| PACE TWO The Cherokee Scout TW. Official Oriu of M.rpl,, mm* Cherokee County, North Caroline ? PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. W.BAILEY Editor-Meneger MRS. C. W. BAILEY. Auociete Ed R. W. SIPE AuffcUU Ed Entered in the postoffice at Murphy. North Carolina, as second class mail matter under act of Mar. 3, 1879. Subscription Rates One Year $1.501 Eight Months 1.00 Six Months 75c [ Payable Strictly In Advance Legal advertisements, want ads. reading notices, obituaries, cards of .thanks, etc, 5c line each insertion, j payable in advance. Display and con- j tract rates furnished on requtst. All communications roust be signed by the writ* r. otherwise they will no* be accepted for publication. Name of the writer will not l>< published un less so specified, but we must hav? the name of the author as evidence cf good faith. Italian earthquakes are caused by : Mussolini pounding bis fist n the desk. How t?> become fair. change your name so it will fit nicely into j headlines. tiv remind- f,r.P of tith jng, except that the ten per cent U what we set to keep. Tf there's anything- in words th? | pubilc, as well as labor and capital. I f always bound to i o hit by strike. The after-dinnei impromptu speaker who says he is "too full fo words" ought to be investig.?ted by the Federal agents. One difficulty about traveling in Mexico is that you never know (whether the pangs that hold you up are bandits or Federal troops. The path of least resistance i> the road to most arrests. A stable government i< ,,ne where ' everybody stays in the harness. If the "United States of Europe" j ever comes, like *> not Italy will want ! to be Florida. Thcv ?un stretch the mice of rub. ber but it will come back. The next great political party will he the Nonpartisan Party. Many of the advertisements we read are interesting if not true. The coal industry does not need nationalizing: it needs rationalizing If the coal people starve will it he a case of women and children first? How a Texas Editor 'Got There' A Texas newspaper publisher \vh? recently retired with $"?U,000 in th? bank was asked how he did it, and replied as follows: "I attribute my ability to retire with a $50,000 bank account, after thirty years in the country newspaper field, to close application to duty, always hewing to the mark and letting the chips fall where they may,, the most rigorous rule of economy. Never spending a cent foolishly, everlastingly keening lit my job with a whole heart?and the death of an uncle who left me $49,999.50.v?Ex. The .Value of Mission J: Study Our Lord's last command to his llesciples while here upon earth whs. uw ,?v iiuu an ilie nmni hiiu pi t'U( n the gospel to every creature". If then We are working on u world program, we must know the world How? through Mission study. "The field is the world", says our Master, Then how we do need to study that field! A constant study of missions, taking up the various countries from various angles, will surely broaden our vaaion and increase our' know-, ledge, bringing before our -hearts and minds the people of the world in their needs, in their sorrow, in their darkness and despair, until we hall more and more desire to fulfill that last command; and knowing these conditions, we shall be more ready to answer God's call to service, but if we go on ignorant of the world and its need of a Savior, then our lives are wasted and prejcoos souls are lost. 'Pray ye therefore the Lord of. Poultry Fu. Prope Average r.ock ?5pais'w Poor fe ^ * _Z.J <. l;s^r. Rcsul.s - p?r IOO hens V??ue ? product. *213 00 [ Cast of p-oduction 146 CO k * 72 f r-'t ^ LJNLKSS a (loultryiuun if oic*,...u^ / his flock every year, there i.- -i Is usinc. .-.ys th" l..irr??u** liisiltuk' < f of poor layers, jumr housing or .1 i-t j-' Even the be-* hred hcti will not luy those c'eriM.N til :t h she must have : In the spring--it's her nature '* ?h* t a profitable I> . ? : ess the l:en must he tli Weather season the i u<! 1 " '-ns'! fool. Quantity of ercln is ii SPITLEgS TOWN , ! "X( a very element title!" you say. ' No, indeed, and not a very elegant hah ? you vrill agree. Not a very elegant th.r. to ?:? - this spittir.p. In fn. a ,i rv drsi- .st. . fiiiv.iS of license. Y< : do no' indulge in it? ?o much the totter then, but do you allow your J friends, your father, your brother, your husband, or your sen to do it? SO-O-O-O? You do not spread disease yourse f you are not guilty of ar. offense arairr.t decency and yet you permit your associates to do and be so without voicing a protest. Then jYOU too might be considered respon- !, sible in a small measure for epidemics, |' for suffering ar.d for death. 1 kr.t -v a 1 ttic- boy or.ee.?a lad of about nine year:-. Ho was bedridden.! had been so for over a year when I fir.-t saw him. Pitiful !it:ie chap? . Alex! Had tuberculosis <>f the bones : and the knee joint was larger t'nar: n l footba'.l. by a good deal. The particles I of bon? were coming through the f.esr. i which was also >.iseased. The odor was so offers\t? that no one ; ut doctor and the pood nurses, the father, j md the mother would v >i; his hos- j pital room. 0r.?- day, with his facej quivering, he turned '.is appealing eyes to mine and said, "1 wish the . | .'ther children would come ;n and i I play with me. N'ot even the little Jesus would mine to see me. I guess." You think 1 should not ull you such a story? How else am I going to make you see how terrible a thing it ' may be to expectorate in publ.c nlares. or tor that matter in anv olace | except into a handkerchief or itequivalent, which can be boiled or j burned. How can you care unless you i know of some of these awful const- I leunces, to children especially, which j follow carelessness. I knew the old excuse. You and they "have ?ot the germs of tuberculosis in your nose and throat.*' Hoar' do you know ? Pneumonia, influenza, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and most of the other infections?how are they spread if not in this way and by coughing and sneezing improperly? Lit tit- children are the ones who are most frequently endangered because >f their great susceptibility. Doctors and nurses are all the time seeing just -uch suffering as Alex went through. It fs not rare. It :s not necessary. Use your scouring powders and your soaps, by all means, but in the r>amc of pity and decency, wipe out the prevalent habit of spitting. Make yours a "spitless town" in ths full meaning of the term. the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his haivest." We cannot pray intelligently for the world and the work of Christ in the world if we do not know the world ! We cannot live intelligently for the cause of Christ in the world if I ve do not know the needs of th? | world and we will not want to give unless we know why we give. In this day of strenuous living ami caseless activity, when all the world is going at sUch a rapid pace, how we do need to take time to pray, .row u.'e do- need to know how to rive, how we do need t<> study, to how ourselves "approved unto God" We cannot turn hack the wheels of time ;md go to school attain, for we 'ire women with - cares and responsibilities that call us to other walks in life, hut thanks to our W. M. U. we can follow their plan of study thereby preventing ourselves from lagging behind in life's race. H is hoped that all our Missionary' Societies in the . Western North Carolina . division will complete at east one of the Mission Study courses suggested in the yeat hook, for which awards will be given.. Order leaflet. "Mission Study Courses," from W. M? U. headquarters, 2l.r> Recorder Building Raleigh. . N". C. Books required in Mission Study courses may' be had from the same.address. Our mission study report at the conference next summer will be the result of the work we are doing now . .** - ==Ti Cqlling *.k * n*-Vco*-3 cJl ^ Cc-V; ? . v cs- . - < > ?y '' 1 i r-ASn1' \ ' fjalancevljia' -ir -- 'C -rcl?> Fpitv ) Reb^',s ? too hen* Wue of product, 454 00 Cc of production _ * 242.00. K * 212- J t 1 n-?'l l?.. uvtiui-< t??r euen layer u nothing wrong ?**Ith the nyil; N Anliuui Economic# It may be . i:i poor f..n,i day after day unions she Is f- i : ? turn int?? eggs Any hen will i,j??|>Uf jf poultry keeping i- ; ' Induced to lay throughout tlie lays are short nr. 1 tlie fowls re tuuortatit hut It tnk?*s mush rout;; I trust that you will find this a ioyous task'and if I can assist y > . r. any way, please feel free to ii n me. Sincerely, MRS. JAMES PENI.AND. Mission Study Leader HayesvUle, N. C. HUW I Mt U/VINE.J CO-OPERATE FOR PRODUCTION The ether lesson which I tr. r ?re might learn from Euorc. : jreat pood. is cooperation in iluction. Tor many years we av t>een hearing: of the succe - Eurorc-an farmer? in oooperntiv. marketing. Particularly have w< heard much < { the voojcrativi marketing done hy Danish farme European farmers have done little i: the cooperative marketing of fore products, taken a? a whole. Th-r< :ire communities that have madelarge success c.n a small scale, hut fail to find anything in Europe ii the cooperative marketing of l'atti products that approaches in its sr. ; c efficiency or organization with ou cotton, tobacco, fruit and other com modity cooperatives of this count?;. For instance, in Denmark, th heralded classic land of coonerutiv marketing, while 90 |u? ht? butter is made cooperatively, pi i.t 1914 not over l.i per cent <.f it ha KaaA .iina-i.tcil ... since then probably not over 120 pe tent or one fifth has been market*cooperatively. The density of population and th nearness of markets, and their d< mand*. made cooperative marketin less essential. Economical o> efficie: production was their problem, as : is vapidly becoming our imperativ problem, and they have devoted the! attention to it and through educatio ami cooperation have come near* solving it than any other farm peopl with which 1 am acquainted. Let m give you an example of what I men when 1 speak of cooperative produ* tion. England is the greatest foo market in the world, considering i1 size. There is a demand for pork i England, not particularly Danish porf but for pork of uniformly hie quality and England, as all the rest i the world, will pay a good price fn uniform and high quality. Denmark set out deliberately i supply that demand for bacon, nc bacon in its restricted sense, as w understand it, but for pork of uniform, mild cure and high qualih The so-called Danish bacon which i exported, is in -fact the Wiltshir side, one-half the hog cured in <<n piece and shippd in that form. There were cooperative school, and other educational means cmploj ed for the education of the farmer: but I can only give you briefly few facts regarding " how thi^ bne? of uniform and high quality is pre duced cooperatively. First, there are cooperative breec inir farms for the improvement o the breeds by breeding. Second, a type of hog is choser developed and maintained by cr operation that will produce a hi^ quality of pork. Two white bieed: and only two. are used. Third, there is not only enforce ment of these breed requirements but there is also supervision by c? operation in the feeding,. Fourth. . No hog weighing les than. Ida pounds can l?e delivered t the" packing plant by a cooperativ JOHNWHlTEiCOo^t^^ R?* UT. MURPHY, N. C. ___ number and if he delivers one weigh | ing more than 200 pounds he 1 forced by his fellow members of tin i cooperative to take a reduction li pricv. Fifth, rhe packing plant is ; genuine cooperative. The member did not put up a dollar to build tlv plant. but each pledged his credit t the i .1 nut of the totai amount t <- ?a???i 11 ii Bui The Ford Tudor out tothe highest The graceful ho? construction. Wi ) are carefully fitt stripped toinsun any weather. Th IHigh grade, dur; tractive color an TUDOR SE] I \J u F.O.B. Dctr I , 11 " s ?> j Five i *? ? e zvitl ill The Cherokee i r j i Through special ? i we are able to off * Cherokee Scout an did fruit trees des ited time only. 'n This special cor Japanese Plum, 01 berta Peach, and < . prepaid to your m; only $2.CO. THIS IS THE B1 SEND YOUR O Description o. 1 THE JAPANESE PLU ing ornamental tree with ligl attractive bloom wonderfu usually begins bearing the s . after planting. Fruit is larj firm, meaty flesh. a I 2. THE APRICOT ripen and Peaches. As hardy as tl planted on a northern or v prevent early blooming: giv l-l ment for curculio as the pit j i 18 feet apart. 3. EARLY ELBERTA. 1 son, yellow. The Early Elbt It is of the Elberta type, h The flesh is yellow like tl ' better quality, sweeter and l , tree is a strong grower and ; growing regions. 4. ELBERTA. The greatet ( i on the market today, becaui the world over. This varit ' | all over the country and thet grown than any other kind. . ! hardy, productive and unif r i fruit is large, yellow with re> large, golden yellow. The fl 1 stone, and highly flavored. 5. J. H HALE Huge, be; stone, solid, delicious, rount 1 shipper, a splendid keeper, b - With the endorsements of all the member? the money was borrowed a1 ? a low rate of interest, with payti ments amortized over 20 years With 20 equal payments, the coopera utivo knows just how much to de s duct pro rata from the icceipts ol i each member, to meet payments, o American farmers will be force* .i..c law?, ..l-ieh are inexora lit to Give Sen is built through- Of course, th< Sedan standards. everything you Jy is of all-steel Pert in a Ford ndows and doors ed and weather- , nearest ^ i : protection from L'eaier win gia ic upholstery is a good-looking c able fabric of at- easy terms on d pattern. purchased. ^Zo^cZyifotot'^vm/ian Detroit. Michigan ' DAN . pr"Runa/>?u/ . . 5260 Co 3 II T<mrin*Car -90 Foi k H PS 11 Cloaed car* in color. P I mm II riitn ?ml uirtcr run o ^ All f?r.? r? /. o. b. I oil -_e J' ^ 'v* 1| "i. II *1*'" ~ ^ n'*SpBS Fruit nBs-aHWHUs^nr-.sstiL^wess-MOS*? i a yearly subset'it Scout the Southern l arrangement with a lea er our subscribers a yeai id the Southern Ruralist, icribed below at a remarl nbination consists of the ne Apricot, one Early E one J. H. Hale Peach, ei ailbox in waterproof pack EST OFFER WE CAN RDER BEFORE OFFE ( Trees: h,'E rmfiis. v iur iwrnucir M is a strong grow- thousands of lit grccr. foliage and third larger lly productive and colored. The econd or third year It is except ic fine quality, with peach owing Will ship ne; lection is inc s between Cherries lie Peach, should be western exposure to ing the same treat- ' im. Set trees 16 to 'f3T,fs nor furnish ihr *re specials art! Freestone; mid-sea- receive this ?rta is truly named. trge. golden yellow. .? ? ? " le Elberta but far 1 finer grained. The . adapted to all peach I en. Mui ?t commercial peach ;e it is well known i I am em ;ty is very popular tn e are more of these . Cherokee The tree is very orm cropper. The i check, ft is juicy. N,me esh is yeuow, freeI Route lutifuJ. golden, frce1 as a ball, a great j T rings top prices ana own ^ State FRIDAY FEBRUARY n. ltJl M ble, to increase their yielfc^p^^B and to cooperate more in tion. If they will learn me* H ' Icwonj from Europe then w, ril " owe much to European agricoi,J? r even though we are the most efi^Hj laruieia in the world in earniani He 1 man.?Tnit Butlei, in The Proer^R . ive Farmer. ' Hh FTI vice Is t performance is jfe;; have come to ex- teS car. \uthorized Ford idlv show vou this ar and explain the which it may be irfe . . . $>r0^rl junior Sedan . 660 I tni(mnuNf r* open car*. . : ?rtroif JLJ Trees ption to Ruralist $2.00 ding Southern Nursery r's subscription to The together with the splensable saving for a lim: following trees: One llberta Peach, one Elicit shipment delivered age and both papers for possibly make :r is withdrawn igorous. sturdy trees. Sensation o? 1 century, and is being planted by growers. In size it is about one- j than Elbcrta and is more highly ; pit separates easily from the ficshionaliy valuable as a commercial 1 to its unusual keeping qualities-. . irly as well as an apple. Your col:omplete without this yaricty. V '.-re atim of t!ie very best. Many autseryn-.fr. can- M early Elberta and tJta J. H. Hale ThtJ 11 very desirable. Thi? is the best offer yoo W broker scout. phy. N. c. losing $2 00 for special fruit tree oSer -H 'es and a year's subscription to To* .1 Scout and The Southern Ruralist. J V ...? --/

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