PACE SIX I elept?? #41110 DOOOOOOOO?C *00 0 0DO 00 ? Special Monday and Tuesday, at Bonita Theatre. Murphy, N. C., **The Sea Hawk," A Frank Lloyd production of Rafael Sabatini's romantic se~ drama, with Milton Sills and an all star caat. Show starts at 7 P. M. Admission 25 and 60 eents. "The Sea Hawk" lives as epic of the screen. . Lou Belle. the littie daughter of SI eriff and Mrs. B. B. Morrow is Very sick this week. CABBAGE PLANTS?Will have some first of rert wc-ek. Get yours. Sid Penaley, City. (lt-s). Attorney J. P. Randolph, of Brvson City, was here on Business this week. WANTED?Fat beef cattle and iresh pork >ee t nsp & i*ui:cy. Murphy, N. C., Next to K. M. Fain'* Mills. < lt-Ctt>G) IIr. Sibhald Smith, of Whittier, N. C., district forest warden and agent in charge of the U. S. Indian lands f the Eastern Bond of Cherokees. was here several days this week in the iaterest of a number of person* Maiming the right to enroll in the Eastern Btuid. Mr. G. W McClure. of Unska, left tfcis week for Gastor.ia, wheee he expects to make his heme. Attorney G. L. Jones, of Asheville, P. M. Burdette, and W. C. Hendricts. formerly publisher and managing editor of the Asheville Times, respectively, were in attendance upoa superior court here last week. FOR SALE?One lot adjoining Mrs. T. J. Lloyd's across Hiawassee River. ?ec Mr-. G. D. Leitford, City. wi ftoi A tr-lV v ) Personal | one 20 .'?lr Leon Hov.-ell, who did relief work at the local office f the L. & X. Railroad, is in town for a sko.t visit. The Ladies Missiona-y Society of the Methodist Church will hold a silver tea in the social rooms of the church Monday evening in stead of ( in the afternoon, as stated in laat week's Scout. Rehearsals will begin : ext week on the famous play. "Leg o' My Heart," It will be given sometime in March by local amateur players. It wiil be remembered that this t lav was on the professional stage, and it was only recently that the play has been let to amateur players. The proceeds will go to- the benefit af the school. VIr?. J. H. McCall entertained the ladies Missionary Society of the . Methodist Church at her home Wed ! nesday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Storey ar.d Mrs. Ed Hyatt are on the sick list. Mr. Schuyler Gentry of Grandview. attended Superior Court and wie with his brother. Mr. I.uther Gentry, in | East Murphy. Mr. Bose Fain arrived lsst week | from Ada, Okla., for a visit with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phstip will spend the week-end in Atlanta. Last Friday evening Mis.- Elizabeth \beroathy entertained an informal dancing party at the home of Mrs. Fred Johnson in Ea.-t Murphy. Mr. John Fatton, who is teaching in the high school at Robbirtsville. spent the week-end in town. Friday evening Miss Eva Nell Mauney was hostess to a small informal party. Bridge and dancing were enjoyed by Misses Ann Wilson Nannie Dixon and Messrs. Ed. 5tud3tiii, John Brit tain. and Berry of Etowah. Mr. Will Stiles, of Lctitia, was in town Tuesday. I Miss Elizabeth Ford left Saturday ! for Asheville where she will reside. It is with deep regret that Murphy gives her up, as she has a charm all her own, which wins and holds friends. , , , CABBAGE PLANTS?Will have some first of next week. Get yours. Si J Pendley, City. (lt-s). Messrs. C. A. and Robert Brown, | of Andrews, are at the bedside of | Mrs. C. A. Biown at the MJUrphy Hospital. , "Scaramouche," a picture play adapt, d from the history of the French devolution, will he shown at the Bonita Theatre on the afternoon and evening of February 12th. The censors declare this to he a picture classic. Mrs. L. P Kinsey's Sunday School Class was instrumental in having this picture shown hero, anc ; it deserves a good patronage as the proceeds will be Used for a g?A cause. Tuesday evening Mr<. E. B I Norvell entertained at a si* o'clockdinner. Mrs. Norvell was assisted in i entertaining by Mrs Don Wither spoon. The guests included Judge Walter D. Siler, of Pittsboro, Judge ! W. M. Axley, Hon. F. O. Christo' pher. Col. Don Witherspoon of Muri phy and Col, R. L. Phillips, of | Robbinsville. Penetrates Through the Skin Gear to the Bone Liniment Called Mexican Mustang has Strange Power A lame back, a ttmlaod raaacie or Mklag jotnta will atop pair.lag and beooaw imber and enteral If you win apply BKto efthat okl-faatrtoeed Unlaw u? Icnowm ? Mexican Must*a* Rroeet** tsd otter authorities ??r*e tJiat ha grewi power to relic re paia la dtaa to Ite maxltal i.nvirattu* art lew?h gam iMftmafc Cta lutec lay-re of Che tfcfa buntW or a trace of btou-r. rlelit to the tore not It hi not lib* the amortiwf. etree* 'jurcioe mixture* ??ielj lheri aa But Unimeet-H street mc ..ttjsxukm a tpiJaahB aomody U have In the fterro at all An droit ;ut% io*d wooifAiaer* eotl MWttfil LioJ . eflMeretiftnMjlM. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. The yo'ii ir ladies and matron* ; M s. I- P. Kinsey's Bible class enjoyed a c:al as her guests at the Hot- : ^al on Saturday afternoon Raymond Harris and Miss Martha K Smith rendered delightful music w.' J piano ard violin, fruit punch cake were served by Mr?. Calli-"- H and Mrs. E. B. Norvell. The member of the ciass are: 1 Axley, Henry Akin, John V. Brittain j Z. V. Brown, Thelma Carringcr. A I S. Ciark, Fred Dickey, Robert:; 'Dickey. Gertrude Dickey. Jam 'Franklin, R W. Grav, Ca'lie Ilu | J. H. Hampton, C. K. Hoover. Virgil Johnson, T. J. M-u-.ey, Richard I Meroney. Laura Christopher. J. II I'haup, Paul Sneed, Dave Townson R. L. Shriver; Mioses Ada Harsiia'v. Carcie Ferguson, Luceba Triplet: Martha Smith, Elizabeth Smith Blanche Howard. Carrie Brittain. Kv: Nell Mauney, Nannie Dickso . M:t> Nell Hill, Kathryn Thompson. Eliza beth Gentry. Emily Sword* i-'l r.J Stephens, Martha Candler, Elktabetl, BVittain and Katherine Penlar.d. v?u v oiuny me insurance v onipan; of Chicago. Illinois, offers agents a hitler field and increased opportunity by writing man, woman and child from ditto of birth to ape 60 t.n the annual, semi-annual or quarterly( premium plan, for amounts going up to $5,000 as regards children, whi ?* for adult* the limit is $30,000. Tl.. Company will give a very LLc, al coii:mission contract (direct with Home Office) to a good personal produ- e. <2t-pd.) ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce that I will not be a candidate for re-uomination for Judge of tbe Superior Court of the Twentieth Judicial District. I da si re to express my great appreciation of the honor that the people of this District have conferred upon me in the past. T. D. BRYSON LETTER TO SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS With the coming of spiing. the I Sunday Schools of our county will I naturally lock to the township officers of the County Ssr.duy School | Association to plan a Conference to ! discus# plans of Sunday School work, j These officers in five of our town | snips acquitted themselves so well ; in the Conventions last wuli that we (look forward confidently expecting great meetings in each township this I spring. Only live townships meetj ings were held. I Clay County last spring in one of | her township institutes gave a de; moastration of what can be done through cooperation. They held Sunday school (All schools cooperating) in the public school building. Instead of scattering to their various churches at 11 A. M., a church service was held in the school building. Dr Sharp of Young Harris being select| ed to deliver the sermon. The Township Presidents of Cherokee are: J. B. Hall, Marble; R. L. Keenum, Suit; J. H. Chastain, Culberson; Jack Shackleford, I'naka; J. j W. Hatchett, Bell View; B. W. Sip?. { Murphy. | For further information concernling the Association write Miss Ruth Hatchett, Secretary, Murphy, N. C (Bell View) ERNEST G.CLARY, County President. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS la often caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect heaving. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced, your hearing amy be destroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for U?rid year system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been soeeessful in the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Tear*. Sold by an druggists. F. J. Cheney A C\> . Toledo. O. E. P. HAWKINS, of Murphy, N. C., will pay $15.00 per cord for Dogwood delivered to mill at Mar. phy, eut to the following: specifications: AI wood must be full 4 nchcn in diameter at small end. .;ust be white and sound. Larger rood, which may be bollow or red carted, must have 2 inches of white ^und wood around said hollow 01 defective heart. Lengths from IB to 96 inches. Positively cannot use wood under 4 inches in diameter under hark. Grape viae or wood tht i has heem injured hy hird pecks not wanted. E. P. Hawkins, Murphy. N. C. (22-?t-pd) CASTORIA For la fasts and Children In Um For Over 30 Years Alwaye bnnrv ^ Signage o( MURPHY. N. C. P 7? E?(5 14?15 lijiiij i \ w Ut4T7? jO jl.'' !'// 1 1Z_ pq * IP JTW | zif zi ziizj MI '? # = _J dill I IF! a. ins. wtittn > Horizontal 1?Oroata i?Shovel of tool* Sot* of Mala ti:t?L'nJ?r 15- Printing niaa.igra If?-Of ag* ll^ttn abbr.) 3??lake :9- Phy?-?an 'abi-r i ;i?.N'umkrr of y ?r? BlHt or or?lnir--? ?t?A full suit of armor H-UaKn a no!?* Ilka raindrop# i? Pr rlod cf tlm* 'abbr ? ja?A noil-or parlod of lima it?That '.8 ?abbr.) 34?Rt>4*nt -3?<-onJunctto? 35- Pursy 2 7?Sick St?Part of "ta ka" 41?Limb 43?Thia r^raon 44- Bora 9? a flrrarrn 47 a modal of p*rf?c?lot? 5t- Blackbird of tba cui-Uo# family ? praft* meaning on thla 8lda of (2 ? PitBtiox n;M?ur? t4 ? Indefinite artl. 1* IS?Exclamation of h?a1tatloa it?1 .and maaauro 67 ?Source of light ??- Half an ?? 4 3 ? Sii.-n? a? 14 horltontal 12 ?fo for. a opan IS -ro?i*<1. with flna dirt 4?A aonglltaa poem SalalUa will apt What the advocates of modification, of the Volstead Act want would at least be a drop in the bucket. I It appears to be a case of the lower, the pressure of the tlic. the greater the pressure of the cost. I Febi CONTINUES WITH PLACED ON SALE ] New Spring Dresses, i Crep 100 Ladies' Houi Dresses, Beautifal 1 terns, Exart Soeei | 49c Beautiful set of mens cuff buttons given free $ 1.06 and up shirt Only one sit to custom' Boys 2.50 & $3.50 wc Close opt Candler's ' 1 111; f PI Tf~ a rnpr iili _ : IbT 27 ' SM * 55 C I W 31 p7 ST] ' iHifH ffi !; fJALUU ... . I 47 40 i9 et "- j: " 1" : C*1. I**] I Ml ;?wsp*i>?r I'nloa) Vertical 1?Projection on a flak 2?Preposition 4?Kind of a rlna 6?Toe (Biblical) | t I?Thus T ?A h> ! , I?To act > I ?To finish It?Water sprite 14?To obliterate 14 -Past time 11?Occupied a hair 20 ? Indefinite artlole It -Tou and I i 24?I^knd measure 25?Still I !C-Oooklcg dlah 2:?Uhode Island (abbf.) 12?Collection of Inforaatlea >4?Ntifht bird. reputed to ba wtee 15?Council for a Kovernaeat II?Bailor I??Utile derll II?Theft SI?Land meaauree 41?Mother 42?Mtaeourl rsbbr.) 43?An entrance 45?Note of scale 4??flirt's name 4|?Atmosphere 41?tlraodson islt-r.) S3?Mixture of dirt and wate* SI?Part of a circle SI?tireek letter II?New fork sbbr.) II?Poy'e name II?Jumbled typa. peaT la aest let a*. The President doesn't have a vote on a bill but he can take the letters of the vrord and wield a wicked veto. The Administration is at least fearless in appointing Col. B. Frank | Cheatham as Quartcrmastet-General , . r ?i._ . ui me nraif. Candler's ruary : MANY WONDERFUL EACH DAY.^fe^:, Coats and Millinery, Drei ies Arriving By Every Ti 36 in. Brown she only 10 yards tc !8c Dress Gingha quality yard 60c 9-4 Pepperel yard 50 Wool Dresses Close out 50 prs. womens S up to $8.50 ^ 50 Womens & Gil pat_ 75c values ^ Mens $1.25 Hats 125 Mens Blue D collar and . All womens : with every Dresses to c purchased, price. er FEEE 50 airs Men >ol sweaters black and t !9c $8.50, clos Departme MURPHY, N. C. HP AY FEBRUARY 12, I3H. H Deaths from automobile accid?^ H n North Carolina in 1920 numbered H 33. In 1924 the number was 328. I This represents an increase from 5.2 H er 100,000 population to 12.0. H ate of increase ia greater than f?r H hat of the death registration are* I .f the United States, vurapriei^ I hirty-nine states, since the inrea* R n the latter is from 10.4 per 100r R >00 population to 15.7. R According to press reports, com- I tletion of roads not under constiuc. I ion or contracta will bring the total R nileage in North Carolina to 5.246.58 V ailes. The cost will be $96,860,464. R tojecu which will be let to contr*. ors and which will probably be con. Meted this year will however pud he toUl sura expended in Nortk ?arolina for state owned roads to nore than one hundred million dot ars. A small percentage of this noney represents federal aid Leave your footprints on the sao* >f time, but be careful whers yet eave your finger-prints. Wives read the fashion notes sad heir husbands pay them. LOOK HERE! If you want a farm, town prop, arty, or Building Iota WE HAVE THEM Call ?a or writ* u* W. A. BRYSON Roal Estate ' I Sale 1 BARGAINS BEING H u Goods, Silks, and H rain II eting Best LL grade H > customer, yd .... 11c H ms 32 in. wide good I 1 sheeting unbleached I 49c I values up to $10.00 I .....$3.48 I hoes& Oxfords values I $1.98 I Is Cloth Hats & Tams I 89c enim overalls 59c Winter Coats ar.d dose out at your own II s Shoes and Oxfords, ans, value up to e out $2.98 snt Store