rftlDAY FEBRUARY 12. 1929. jr [ THE FEAT tt?n/ LISSfM 'HURRICANE SI r-C <3,0OO, | ^ Cow Works Three Year's IV1 \' INETY days of hard labor : - * | . ? v? r J:t it is : .- ?cnt to Incicr.se tl in I j tt... c? ws ctitilil supply four f-.uillie f < t" {:ivc way ro more s milled, make ef Proof that a shove not enough is s above illustration, of- the intricate p the Royster Fertil I -K rL * I F. D. DICKEY F] I Murphy ^ HERHEAPS R} Tns, FANMY / < A *CC (EE PS BOOM TOWN ILUNOIS -] MKS ,000 - HOUSES COUAPS^- FLO 6 M|""L ||||l|[|| yp> IHfc Months to Give [ilk for One Person j a gra, ; III I Yearly MHK Requirements I . W^j Per Cnpita^ 1 ^1' * 'HL.JJ'X.. oP~?. JIbi e part of tlio average dairy cow will far. according to tlie Larrowe Institute ikw three months for her to turn out to provide the fluid and canned inilk. j I'd per capita per year, ileresting to tlie person consuming tlie dairyman who depends upon this milk unds of rnllk produced by the a%erngc incuts of a family of four persons,. by of tlie feed that has gone 'nto the proIt left. Tlie only way to permanently J eater milk production per unit, govern- I iw's milk yield Is doubled the profit is j tlie profit is increased almost five-fold entirely possible by better feeding and d of tlie average cow to a point where < with milk. To do this, however, tlie ictIced ??n many dairy farms will lm\? is. Comfortable quarters for tlie cow* limes, a plentiful supply of good hay. a are some of tlie tilings that go kit and actual demonstration. showing the management and care of grapes, j The same wont was aono with an old . orchard, showing how to make it a medium of food supply and a source 1 of income. The second school was taught at . Ed Murphys, Curtis Community,, j The instructions there were a bit different in nature. Like at Brasstown, Those who were vitally interest* d in fruit production were there, hut their intetests were in commercial orchards, so their needs weie met.! The instructor began with the selection of the whip, training of ho tree, transition period, light fiuit production, and the heavy yielding orchard, teaching ami demonstrating what should be done at each period. The second day the schiol was "T I edionts, properly g Led, cured and k Tective fertiliser. r :1 and a screen are Ej ubmitted in the R which shows one fe rocesses in one of | izcr plants. f. &5TER llizer EED COMPANY rf N. C. THE CHEROKEE SCOU MMUNtCAToN CUT OTP SrT H WlNt>5> AMD RAIN -TiWN ) ODED ~ FIERCE ~ ^ I' opened at Mr. W. E. Lowe's orchard, Elf Community. The work had been announced and ;.ll interested were here roidy ?o r?udy a s"p; ial phr.s:of orchard work. At this time the study was the selecting cf nursery stock of both reaches and apples, rating them through to the heavy ?, n^r>T etnffo TV,., loot ?.V 1 - - Ei\in Kitchen's. The instruction there was how to make the produc inj: orchard give a pood income. I call these an orchard school, fo that was what they were. T were not pruninp demonstrations o propapanda meetinps for orchard ex pcrimcnt work. They were literally to learn and po home and apply knowlepe. The direct res-Its of the* schools w.-.ere men who believe ir food orchard management -amc t schools are that two :ty men prom issed to po into their own orchard: and apply these practices. This mean: that 1805 trees in Clay County wil he cared f> r this year, undei mud better orchard management. This is just one lesson, an-i we an looking forward to ? jr second les.-r-r in May. Now in cn.-o you forget von instructions, the County Agent is or the ground an ! will prompt you when you forget. The County Agent wil direct and supervise the community demonstration orchard which t'u other orchards are built up around. How Doctors Treat Colds and the Flu To break up a cold overnight 01 to cut short an attack of grippe, influenza, sore throat or tonsillitis, physicians and druggists are r.ow recommending Calotabs, the purified and refined calon.ol compound tablet tha* gives you the effects of calomel and salts combined, without the unpleasant effects ef either. One or two Calotabs at bed-time with a swallow cf water,?that's all No salts, no nausea ncr the slightest interference with your eating, work or pleasure. Next morning your cold has vanished, your system is thoroughly purified and you arc fee*inv fine with a heartv apmiite for breakP.I. ..L.l ' 1 _ _ iusu vn;:'. y j ? no danger. Or* a family containing full directions, only 35 cent). At an> drug stor- . (adv) No Extensions For Filint Information Returns Heretofore tux pa ye s have ?>eei urged to file their income tax return early. The filinu ?.f returns this yea is delayed, pending the enactment o the new revenue act now bef?>r- th Senate, which, as it passed the House contains changes in regard to rate and other -features. However; Uteris nothing to prevent a taxpayer a this time from closing his hooks an computing his net income. Sue ! computations will not he nffectei by any provisions of the new acl The actual preparation of the rctun itself, after the computation, requires I in a majority of cases, hut a for minutes. Therefore, it is advised thn all figures and data be as-omhlct pending receipt of blanks by taxpaj ers. When released, blanks will h sent to taxpayers and also may b obtained at the office of the U. ^ Collector- at Raleigh, North Carol in.* Forms 1091) and 1090 used for mal ing information : ei urns; also pannei ship returns. Furm lOCn, are noavailable at the office of the.U. J Collector of Internal Revenue an branch offices. Sucji returns are r< quired of persons "in whatever capi city acting" who made to a singl person during the year 1925 a paj CtUGHESTERS PILLS diamond ?j(tp& brand s^< LADIES? iik y.?r I^nM for Cm-CKES TER S A diamond hkand pills l? ? ." > ! y ;7 . by experts of the l.nrrowe Institute ? f . , of flesh functioning normally. over : each hour ffhlcll. served t?? rows it: I mean .*<110 three gallon pailfuls every f:? 1 A cow needs air (oxygen) to pu:v ?, feed and turn it into heat I .> I well-ventilated ban: n pi? : f suj.jd;. h e. Tecily mixed dairy and y. , milk making Tt i- this of (winter tnorths tli t I-- I . :? ? ty ; mUsp for mur-h ?if fV?? r. - f went of $1,000 or more, or to a married person a payment of $2,500 or more. Such payments include sal. S rent, interest, "or other fixed or tie I terminable gains, r ofits and income." i While no extensions m:.v be jrrant I ed for filing Information Returns, you j may make application, lefore the I ' filing date of March loth, direct to ; : the I*. S. Collector at Raleigh. North I j Carolina, for an extendi*-., to fiie Income Tax Returns, provided you , i give pood and sufficient reasons for such extension. I STATE MOTOR TAXES According to pre.*? reports. North Carolina automobiles puH into the state treasuiy more than $11,000,; j 000 for 1925. These make the road system of North Carolina possible I The Time Provei \ ESSE I. This is a year of o irresistible than the largest sellin <. are lower in pri i. ' in value. In ten years of Super-Six perfo have never beei V ,1 A I ' ..II AUU in an auvaii ship and materi 1 alike. p i , , Thousands turn Essex Six in prii i performance tfc I And Hudson, \ cars, has no riv: r Pt E. P. H i ? v > % T .... _ someth t v,T77\i gosh /1 >i picht ! h mew umfot n. /, save him p> ?ftn i topned wo ^?7 c vci* City Lot "*-? "? UMKmrairmnb. u-wi' rrroNTMir > ? i iiMrxwwuA?aaMtjmc-vti lUl.g it .. < W v..:,- vj ii feet. ad online t?" iiii cstiiuat* itiii'Jc Vniinul I' ? ii. v. 'i',, < , tn:i-> > ' ciiWo f? h? r t :? . ' t<. and :;r-*iin!!at* ir.t.w* and triilk. Add t? Jin frist. i.tor, . ! ro:n:lt::?J" ti.d u !:??* i. :ti- i! -:.ls for : Mind. ?' . .:U;V f.:riie- during the .on;: f. i. ?-s to he thi- nmu ri.rliif tie . : and are the one tax which ..oboe, seems jfreatly t*. oppose. Th: figures have grown immensely in a few years and the auto is the state's biggest tax source. l he exact sum collected $11,647,224.35, comet* from the gasoline tax automobile licenses and title registration fees. It represents an i crease of $2,221,557.84 over the collections for the caelndar year 1024, when about nine and one half million dollars were collected. More than six million dollars were collected from the state tax en gasoline during 1025. This money goes to the highway commission and is used in the construction of state roads. The gasoline tax during 1021 totalled $6,080,046.08, which is $1,550,008,01 more than the amount collected from this source in 1024 n "Sixes" ? and YVorl O X "6" C< "Sixes." The trend is more i ever. Hudson-Essex are S "Sixes." And today they lt, iiiivi 111 i{u4iiij . );ic { A6^ %ZJT : il|l \o?j I ' v.n ? ?) SM ?0?i-; ^ ../a.- | when thn collections totalled $4,529.048.07. License collections in 1025 we:c $o. i 11J7.0L', as against $4,753.029.2*:. Title registration fvr tot died >144,170.85 in 1925 as ngaintd $113,589.24 in 1921. GET RID OF 1 HAT BACKACHE! Murphy Pc-o-Ie Are Finding The Way Ti c c? n?>t;?nt f a bid back. The wear-net e tiied fe< lia*; Hv'.Jache. .r.cv nervousness. 1 lire-in;* nr. r\ disorders? Arc often .dpns of failing kidneys And .?o serious to be neglected. Get rid of the.-c troubles! I so Doan Pii! ?a unulant diuretic to the kidneys. Hosts of people Tceommend Doan's. This i- .. typical care. * '' '?'???. Sa Central Ave., Ashevillc. ,\. wyS: "My back was ..,1c and i;' I bent. 1 couldn't trot P uitir.ut Jlorninjrs. I . all dout led up with pain. 1 took differed remedies without relief After using flonn' Pills, mv ba. k ' ter mined n.c ,.t all. Seven Years latter. Mis. Williams sail: "noun's put my kidney, in toed rde. and 1 am seldom troubled now." 60. , at all denle: s. Kiister-M-lbum Co., Jlfrs., Lruffalo, \ ^ I The Lyceum panther for neat ; Tuesday niftht is "Lockhart and hi. Scotch Lassies," whielt is a very pop. J u'ar number. The local coinmitlee Ianaucre? that the ti.kets have been reduced to 50c for this numhr in the (hope that a larjrc crowd will ye I to hear thcni. iir List Your Property For Sale With W.fl.BRYSOH Id's Largest .Sellers c r\ A X TT !765 Hudson Coach M165 Hudson Brougham *1450 Hudson7-Pass. Sedan *1650 Freight mnd T*? Ejetrm /m \ * J Fir at u lanes ^ Dealer v f.