?* IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT HB IT'S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T |B KNOW IT IjjS The Official Organ oLUME XXXVII. No. 24. OUR' Property I ESTIMATE I THAN $: $1 "ireproof Vaults P r e-j 9 serve Records But Sev-1 II I -I eral Law Libraries are Lest COURT POSTPONED UNTIL FEBRUARY County Officials Open Temporary Offices In Third Story of Jail Building. Klair - completely destroyed the < herokt - County court hou>e early. 1. >t Sa'irday morni .sr. causine property damaged estimated at froi.i i.oo?? to si.%0.000. The records of the county superintendent of schools. the welfare agent cni the demonstration asenl were total losses, and valuable lav. , libraries were lost by attorney's \V. V W... .) II Mnllonet'. F. Christopher ar.d .1. II. McCall, wh??f had officv- in the building. At-j Lorneys McCall and Axley and Sheriff Morrow recovered some " Johnson, W. A. Hughes, W. R. Dockery, Jep Bradley, Nathan Rren- _ die, J. G. Southerland, C. E. Eller, " J. B. Smith. George B. Dockery, A. N*. Lovingood, Bob Allen. T. M. Raper J. H. Phillips, b\ H. Mint*. W. J. Umphrics, J. B. Frankum, D. V. Carringer and W. M. Odell. Second week: Ben Philemming. T. L. Lenderman, O. C. Payne, Z. \^ Lovincrood, J. W. Morrow, VV- t:. Arnold, B W. Battle, L. M. Anderson, c Abe Hembree, Richard Jones, J. E. tf Phlemming, Jim Bryson Sr., S. D. ^ (Continued or page 6 m)t of Murphy And Cheroki DAMAGE | ID MORE I 125,000.00} sT 'M^jPWr \ $ _ *r i * livil Service Exam ,? For Postmaster At Culberson On 23 l_ Examinath n will ho held here Sal ^ rday for a postmaster at Culberson ost master A. II. Dickey anoumed lis week. A number of applicants re expected to take the cxmnina >n. tvs A civil service examination was ^ ild at the local posloftico here lust aturday i'? r substitute cleik for the ^ lurphy office. Those taking the ^ lamination were Allen Lovingood. . t >. B. Cornwell. Frank Dickey, of . furphy. and E. II. McDonald, of j?i randview. V. llatc man was aiso examined aturday for the post mastership at rocto:.. The examinations have usually eon held at the courthouse, but on ccount of its destruction by five ^ arly Saturday morning, they were J.. . Id in the local postoffice. nn V. M. Fain Grocery vt. Company Had Big Business Last Year 1 CO The \Y. M. Fain Grocery Company tj, njoyed last year the largest volume ?r f business since 1020, the book? pj liowing a twenty percent increase mi ver the year bcfoie. it wa> learned t the annual stockholders meeting W4 'hursday, January 20th. The an- e\, ual dividend was passed into the -pj urplus fund as the company con- ro . iII|;H.UII milium UUIII y l 111" I loscnt year. Officers stated that lf< fiis progressive concern face I one oT J jn lie brightest years in its history. jtr \V. M. Fain was re-elected as Prc>*"'iv0 ent and treneral manager. and M?:j pj Iaiy Smith was re-elected as sec-' ci( etary and treasurer. no Material For New ,, Filtering Plant i'n Being Received;^ Material for the new municipal; w. Uterine nlnnt. to be erected . no i the Patterson field is be- j,e ljr received daily, city officials j1Q lated this week. The J. B. McCrary < j-. ompany, of Atlanta, have the con- co ract for erectiner the filter, which co ill be completed within sixty days.' i'ork on the construction is expected _ y hepin next week. Cfjetc ee County, and the Le* MURPHY, NORTH CAROM? THE BIC .-? KM ?>K THK BIG FIRE L.? t" t i County couithou.-e hui hetv.'i Slli'.f4"'* artd Slat),000. In .'a* blazing building just after the roci iv.s* i '.iring ? stream of water ir.to f hi view of the fr^nt entrance, ?ho*in: to witne - the idaz.?. Lower right f ' To' I; ?o*v< r. avy log structure?one of the first x uses, the other was the store of * ntr & Thomas, which was not ni pitted. It stands on the Cooper rner yot. I Soon there was a hotel commenced Continued r-% 6) j THE BLIGHT OF TIME | 'ubliihed in 1 he Cherokse Scout, October 31, 1893.) Iji 1st month?tbo month of Sep- ? mber? 1 w.-^ called on business to : i Marietta & North Get-;gi.i Kail ! *y depot. In passing through tho.j a rest way. by foot-path that leads! tough a beautiful woodlnn-l on the! itchcock property, once owned hyM il Huntnf >..! .-?*i 1 ' ok I r?ur.il myself on the old ad that led hv and through Fort I tier more than h.df a century ago. was aroused as if by inspiration, id the question unwantonly pioundod itself to me: How long ' ice you first passed this old lonely * id now abandoned highway? For few moments I ?eeme?l riveted to e spot, and my niiiul flew with htning speed back to the year anil >nth, for it was September and for ^' igtit 1 know it may have bee.i the ry day of the month, fifty- four ' ars ago. and with distinctness did remember the scene at my first 4 ming over that identical snot of e road down the grade to the '' ooklet. How the loaded wagon? esscd the team with all the worl lly 1 ssessions of a n.an and woman in ' e prime of life, with a girl nearing >manhocd, two little boys, six ai d * arht years old, and a baby girl, li-; was the family of \Y. H. Money. 1 Could I be mistaken? No. it was '311, and as we ncared the log cabs that had lately sheltered the oops for the removal of the Cheroe Indians west of the Mississippi iver. we took up our abode in a f bin a few rods above the spot that ?vv leads to the remains of Col 1 nnter and wife. In a few days we ' essed the Hiawasseo into what wits ' tended to be the town of Murphy. ' i being the first white family that d lived in the town proper. There the s-kelet??n remains of the /r 1 I * ^ ! i i iVof ford-Terrell Company Elects New President i : K. S. Mil lor. fotmctly vice presi- . lout, was elected president and gener-i s il manager of the Wofford -Tenell ( ompuny at the annual meet ng of! . he stockholders on .January 1! th : M. Woffurd, who has been presi- j lent and general manager of the j ompany for Uie past 17 years, re- . ired as head of this glowing whole-j| ale concent on account of his health.;. Business was exceptionally good :, luring the past year and the business ,t his year is expected to surpass any . previous record. The annual dividend j /as paid stockholders, and the follow ^ ng officers elected:. F.. S. Miller.^ rresident and general manager; .J. , if. Walker and Dr. T. A. Terrell.;! rice presidents; P. C. Hyatt scc.c-j, ary-treasurer. i. Bank Of Murphy Declares 10 Percent Dividend January 16 , ; A ten percent dividend was paid | he stock holders of the Bank of i durphy at the annual st?.ekhcout [ is Seciio A'est era i\ ? rf^I j BY WALLS TONI ANDORDER DOWN A NO CONFLICT PL BETWEEN PARK AND FOREST Staliitici Show That Parks Are Greater Income FI1 Producers N re a: .-inflict of irti :: between! ? i!it- a selfish advocates of nt the feasible the forests are opened t?? the be |i camper, hunter and fi-herman for the recreational and sporting purposes. ed t h'.ssentiall.v, the national forests ate lion rommcrciai ventures. Their availa- wee I nlity as pleasure spots is a secondary the natter. said' '*The national park* are admin- will istercd by the Department of the j Tl Intetior. They are e> entially firej pleasure resorts, recreational areas. .The ind as the national scenery of hind America becomes changed a.id al- he g ered by the cutting of the fmests puss ind the damming of the rivers for ing imwer development, are becoming due ;rent natural museums of original mati America. In a" national the trees are man iieserv.nl in their original state; the al ci lowers, ferns and undergrowth ate to s illowed to grow in their natural be a icauty; the animal life is protected, is no hunting or fishing is allowed, J ?s it is in the national forests, and vesti he water courses aie left utulainmed and ind in their original state. ccii "To those who believe that th? he Ureal Smokies may be preserved fo eve he delight of posterity by the erca ndii :ion of a i:ationaI forest, i -d t may be well to quote Secretary to dies :he Interior Work, who has desctib *oon "I the difference between the nation ; ni il forest and the national park a lies basic.* In explanation, he says -ent .National loresis are crc?tci n-i nat idministcr lumbering an?l grazing in- .-or: :er?>sts for the people, the trees he j ha-1 ing exit in accordance with the | vvhc rnnciples of scientific forestry, j tact Grazing is permitted in national for-1 |y, i ?sts under government regulations. j can ivhile in the national parks grazing; ting s only permitted where not detri-!.Jani mental to the enjoyment and pros- late srvation of the scenery ar.d may ho draf entirely prohibited. Hunting is per-'and mitted in season in national forests.; the Imt never in national parks, which jimm *re permanent game sancturarics. wha In short, national parks. unlike' ing rational forests, are not properties j Mr. a a commercial sense, but natural that preserves for the rest. recreation (that xnd education of the people.'" , Hen In estimating the value of the vers establishment of the Smoky Moun-[?lain? park to the people of Xorth 1 - - - - ADVERTISE IN TI IE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH'' orth Carolina ic COPY?11.50 PER YEAR I'lRE i?a m> MLtm DEMNED ED TORN T ONCE sns Under Way For The Erection of Modern Fireproof Structure RE ACCIDENTLY :T JORDAN THINKS ird Time Cherokee's Courthouse Has Been Destroyed By Fire In 61 Years ? skeleton wak- f Cherokee's n ;ignii'ice..t court house builtlwhich have withstood the storm* imr for thirty-four years, an?l different fires, nm-t come down e?ntie down at once, declared tity Insurance Commissioner F. oitlan, of Asheville the other day. Jordan came here at the request he county (' onntissioi.eis for the hi i of investigating and detenur whether or not the walls could >ed in rebuilding; the structure, walls are ciacked in many places have been greatly weakened by ssivc heat and water, he declared, are unsafe to remain *t?ndin?r ii loss building to. Th:* contract n ?>? ?':?l|s will bo Iomlay. February 1st, by the crrm ioners. Isms are now under way for the tio of . modern fi?eproof buildprobably alone the pattern of old one. Whether or not it will radical will be determined by aichitccts who are expeclo come to Murphy for consultadurine the latter part of the If it should prove practical, present foundations, which are to have suffeied little damage, likely be used. he building to be erected will be sroof and modern in every way. commissioners are squarely bethe proposition, and work will otten under way just as soon as ible. The cost of the new buildhas not yet been determined, to lack of architectural inforon, but the commissioners and y of the county's most infiuentiitizens have expressed the desire ee a structure erected that will distinct credit to the county. Fire Caused By Accident While here Mr. Jordan made initiation into the cause of the fire, stated he was satisfied it was an lent due to the carelessness of janitor. He stated investigation alcd that the janitor enteicd the ?s rest room, which was also ust* a supply room, for some supt. Not finding them, and the n beine dark, ho nrokoKlu L atch, and after securing: the sup* i, left, and perhaps without inion, Mr. Jordan said, dropped the among: some oily mops which i* kept in the room. The mops been Used t':e day before. : ::?l n the lighted match c;.aie in con* with the mops, the - ' lazed c-tckgniting and < -.using to explode n of disinfectant, which was setclose by. When Mr. Henry, the tor, returned some few minutes r and opened the door, it gave ft t and outlet for the fumes, gas flames that had accumulated in room, and the sudden gash and lensity of the gas and flames is t spread the fire quickly, drivMr. Henry from the building. Jordan stated he was satisfied this is how the fire started, and it was purely an accident. Mr. ry, however-, stoutly denies this lion, and states that he did not Continued on page 6)