I FRIDAY. JANUARY 29. 1926 1 THE FEA1 ( ccoi j|MIIIIIIIIIIIIHMIIlUH Hoca/ anc ? feleph : T. ..:.e tonight: Tom Mix i:i "The it. of the Purple .Sane." and . .. Saturday, "Circus t. ami Vaudeville. Doors t. shew sta/'.s at 7 p. rr. Mr*. Pa i ley Meroney will leave ih? part of the week for Chatt,.. Tcnn., wheie she ha.s accepted 1 r"sition 'L. V. L'rown spent last week-end in r,? ville. F.nc Woman's Missionary Society i the Baptist Church nut Tuesday raoon with Mrs. Sasser in the i - . r monthly program meeting. ALtvtn members were present. W VNTED? Man with car t ' sell com lir.c qua i J .-. Exclusive Territory. Ex jtiicnce not necessary. Salary m'h per month. ?? .Milestone Rubber Company i East Liverpool, Ohio ;5_ Mi. Ralph Moody sport the latter patt of the week in Knoxville on business. Mrs. L. P. Smith and Mrs. Chand ler of Andrews, were visitors here Wednesday. | MUI.ES?To sell or swap, or trade for cattle. If you have anything to trade, ?-oe me. .1. II. MeClure, j Tomotla, X. C., or wriie Marble Rt. i j tlt-rd.) Mi. W. H. Woodbury, president ->f' the Valley River Furniture Company,' ? I ouuxHtKN family of four wants White woman to do general house I work and live with them, pay a moderate saalry. Chance for some! one a good hmc. Address C. P.; Whidden, peninsul&n " Station, Day-1 tona B'each, Fla. ( 2.J-.3L pd > 1 I Real Shirt I Specials! j 8?j In this collection of Special Shirt Values, both attached hfl collar and separate collar stylo.may be fou-td. Some of separa U have collars to match. i.iicte sh famous Arrow maife. Regular $ values, this sale, while they last $3.00 and $4.00 Valu< || MEN'SCUF Hi $25.00 Values, this.sa I $30.00 and $32.50 Val SI $35:0(^aryd$3740 Val mm GET YOURSi ? H J. W. D K g - "THE HOME OF C ?_ HER HEADS . 0 C-V1E.E* Think or \ M6 HE A PRESENT / ?^1IKE THIS = ' = -xxk-:-x-x~x~x~:~>x~:) ^Personal /: one 20 y of Biltmore, is here this week lookin" after the interests of his company. 1 M . L C. Mcmis. of Carmona, Texas. and Messrs. Elmer Fredericks ai d r. '? rionto- ( y, ?>f Kobbinsville. were here Saturday looking over the Cht.okee "Company with a view of pure ha in*:. n WANTKP to solicit otitis for lubricating oils, j-rea-t and paints. Salary or commit-.-i n. Add: ess The Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, 0. (lt-pd). liditor H. R. Weston, of the Enotah Echoes, You&g Harris, (la., was a , business vis it ova here Saturday. Att< r. ey H. I., hiliip*. of R..bbir | ville, was a Murphy visitor Tuesday. Mr. C. L. Adams, of Young Harris, spent Tuesday here on business. Attorney S. W. lilac):, of Biyson! City, spent one day here this week1 Ion business. Dr. E. E. Smith spent several da j this week in Ash ville. WANTED?Middle aged man. Hu -! tier can make S50 to ?100 or mo < ' weekly in Ciierok e County sc'.line' whitmer's guaranteed line of home necessities- toilet articles, so a- s j spices, et?*., to his neighbors. Team or car needed but goods are furnished on credit. Cherry of Alabama mane mzz.ou in live unys. He naif no experience when starling. W.teach you salesmanship FKEE. Wiite us for full particulars to-day. The II. (' . Whitnvr Company Dept. 21, Columbus. Indiana <24-3t-pd.) Anwnj* the Andrews visitors here this week were Mayor Bill Whitakcr. Messrs. C. II. .larrctt. Bob Porter, \V.1 T. Holland, Jack and Herman Elliott, and Rev. L. P. Smith. ^ f ! ' y* 4 " " \r J 5s ,\\g\ jk- ~' *;j; ? ' fel i| te collar styles jxi iits sue of the jSF 12.00 and $2.50 9 :s, this sale $1.3?fl tLEE SUITS | le^.. $17.50i lues, this sale $18.7?H| \>?s, tWs*s^e ,$22.5CH BEFORE THIS, | CLOSES I avidson | iOOD CLOTHING" | THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. MU B, /on A CUJWFR <bT j l\vj this Mayor W. M. Fain made a bu.-ines ! trip to Culberson Thursday. I ' Mr. Toby Fain was ho>t at a cnickin dinner at LnCabana on Fain Mr an tit in ia-i Thursday night. Those v. - j '??y . Fain*? hospitality were ?-lr. j :u: . .! C. K. Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. I . S. Christopher and Miss Fleta j C hristoyhcr. Mr?. Henry Akir. c r?tert;?; : :t : children's party cm .January 1 lt;? : j honor of her son, .Tack Car a, th occasion being his f :?;th birthday ar?niversarv. A io\e'y birthday take with four tiny candles formed a cc. ! U" I'ie.e for the- tabie. Refreshments consisting of take, jeilo and ; -mall baskets filed with mints wtv ! : erred. FOR RENT?I'd acre farm near Cnllowfcee School. Store building. ?ix iivir.jr rcoms stains. Double iot for sale very reasonable. Six r< onn house and "> lots for sale vf y .'.cap. Ml in ('uilowhee. What nave ;."u in trie way of farm : d r.n land for ?.ale? Address R-v Mo. HO Cullov.hee. X. C. ?22-3t-ovc> Mr. .!?>'n lb- M< <"!e!:an?! h t o distinction of having lived all of i.i :i* : : .. in Shi eta he horn and hi* birthday"is on the 13th of the month. Mr. MeCiell tnd is 02 years ol.l and ha* ibe > er kuldc t'r- i. n of haivinir tee:? numied t vice, hut r.cvor had a mot he: in-law. Prof. W. < . Boyi-f will have chertc of the Bible hour at the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening, January 31.. \l 7 o'clock. 'I public is c<-rdially ; invited to it?>? nd. _ I " Mi. \\. A Savaee returned Wed- |. nesday from Cornelia. (In., when* ho had been visiting his daughter the past week. , ; Miss Cora Nichols, Me>< >. \V. A. Nichols, J. M. Nichols a <1 I. W. Hyatt of Culberson were \isil? to Murphy one dr.y this week. rt Mrs. IJissie Kelley Cur.ninyrhaiu, of Franklin, spent one day here this.1'' week. M-. J. M. Archer ef Ralcu'h, C nil > Audit >r. spent *< \ r i al days lu re jn Lhis wr-k. S jp<*> intend'- J. F. Guffney of the Southern Railway was in town 1 .?! o day this week. Mr. R. I.. Han is returned Tuesday r,: vi.rn Atlanta where h?- had been v; itinjr relative^Mr. George Reed and Wny. e SLiaud were Blairsvillo visitois here ' " Lhis week. J?S flBB I ' *j Pr..t. .s. K. Mi!! Young liar- . ris College was i; town one day thisveek. tii TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN* 1 see Auverti ? ! in the Cherokee : ' Scout that application for par Ion of ^ v% maro uariuTi win ?>o imuic * , the Commissioner of uiinlon and to j1,1 the- (joveMior of the State of North Carolu a. i his wiiV ?b. !::wrKreWwtela ;:vot<."i! iitalnrt Wiilard' Burnett pardon. I with n::i.;y' others do no: think that Wiilard Harnett has paid ' t- v:'.t\ f:>r abandoning his wife and children.*- - k Signed MAR BARNETT. ?25-4t-pd). Wif?r- of Wiilard BWrnctt ; fn . : m JUST IN PASSING (Continued from parte 1) j ^ weakened by political into! fcenct* j and by, selfish juuposbs^-hy design, nrrigtuvdemajroguerv?why not holdj*'1 . .. ' - ?' CASTOR IA I For infants and Children . J" In Use For Over 30 Years * Always bears ?0 RPHY, N. C. rLF.V- Z?U OP * poml (.IK! V?. Sufffrin' ca '^S '< 4Z2=s//^ir More per Cow Ratln (f. i rikp.tC- ' ' In a ?*hiraso < rrrrtv v. ' t>r. C. W. I ^ . f , t i V'lilted Stuff I?i;? ? :i of 7~?:.4.rin?. J it - > ;i : ! . r - jr- (.!* 5 ,<.n p-r row h?-r an incn so in tl ? nimbi r t f c T: s-v. .,;t tow i~i 11 I'n.tf! i: :.nnu..Si; 1 r.'v ;-i>?'it 4 ' I ' i:n<!: ? ? m?lK < " .1 . h - 7 j rf.it. . -trj i-icc-.'.Sr.? rr-' elimination | i V - iJl i In t 1 i t.- . " ijr : 10 f^our.c: 1 f milk a-*r.:. i.ypWt-v not ?n.?.o> sible -.HI. \. \ . ; . .11. Ylws woulu . 7 1.. 1 : . cf :>- $ ....CO . I- :. : :j? in a cow - . j m<. 1,1 ii.ii . i i:.;.in: 1 nance of Iterd oroi i- arc tMnuuly desirable. Ti".i ' i.i t i r? should j at least :n- m .!?-l.tiflc;.tion rev- i p the cross of Calvary uj?'-n which ; ove made its pioat sacrifice, as a L Iii ' as the St;? of Bethehem ho- : .me the t up of civilization! Truth! Is that not one of the i ernal principles of life upon which . ligioa is based? 1 ^ Truth the immutable law of free- n rm. "Vim shall know the truth anil the r nth shall make you fre?." b And what i* truth hut understand e? Understanding is education. And i .ation i- that which break th u-kle? of mental a: <? mateiinl fr.d o*al serfdom. It is freedom. Is education, the re f- .e, not a relious as well as an economic and Mill iee; lis- . V .'-"in hibernate.- in ignorance. 1? . uerjres to strike ; t thrift, a d to rike at love, and to strike at the mis of Christian civilization. It is niaste cd only by intellectual berty?and intellectual liberty is e antithesis >?f hitf-.iry. In emphasizing: ' e'ijrion, therefdr*. \ lull we not emphasize truth? and ? rOuph truth education, which is the ' ulroik of truth, and the fund-rental of freedom? Faith! Another of th - eternal pn'n- .. pals e.t life uix'ii ZV, . iscd! * if Anil what is faith? V firm convict;**" -.f the truth!5' lust! ft" How esvr-lv wo'nftl life lie without i . ith- without the assent of the | in.I to the truth of what Co?', has ? vealed! "Tis not the dying for a 'faith : at's so hard. Master Harry; 'tis the ring up to it that is difficult." How those words of Thackeray ring ter all the years since I closed c pages of HeaiV Esmond The glories of history revolve ound faith. Homes have been wrecked am" oni;es have crumbled "and souls havet_ rished through the breaking of 1 ith. Faith is an unwavering a<lhe-encei principle as affecting our relation ie to another. Let us not forget that. E T"s - ) hir - /AM f a I FISH fj iwf HECf's iosr what r , WANTED.' ?\ ^ if Jell? 5L^ sr than More Cows ireau Chief ipnt!' ii tii ii .iiM MUVH-t <? At? v'ALLic.! ON-FARHS l'.2. , -J ' -' v . . : " Ji' m & - -v uC j- 1 ! - <\ V I 'n ' . < r,c ' * < ?? farms c! < I i. ;!? i .* I'.rv s>'o. v or?l. r.n ncf ;t- ' . <n fr.r c:u h < c*.v- 1; <? umo:.n*. ' * p;v. r? .ind I.reeding I; *<y- * i f..'3c iry h< r?l. *".:o r< < t t - ? .. * qcirc Mraplc. Cow-lr tip.r sot ij.' .- n*' : - a nore fnjthfil- f< ' i r'ldimf n:- of t re Intchi- mi f- ; l.'.iap, I? k-::Iaf ! *1 ? prcor.Hr. , j.? r??: .. ;.i r:i: : f t * 1< n-; !. ;r frct.i f.-' i ! ur.<it-r!t:!0 : : I sr. r I lauilorv. nsnir.st ?..c pr<. c Ul.. '? : J 1 In < \v-t< Ji of the . . -i of pin e l-rctl < - :n o i... - lor the st?r>t rM:-"ii-n ( f t no -h ... ion and ar? ;-iv? n -i : - : .iiiun. f ????????? It applies in the b.-uetati and nation::! life. We need more < ( it. The fiist corniem i e < . -? f loused eonseier.cc in j. :i;i i .! vv;: he bad, and in establishing th< *. ? 1. s faith. Where the ? i f :irT? 1 ?.. Vhere there i- He hope . . o faith. The immortal t: inmvir n ;! ifies our ? hri-t:::n re iun?n. "faith ope ami charity," put: faith ut charity subsequently wualifi"! . jSpl : It J& Been Its Ttrrh This bulletin iy quoted practical advertisement published by the It ie tr.hi -round f.cts anil tells should i:it est you: "Rni! >ad ties! c'r ?tchir.g far the nat- -n in closer bonus. ? - JcOTpflda. gets its flsuy oreau lr Oregon ' lOdvmeU keep vara ens, and Southern coticn-?do wheat hv It seeks rhelter itadtv 1 tier?brought nci. ss toe count sweeter s hia coliee with I-cini :-i. rail; the mokers of the natic: tueky and Tennessee-grown toiu This is m ">ro than a job oi feu process that changes sectional tare. It ': a work th .? u.l'.mal the people with the well-being railroad prospers it is because its territory io prosper. Observe hivvibi- wnr'tf out They..: fUMbl ? n i.? ;?hk to .ittra't piavinK it?? fut i'ities. i lien more i.-si;! died. Crop-csn be moved faster. j'.usi 1 speeds . Kverybndy hen? fit?. i transportation i.-. eeeentiai to :.::ionni ' It comet. Jown to this. Nov.- that man am bcK>-min? to earn t fsjr return. let that this ??5> *.--od tnins>f.-e ; . r.tj^: on use th^?fiivinei*V.aoui'dnes? wilier render ? p.tiisfacfbrT rcrV: . touay$uU o<tt ero*mg ttna*pdrut>e.. nccda-of u . ? 19?t351525Ej3Xi3!SE. 1 rAGE^FlVE The Wrong Package | T JI Sai, Thats hot yci? Wcv*t ; / ) tou ofCHEJY THE >-BON<& , / ohe-ThATS For uncle " Coscar^?r^r-5^? . I C. i'; ? ry~^ 11 t; :v"? ill ? the 'greatest of tnese. i nereCharity! Is t!.. t r t o ?>r.< he eternal princip:- ;ife n*phasized in r< '. L ? Charity is r.. .1 < crivi.- . Is it no: v. . C'?ri ihiar<s pir.efthre? ' Th lUtfl : bci II my sroods to 1 the v.' x t,. chsrity . r-.?fit . . r. e .aiijj?."* ( - - : a c? jit: *1 It - c <t thf t---.se of 'h?-t:a: at -.veil r.? in f! ?ir;sr '-1" ' *' H'- v v -* ? -. <- charity in the ..i t- o:; - ! ?_! y a* - t -.e when t? o . .r.y v. r. -a- a:t hei if rated. W}:,- f Hf; <1 Tiiu;ive- . r? >e:ne imr/jjrnt? . When i( many harsh and e. ih 1 vonis are beii'-VT :a.*.. I ;d*me int!c-f ?v .. v? . t > . * )V v: i- is w the ?;. . . wt i h t- i < pie differ t- pending Let \:- < ; h them with the terral piir.ci. ' > of life uppermo.-t n our minds and hearts*? ?<-h them .* oitiac-ns guided |.y a will i ? do the hest for all people. u; selfishly, and with an emphasis uj < n thi in: oiling duty of every it k en 11* make Religious Emphu ia vivie a- we:I a Christian duty. ? i I LOOK HERE! f >. .? sr.t a {Ai m. to*vn pro,. Jy, or uilding lot* WE HAVE THEM Coll on or write ui L VV. A. BRYSON i Real Estate : if a use li Has Helped lory To Prosper* ly verbatim from a recent Western Klcctric Company, its cic-sagc in away which ami wh!e, they help to tio ou. -h"t uiih Massachusetts \vai:l'^vered ^ by^ raj: :^hc ihinf and canying. it is n wealth in'o national \velthnt railroad has hetyed J ir.iaJ 'n jood *' ^'*,,rpr":*'^nn^ prosperity. ' ' ... . in>- V itI luil ?-rriyot theroB(i.i t , ;UI, ,;;,|r...i a-r**coai?''"-o i.-T.?m > at J.irjri- h_- i : . - .u.|W able th?m to *r_ is ? ^1 |?r; -wgszggr.:;

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