FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 19. I?2? r 1 THE FEATI I AND Fl -t V CWCkE CLAY FARMERS ASK. QUESTIONS (Continued from pat* I) them n':i the year?" "I want to bui'd a ch:i 1.1.use and net me about five i' w-." Now f.>r the agent's answers: "Yes. we want to have a demonstration orchard and a fruit school over hire, who you reckon would care for his orchard ever here, and really tsiness, and wont quit? We don't int to start with a fellow and him quit, we want you fellows to i let's do some real orchard work. There is big money in it if you will .1 it right. It you fellows don't mean business, really mean to ?tick_ and carry out the very best orchard pnuti> you had better leave it alor.e. It will cost you mone. if you begin and then quit. *N'.i-.v about th:s chicken business Yes 1 am working on an order of chickens, during the last of March and Xpril. As to whether you can make money with chickens lotted; well, let's figure it out. It takes 55 lb >. of feed to feed a hen one year, and it will cost you on an average 3c per It>, or $1.65 per year t > feed a hen. A good Leghorn hen will lay 12 dozen eggs a year. You ought to average for fresh yard eggs (infertile.) at least -JOc per dozen the year round, especially when you cause your hen to produce heavy during October, November, December And January, when eggs are high. Mr. Will Winchester is receiving 40c per dozen for eggs in Afheville now, and this is the low season, from now to June. Now there are three things you will have to do: first, get good stock and keep them up; second, build a good warm comfortable house, and learn a balanced ration for chickens and give it to them every day in the year. I ows, hops, and cnicneiis po io-j pether. When you learn to handle CHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND ftp! LA DISS \ -r A?k y?r DnnM for CHI-CKHS-TBR 9 A DIAMOND BRAND FILLS in R?:d *n4//\ Cold metallic boxes, sealed with BluKO) Ribbon. Taei ko othks. Bar ' 7?? V/ and uk far fUIXHCS-MlS * DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twents-flsO jeers rerardrd as Best.Safeet. Always Reliable. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE j~?KTI? C^rl?\Vi big. ever ^ i fjf i car I Many of our orders artl iow | shipped the same day j ... I thfif art received ? | wlU 23 m?r - j/h*towi?? day? to h 12 4-HOUK-&KVICE Fiftl jvmaur ?h fo. JLt/r auto farm more productive; and, i be much greater. Satisfactioi totners?there are many in y fdtmct?the Key to Safe Buyit Write foe your catalog today! A i and foslpmuL Act Nam! THE CHARLES Wll 970 Store* BoOSttm lfymtrnmm tU iwwVall P??cr S msEsmsm -1ERHEADS -f Jn . 4 & 'ft J ^vl I . : BOILING SPRINGS | Feb. ? ".?Our Sunday school s progressing very nuely. Everybody is invited to come and take part. Wake up. farmers. ;t is cominj* sprit g time. Get your crops ready. Mr. A. J. Hass ?nd sons made a business trip to the mountains Sat uruuy. Mr?. S. F. Abernathy ha? b? en very ill for the past few days. Miss Hazel Abernathy and Miss Beatrice Davis were guests of Miss Then Davis Sunday. Robert Freeman, of Andrews, was a Boiling Springs visitor at S. F. Abernathy's Sur.dax. We are just wonderirg what has become of Owl Creek? We were surprised when the big snow came this week. PEACHTREE Mrs. H. B. Elliott was called to Blue Ridge, Ga.. Wednesday on account of the illness of her little niece Dorothy Lloyd. Mesrs. Blaine and Reuben Carringer and Bob Roberts, of Robbinsville spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. Audc Sudderth, of Spartanburp, S. C., is spending a few days with home folks. Miss Minnie Ferguson, who has been teaching at Postell, is at hopie new. Misses Maude and Nellie Hendrix entertained a number of friends with a singing Thursday night. Mis. Rose Mae Adams, of Gastonia, Is spending a few weeks with het parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wilson. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Brackens February 3,a girl which has been given the name of Julia Aline. them as a combination, they will make you. money." IHam Stores New "York City toc Confidence The key to safe buying 2,000,000 families haveconfidence that they will save k money when they buy from ^ TheCharlesWilliamStores. They know that from their catalog they can choose whatthey need for themselves,their or their farm, at remarkably prices ? confident that they get dependable quality and e than their money's worth. i, too, have this same opporty to save ? this same opporty for you and for your family e stylishly dressed in the latest 1 Avenue styles; for your home ?e made more beautiful; your mobile more enjoyable; your above all, for your savings to a is guaranteed. Ask our cusour community. That is Con'* catalog will b? acne at once FREE LL1AM STORES. Inc. New York City Beefc, atk for Cot* I of No. 6 K^7lfW5ffWR?rCTT755T?3W# THE CHEROKEE SCOUT, M! ?E ISN'T a ) f GlVE IT RACK, At OF MEAT *vA SEE IF I CAN Q "WIS DRUM i TOU ANOTHER, y } ^7^ Mr. and M s. Cob Rob *; = were t called to Tennessee Sun : on ac count of the deith of his f the . ! r?frs. Woody Raxter and children . of Andrews are visiting her parents j Mr. and Mrs. W. I!. Sudderth. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Simonds, o. Periimmon Creek, visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crisp over the week-end. Mr. Judson Davis and son. Grady left Monday for Miami, Fla. I Mr. Paul Moore. of Hayesville was a visitor here Saturday nieV< j and Sunday. | Misses Mr.c and Meb Sudderth en tertained a number of friend": wit I : Valentine party Saturday evenini i February 13. After much merri ment, deiicicus fruits were served | Mrs. Walter Coker is vfe'tivp he j parents at Hiawassee. Ga.. this week I Mr. r.hd Mrs. Pat Woodard. Mr? j J. N. Conley and Misses Claude am j Alha Louise Sudderth motored t' Andrews Monday. Mrs. R. I.. Donley has been sici for several flays but is improving. Miss Fannie Fisher of Andrew spent last week-end with her sistei Mrs. Pat Woodard. Mr. A. E. Sudderth celcbartcd h: 71st birthday anniversary Sunday February 7. Those who enjoye the day and sumptuous dinner wer Mr. and Mis. Henry Sudderth. M ;ind Mrs. J. N. Conley. Mr. L. C Wright, Mr. J. D. Parker and Mi and Mrs. W. H. Sudderth. Mr. Frank Watkins is spending few days in Tampa, Fla. 1 LLL Mr. Boon Beaver is on this sick li: this week. Mis. R. I.. Pee pies and childrc returned to her home at Ducktow Tenn. Sunday, after a two weel visit with her parents at I'ostcll. Mr. and Mis. Jim Docker.v an children arrived front Oastnnia la: week und are visiting Mrs I Dockery's parents Mr. and Mrs. S. . Stiles ?tt Postell. Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen spei Sunday night with their daughte Mrs. Robert Peeplcs at Ducktow Fred, the little son of Mr. an Mrs. Jint Swanson was on the s.i list last week. Mrs Jane Mason spent Sund? with her daughter Mrs. Josie Swai son. Miss Emma Jones front up-pc Shoal Creek was a visitor at Maso I.edfords Saturday. Messrs. Tonk Jones and J?>h Bi indie front Upper Shoal Crec made a business trip to Ducktow Monday. Mrs. Jane Mason Spent Sunda night at the home of her Krothei S. Y. Allen. Mr. Jim Swanson made a busines trip to Ranker Saturday. Mr. John Mason is Still on th< sick list at this writing:. Mr. Hedden Stiles and Miss Edit! Jones were Married Sunday, w Join their many friends in wishint them a longf and happy life to grether they will make their honn with Mr. Stiles parents, Mr. and Mi S. A. Stiles at Postell for the sum mer. Mr. Birt Mason who has beci working: at HenderscJiville, N. C. fo sometime, returned to his home lasi week. JRPIIY. > . By L. F. V*n Z?!n 1' I'LL THERE ISN'T A BIT \ ET OF HEAT ON THIS J ?7 ON EITHER y? t ' Mr. and Mr?. Worlev Montgomery i - and children from Flax Creek were! visitor? of Rev. and Mrs. A. S. t Stiles Sunday. , Mr. Walter Elrod from Pucktown was a visitor on Shoal Creek Satur; day night. Mr. John Swanson visited relative? . at Ducktown last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ciate Stiles and two children. Fav an.J Rnv tW...: . uncle, S. A. Stiles and family Sun' day. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Johnson and '. daughter Onabee, from Wehutty t visited Mrs. Johrsons Brothers, on Shoal Creek Sunday. Mr. Polph Harris and family - from Ducktown passed through our h section Sunday on their way to sec ir their niece, Mrs. Nort Johnson at i- Flax Creek who is seriously ill. LETTERS Feb. 12. 1020, Akron, Ohio. The Cherokee Scout: > Pear Sir: I received one of your papers from my father yesterday and net iced a few lines about Akron, ^ Ohio, which said that anyone who ; wanted to make l?ig money to come to Akron. It was signed by some 5 one here. 1 know that anyone can ', make good money here when they ' can get work in the rubber shops, but 1 have been here already fiwe * weeks and haven't got any work, and '" not any show for any soon. Some ' of the rubber shops are only running e i three and four days a week and 1 '/j think it would be too bad for the ' people in Cherokee County to pay , the railroad fare up here and have ; to return home without work. I 01 know some of the boys there who ; were up here and went back some | time afro and work is very little "j better here now. It will be some I: two or three weeks yet before work Ijwil be frood enouph to advise any body to come to Akron for work and ^' if they are not an experienced hand in the rubber shop then they had better have railroad fare to pel back home on or po somewhere else (and pet work. I have had eipht i months experience in the shops now Em HUE We Discont ' and Annsu Effective Febj ,y Freight, War Added for He Remember tl the r The Frict n All Cars A Bumper Front i n \r: kji: v icw mirror . . MotoMud; CI Bi 1 s< Essex 's Convenient < E. P. h i r i Hudson it World'* Large " And You're S ^'ELL, R)l ( AIN'T YOU r ifMtolN y and can't stet work anywhere. > The laborers at the Goodyear ^ shop have been trying to get better 1 : rates on their piece work but the i ! company turned them down. ! < ?R. B. L. I' j h "CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS J Editor Scout: 1? The streets of our town are in I an awful state of uncle.tnliness. They ! are littered from one end to the j; other, which presents a very bad appearance to citizens an i visitors | alike, as well as being a menace to'1 good health. Cleanliness, like Chat ity, begins at home. CITIZEN WHAT IT MEANS WHEN WE PATRONIZE BOOTLEGGFRS The first thing to think about is personal influence. All of us have influence. Even the pool est and most ignorant man has it. There is the influence of example, of fash('on, of custom. Let a man or hoy find that you drink and Neighbor ( }A drinks and Neighbor B drinks and j Neighbor C, and he decider that drinking is the normal thing. Let a man or hov find that you refuse to drink and it sets him wondering if he should not retusc also. There are those who drink sind those who do not. You have one vote to cast, one man's influence to throw in the . balance, for one side or the other. _ Which side deserves it most ? j Then there is the influence of financial patronage or support. This ; | is always important. Not a bootlegger would bo in business today if somebody didn't make it to his financial interest to do so. Every time you order a quart of whiskey, j ??? mi:iipui, nil1, encourage-I ment, stimulation to the bootlegging business. And what is the bootlegging bus-{ in ess doing? It is such young men as the one found dead in his I car yesterday morning. No doubt I he was ones the pride of a fond : I farm mother, but today they are. burying his body and her hopes in a disgrace that not even death can > dignify. Nor are even giils exempt. : On our table is a letter from a man :in another state asking where a iportant Price Policy ISON-ES anise F. O. B. Fa nee "At-Yoiip-E uary 15, These Cars Will Be I Tax and Equipment. No ( indling. There Will Be Nothi liese are NOT F. O. B. Facl DELIVERED Prices at Your 1 i Ypu Pay to D re Complete 101th the tollowm ind Rear . . . Electric Windshield . Transmission Lock (Built In) . . . Meter . . . Combination Stop and T son Supe )ACH - - - s13 roughana - - it (dan - - - if Six Coac and Easy Purchase Terms For Th IAWKINS, ?* St Builder of ' 'Sixes " and Third Li \CE FIVE Supposed to Use It R Mke/ J sor /Any N^ our.g girl who has brought shame itler family and blighted all her future an be sent?and no doubt in tbr fast majority of such cases it is is*, iethronement of reason and prudence 'taking a drink" that starts lb* tragedy. These are. of course extreme siv stances. L'at all of u- can think e-f other boys i-uch one we recall at this moment a lovable , winning fellow with fine qualities of ir.icd ;ind heart \v]:.j -hould by now have bad a distinguished career and tbe happiness of a home, but drinking has defeated aii the high hopes of his family and hi: friends. And all of us can think of women such as one we recall now? of fine family and fine character, but whose life is a tragedy because of what whiskey has doi.e to the man she trusted. Every time we patronize the bootlegging business, we help supportnurture, strengthen and protect and institution that is even now preparing to take some boy?maybe your boy or your neighbor's boy?ont carry him to such a death as th* poor fellow who died in his car yesterday morning. Every time yon buy a quart of wh skey you throw your influence and your support tc an institution which is destined te take some girl?maybe your girl 01 maybe some neighbor's girl?and make her life a tragedy for her and a heartbreak for her parents.?The Progressive Farmer. it w r? how uoctors treat Colds ar.d the Fhi To break up a c id cvernlgV."! ot to cut short an attack of grippe, influenza, sore throat or tonsillitis, physicians and druggists are now recommending Caiotaus, the purified ssJ refined calomel compound tablet gives you the effects of calomel and salts combined, without the unpleasant effects of either. One or two Cuiotabs at bed-time with a swallow o%prster,?that's all. No salts, no nausea rir the slightest interference with yovr outing, work or pleasure. Next morning your cold has vanished, your system is thoroughly purified and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Eat what you please,?no danger. fiet a family package, containing frill directions, only 35 cents. At any drug store. (adv) for >SEX ictcry Prices Joor" Prices 'riced to Include Charge Will Se ing Else to Pay. torv Prices, but DOOR rive Away g Equipment: Cleaner . . . Rear Radiaior Shutters 'ail Light r-Six 17? >30 h $920 ose Who Desire . irgest Builder of Motor Cart

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