FRIDAY NOVEMBER IT. 1925 r THE FEAT] ; i, / STOP) ' | NO lefT \ j^TURH & 38 fj 1?*oca/ and Trlcphot Until business conditio.-.s pet bet-!s ter the theatre will be closed on i 31ondays and Wednesdays. F. O. Bates, Manager. <16-2t-b) ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Simonds, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gray ar.d Miss Ella ' Simonds spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Simonds at 1 Persimmon Creek. ' i Miss Hattie Axley spent several days this week in Sylva on business. Mrs. Fisher Hubble arrived Wed- ' nesday nipht to spend Thanksgiving I with her sister. Mis Hattie Axley, 1 and other relatives here. ' Mrs. W. H. Griffiths returned Wednesday from Madisonville, Tenn. where she had been visiting her brother for the past two months. Miss Edythe Clarke, Dean of Lucy Cobb Collepe, arrived Wednesday: nipht to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her mother, Mrs. I Edythe Clark and Mrs. Nettie Dickey. Mr. Charles Dickey, who is a student at Younp Harris Collepe, spent last week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hoover left Wednesday for Marion to spend the the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Axley have | completed and moved into their new J home on Valley River Avenue. Miss Callie Brown had the misfortune to pet her hand caught in j a feed cutter and the thumb on the right hand was so badly mangled it j had to be amputated. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Davis ar.-j iiuum c me Dirtn 01 a aauKmvr qiii November 24th. Hurison-Esse: Quality ( and Yo Quality has Essex for ye largest selling Without sue prices would And without ity such volu Kf i-fachcd. 1 ers think of terms of the but in the ce performance which it cc long after pr World' Everyoi E. P. I i 7 .... iERHEADS r~] ii-mother owe i~ I c*- those *no left Turn" , LJTg ^jj^l > bo^nd '; Personal | le 20 J : J -K-S"^X*\"X-X~X-X-I-X-X-X '. Mr. J. F. McNeil, of Tomotla, was i business visitor here Saturday. _... ?. ... :: xux: oupiist nomans .Missionaryj Scciety held their regular monthly srogram meeting at the church 1 rueselay afternoon. A very interest.1 > ng program was rendered, the sub- ii iect being "The Child and the Fu- T lure South." Mi-s Elizabeth Smith,' County Welfare Superintendent, made an interesting talk. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Sasser entertained at a six o'clock dinner at their homo on Tuesday The ^ guests included the pastors of the town and their wives. They were 1 Rev. and Mrs. D. H. Rhinehart. Rev. ^ ind Mrs. E. G. Clary, and Rev. and ' Mrs. C. II. Dickey. Miss Hattie Voyles ant rim -a jrQVe 1 HIS In me Tliis . made Hudson- n i '9 *p h' ars the worlds ^ ; 6-cyiinucr cr.rc. _E_ Ii volume, these HUD [ be impossible. increasing qual- Hu me would never is why own- ., , ,, - . Hud; Hiu'son not in low price paid, istly car qualities, A" Pric and reliability ^!?" . , Paymen intinues to give ?n balan ice is forgotten. s Greate; fie Says It?Sales Pn dAWKINS MURPKY, N. C THE CHEROKEE S? 1 j IVE 5??N MAKV4G K1GMT HAND I ?0 MUCH I* AS TXZT1 AS A R1 CPTES O SO ONE SLOCK ^LpT A PEILA KAS ID GO B 7?' ii-nr ucsday afternoon v.ith a miscolla- f eous shower at the home of Mrs. ion Witherspr.on in honor of Miss [ate Fauver. A laree crowd \vn -! resent ard Miss Fauver received j iany beautiful and useful gifts, ii-s Fauver leaves the first of the} ear for Ashevile where she joes j o accept a position with the post. ffice department. T.OST?Large leather bap pocket-1 bock between puhlic square in { Turnhy and County Home, container around $50 or $55. Reward if , ":rn t<> W. M. A. Maxnpton, City, lt-pd) IF ALL WHO HATE WOULD LOVE US" By Mae Aher.iathy f all who hate would love us. Vrd all our love's were t*uo. rhe -tars that shine nb^ve us Vould brighten in the blue f cruel words were kisses. \nd every scowl a smile. \ hotter world than this is IVould hardly be w r*h while f : ur.-es would r.nt ti-hten. To ireet a brother's need The l ad wc bear wc aid lighten \bov? the grave of greed. o ' there who whine would whistle Vr.d these who languish laugh. w . . ' t"v.? thistle The crain out tun the chaff, i heart- ve-e onlv , f grievmp A*as fonrot \nd tears were nwlnnehotv iVere thing* that now are not. pen love would kneel to duty \nd all the world would seem V bridal how* r of beauty, \ dream within a dream. t* men would cease to worry. \r.d wome i cease to sigh \nd all he glad to bury Whatever has to die. If neighbor spoke to neighbor >s love demand* of all, rhe rust would eat the saber ["ho spear stay on the wall, rhon every day would glisten \nd every eye would shine. 4.nd Coil would pause to listen. Vnd life would be divine. IS "Sixes" Volume m rv A A Tkit Xv______V 6VT ? _ - " NOTLA 'Last week's letter) The people o? this community are j dene jratherinc com and dirzjrin? ro-| taioes. Ctops are short this year ir.; part, especially the upland, on c;count of the dry season. Hog killing for the past week ha? been the order of the day. Mr. Carl Stiles killed two fccgs at ore >ear old. weighing one of them?net 423 pounds. Mr. John Gibson of Douglas, Ga.. is visiting his brother, Henry, ar.-i other relatives here. Mr. Alton Ma'lin. after celling out to the power company, bought property at Muiphy ar.d moved there Saturday. Mr. W. B. Ha per and wife are happy over their new boy who arrived a few days ag?. Mr. Ira Sneed and Arvey McTaggart sold their saw mill to Mr. Joe Abcrnathy of Hangtagdog. Mrs. M. I. Hall of this place visited her brother, Mr. R. T. Stiles, of L'iUe i'iviie, Ga., lasc week. Mrs. Arra "c * ""* *~e visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. M. Stile last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stiles arc on the sick list. Mr. J. L. Iiall and family of Murphy and Mr. H. B. Stiles of Persimmon Creek, were visitors at Mr. M. i. Hall's Sunday. I Mr. anil Mr.-. M. E. Johns an announce the birth of a daughter on the 21st. \ QT_T For Dental Gold V'/lOl 1 Platinum. Silver, Diamonds, magneto points, falseteeth, jewelry, any valuables. Mail today. Cash by return mail. Hoke S. St R. Co., Ouejo, Mich. '| d? -> j Backache on the Farm i The farmers ... e ^vw.a -.4J . rears children, docs her own housework, ! keeps chick.:.' .. . h work to do, needs a sound back to carry her burden of toil. .So does the tn-tner, who has to work c;.. - u la.c, .?- .0 do much i>ending and lilting. Unfortunately, it is a fact that more farm men and women than other people suffer with lame or aching backs, and it is a trouble that allows hardly a moment's peace, day or night. Chronic backache is very often due to weak kidneys and for kidney trouble, Dr. Pierce has worked out a new and special rem Jy. "An-uric." Ask your nearest dealer for it. "S. uric." by increasing the flow of '.is, helps the kidneys to flush out v?i lia: system ike uric poisons tliat c. : the crr-.-.e to he <: :v at ' 1 ado- . i the acbark. : 0K..1 joints a:.d |pany c! :nti .ns thr.- rc .din./uy C^.'.v :h?-niTU?ti Wr" 4--. i*i ,e (above), Fresh .n'. In- ..'k. ' Hotel Buffalo, N. for fie- n.- Jicai, 1 \f here, look at the wkats fcie i-: '( map -I've Gct it bustim' nro x^umapked^y jfojck like 1 j 3t SOUTH THE THIRTY F!FTH PARALELL LATITUDE PI :l- :i!c. Ga.. Nov. 23.-(?pecial Ctrio; . rf " .fj?In one of the lashior.alde ultra modern churches * : si*." of Atlanta a ?hort time the r.:u?Ic was of the usual kind rendered by fashionable choir.'s of the city churc'*c. . The c;:" waves, r f.'-r whicl individually and collcc-' vely t!< v a*set ted the fi n resolve that thej would wash. * Inst they solved th* problem by : -rting that they pro ix.sed to wa:" their hands in it ' nocency. Life t? ma !c uj c f little thing; and death should be the smallest < I all. The day is made up Years. J, Chei & Co., Tc!ado, Ohio. i 1 PAGE F:VE DEE? i } IAMD5 SAKE.' i. mk *> S / *Ht Dcn r xxi \ MIT/yO I KEEP louft E1E5 j 1 BLAIRSVILLE NEWS Dr.C. J. Wellborn who hr.s b en iciti ficK iui i. pas; wee.; was carried to Atlaat.. Sunday ~>r treatment. Dr. r.r d M L. G. Meal were visiting iSlaiv - v;11. Sunday. .Mr. Albert Chambers is very sick with pneumonia. Mi". J ale Uo-.viiitg ;.nd wife were visit :rg . ' ' jy . ; 'e Sat. unday a::d Sunday. Mr. .1 \. B- it h hatl .n adio t tailed in his h< mc reces.tly, which givir.r: good service. Mr. Bruce Dixon of Fla. also , Wymer of Colorad are visiting their ^ Mother Mrs. E on Dixon. '( The convict camp has moved from Young Harris to Blairsville. Road work seems to be i ro-jressing rapid"! b*. . j Mr. Dick La?. a: ?i wife have movJ <: -I to the D . i"rwin residence. j A large crowd si -mc l to enjoy {an all day .singing at Zebu Inn church ^ j Sunday. We would advise all people coming through Blairsville in a car. to not vet careless and leave their tags at home as our Marshall is right on the job, and lightened a few bank rolls Sunday, on that account. j We are mightly glad to see the asphalting of our roads progressing 1 so fasr. I .. . Mr. Bexlor England f Ga, University, was visiting home folks the . past week-end. Mr. Conly Iiaralson of Ga. University. also Miss Juaaita Haralson who is a teacher at Brcnau College, arrived home Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with their parents Col. and Mrs. P. H. Harals . Mrs. Pierce Matthews, and Mrs. C. . L. Loyd of Gainesville are here to spend Thanksgiving with their parent. Col. and Mis. W. E. Candler. Mr. Cliff Rogers and wife of Jasper Ga. also Mr. Clyde RYady of Jasper were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Rogers Thursday. J Blairsville High .School will be {suspended from Thanksgiving Day I until the following Tuesday. Also the graded school. | MPS. V*. C. H. CHES ENTERTAINS' i SATURDAY NIGHT I.Mrs. W. C. Hughes' entertained at a card party Saturday Night. These jpresevt were: Mi-ses Austinc Haral!r.on. Grape! !e Butt. E'Ar.ubeth Butt, Annie Bell Dockcry, and Irene Wellborn. Messers Emory Dockcry, Wayne Stroud, anil Garnet Burt. Refreshments were served and all had a very , enjoyable time. | The Girls and Boy.- Basket-ball ; Teams went to Andrews Friday, j Both teams were beaten by a small 'score. it is good to see the school {here take such an interest in Athlet, ics. Miss Addie Kate Reid has been sick for the past week and unable to fill her position as teacher in Young I Cane School, Miss Ruby Cook has been filling both positions assistant and Principal, during Miss Reids ' Sickness, but Miss Reid will go back to her work this week. Mrs. Hula Colwell had as dinner gue !- Thursday right. Mr. and Mrs. j Die!; Law, Miss Bert England and Mr.