page four NORTH- CAROLINA, CLAY COUNTY In tfce Superior Oewt. Before the Clerk Mrs. Mamie D. Barker and husband. J. Q. Barker. YSPearl Herbert and husband; F.! Herbert. Iva Sanderson. George' Sanderson. Beatrice Sanderson.' Brookfe Pearl Sanderson. Hattie I Sanderson. AUeta May Sanderson. Wilma Sanderson, 01. Sanderson. I Frank Sanderson and D. C. Coleman. J. H. Colemar, Abbie Alexarder, ' IV. M. Peal. J. A Deal. G. C. Deal. ! Ida Brad*haw, Laura Green. Allen Deal. G. C. Denton, Nannie Robinson, H. A. Denton, Fate Bible, Jeff' Bible, Sue Bennett. Herschel Bible, Isabel Comer. T. G. Phillips. T. J. C. Paillips. H. R. B Phillips. F. L. Rble. Jessie Bible. Coleman Bible. Unknown heirs of Nancy Coleman. M. E. McCoy. J. B Witt. W. J. Witt, B. W. Witt. M. T. Stewart. S. A. Redwine. Betty Witt. Unknown; Heirs of Mary ;tt. deceased. Sue 1 Barnes. Sattiza Hunt. W. H. Han-j turn. . i.rniRier, .?arnes nar.cciK. and All Unknown Heirs of Harrison Han cock, deceased, John Hancock. Fate Har.dcock. Mary Johnson, James Hancock, Jr.. Heed Hancock. Guseie Hamock ar.d all Unknown Heir? of William Hancock, deceased. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Orr, Chas. Hancock, Mr. ai.d Mrs. H. A. Padeett and all Unknown heirs of Richard Hancock. Deceased, Alice Beckner. Mildred McMahan. Luther Davis.. Unknown Heir- of Isabel Davis, deceased. and all Unknown Heirs at law of M. W. Hancock, deceased. NOTICE OF SUMMONDS The defendants above named will take r.otice that a Special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of f Clay County for the purpose of j partition by sale of certain real estate in Clay County. North Caro-i Jina,fully described in the petition in this cause, and hem? a part of the home farm of the late M. W. Hancock, in which petitioners and defendant*- are tenant- in common; I and the said defendant? will further take notice that they are required to appear before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Clay County, North Carolina, :tt his office in the Courthouse in Hayesvilh , N". C., on the 1st dav of Mm eh 111.: d "I " Ibicj I at CI I I fl I Beginning Monday I give a 2 pound bat B I or mere. I REMEM1 I STH .1 F Men's and Boys' Suit half price. See our new Spring i will find they arc woi terns at reasonable pri B I The first 25 wome: fl | will receive a ticke I I keg Ginghams for [I Christop f ? -LA* and answer or demur to the petition m said Special Proceeding or cfce petitioners wiil apply to the 'Court for the relief demanded in the petition. This the 23rd day of January- li*2Q W. L. MATHESON, Clerk Superior Court Clay County, j N. C. <2.%4t-A&G> : TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN | I see Advertised in the CherokeeScout that application for pardon of Willard Barnett will be made to the Commissioner of pardon and to the Governor of the State of North Carolina. I his wife do hereby file a protest against Willard Barr.ett pardon. I with many others do not think that WilUrd Barr.ett has paid the penalty for abandonirg his wife and children. Sign.d MAE BARNF.TT <2o-4t-pd . Wife of Willard Rarnett NORT H CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. William J. Adam*, vs. 1 Lillian Adams. NOTICE The defendant above named will! take notice that an actio- entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina by the plaintiff the defendant for a divorce from the bond1- of matrimony; and j the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County on the 4*.h day of March. 1926. or within 20 days thereafter, at the court house of said County of Cherokee, ar.d answer and demurer to the complaint on said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 1st day of February, 1926. E. F.. DAVIS, Clerk of <26-4t-ndi Superior Court. State of North Carolina Cherokee County. In the Superior court.;iah Howell, Plaintiff Vs. . !. F. Howell, Defendant. NOTICE OF SERVD K OF SI M MONS BY PUBLICATION The defendant above named wili take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County ' C A I Dft hristop , the 15th, and lasting foi { of Sugar for 5c with a BER THE H( ULL OF BA s at almost Don't let thi Silk,. You iderful pat- for a!' ln the ces. goods. n entering our Store Satu t good for 4 yards of our 25c with a purchase of $ )RS OPEN AT 8 O'CLO AND SEE FOR YOURS her's Lead loods Store MURPHY, N. C. THE CHEROKEE SCO N. C. against him and the purpose, of the action is for an absolute divorce from the bords of matrim ny j on statutory grounds. The defendant will further take! notice that he is leqvired to personally appear before tl.e Clerk of the Superior court of Cherokee Countv. N\ C. on the 3rd day of March 1926 and answer or demur to the said complaint now on file in the Clerks Office in the Court House <r the Court will grant the relief demanded in the Complaint. This 1st day of Feb. 1 'J26. E. E. DAVIS. Clerk <26-4-t-jhmc) of the Superior Court NOTICE OF SALE Default in the payment of the indebtedness secured ir a certain deed of trust, executed by the A. T. Dor sty Lumber Company. to the undersigned trustee, having been made, and the creditor thereby secured ' ating requested that 'he said tr-ustee therefore. On the fiist Monday .-f March. 1920. in fror.t of the courthouse dour, the same being the first day of said, tt 11 o'clock A. M.. the undersigned trustee, by virtue of the power contained in said trust deed, will proceed to sell, at public auctio- . to the highest bidder for cash, t! certain land* of the *a;d A. T. D--rsc> Lumber Company therein conveyed, lying in Cherokee County, and de*? ri bed as follows, to-wit: Tract No. 1. Lying on the water* of Moss Creek. Beginning on a white oak, the beginning corner of No. 992 and runs with the ??id line South 40 degtees east ??.*? poles to a chestnut corner of said No. 992; thence with it* line North 4"> degrees East r>0 poles to a sourwood; thence South , IS degree* West 120 poles to a black oak; thence South t>5 degrees West 41 pole* to a small hickory on the line of No. 992; thence with said' line North 40 degrees West 152 poles' to a stake in the line of No. "?5! thence with this line North 45 <i?giees pole* to the heginni-v: Containing seventy i?0> acres, more' or less. Tract No. 2. Al. <> a certain tr? of land in said county and stati containing fifty <"> ? acres more >, less, hounded as follows: Bcginn ina on a White oak tree standing east of No. 4'17 in district No. >. on the waters ?-f Kndder'* Creek and TT1 L l^l^j tier's r 10 days, we will purchase of $1.00 iniiiiim?? 3USE IS RGAINS s Money-Saving event E Hundreds of Bargains latest Styles of Spring E irday, the 13th, best grade amos2.00 or more. SELF! ing Dry * ia 'f UT. Ml'.7PHY, N. C. ^ MARBLF Ben Mintz is enlarging mid 'inproving hie house l>y building two additional boil toon s, and a por< h. Mr*. Magpie Palmer is still ?onfined to hei room, but slowlv improving. Mr. Ose Powell visited friends at Andrew* last week. Powell i? iin much better health these last months. Mr*. Culberson, who is ad\ anted in year-, has been wek a long time. A number of our people are "down with told." Mi-* WilN n. who lived near Malt- ; by. had ?ome ki-.d of swellirjr in her j leg. The Doctor hound th?- limb, j Then her mother poured gasoline on j the band*. t?> -often it. she -aid. Ganprene wt up. The younp woman wa? removed to a hospital 1 r removal of the limb. We hear that there il little hope that she will live Mr. Hanivon Wilson. who li\e? Swain County, carried hi- s? ?:?' little boy to hi- fo*wer Graham home t' bury him beside his brother. ? ! . Wilson. Wife, and one remain ,c child came on f?om the huryirp -it hi- father. Mr. I>ick Wilson. They returned Inst week to Swain, was badly burned some time apo. died last week. The b? reaved have our sympathy. Mr. Oliver Style-' little pill, who Miss Vester West, daughter of mu? Pruce West, was successfully : orated on for appendicitis at a . yson City hospital last Saturdax -ight The report is that -he is doii.*. well. 1 Past* r Woodard filled his Marble pulpit list Sunday morning and evening. He announced that Mr. Folpei would preach in the Marble Baptist Church next Sunday Mornin-. and Mi. Smith at the evening service. 5?3eautiful Jj|f/Flowers t ?&&/ Free/ fox Hastings' Catalog I You can get & packets of seeds o 1 f. different and *er% beautiful flow en fr.-?- Hasilii^s' 1??26 Seed Cataku : tells you all about It. Hastings' Feeds are "The Standard : of 'he South." They give the best re; r-ulT* i.i our Southern gardens and ot jour farms. Hastings' new 1S2S Catai log has* 112 pages in all. fu'.l of picHires from photograph*. handsome ; covers in full colors, truthful, accurate ; descriptions and valuable culture dii reciicns. V.'e want yon to Lave this catalog It ! your home. It tells all about Hastings ! garden, flower an? field seeds, plant 1 and bulbs. Write for it today. A post card request brings it to you by lVun j mall. H. Q. HASTINGS CO.. SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA. GA. | runs North 45 degrees East li!l> pole* fto a chestnut oak; thence South 4( I degrees east i>2 polo- t? a stake J thence South 45 degree. West 12C ' poles to a stake on the )i:.? of No. j HP 1; thence with that li e North. ? I degrees We.-; to the beginning. T art No. 3. Also that pan -f | trait No. ">ll which runs on tin ! right hand side of adjoining Andy ' Earwuod's tract, containing or., acre land bounded as follows: Beginning on a white oaw and runs j in a North direction with the dome? I H. Bryson line to a stake at the wagon I mau; inonce an eastern direction t | a stake: thence in a Northern direction to a stake; therce an eastern direction to the beginning. This February 3rd. 1926. DILLARD & HI!.!. (26-4t-d&h) Tins'ee. NOTICE OF ENTRY Entry. No. 1045 State of North Carolina Clay County. C. \V. Savaire and \Y. A. Savage of Cherokee County, Enters five acres, mure or less, of land on the waters of Shooting Creek. District No. 2. of Clay County. Beginning on a stake corner of Tract No. 697, Grant 14450 on the line of Tract No. 6161 and runs with its line West to the lire of No. 2:184; then with) its line to the line of No. 5060; then* with No. 5060 to the line of 697: j then with its line to the beginning. Entered -Ian. 29th, 1926. C. W. SAVAGE W. A. SAVAGE Attest: GLOVER P. 1 EDFORD Filed far.. 29, 1926. at 2 o'clock i P. M., and registered Jan. 29, 1926.1 GLOVER V LEDFORO ! l.26-4t-s) Enter Taker.' Mr. Dee Jenki: is out on crutches , Mrs. B. B. Palmer spent the weekend % kiting her brother, George Lovingood, on Hanging Dog. Mr. Horn has n oved to Marble, and occupied Mr. Dockery's house at the spring until he builds on his own lot. Look out! The v i ,?key association ?with million? ?.? .ey. are moving heaven and earth to repeal the Volstead act: to weaken the eigh. tet nth amendment, and to bring bark high powered nkholic beer* and liquors. They are j refecting organizations to roniir.ate only "We Men*' to both branches of congre*-* in ire coming primaries. And Tney j are undertaking to contrcl both par-J ties. so as to fill as many offices?V federal, state, tou. ty. city?with i men "friendly" To whiskey as pos-i-j bl?. Study your man ar.d your vote in the < n ing j rimarie?. Watch that you do ??'' vote for "Red-Ey?*dI.iooor". Th?> say that prohibition does not pi- hibit. Then why do they work so hard. ar.d spend so much numey. to defeat it ? Speaking ?>f this charge, "That prohibition die- not prohibit." we heard a preacher say: "If prohibition does not prohibit, no doubt it i<- because so many of our 'best citizens.' church-members. pood people?so called, buy and drink tht stuff, sinn the Tiger's bord. give him a good character ir. court, sign petitions to net him pardoned or paroled." What about Congress?Women? ITheie are three women in the present congress. Two of them?a New .Tersy democrat and a California tcpublic-an are avowed "Wets"; and both have ir.tro-iuced bills "modify the Yolstead-Iavr and "liberalize" it. And the whiskeypeople claim the third gre-*woman. Watta women these he? Shame, shame, on a political wonrtn who with the whiskey crow 1' Anent the talk of repealing canital punishment: If said law had been abolished, what power, do you suppose. could have ptevented "mob-, law" in the case of the two men who robbed and criminally assulted poor eld Mrs. Mary Wright near Charlotte last week? And what about the two pai > of Young men in (Seorgia who asla .1 a".:ton;obilist i vide, anil then murdered nv.d jobbed the two automobiles who had accomodated them with a lift in their car-? If C.-o.-o. v. i ? 11v* ? apivai punishment laws. these would have been four lynchi u in lit* a-gin. Disbelief in capit;.! punishme-.t i sentimental and gushy anyway. It means non-law enforcement and difcorrlei. It ni*.?.s| more and more mu'dors, etc.. w. become :i country '?f anarchist. DR. E. E. SMITH Chiropractor Davidson Building Murphy, N. C. j I "life-i f&i, Cjps ; More Thari 7?%cftheMi A DayrJ&$?APaici Goes to State a The steam transportation line: paying taxes at the rate of $42,0 four, Sundays and Holidays i: approximately $365,000,000-00 p While this budget covers Fed pal taxes, it is a significant fa< munity in which you live is af this great total. In other word pai l by the railroads goes ini and every time you bay a raili ment ot' freight you are contril your community and the prosnThese tax funds are used to i of all branches of our Governr roads, to operate schoola and t For many years past the amou the steam railroads has exceec the owners of railroad securitii Remember these figures ai relatively small taxes paid by t are operating over roads built, J road taxes and which are comp for your patronage. Be fair to ing the American people the gi in the history of the world?an In 1925 the A ?f. K. Railroad paid taj amounting li c?i?r mm million dollar*, ncrx tub' tenta'iy rmwer than the divider I s:d to ita rtr-ckholdtrt. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12. in* f| r HE SOOTH MOST ? I GROW ITSJWN FOBB | NO FARM SECTION CAN (Uy m B FOOD AND ORAIN AND tl iff PROSPCROUt |ft A thin u. Oa.? (flp?cw.)?tlm j^. B pie IB the Routta realite the H* moras drain * there bn been oa tit Booth'* wealth through the ***, K food and grain buying during the ^ Bl fifty year/ What's the greater >H* B of it la the fact Chat moit of at, B money comes directly out of It* tvu B pocket." said H. G. Hastings. *f At- H lanta. Chairman of the FaHft tu B Marketing Bureau of the Atfcsfc B Chamber of Commerce. ||t "For fifty years or more the do* B and towns of the Cotton Belt few B oeen rurnisnwg rooa and grain to tfc farmer instead Of our farinefre the cities and tcrwns. While the gtha and towns bar* had the boat of tkW unnatural business. It haa really t*. poverished both country and dty." "As nearly aa can be at*.?rtali< my own elate of Georgia baa iptsi in the last 25 years not less than and one-half billion dollara for fog and a rain from the North and W?t, rea7 hard cash money that ought te It sticking in our farmers' potketa Tki monev If gone never to return "It la no ovgr-statement or exaggeatlon to aay that twenty.flTe mlUtof* of the Month's money haa tm that way In the laft fifty years R was good, hard worked for tira money. What we have been doing b pending our liver growing roltoa trading It off for bread and meet ti no profit to oureel wo*. "No use to 'cuss' the power* that be In Washington or the trust#, fcrtfl bank* or speeulators. TUay at* h?T? had a part but a mighty sod part In comparison -with the part w curative* have played The way to atop that drain on our pocket# 1* to top buying food, gratn and foraftfl| and produce those neceaaary Items teWM home acres. 3^ "Thr time to atart U now Plea^l for 1925 are being made. Before Jfl plow ie stuck in the ground. foot^H grain and forage acres ahould he w^H aside. Those acres should and rew^H be first instead of last conslrteratwt^B When these are fixed, then thr fanne^fl can go ac far as he likes with (ottoe^B tobacco or other cash crop safely. Fffi "Give the home garden a chance thl# food production. It's a wcr.derf^H helper in cutting store Mils In haa^ for the folk# that will give it u squv^H deal Instead of the usual 'lick an^| a promise,* mostly promise. Btsrt ImH rooa rrcKiuctMn procession ?u and a mouey procession will start t? war# your pocket" <Sp Advises Nervous Women Greensboro, N\ C.?"It gives ir.c i . great deal ? f pleasure to testify to tk t benefit 1 lave n ceived thru takn Dr. Pierce's Fat orite Prescr:pt? I liad a very ba case of fcniini weakness and th this I became i rundown in heal I got very we and nervous. 1 w " barely able to 1 4 f aroond when 1 li l Ran taking 5 Pierce s Favorite Prescription and it" l eve r c i all my weakness, my neti and iny kidneys were aci 'Favorite Prescript* ; made ntc tctl like a new woman."?Ml C.X. Si iw, jS Maple St., (PrnxnS All medicine dealers. Tablets ?r liga - k \ snd WW* wi yMft iliionBollars ! by the Railroads nd Ipcd Governments ? of the United States are now 00.00 every hour of the twenty eluded, the gigantic iotai of er year. eral. State, County and Municirt that the welfare of the competed to the extent of 75X of s, 75c out of every dollar taxes to state and iocal treasuries, oad ticket or ship a consignnuting to the development of erity of your state and nation, defray the operative expenses nent. They are used to build o support public institutions, nt of money paid in taxes by led that paid in dividends to PS. ; id compare them with the he bus and truck lines, which ind maintained partly by raileting with the steam carriers the railroads?they are affordeqtest transportation service id at the lowest cost.

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