PAGE SIX P LEGAL NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY In the Superior Court. Nettie Dickey vs. G. A. Dozier PUBLICATION Let the defendant, G. A. Dozier. Ukt notice that an action entitled! as above has been commenced against him by Nettie Dickey for the recovery of $">00 due as unpaid rents j on the Dickey Hotel in Murphy, as set cut in her complaint on file in the Clerk's office, and that an alias summons has issued in this action, returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court (f Cherokee County, at his office in the Courthouse on the 1st day of December 1525, when and where said defendant is hereby notified to appear and an.-wer the complaint. or the relief prayed by plaintiff will be granted; Said defendant is further notified that a warrant of attachment has issued in said action and has been duly levied on a def t due by E. E. Smith and another due by Hattie Ax ley. and also on a quantity ef household furniture and supplies and bedding left in the Dickey Hotel, as, shown by the return of the sherift to , said warrant of attachment, which will be sold in due course of law. and that said warrant of attachment has been returned after service thereof. This Nov. 2, iy25. E. E. DAVIS (13-4t-D) Clerk Superior Court NOTICE j The Board of County Comniissioners of Cherokee County. N. C. will until or.e O'clock P. M. on the 8th day of December 11*25 at their Office in Murphy, Cherokee County. EN. C. receive sealed Bids for Chero-, kee County's Interest in the Fair Grounds, buildings and fixtures in, Murphv. Cherokee County reserving! the right to reject any and all bids. This Nov. 9th 1925. T. W. AXI.EY Chairman of the Board County j (2t-co.) Commissioners. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE State of North Carolina Cherokee County. Having qualified as administrator with the Will Annexed ?tf the Estate of Nathan A. Carte:. deceased, lairof Cherokee County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at my home and rc:idc...j wu H?u urceK. it. . llo^.e Township 1 Cherokee County, N. C. on or before' the 27th day of October or > this Notice will be pleaded in bar I of their recovery. All persons in-! debted to the said estate will plea.-e make immediate payment. This the 27th day of October 1925. J. M. SIMO.VDS \ Administrator with the Will Annexed of Nathan A. Carter." (deceased 1 late of Cherokee - County. X. c. (12-6t-jms.) BOARD OF COUNTY CQMMISS?' I At a meeting: of the Board of 'County commissioners in the Court House in Murphy. N. C. there was presented to the Board a Petition asking for election in certain territories in Murphv Township, the Board duly ordered the election and after the return found that the] majority voted in favor of said stock! law territory. Therefore it is order-] ed that sa'd territory heretofore ( described namely: Beginning on J Valley River at the place where the 1 Township lines between Murphy and, Valleytown townships crosses same] and on the Westerly side thereof, and running down said river to its mouth at Hiawassee River; thence down said river to the line of the! Stock law District Known as the Bates' Creek Stock law district; thence' with the line of said stock law dis- J trict to the top of the dividing mountain rage between owl Creek and Valley river; thence with the top of sa'd divide a Northerly direction to the Vallevtown Township line; thence with Valleytown Township line to the place of beginning; This boundary has recently voted on stock law and the majority voting in favor of stock law. Therefore it is adjudged that said territory shall be stock law territory from and. after January 1st, 1926 and it shall be n-.T; * 1 fcr cny ner?"^". c^moraJ mule, cattle, sncep, tv gs or any other stock of any kind to run at large in the above mentioned ter , ADVERTISE! l it* :y >om and after the 1st day of January, 1926. T. W. AX LEY Chairman Board of County Commissioners. A. M. SIMOXDS Ex-Offico Clerk to Board of Commissioners. Wehutty. N. C.. Nov. 23. 1923.' Editor Scout: I want to inform the gsod citizens of Cherokee County, and especially the stood people of Shoal Creek Township, that there is some dishonest person or persons making complaints | to Governor McLean regarding me j not being satisfactory to the people and citizens of this township as .i Justice of the Peace aad Notary Public. of which this statement is fals^ and without foundation, and I will say that people making such state- [ ments are not honest people and I think the good law-abiding people should lock their doors against such characters. Those statements have only been made by two or three people who are enemies to me and some " f them owing me money for over wo years and won't pay me. The .umber of names I have sent in on he petition were secured by as good men and women as Cherokee County affords and there isn't a name on the petition but that of a pood citizen. A lot of the best citizens in Shoal Creek Township signed this petition. Only a few that it was presented to refused and they are competitors to us in the mercantile business. We want the petition published to keep the dirty things from claiming that the names were forged on the paper. There hasn't been a kick by anyone on mo?by any citizen in my precinct?and the one nade the statement is not fitten to iive in the community with drecent people who are good law abiding. citizens. Furthermore, we lay it to their blame nr.d principal. The signers of this peiition most of them have! known me for 18 years and know this is a framed up game by some two or three dirty things who should be working on the county road or in the insane asylum. I regard their charges as untiue and made in order to hurt my reputation and business. (Signed) W. T. HATMAKER. (copy) Fetition for the retention of W. i T. Hatmaker as Notary Public and ... r. | To Governor A. W. McLean, His | Excellency: We the undersigned legal voters and citizens of Shoal Creek Township. Cherokee County. N. C., do hereby petition Your Excellency for :he retention of W. T. Hatmaker as Justice of the Peace and Notary Public in the above named township, county and state, as we are not in favor of a few individuals in other ;:arts of the township and county dictating who shall serve as our officers in Shoal Creek precinct and we further know that the said W. T, Hatmaker will enforce the law and vouch for his good conduct in office and further know that there is no dissatisfaction in this precinct against him and believe there has been fictitious reports against him by unreliable people. (Signed) R. M. Owenby Jno Ledford X. C. Owenby Bertha Ledford B. A. McDougal L. P. Pack X. L. McDougal M. E. Pack W. O. McDougal E. W. West Frankie McDouga'A. L. Kilpatrick M. C. Dehnrt J. M. West E. S. Self G. J. Burger L. C. Powell L. D. Burger T. E. Powell r. Ed Coleman C. T. Powell J. M. Roberson A. R. "Powell Ann Roberson 1 , J. H. Walker ,7. A. Simonds D. L. Harris E. A. Simonds 7 : D. R. Harris J. T. Holbrooks * | R. F. Ledford R. B. Cole ** ! B. L. Hughes J. W. Flovd ' ! H. L. McJunkins G. F. Nelson Ella Teague G. C. Hembree J. J. Teague R. L. Hembree r ; W. J. Jones J. R. Stewart r J. C. Jones Z. G. Earley * i N. Brendle J. C. Hughes Burrell P'rown J. V. Ledford *" W. M. Panter C. Jones Emily Adams Emery Jones * Mary Stiles W. N. Taylor " C. Stiles ? NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of December 1925, the undersigned Tax Collector for the Town of Marble, will at the stoTe of Mintz and Trull in the Town of Marble, N. C? sell to the highest bidder at public outcry.: all re >lcst*te ir. Cherokee Conntv, owned Fred Palmer 5.27 R. L. Anderson 16.60 I km THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml 4ENTS || J. M. Kilpatrick 12.51 ' Andrews Iron & Mining Co 3.38 1 Said real estate is being sold for j the satisfaction of taxes for the year | of 1923-24. This Nov. 23, 1925. M. A. CRISP. (16-4t-c) Town Tax Collector j LIBRARY COMMITTEE ANNOUNCE RECEIPT OF VALUABLE COLLECTION j (Continued from page 1) . ' ! Buff, a Collie, Albert Payson Terhune. A Jersey Boy in the Revolution.' Everett T. Tomlinson. Four Bells, Ralph D. Paine. The Undying Fire. H. G. Wells. The Marvels of Geology, E. 0. Grew. The Young Russian Corporal, Paul.: Iogolevitch. The Rover Boys at School, Arthur M. Winfield. The Rover Boys on the Ocean,; Arthur M. Winfield. With the French Fixing Corps | Carroll Dana Winslow. Beautiful Joe, Marshall Saunders. The Story of Seigfried, James, Baldwin. Frank on the Prairie. Harry Gastl?-, mon. Frank in the Woods. Harry Castlemon. George in Camp. Harry Castlemon. Frank on a Gunboat. Harry Castlemon. Frank Among the Rancheros, Harry Castlemon. Frank the Young Naturalist. Harry Castlemon. Frank in the Forecastle. Harry Frank in the Mountains. Harry Castlemon. George at the Wheel Harry Castlemon. George at the Fort. Harry Castlemon. The Boy Readers. Harry Castlemon. Snowed up. Harry Castleton. Frank on Don Carlo's Rancho.1 XMAS MONEY FORYOU . Search Your Attic for Fortuiies in Old Confederate Envelopes AmonR the old letters of many South- , em families are hundreds of wry ram stamps and envelopes. Many have been found and sold for small fortunes. Single envelopes have been sold for as high as ?2,000. end many have brought upwards of $100 each. It sounds '"fishy," but it's true. They are j valuable because they are rare. And < they are rare, not becf ue there are only a few, but simply because most of theta have remained stored away and j forgotten, in old trunks and closets. i Make a thorough search through your ] attic or store room for these old war I letters. Fortunes in rare stamp.* or . franker? envelopes have been found in : old trunks which no one ever dreamed contained anything of value. Keep the ? letters if you wish, but send the envelopes to Mr. Harold C. Brooks. Box 223. Marshall. Michigan, and he will * immediately write you. stating their value. In srnding them to hint you sre not obliged to sell unless his offer meets with your approval. Anything net purchased he will return in good order. Mr. Brooks, who is mayor of his city, is a private collector arid has paid thousands of dollars for old envelopes. Although the rare issues are especially desired he also buys many of the com- , ] moner kinds. Many people in this way ! are getting Christmas money with very j little trouble and no expense. ! The First National Bank of Marshall, | Mich., writes: "Mr. Brooks has been in business here for twenty years. You j will make no mistake when you recom- j mend him to your readers as worthy of , the fullest confidence, both financially | nnd personally." Mr. Brooks states that there are so many different stamps which are similar I in appearance he cannot quote values j from written descriptions, hut must see I the envelopes. There are, for example, ten different Confederate government stamps bearing the portrait of Jefferson Davis, and many local stamps or stamped envelopes are very much the same in appearance. The same is true of U. S. issues, the heads of Washington or Franklin being used on different stamps. Mr. Brooks does not buy loose stamps, stamp collections coins or Confederate money. Stamps should not be cnt from the envelopes and no dates written on. He is fully acquainted with ell issues even though the postmark may show no year date. Those especially wanted are Confederate issues, but he also buys U. S.. Canadian. Hawaiian, and certain foreign stamps provided tbey are on the original envelopes and mailed not later than 1865. If envelopes are sent in a bunch they should be carefully packed in a cardboard box to protect them from damage while in the mails. If you have reason to believe your envelopes are of special value send them by registered or insured mail. If you have no old letters written during or before the Civil War, ahow this notice to your I fritnda?especially those whose fatni( lies have lived in the same home for several generations. Many old families, old banks and law 6rms still have rtored away hundreds of letters; waiting to ^ be bumrd r sold for large . . ~ uri. envelope* ?* -'.mm .t taeir vane. I lu.i. Brooks c.Jdxcf j is as follows: HAROLD C. BROOKS, Box 223, Marshall, Mick I ji ifSMiMiii Hfiili JRPHY. N. C. ' _ ATHENS. TENN. TO EMPLOY COMMUNITY SALESMA1 East Tennessee City Going Afte Tourist Trade and Manufacturing Plants The Knoxville Journal several day i-re carried the story of how A then Tenn.. is going after the tourit trade and manufacturing plant: The story is given here for th thought it should provoke. Murph is situated more favorable tha Athens, and has many advantage that merit exploitation as propositions. The mayor of Athen is a brother to Mr. G. W. Candlei local retail merchan*. The story i part follows: "'Plans for organized prorr.otio Harry Castlemon. Frank before Vicksburg. Harr Castlemon. The Black Stone. George Gibbs. The Shadow of the North, Josep' A. Altshelor. Hans Efrinker or the Silver Skate; Mary Mapes Dodge. Poems every child should know Mary E. Burt. The Loring Mystery, Jefferv Fnrna Dead Right. Jennettc Lee. The Just Stewart. Richard Debar Marta ir. Holland. Etta Blaisdel McDonald and Julin Dalrymple. Riders of the Purple Sage Zan Grey. The Xurnherg Stove, Maria L Kirk. There's No Rase Like Home, H. C Victory, Joseph Conrad. Witwer. The Hoy Scouts of Woodcraf Camp, Thornton W. Burgess. The Frozen Pirate. W. Clar Russell. Tutt and Mr. Tutt. Arthur Train. The Old Ladies. Hush Walpole. Tolstoi for the Young. R. S. Town send. Frank on the Lower Mississippi Harry Cast lemon. Toby Tyler or Ten Weeks with Circus, James Otis. Ancient Fires, J. A. R. Wylie. We Can't Have Everything Rupc: Hughes. Living Pictures of the Animal King dom. Dr. L. Heck. Reve:land, Robert W. Chambers. The Inca Emerald, Samuel ScovilU Jr. """*511 *** Oh, Shoot, Rex Beach. Stalky & Co., Runyard Kipling. Adventures in Contentment, Dav.i Grayson. My Unknown Chum, "Aguecheek A Hundred Fables of AEsop, Percj J. Eillinghurst. Gulliver's Travels, J. C. A. A Year in a Yawl, Russall Double day. From FpTT'V House to White House W. M. Thayer. Tarzan and the Golden Lion.Edga: Rice Burroughs. Around the World in the Sloo] Spray, Captain Joshua Slocum. The Boy Scouts on Lost Trail rhomton W. Burgess. The Boy Scouts in a Trapping [Tamp, Thornton W. Burgess. The Boy Scouts on Swift River rhomton W. Burgess. Camp Castaway, Charles Clarl Vlunn. Winning His Game, Ralph Henri Barbour. Thuvia Maid of Mars, Edgar Ric< Burroughs. The Warlord of Mars, Edgar Rici Burroughs. The Story Book fc? Science, Jeai Henro Fabre. Ramsey Milholland, Booth Tark ington. Sir Nigel, Conan Doyle. Boris in Rassia. Etta Blaisde! Mcdonald and Julia Dslrymple. The Majic Forest, Stewart Edwar White. The Stories of H. C. Bunne Told by an Idiot, Rose Macaulay. Mi stress Wilding, Rafael Sabatii Sails of Sunset, Cecil Roberts. Sincerely yours, W. V. N. POWELSON How Doctors Treat Colds and the Fli To break op a cold overnight c to cot short an attack of grippe, ii fluenza, sore throat or tonsillitis, phj sicians and druggists arc now recon mending Calotobs, the purified an refined calomel compound tablet the gives you the effects of calomel an salts combined, without the unplea: ant effects of cither. One or two Calotaba at bed-tim with a swallow of water,?that's a! No salts, no nausea nor tho slighter interference with your eating, wor or pleasure. Next morning your col has vanished, your system is tho: oyghly purified and you are feelir. fine with a hearty appetite for breal fast. Eat what you please,?no dar ger. Get a family package, containin full directions, only 85 cents. At an drug store. (adv FR industrial and business advantages c N and advertising of McMinn county's!? were launched with enthusiasm at f i a mass meeting held here Monday ( night which resulted in the prelim!-!t nary organization of a Chamber of .* Commerce. The organization i3 the result of j 1 p. suggestion made some days ago i by Mayor H. M. Candler that Athens \ 0 employ an experienced salesman to! i - supervise the exploition of local n opportunities and advantages for in- 1 s dustrial growth. * 15 Mayor Candler's suggestion has * |S been accepted as one of the most j r' parcitical Ideas ever outlined not % r" ouly by the citizens of Athens, but civic leaders in other cities of East n Tennessee. 11 Work of Salesman Outlined ) f His Idea is that the salesman rep- j y resentative make personal visits to' f representatives of industries looking j t for advantageous sites for the locah tion or manufacturing plants. Bring ^ ing the advantages of the commun- j 1 ity to the personal attention of c i prospective manufacturers and in- ^ Jviting them to check up the advar. | tapes offered in a personal survey I ^ il | is being accepted as the most effec ^ j tive method of accomplishing real j j results. ^ Mayor Candler suggests that the ; II proposed representative not only ^ make personal visits to representa- ^ e tives of prospective site seekers but ^ that the prospects be invited to visit ; Athens at the expense of the local j: ! organization to verify all claims ^ made by the community salesman. c J According to Secretary Roberts, | activities of the Chamber of Comt merce will not be confined to the ' promotion of the city of Athens, k but will include the entire county ? and trade territory. "We are just ^ | as much interested in the progressive development of the entire coun ty and the town located in the county as we are Athens because all i,' contribute to the prosperity of the j entire county and the individual r, I cities," said the secretary. County Co-oporation Idea "It we locate a manufacturing t plant at Etowah, Englewood, or any. Wanted 1 SPLIT HICKORY J | IN WAGON 1 I DELIVERED AT II SAWED HICKORY f In carload lots deliverec and L. & N For Further Infori JOHN ODELL o ri Murphy e :| chSfeswpii 1 w?j. ?r?-?i?{ in shipped the same day they fcW j^CJl are received ?* 8rhour service H^R li /B?55! "I carit afford to on 46,2o?t barga . in thi ! XX 7HAT Is It you want? A W looking for? Whatever big book. In its 518 pages, are 46,201 pendable merchandise, incl sizes. From stylish clothing ti the line is complete?and tl There is everything here housewives, teachers, clerks satisfaction in this money-sa get speedy service. If you haven't a catalof It wilt be