. M. D. Coleman who has been ] on the sick list for several days is 1 rot much better at this writing. ! John Coleman and family of Penn. ] syvania are visiting the former's \ parents at this place. < Mr. and Mrs. Lee Keasler of s Etowah visited relatives here last week. ] J. S. Hyatt cut his hand last Tuas-.j day and was carried to the Murphy hospital by Dr. J. \\ Hill. , T. J. Shearer left Sunday to spend , n few days on his farm in Shoal , Creck Township. Malbcrt Kilpatrick and family were { visitors here Sunday. , We are having a good school un- , der the management of Fulton Thom. asson of Andrews. Mayor W. M. Fain of Murphy was a business visitor he*? Tuesday. J. A. Cearley spent a few days at I Ashevilic Ccutt last week. .nr. uirt roister wno is employed . 150 STAND AR o MmguTi FLAT CARS jljjjjjjj In AddiHci lo the Above? JP^ y Tho r.. has contracted for the pa pur jh.i .c of 7C?;vO0 R ?5; tons r.f novr mi', for jj ?ai: te.;: .eo.ui.'v.ew 2 T-> ccr.truciic-i ork r>> I * quired doxicj tho * til' nest yecr. a rn These new oulheri- I -|0 zations, together trith | tho previous orders ? -'1 placed for c?;ui;.ni??nt i and other facilities, I nif.kc r. irrand total rf H "'* $30.000. *ti and finer riding con | tative of the unusual I Ford cars. Ask the nearest Authi to show you this car. ^V> Detroit j . 1 FRIDAY NOVEMBER zo, i925 LALEICH PAPER CARRIES ^ STORY OF BAPTIST MEN'S BIBLE CLASS CAMPAIGN Under the heading "How Men', B-b!e Class Was Bailt," the Raleigh S'ews and Observer carried a s:0: y 0., Sunday morning. Nov. 8. on the Men', Bible Class of the local Haptiet rhurch written by D. W. Sims. general superintendent of the North Carolina Sunday School Association. The story is more than a column t- 1 length, and deals in detail of how the class attendance recently jumped from 26 to 104 in five weeks, when the class was organized on the army plan and colonels, majors and captains co-operated in the campaign. The story is pointed to with the comment that it was a demonstration of how a "few wide-awake men, with an alert and progressive leadet. can build up a large and succc:sful Bible class in the Sunday School." at Copperhiil spent the weekend at home. Mrs. Robert Foister left la?t week to join her husband in Akron. Ohio. 1500 ^STANDARD STEEL ? r |'g^OO^?LAS STA HOARD TH GAGC CARS STA NDAR D BOX CARS 2gr LOCOMOTIVES JON stVer^Service a iunner euort to lurmsn ? highest type cf freight d passenger transportan, thi3 Itaiiroad has just tiiorizcu tho purchase of ; quantity of equipment istrated above and, in di.ion thereto, ten baggfc cars, two dining cars, o standard postal cars, :tceu coaches and twenty's jm ,:P -ivc cabooses. - ial used in building re up to Fordstand' reed by Ford stand> and inspection. ?rs eive such Inno " 1, ce. / 'ith added beauty lforts, is represen' value available in orized Ford Dealer w- A