FRIDAY FEBRUARY 5. 1926. RLAIRSVILLE NEWS Mi*?cs Addie Kate and Gertrude ' tcid left for Atlanta, last Friday. Mr, Claude Pless has resided bin ' pork here with the Henson Motor ^ i" . d gone to Fla. to work. He eft -t Monday. Dr. J. Wellborn left for Atlanta :1- M nday for a health examination irtd treatment. The I>. Y. P. XJ. will present a play ' i\ . school auditorium next Satur-lj laj ht, admission 15 and 25 cent Messrs James Herndon and P. C. Cobb of the North Ga. Agricultural j i" - at Dehlonega were visitors in >u n Wednesday of last week. ? !i. W. H. Stroud who has been in 11 ot Springs Arkansas for the past > few weeks, returned home last Satird greatly improved in health. Mr. Sylvan B\itt purchased a new or.i coach last week. Jhr Economical ' hwm : During that tii 50,000 testimot to the Chevrolc pany by owners dous avalanche rlirafpc fKo ntiKl of the car and il 1?1926 ?? at New Low Pri< the public in gre ever before? QUALITY A1 The Touring Car -$510 The Roadster - -$510 The Coupe ... $645 The Coach - . - $645 Ail pricet /. o. b. DICKEY M< Sales and MURPIT Capt. H. L. Carroll who has been in Atlanta for the past ten day:{ returned home last Sunday. Mr. A. B. Butt who has been very sick for the last month, does'nt seem to improve very much. His condition is considctod serious. Miss Ulma Coker has been on the sick list for the past week. Mrs. Blanche Nuite and little daughter Kathleen are spending this week in Athens with Mrs. Suite's son, Charles who is a student in the University. Mr. and Mrs. Erastus England left for their home in Cairo, (Ja. after a week visit to their parents here Mr. Harry Kite is spending a few days in Atlanta. Born to Mr. and Mrs. B B. Fite Monday of last week, a fine baby girl, which they have given the name of Beverly Jean. Yrompottotion fllll# l^c's- wau. E. Gambill. President ^ National Automobile " \ ilcrs Association, in- - \ c;s prcatc; t collection [ '\ eatintonial letters ever j \ civcd in one year bv | \ automobileconipanv St ?-y \ hi* illirslrxcinn it >1 imiun u.fmif ftfio ti /ru|?h. ff J Chevrolet had ts greatest year, me more than lials were sent t Motor Com. This tremenof evidence inic appreciation :s performance. /rolef offers the oved Chevrolet ces?thus giving ater degree than ' LOW COST The Sedan - *$735 The Landau .$765 Vz Ton Truck - $395 I Ton Truck $550 Flint, Michigan OTOR CO. Service r, N. c THE CHEROKEE SCOJT, Dr. Holtzendorf of Atlanta is hero 1 doing dental work this week. ! Dr. E. C. Wellborn of Young Harris is also doing dental work here ' this week. j Mr. l.arry Lcdford who has been working in Ha. tor a while returned home last Thursday ,' Mr. B. H. Stone ?& visiting his j parents at Oxford, On. Mr. Herbert Tabor cf Gainesville Ga. has been writing quite a bit of insurance in our town the past few ! days. Col. W. E. Candler is having hi. home remodeled, when it is finished it will be on? of tire prettiest homes in our County. Miss Anita Lunsford, a student in the High school spent last week-end with home-folks in Cleveland, Ga. I Mi*. D. D. Kite returned to his position in Parlor, S. C. the middle of the week. PEACHTREE NEWS Mr. Grady Davis of Miami. Fla. is spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mr-. J. 1). Davis. ??Ir. Forest Ahernathy of Marble visited relatives anil friends here during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watkins entertained a nun or of Young folks with a singing Wed-osday night. Miss Claudia Suddcrth vi?ited rtlatives in Marble and Andrews last week. Misses Julia an 1 Edith entertained with a party Saturday night. Mrs. J. I. Davis returned Tuesday from Asheville after spending several days with her daughter. Mrs. Marvin Lewis, who is sick. Mr. John Hnli of Bras.-town who purchased the farm of Mrs. Filo Trull, moved into his home last week Rev. Dock Barker of Andrews will preach at the Peaehtrce Baptist Church Sunday. Mr. Filo Trull and family lef' Monday for Englcwood, Tenn. where they will make their home. Mr. \V. K. Jchnson of Marble was* here Saturday on business. Mr. George Mauney left Thursday for Miami, Kla. Mrs. Frank Watkir.s spe it several days last week with friends and relatives in Aquone. Mr. George Burger and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballew of Gastonia, Mrs. Alvin Roper of Bellvicw and Mr. Fradus Burger of Winston-Salem were called home Saturday on nccourt of the death of their brother, Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Ncal Hay and family of Aquone spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watkins. Messrs. Blaine and Wayne Carringer of Robbinsville visit.*d home folks last week. On Sunday, Jan. 23rd, the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Buiger and took away their little son, Boyd. lie had been sick for several day but did net seem to be seriously ill until late I Friday evenin K?gan to get I worse. Ho was seventeen old. Littll Boyd leaves a mother, father, several brothers and siete:> and a host of other relatives and friends tc mourn his going. Jesus has taken -*l beautiful hud. Out of the garden of love: Borne it away to the city of God Home of the angels above. Full blooming flowers alone will not do Some must be young and ungrown So the f.'ail buds he is gathering too. Beautiful gems for His throne, Father and mother, weep not or be sad But still on the Savior rely You shall behold him again and be glad A beautifu' flower on high. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is often caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be destroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it?rid your system of Catarrh or lVnfncs* caused by Catarrh HALL'S CATARRH MEDICTNi: has /.on successful In the treatment of Cataivn for i.^cr Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. WRITER IN NEW g YORK TIMES DESCRIBES ni CLIMB TO LA CONTE 1 .j Every able-bodied person in our m jreat crowded cities should, at least jo once in his life, climb to the top of , K1 Mount I e Contc, in the opinion of Dr. Frank Bohn, economist, journalist hi and nature-lover, writing in the Newjst York Times of January 20th. These ' a' mountains, which he describes as >?' "one of the half dozen most le- w markable natural scenes in his eonu- in try," lie witliin 400 mile- of SI. a< Louis, Cleveland. Pittsburgh and f< Washington; 500 from Chicago and ! ^ Philadelphia, and 600 from New | S York, Toronto, New Orleans and E Palm Beach, and so he points out could not be more centrally located 1? in the Eastern States. Dr. Bohn, who last month climbed Mount Le Contc, going in from Knokville. sees in the creation of the tl propose*! Great Smoky Mountain* ' the prevention of "total and imme- b diate destruction from the woodman's t' axe." ^ Describing: his trip to the top of ^ Le Conte, he writes: " "Climbing: in these lofty canyons and among- these craggy summits is a a unique experience. .Mount lc v Conte, for instance, rises G.680 feet, e A rough climb this is, to >?just f enough for one big day from dnwn P until dark. No climbing in nil tl America is likely to give either sportsman or naturalist more abundant sat- h 'faction, be Conte lies at the west- 11 ern tim of the mountain vtass. In f' the centre the summit lino which *1 separates North Carolina and Tear- *1 essce nowhere for forty miles dosi ends into a canyon which lies <-1 less than 5,000 feet below. There are points upon it from which seven s str.tes may be seen. *'At the very top of I.e < -nte there is a boy living alone in a cabin made 11 f ,-i: i The write*- saw in that cab- o in a single volume, r.amely, Thoreau's 11 "WaUlen/* It had been read and 1 re-read and maikod over and over d again. What 1 wish to describe here u U a tre, which this bov had cut u down te the purpose of splitting off * slabs for a new cabin. The tree ia ha! m fir. The species, whose natural habitat at sea-level is up in " Canada, i- the only variety whii'i will grow here above 0,000 feet. This ^ particular giant which lay upon the CH SCHESTE R SPILLS CNAAiONO BRAND ^ : r xdif.3 i m A.- i? ? ^* for CHICIIBft TflR S ,\ 1.1A MO" D !I;AN> PILLS ?u * ? t? r.n './V. 11 ic Scale.! B'.ue<'SV, Dru:-~? t tril Q-U C r ?:ll I-CUtB-THi ti \ i)IU.t>M> nil A M> PI I !.??. l-rlwr'v.f" *< .tJf-l.O 3 'V'-U- V.xr.-;n k<j SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS c " EVERYWHERE < Akron, Ohio. January 31st Wo avo having anno very cold weather here just now. The weather was 22 below zero the 2Sth ?<" January and the ^nmv i- about IS in< - es and it is still snowinjr. I'm iness look? very favora- !e in Akion now. All the rubber plants ar. unninpr full time. We think it s ife for an3 one to ?onu to Akron who wants work. Mr. U. T. Rudford, a former citizen Unaka, \va- happily manned to Miss Mnzie Fairclauth January 30th. Mr. A. F. Clayton has just retiimcd f:?r. Ohio. Hu?re ? . has : een for several days on business. IT? will back to work short ly with the Goodrich Tire & Rubber Company where he has been enploycd for the past seven years. Mr. Lon Clayton, formerly of Unaka. who has been employed b. the Goodrich Tie Company for some time has resigned his position to become policeman in the city of Akro^. We think he his a very eon.start in that line as he captured a stolen auto the second day of hi> service f??r which r.o receive*! i reward. Mr. H. E. Rose, a former citizer of Cherokee Con ay. now a private detective of the Akron Civil Servic Board, has just. returned from Philadelphia after raptnrincr two hold up men who robbed the Akror Dry Goods Store and escaped with $12,000. They are now in the County Jail of Akron. Mr. Ro.-o will receive a handsome reward f<>r the capture of these thieves. i l*ovs. if you are lookine for a job and one that pays well, come to the city of Akron. Signed A. E. R. round, by actual count of its rings. Y id come to age of 540 years. j V "However, to get to the top one p imbs through zone afte." zone of Its ajestie oaks and hickories. To the I a y of the forest-lo\er there are the) eat tuhps. Some of these measure uht or nine feet in diameter waist | gh above the ground. The plain it" atcment of fact which should move u 1 of us is that there grow here a ' c renter variety of trees, and of hard- - t oods than in any other known place 1 the world. The number totals ex-|v stly 136. Asa Gray said that he [ u ?und a greater variety of trees c ithin a day's tramp in the Great !0 mokies than are native to all y urope. "From the top of Le Conte one >oks down sheer '1,000 feet upon ppeais to be a billowy ocean of troe;jps. On every hand great peaks Land out on the horizon line. Six of s hese, though each is more than t ,000 feet elevation, have not yet ^ een named. It is said that just wo persons have followed the crest or twer.ty-eieht mile? where it is ( ighese. This is our last hit of utter , 'ilderness cnit of the Rockies. , "Yet climbing amid these scenes t present is a most painful experince. Public signs of warning, nail- \ d to the most venerable tiees, in- 1 nrm the invader ho i- urum roperty of a pulp wood company. In lie?e towering heights the yesterdays or several times ten thousand years ave always been the -aire. Hut tolorrow promises to he vastly (liferent. Half a milien:um of nature's r?il is presently to he cut down and lirown into the hungnry mouths of ic pulp mills. With the won-.llan Is ut over, the gieat storms of rain will uichiy wash the rocks hare of mil. ilt and forest debt is v ill glut the nuyons. "Such has always been our de -lrucive American - yst*?m over iv. * : f ur vast forest areas. This pi 'i ; <>( rightfulness is :ti mice a hligh' upon e.ture and a cur e to our .lesi on- i ants. Meanwhile every <h liar's J orth we cut in the (Iron', Smokies j 'illrob future Americans of hydro-' \ loctric p wer in the Tennessee Vul- i y." r l)r. H'tlin see.- in the estnbli -hmont i f a national park the criatiui of 1 playground that will he f the s 00,000 people of the !v< t what the i I'ANTKD? Middle aged mm.. H : - \ tier can make > "> ' to $ 100 ? r mov t eeklv in C'herokco County .ellim, I hitmcr's guaranteed line of home \ ecessities- toilet article-, s ;ims ? rices, etc.. to his neighlu vs. Team j r car needed but goods arc 1'u - i-h1 on eiedit. Cherry of Alabama lade $122.50 in five days. He had . o experience when starting. We; ?ach you salesmanship FREK. \ nite us for full particulars to-day. \ he II. C . Whitnv r Compan.\ ! opt. 21, Columbus, Indiana 24-at-pd.l MUEPHY ASHEV1LLE Instruction i Typewriting, a i essentials of a I AL j Instruction in Academy Subj. " The secret of man to be read portunity come George A Presi .1 . tone National Park is to the Vest. Nature, lie says, has done ?t? art. Now, he concludes, it is the ask of the people of North Carolina nd Tennessee to do their part torards making available the first tnilon of the purchase price, and thus o enable the people of the ether tates to come Tn with the balance. >f the general interest of the naior. he says significantly: "Citizens in far-away California, rho understand what these thing?? nean to the nation, have generously iffered to contribute far more than ne might expect from those who live it so great a distance." OWL CREEK Mr. J. K. Marcus has born very ick for the past week, but we are ;lnd to report he is better at tb vriting. Messrs. J. X. Moody. J. I). Mall>nee, Arthur Evans, and II. D. Akin vere busino.-- vis'tors on fl. rginglog last Ft iday. Miss Annie Sword of Murphy was the guest of Ms Fred Lovingood last Saturday. FOR SALE T'". aci'e; land, .15 in cultivation 175 ; cr-'s land, ^0 i.i cultivation " "? ucr**: iai:d, 100 in cultivation 50 act or. land, 22 in cultivation ** ? a ' - and. i in cuhivation Ho.s- .1 corn i ill u paying proposition W. A. Bryson : .'.AI. ESTATE E. r. HAWKINS, of Murphy, N. H., will pay $15.00 per cord for Dogwood delivered to mill at Mur>hy, cut to the following specificu,ions: Ml wood aunt he full -I nches in diameter at small end, nus' be white ami sound. Larger vood, which may be hollow or rodicat'ted, must have 2 inches of white iour.d wood around said hollow or lefeotivo heait. Lengths from IS o DO Inchc-. Positively cannot use vood under 1 inches in diameter unlet* bark. G:apevine or wood tht ins been injued by bird peeks not aiitod. i".. P. Hawkins, Muiph.v, C. C. (22-6t-spd) DR. E. E. SMITH w Davidson Building Murphy, N. C. COLLEGE j n Shorthand, nd the general 5usiness b ourse SO College and sets success is for a y when the opl. Hubbell

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