FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12, 1?2 . ~ LETITIA NEWS ! t Rev C. F. Conley filled hie regular nppointment at Oak 'Iicve Oiurch Saturday and Sundiy aihJ preached a two powerful sermon? which every- e , ;ie seemed to ehjoy. p \ ?' Our Sunday School is stl'! alive and much interest Is manifested hy the vonifitui ity. Mr. and Mr*. L P." Payne made ti ? business trip to Murphy one day t b?t week. Mrs. B. H. Clonts has returned j? from Gastonia and reports her father |d T. J. Taylor, in a very critical con- ja dition from heart trouble and other ailments. i h | ti Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walker, Jr. ?pent last weekend with the latter'? varents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Taylor. { Mr. J. W. Foster has purchased the T. J. Taylor place and has mov- ^ ed there. The price paid was | $HOO.OO. 1. Mr. Hiram Given? is on the sick Q list' at this writing. W. W. Barton has torn down his1 ^ eld grist mill and contemplates in- j stalling a new grist mill, crusher and a sawmill. n \v/f '' How To Quickly Stop Bad Coughs i It is often surprising how quickly the heavies-:cough disappears when treated t by a remarkable new method. v Here is the method, based on the famous Dr. King's NewDiscoveryJorCoughs: You simply take one teaspoonful and ' hold it in your throat for 15 or 20 sec- d ends before swallowing it. The prescription has a double action. It not only soothes and heals irritation, but also loosens and removes the phlegm and congestion which are the real causa of the coughing. So the severest cough soon disappears completely. Dr. King's New Discovery is for coughs, chest colds, bronchitis,, spasmodic croup, etc. Fine for children, too ?no harmful drugs. Very economical, as the dose is only one teaspoonful. At all good druggists. YAsk for A^J j for F.coi DICKEY Mi Sales and MURPHY QUALITY A1 Mr. Ralph Taylor of Unaka spent f he weekend with homefolks. Our mail carrier is trying to invent , red-hot road-roller and baker to, timinate so much mud on the new ! raded road. We hope he may be j uccessful. BOILING SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis announce j he birth of a daughter on Saturday ! 'ebruary 6th, 1026. The death angel visited the home j f Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Odell Thurs- ; ay morning, February 4th and took ^ way their only daughter. Miss Millie >dell. Mis?> Odell had been in ill j ealth for sometime. We extend our leepest sympathy to the bereaved nmily and relatives. Our school closed Friday after a erm of six months. Miss Helen Haaailton returned to ler home in Andrews Friday. ~~? i Mr. Bob McDonald made a bus-. ness trip to Andrew* and Marble Saturday. Miss Lenna Hamilton and Miss j Mice Bryson of Andrews were! Soiling Springs visitors Thursday md Friday. Our Sunday is not progressing very nuch now, but we hope to begin soon ! or summer is coming. . Folks, you better get busy and ?lant your garden for winter is alnost over. FACTORYTOWN NEWS Mrs. E. I). Howell left Sunday or Englewood, Tenn. to spend ever a 1 weeks. Mrs. Frank Graves and children ?f Grape Creek were guests Sunay of her father. Mr. Hud. Morrow. Mrs. Jim Dockery i? on the sick ist. Mr. Henry Dodson will move his aniily to Culberson one uay this ?*eek. Mr. Wade Harper and Mrs. Allen , Roberts motored to Andrews Sunay. FOR SALE 7?> acres land, .15 in cultivation 175 acres land, 80 in cultivation 2:>5 acres land, 100 in cultivation , 50 acres land, 22 in cultivation 84 acres land. 15 ir. cultivation j Flour and torn mill a paying: proposition W. A. Bryson REAL ESTATE ~ '"I lomtcal Transportation Twelve great factories unsurpassed in completeness I of manufacturing and engineering facilities! Two basic truck models, each with a durable, powerful cha**i designed to combine economy and reliability! Dealers and service stations everywhere stocked with parts to render prompt low-cost service! Ihc most economical time payment plan in existence! That's why Chevrolet has become the thirdlargestbuildcrof motor trucks in the world! S?e tis today. Let us prove that you can save from the start by buying a Chevrolet. QacTanTruck Chassis ceOy mr^T SSO 3T0R CO. Service (, N. C. r LOW COST THE CHEROKEE SCO J Lore for D< By Albert Pa; HERO-DOGS | they had been taking out of It. The storekeeper tried to rail out for help, lie could only monn. inn iimii 11mi me nus'nfSs. ll reached the keen ears of the hull ter rier In the silling room belli ml the shop. The sound of scuflling had already waked the dog from his nap Now when he "hciml Ids master moan he galloped to the door. But It was shut. The glass half was too high for him to see through. "The dog jumped on a table. From there lie could see Into the shop. One glance told him all he needed to know. He went into action without stopping to think. "He launched himself through the air. with all his might, straight at the thick pane of glass thai III led the upper half of the door. He crashed against it, and he crashed through It. "The splintered glass < iit lilm hor rlhly. As he landed sprawling on the floor of the shop he was ?ne mass of hlood and cuts. It. * he didn't stop for that- Men were * dihinir Ids master. Men had attacked his master. That was not on the free list. He wens for the rot.her*. "They didn't wait long. .It the crashing of glass and at sigh! of the charging and bloody monster, they turned and ran for their lives. They ** a war hut the* laft the *400 and T. MURPHY, H. C. (^-Owners : r*MI TwhOM OF TODAY ( Glass arvd He Crashed Through It. ! all the rest of the shop's valuable*. : j They didn't get a thing, thanks to the heroism of one dog. Are there many better stunts in the movies than that true adventure? 'Then, out West, near Coalings. On I., hist winter a small collie was I guarding a herd of valves when r?n ) enormous mountain lion sprang from ; a ledge and aelr.ed the noarest ealf. The collie Intided on the Hon like a j furry whirlwind ami attacked him so i fiercely he made the lion drop the ealf ] and fight for his own life, j "A man on horseback, half a mile i away, saw the whole tiling and gal loped to t?? rescue at fall speed. I5?t . before h* got there ? g.illant little, j collie had done ?h * 1 " *? out t?' ?! | lie had rlvei. n the gutnf nioun I tain lie? i n-: bad *he bum-h of j Cltlves thai had been aft ked. j "A collie is no t Tii .t I!11'?b?e : J must have known what price l>? i* . due to pnv f,.r attacking :> monster | four times as big r.nd ?s i.:u: lor.nis J us himself. Yet he hud not hesitated By the time the horseman got there I the lion win rnnnlmr away for dear , life and the gallant lit Iwas I lying dead In front of the llivk he j had given ids life to save. Anything j finer than that In the movie*? ! "Ever lo ur ??f the glorious St IterI nnrd dog. llarry? !! lived in a iu??n u?fary 'n *5"* Alps. In storms he was sent out to rescue lost travelers lie rescued dcren* of them. saving life after Ufc. ??ne dny In ? storm * traveler fell b:?n At-lf* ...... i? the strength t" get ??ut. Kefore he j could free?. to death Harry came ? to Ms rescue. "The trawler was so scared n:.d ! confused that he mistook ti e heroic; dog for n wolf and killed him. Hot : Harry kept n'lve long enough to drag ; to safety t! fool who had murdered! htm. Perhaps there's a better dog In j I the movies th;;n Harry? "Ye.-, toe world Is full of dogs thnt are finer heroes than any motion pie- , tare man ?-an put on the screen. Thou- I j sands ?f them have laid down their Uvea, eafor the hit::inns they loved or for the live stock they . guarded.'* VpyrtKbt b> thr M<-Vnuirhl PyntllrM*. Ino.> Ancients Hatched Eggt by Artificial Meant Although hot-air and hot-water incubators wore not known In Europe until the last decades of the Fight' eentb century, the Chinese and Kgy|> ' ! tlons practiced artificial in< ul>ath ii o? ! j fowls" eggs thousands of tears ago i I The ancient Egyptians built enormous ] j ovens of semi-dried I.ricks, often oov] erlng an area of as much as j square foot. Similar egg ovens are In ! use In Egypt today, the craft having | been handed down through the oen- ; turles. from father to son. Through", the center of the egg oven runs a i : passage which opens up on ea h side ; 1 to circular vaults. In which the c? tu il | hatching Is done. Fires arc kept alight j in each vault, and all surplus heat and j smoke escape from a large hole In the ; roof. Paring incubation the porous egg j .. ^ ii f'Ulll HIUOlllll OI U\\g<-n j ::nd aliows the osyiipe of other gase*. : livery day the shell grows more hrltI lie. so that when ilie time comes fur j the live chide to break forth It has no ' difficulty m doing so. In Her Father*9 Footttepn j Claire Ktinnes. favorite 'laughter of [ the late Gorman Industrial magnate. . line Inherited her father's mercantile ! instincts Although only twenty-six 1 years of use. she hag established and I is conducting in Berlin's West end a ] store where she sells automobiles xnd i Industrial machinery. She declares I : ihat she is lumpiest when with motgr I nw and machinery, and that while j ! she is now upending on a small capital she hopes to huihl up her hnslnesa until It ranks with the largest of Its sort in the German capital. As a mere girl she was sent by her father! to Sontl America to represent him In I oil negotiations there. She attributes I her l:ubit? of self-reliance to bet I father'* iMln'n# P08TKLL Mrs. R. L. Peoples and little daughers, Bobbie, Margaret, ami Irene, rom Ducktcwn are visiting Mrs. * Weepies parent?, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Allen at Postell. Miss Ida Swanson visited Miss iattie Stiles Sunday afternoon. < Mrs. Mary Allen is on the sk-k ist this week. Miss Minnie Fergcrsoff returned ' o her home at Peaehtree Saturday. Mr. A. T. Ledford. from Athens. Tenn., was a visitor on Shoal Creek ast week. Mrs. Thresa. Taylor from Suit dsited her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. f. Allen Friday. Mrs. Jane Ma>-on visited her laughter-ir.-law, Mr?. Je??ie Mason.; n Upper Shoal Creek, Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Peeples and children and Miss Eliza Allen spent Satur- [ lay afternoon with Mrs. Mary Allen School clored at Shoal creek Eri-; Jay after a EUceesfu) term taught Qlildren Cry for MOTTIFTv I PI to her' <" Castor Oil. !'.'.reg??rict Teething oreparcd to riiievc Infants ;n ; Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, pi Natural Sleep withe To avoid imitations, alwa; ? !o??k i r ;li Proven directions <111 ?.-'..-h pickatI I MTTmmv I munrni Instruction I ypewriting. < essentials of a AL Instruction in Academy Sub The difference b failure is the littie t and the little money George ? Pres PAGE THREE by Miss Minnie Feigerson of peachtree and Mr. R. L. Koenum of Suit. Mrs. R. P. /illen visited Rev and Mrs. Tom Crtxvder on upper Shoal Creek. Saturday. Mrs. lsabell Allen is on the si? k list this week. Mr. John Stiles from Persimmon Creek is viaRint; his son, S. A. Stiles at Postell. Mis?e> Exis and Hazel Pope and Glenn Taylor from Suit Spent Thursday nigrht with Miss Tcmpa lone* an Upper Shoal Creek. Mr. S. Y. Allen and daughter were Durktown visitors Tuesday of last week. Messrs. Clifford McNabb, Ben Beaver, b'trt Hearer. and Henry May, from Suit. were visitor* at Shoal Creek school Thursday. Messrs Walter and Henry Elre-J From Ducktown visited their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Mason. Monday. Mr. Jim Woods from Suit took J..,-... .. ;.u it. v- V 11 1 family Monday. ia is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, inns ami C hildren all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Dowels omoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and ?ut Opiates iyji i* C/G **/*/ iwiii 5 everywhere recommend it. MUMF. I VVJLillUULl Df UNIVERSITY in Shorthand. rnd the general 5 Business Course j etween success and ime, the little effort, it takes to get ready. L Hubbell