I FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11, )?2 LET1T1A NEWS Rev C. F. Conley filled hip re?ruh appointment at Oal: ??rn?roui:ity. Mr and Mrs. L. P.' Payne ma< a business trip to Murphy one ds last week. Mr*. B. H. Clonts has return* from Gastonia and reports her fath< T. J. Taylor, in a very critical co diticn from heait trouble and othi ailments. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walker, J spent last weekend with the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Taylo Mr. J. W. Foster has purchas* the T. J. Taylor place and has mo e*l there. The price paid w; $800.00. Mr. Hiram Given* is on the si* list" at this writing. n* \t* D.u.n l ?... j > ?Id grist mill and contemplates i stalling a new grist mill, crusher ar sawmill. How To Quickly Stop Bad Coughs It Is often surprising how quickly the heaviest cough disappearswhen treated by a remarkable new method. Here isthemethod,based on thefamOUsDr.King'sNewDiscoveryforCoughs: You simply take one teaspoonful and hold it In your throat for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing it. The pre BV? i| a uuuuit Skiiuu. H liui only soothes and heals irritation, but also loosens and removes the phlegm and congestion which are the real cause of the coughing. So the severest cough soon disappears completely. Dr. King's New Discovery is for coughs, chest colds, bronchitis, spasmodic croup, etc. Fine forchildren, too ?no harmful drugs. Very economical, as the dose is only one teaspoonful. At all good druggists.*Ask for for E DICKEY IV Sales ar MURPIQUALITY A Mr. Ralph Taylor of Unaka spent | the weekend with homefolks. [ ?? *h J Uur mail carrier is trying to invent J ?d; a red-hot road-roller and baker to v- eliminate so much mud on the new graded mad. We hope he may be successful. ,*e >y BOILING SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Davis announce [ le the hirth of a daughter on Saturday! iy February 6th, 1926. The death angel visited the heme j ?d | <>f Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Odell Thurs-; eriday morning, February 4ih and took j n J away their only daughter. Miss Millie pr Odell. Miss Odell had been in ill ( j health for sometime. We extend our i deepest sympathy to the bereaved family and relatives. 9 Our school closed Friday after a r' term of six months. >(* J Miss Helen Hamilton returned t??. v* i her home in Andrews Friday, as Mr. Bob McDonald made a bus- < lines? trip to And?ews and Marble i k i Saturday. , j Miss Lenna Hamilton and Missj '"'Allice Bryson of Andrews werej n" Boiling Springs visitors Thursday ^ and Friday. "" Our Sunday is not progressing very much now, but we hope to begin soon ' for summer is coming. Folks, you belter get busy and , plant your garden for winter is al-1 most over. FACTORYTOWN NEWS Mrs. K. D. Howell left Sunday , for Knglewood, Tenn. to spend several weeks. Mrs. Frank Graves and children , of Grape Creek were guests Sunday of her father. Mr. Bud. Morrow. Mrs. Jim Dockery is on the sick list. Mr. Henry Dodson will move hi* family to Culberson one day this week. Mr. Wade Harper and Mrs. Allen Roberts motored to Andrews Sunday. FOR SALE l 7t> acres land. .15 in cultivation 17"? acres land, 8rt in cultivation 235 acres lard, 100 in cultivation . f?0 acres land. 22 in cultivation 81 acres land, 15 in cultivation Flour and corn mill a paying proposition W. A. Bryson REAL ESTATE conor,tical Transportation I Twelve great factories unsurpassed in completeness of manufacturing and engineering facilities! Two basic truck models, each with a durable, powerful chavii designed to combine economy and reliability! Dealers and seredcc stations everywhere stocked with parts to render prompt low-cost service! "1 he most economical time payment plan in existence! That's why I Chevrolet has become tho thirdlargest builder of motor trucks in the world! S ?e us today. Let us prove that you can save from the tart by buying a Chevrolet. O^TanTruck Chassis oaafcr<*? KOTOR CO. id Service \Y, N. C. lT low COST ' THE CHEROKEE SCO. Lore for D By Albert Fa HERO-DOGJ , r>~ H? Crcthed Against the Pane of OI.D MAN NEC1.KY was listening to the Marcy children tellinj; of h wonderful notion picture they had Keen the night tie fore, He was doing some early spring denning In the Marry garden on Vine street. Ms little hln'ck-ntid-tan lying In a sunlit corner of the windy garden atul watching his muster la.lly. "There was the grandest dog In that ploture-pla.v. Mr Negley'" little Blnnche Marry was exclaiming. "A hnhy t.nd been kidnapo\vn he fell, half unconscious and too weak nnd dizzy to get to Ids feet. The three thieves made for the till again to scoop up the $-100 they bad been taking out of It. The storekeeper tried to call out for help. He could only monn. "Hut that moan did the business. It reached the keen ears of the hull ter rier 111 the sitting room heliimi the shop. The sound of scuttling had already waked the dog from his nap. Now when he "heard his master moan he galloped to the door. But It was shut. The glass half was too high for hltii to see through. '"The dog .finnpod on n tahle. From there lie could see Into the shop. One glance told him all he needed to know. He went into action without stopping to think. "He launched himself through the air. with all his might, straight at the thick pane of g"n?s that tilled the upper half of the door. He crashed against It, rind he crashed through It. "The splintered class cut hi'ii hor rlbly. As lie landed sprawling on the floor of the shop he was one mass of blood and cuts. But he didn't stop for that. Men were robbing Ids master. Men hnd attacked hit master. That was not on the free list. He went for the robber*. "They didn't wait lone. A* the crashing of glass and at sight of the charging and bloody monster, they turned and ran for their lives. They *71 ftWAJ hut they Ml the t*oo and JT. MURPHY. H. C. ag-Owners !j >]TMa TerhaiM ' 5 OF TODAY ^ ^ ^ Glass and He Crashed Through It. . all the- res* of the shop'* valuable* , Titer didn't pot a thing. thanks to the I heroism of one dog. Are there many ] better stunt* In the movies than that true adventure? , I "'Then, out West, near Coalings. , i Cut., lust winter a small collie was guarding n herd of calves when an enormous mountain lion sprang from a ledge and seized ihe nearest ealf. , The collie landed on the lion like a j furry whirlwind and attacked him so , i fiercely he made the lion drop the cull i and fight for his own life. , j "A man ? n horseback, half a mile I away, saw the whole thing and gallop# d to the rescue at fall speed. Hut , before lie pot there the gallant little colile had done >v|r ' b?; set out to do. lie had driven away Ihe pia.it tain Hon and had saved tlie bunch of. calves that had been attacked. "A collie Is no fool. That little dog | , must have known what price he was j . \ due to pj.y f,.r attacking a monster j four times as Mg and us t.tt;: ler.ms J [ us himself. Yet he had not hesitated Hy the time the horseman g??r there ' , j the lion was running away for dear I t life and Ihe gallant little ! 1 r was lying dead In front of ihe lie. k he | , ! liad given Ids life to save. Anything! I , finer than that In the movies? i "Ever hear of the glorious St Her I nnrd dog. Ilarry? !!e lived In .1 u.on I nstary In the Alp- Tn storms he was . sent out to ns. tte lost travelers. Me rescued dozen- ol* them, saving ;:fr , , after Ufc. ?trie day In a storm a i traveler fell Into a drift and hadn't i the strength to get out. Hefore he could freeze ro death Harry came to Ms rescue. "The fr > :er was so scared and *' | confused it. t>? dog for n v Olf and killed him. Hut Harry kept alive long enough to drag ... i who murdered him. Perhaps ther-'s h better dog In 1 the ii">\ ii-s than Hurry? "Ves. ?'-,e world is full of dogs that late finer heroes than anj motion picture man can pat 0:1 the serpen. Th?>tj. snlals ?f ;? *:! h:-\e .aid down their lives, ea.-er'.y, for the laitnnns they loved or 1- r the live stock they guarded." | that when I lie time /-..n.?* the lite chh'k to break forth It has no dlfflrulty in doing so. In Her Father'* Footstep* Claire Sttnuea, favorite daughter ot the late Herman Industrial magnate, has inlieriieii her father's mercantile instincts. Although only twenty-six \ears of jy.c, she ha? established end I is conducting In Berlin's West end a ! store where she sells automobiles and ( , industrial nuidilneiy. She declarea I that she happiest \\h?n with mot9r | ears :iri'i machinery, ami that while] 1 ^he Is now ..pending on a small capl- ! ml she hopes to hnlhl up her business j until It ranks with the largest of its I sort in the Herman capital. As a! mere girl she \\:.s sent by her father, to Soiirl America to represent him in I oil negotiations there, she attributes I her h..hit> of self-r. i lance to bet I fafht-r'n intnlna POSTELL Mrs. R. L. Peeples and little daughers, Bobbie, Margaret, ami Irene, rora Ducktown are visiting Mrs. 'eeples parent?, Mr. and Mrs. S. r. Allen at Postell. Miss Ida Swanson visited Miss lattie Stiles Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Allen is on the sick ist this week. Miss Minnie Ferger^oj* returned i> her home at Peachtree Saturday. Mr. A. T. Bedford, from Athens, 'enn., was a visitor on Shoal Creek asi weeK. Mrs. Thresa. Taylor from Suit J isited her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.! f. Allen Friday. Mrs. Jane Mason visited her i a lighter-in-law, Mrs. Jessie Mason, j n Upper Shoal Creek, Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Peeples and children ind Miss Eliza Allen spent Satur-i lay afternoon with Mrs. Mary Allen I School closed at Shoal creek Fri-j lay after a succesful term taught Qlildren Cry for Mj ' 1 TIFTv ! F1 ' her' 1 : l Castor Oil Paregoric, Teething oreparcd i nhevc Infants in ; Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, p Natural Sleep u ithc To avoid imitations. :;l\vays Ion's f. r tli JVoven diretior.s on t-:u'?i pr.rkat I MnHHBmBUBMR MURPHY < ASHEVILLE Instruction Typewriting ; essentials ol a Al Instruction in - - Academy Subj The difference b failure is the little t and the little money George A PAGE THREE Hy Miss Minnie Ferperson of peachtree an?l Mr. K. L. Keenum of Suit. Mrs. K. P. /Illen visited Rev and Mrs. Tom Crowder on upper Shoal Creek. Saturday. Mrs. Isabell Allen is on the sick list this week. -nr. " etween success antf ime, the little effort,' it takes to get ready. ? i. Hubbell ident f *