22^5 , ? | J~.ocai am y Iflppliint tea M: - tiia Lov.n^ d of Grandview and Mr. Frank Grant >f Andrews " vr*re ? ..Tried y Rev. T. L Sn- c * ii his coir.e Thursday a.: rnoon. Mr. Mrs. Grant will .. .ke ..ic.r : borne in Andrews. ?3 WAN FED?? > .count ; Mr* Nettie Dickey. w Mr. A. K. Dickey shipped ;4 1 . e " out f Mvr, hy f: this week. w Mr. A. G. Lir.tr.icom, who has Fi been su: enntendent of production of the Valley Kr.tr Furniture Co., H for the past ten year- left t-e first of this week for T o a. Ga., to tuke charge of a furniture mar.u- t factoring establishment : ere. M-. Lnthicum has many friend* here vi who wil! learn with regret that he leaves Murphy. His family expects to leave soon. R, to Wanted the issue* of the "Liberty** magazine of the following dates: January 16. 23. and 30. Leave at The Scout office. r; FOR SALE?I have some fine farms. a: small and large, in different sections. good terms; also houses and t lota of lots. John H. Hall. < lt-pd Mr. Bryan Martin will leave next ;.} week to accept a position in the t bookkeeping department of one of m\ the leading banks of Asheville. Mr. Martin' many friends in Murphy will r< gret that he is leaving, but f wish him well in his new position. n Mr. J. G. Greene left Tuesday for Tate, Ga. in response to a message stating that his brother had been in- j0 jured and was in a critical condi? tion. I Soon Felt I n Improvement 1 ;; f| "The first time I took 8 fr 39 bad war." says Mrs. Ora Car* |l llle. R. F. D 5. Troup, Texas "I went fishing one day. A ;s to In health. T weak and jS puny and I began to suffer. I 3ff would get so I could hardly 2? walk. Having taken Cardui ? J* before, I sent to the store for f a bottle of It. Almost from the first dose I could feel an 5 improvement. ?j "Cardui has helped me a * lot and I am glad to roccrn* 5 ! mend It. I don't feel like ;j| ! the same woman I was last 1*11. My appetite is good 'g now, and I'm sure it's Cardui 9 that's made it pick up." fj^TTTT r ns^n niBiJlii13 i I SKY ] S We have just unload I ous SKY LINE of Roo H We now have the v 9 Shingles. New Desig I Always see us before I terials for we are I MANUFAC rso rial \ i f s-x-k-x-o-K-iiiri-i'v'W .i Ot-o: -i : >r.i hou: j J'. Y.r. li. } Wise, who i boo^.ng ager.: . . .e Redpath Company is at tht -1 Regal. Mr. Phil Lovin of C!ay County a; a visitor t town Wednesday. Mr. Charles Dickey was home om Young Harris College for the eekend. OR SALE?Rhode I-Ioni Red eggat $1.00 per setting. Mrs. J. Ii amptur.. Murphy, N. C. j M s. Tom Patton and little daigh r. E>?na. have returned f?om r. ' easant stay with relatives in Ashelle. After a visit with homefolks. Mrs. . E. Barclay returned Wednesday her home in CopierhiU. As the g.:?st of ftier.ds in Ashe-}1 It I ist week. M G. W. Cover I Andrews was the recij iei t of a, irr.'.er of - iaj c 'jrtesies. Sh-. ro attended the bc-refit bridee ?rty at Grove Park Inn at which ! ght hundred player- participated. Mr. Wal t Maur.ey. th" popular! ..'macist recently of Parker Drug rr.par.y h::> accepted a j o.-ition in sceviUe. ' I Mr. and M .1. N". Moody left ' uesday for a -it t Jud-on and 1 ryson. H . 1 DR SALE?House and lot in Eas., urphy on the highway. Good big r. a teal h -me and good terms. ha H. HaU. Ut-pdy Mr. I.. F. Mauney ha accented r? -iiion a- instructor of English the ichw 1 at Whittier. ;i Colony Life In>urance Company 1 of Chicag . Illinois, offers agents a ' der field and increased opportunity writing man. woman and child om date of birth to age 60 on the mual. semi-annual or quarteily emium plan, for amounts going up $5,000 as regards children, while1 r adults the limit is $30,000. The ( ompar.y will give a very liberal comission contract (direct with Home ffice) to a good personal producer. It-nd.? Stop Using Liniments that Only Burn iv*.. ! ana irritate 1 Mexican Mustang Liniment Penetrates to the Bone but Never Smarts or Blisters ;.ni r!.T. - % it i? I .... *s strong - "v:uS a' " *. n'V!-jv.ry r-.-r :: i u-Kt 1. ...uiaect, to b* ;o r-:r.: - n*i A . : U * i r t f. i;tr . ' ? >? * ?!? ?:k:. - iff- i r * : ; : I :J. J rh-. r - ! " - r or a . ,:r.e t*a. t \ .. ! -t.-- >!-*ic.*n >. -w>-r..T L!u'. s.: ?; . '* > " ! \ v. - rub "i r.iii -.v.; - i:r-^r icv. : ?.:a *:;.2uu* . n-r . . ' .'.--ria* E->-y ; ii- . maucica] r - v.-r V V- -.:t Mu"!%o* Lite LINE I ed a car of the fam- I fing. I ery latest in Asphalt Ij ns and New Colors. I buying building ma- I ,ES AHEAD " 1 :turing I any I Murphy, N. C. I THF CHr*70Kcn SCOUT ^P. S \! E?t - . T. I o-v in. V... . 1 |V S, Ic n H. Hail. (1 - ?i Little Miss Beatrix ! . - Ir- M Hijrh i .ol : mi . ? \a a "u-r:- i in Lstzi Murv .. M . ani Mrs. Bi.iiov >!. Vf- j for Ashe.ilie v';e;o t:- y nave position;-. Tuesday evening the 'A . mens Missionary Society ??; t? " Church enjoyed a Social r.-'.e*i the home of the president, H. j McCall. The reception re decorated with cut flower? cd plants with the Valenti... ies . carried out in the color sch . f red and white and hea: t s p*-<. favors and napkin.-. Papers *h? different Mary- in the Bible read by M A. M. Frttain. M H. Phauy. Mrs. \V. M. Axlc>. R. W. Gray. Mt?. E. P. II..:. j and Mrs. J. V. B ittain.. Mr- I. T. Mauney *ar.g a solo with j i?*.accompainmcnt by Mrs. Tom AxOld time Southern hospitality dispersed in serving the :ef -hments of fruit >-iad. wafers, akc and coffee. Mrs. MeCali was a--i t od in entertaining by Mi>> \.J: Harshaw. Mrs. E. B. Nor veil, an i ! Mrs. R. L. Matt x. C A B LAG E FLA N TS?Mil \ some first of next week. G yours. Sid Pendley. City. (It-:.' Postmaster A. B. Dickey is sp* ni ing a short vacation in Sa a> Fla. Mr. J. B. Clingman. a contractor of Raleigh. was in town the fir*t of the week on business. Mr. A. M. BVittain went to Atlanta Tuesday to consult a specialist. Mr Brittain has not been doing so w 'I c>f late. Coining! "Peg: O" My Meat Watch for the date. Ar. interesting program on Japan .vas presented in a unique way by the Baptist Women's Mission:.;;. Society at the Church Tuesday In \ An encouraging number was present. FOR SALE?One House in East Murphy. 6 rooms, with all conveniences electric lights, and well; One 4 room house ar.d lot; See Li W. Brittain. Murphy, X. C. (28-4t-b> On Wednesday, March 3rd, an ali day prayer service for Home Missions will le observed by the Bapti.-t Women's Missionary Society. I Mr. and Mr.-. T. L. Sasser were dime gue>ts of Mr. and Mr>. L. P. >ir.ith of Andrews Thursday evening Yi can't afford to Miss '"Peg O* j My Heart". I FORD TRUCK FOR SALE?Used Ford T??n Tiuck Will exchange' or Count y or Ci*v property. horse' ?r Mule stock. Take or pay differ r.ce. J-. I). Dickey Feed Co < 1 t-d ? Mrs. Maud Pott? was called to' V.lanta la-t Friday on account of he seriou> illness of her brother. I beg to announce that I have ecured the exclusive agency for the ell known and popular "Clows-!! Knit" Hosiery. Drop me a card and 1 samples wiil be submitted for your. inspection at your leisure. Mrs. C. j W. Sneed, Box 304, Murphy, N. C. (lt-pd.) Co! and M:s. J. N. Moody delightfully entertained at a six o'clock dinner at the Hotel Regal Sunday evening. having as their :uests Mr. and Mrs. John Sessoms. Mrs. Grace Masters of Andrews, and Dr. E. E. Smith, after which a pleasant, evening was enjoyed by all at the home of Col. and Mrs. Moody. Mr. Tom Johnson of Hot House was a business visitor here Wed resMiss Emily Sword is teaching in the public school at Porteidale, Ga. FOR SALE?Burt 90 day oats $4 00 per sack of 5 bushels. F. D. Dickey Feed Co. ilt-d) CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwayr bears ? Signature of . MURPHY. N. C. r- ,?, 1 r I r ; |||: sri?ps:~! "J T i fim jirl D-i ylKx rw Tljr 5F- ??R7W" " ~ a |? "Js* 36 TO ? l, i ., I,,,,.., ilib K r r."' J.; 6* V )i :?. 1 Hi Waataro Horizontal 1?To :.*>unt 5?Kntlr* ? - Roens labbr.) I 11?Also pr??pnnitiom : 2?Priiir-rs r ;n 14?'r?f,x rr.ear.lng before 24?Dnjf made from poppy aeede ' ?P- .ve r s to ua fi?To permit ;y?Fru.T of the oak tree it?J . r of a tree :* European pine tree 15?Headgear " t?I?r Sr a r .1"?Prep, sltlon ?.$?F!g pen 59?ln-F.i-i r. a?t of ha'r 41?Pertaining to a wail 42- A credit 4 5?Aeriform fluid t ?A ?r-ar 4 * F.r. countered 51? First 5??M hammedan noble i4?Former Russian ru er 2-?A si ping way in a fortification i*?Exact 11?Skyward 41?B y # n-vme C2?Lor.g period of time 3 ?>r.e CI?Wooden ahoe ? 5?Smells lolntlor will app< Resolutions Whexeas. < )r. Deccmbei i% 102" God in his infinite Wisdom saw fit to remove from our midst to the Celestial G:and Chapter above, our C mparion and P/olher I'. E. Nelson, who was a charter member of this chapter, and at the time of death, one ol the principal officerTherefotc, Be it resolved by Wesl Gate Chapter No 55. Royal Arc'* Masons. That while we bow ir humble submission to the will of tht Most High, we do not mourn the lesi for our companion, and Brother, wh< was so suddenly cut down by the All Devouring Scythe of Time. Resolved Further; That as a mar Companion Nelson, was honest, an< uprignt, .-\s a mason, ho was loya and attentive, and as a Husband ane Father, he was kind and affectionate Resolve Futher; That in the deatl of Companion Nelson, this chaptei of royal arch masons has lost a loyal and faithfull member, the Town a progressive citizen, and the Church a devoted follower, who was always ready to extend a help ng hand to the needy, and to sympathize with the distressed. Resolve further; That we sincerely, deeply, and affectionately sympathize with the family of our deceased Companion, in this their sad aftliction. and humbly point them for consolation, to Him, who doeth all things well; who is too wise to err. too good to be unkind", Resolved further; That we dedicate a page in our minute book, to the memory of our Companion Nelson, and that these resolutions be spread upon the same, and thai a copy duly attested, with the Chapter seal, be furnished to the family of Comnaninn WU/.n mu;. Feb. 13. 1926. W. S. GREEN J. B. STOREY A. L. MARTIN Committee. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the Resolutions passed by West Gate Chapter no 55. R. A. M. in Regular convocation Fsbruary 15. 1926. (Seal) W. S. GREEN. Secretary West Gate Chaptei No. 55. R. A. M. Murphy. N. C CATARRHAL DEAFNESS la often caused by an inflamed condition of the mucoua liain{ of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or tmperfed bearing. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be destroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will 1o what we claim for It?rid your system ef Catarrh or Deafness caused bj Catarrh HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has v.esn successful 4n the treatment ol Catarrh for over"Forty Tears. Sr.id hv u]'. F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo. O. ~ SUBSCRIBE NOW! n. ns ! i'^7A ^ , Tj^'A " biM ,sSii'B T^rrr^m #r\ 'ii; :$#? tc I ji s..ji,, ? is* liriVigr lllrl.,,,.,., dlliu ty r111 Newspaper Union.) Vertical 1?On?* of a autt f carCe declared I 2?Printing .ueasurn 3?111 t In a deaer*. 23?Affirmative 34?Manner 37?Bustle 4 .?Jewels 41?To deface 41?South American mammal 43 -Cac'.f'i homa 4 4?Beverage 43?Kind 47?Ampere (abbr.) 41?Century labbr ) ?0?To fasten, as laces performance of three perseai ?4?To take care of ?3?Skill r i?<"ry of a pigeon 6 ii?Father 13?Conjunction ;ar in aext Issue. s ' ! NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the provisions of Deed in Trust from A. W. Docker and wife to the undersigned Truste for John Killian, dated Sept. 25 1922. and registered in Cheruke County, N. C., Nov. 6, 1922 in Dee Book No. 74. page 24S, conveyinj the land herafter described t secure the payment of the two note Hoosier Kit Grey, ryes hi i i lU - rm h a&. >^nv=-=== FOR C. B. MUR1 FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 19. i92| H ~THE FOREST i'ROTECTlV? H ASSOCIATION ITS VALUE B CHEROKEE AND CUTB (Continued from p?|i 1) H realizing the importance of the wooi^B crop to her own welfare, agrees meet one-half the cost of this pn.H tettion, provided a large enough is combined to make an t-conomieiJ^B administration of the area. Pat^H men. and lookouts are given warden authority, and the state ft . HE est laws are enforced through tixH organization. j Tho ,"-J ???,? .uuuuwucrh, -rpreci?,^B ing that they have made their lir,^H from the forests, just as the fu.H mer make his living from the fiel^H is willing to meet a part of tltH expense necessary to assure the leiv9 ing of the forest in condition to I produce a good crop of timbetl While the Association is beitfH started by the State and larger had-1 owners, the small owners of property 9 within the Association area are invit-H ed and urged to join, and to addH the weight of their approval to the work of assuring a perpetual supply of wood in Cherokee and Clay consties. jjpj! Since the two county govcrnmeehH do not feel able to assist in the fa-9 est protection work, the individviH landowners are shouldering the and hope to be able to give suffldttB protection to perpetuate the wo?d^| supply. For though they will harvest the next growth of trettH; themselves they realize the neeesitf^B of wood, and intend to see that youth will have fuel and lumbc^f when he reaches manhood. therein mentic led, default harii(H been made in the payment of the UsH note for 250.00, dated Sep. 25. with interest from date, at 6 per ccot^Q per annum, and the holder of said^B note having applied to the under>^| signed to sell the land embraced ii^l said deed in trust, 1 will sell it^B public outcry at the Courthouse doot^l in Murphv, Cherokee County, C., on Monday, March 26, 1926*| at one o'clock, P. M? to the highed^^ bidder for cash the following '.und^B On the waters of Hanging Do^| Creek, in Dist. No. 5. Cherok?H C.r>Iinfi- V r /?? * on the East bank of the Pubi c toai 74 poles Northwest of the S. W. corner of the Levi Dockery Tract o( land and runs a North-Easterly direction 54 poles to a Spanish Oak (marked) on top of a ridge; the* , with the meanders of the ridge ? a stake in the Whit Dockery line; then with that line to a Pine corner, the N E comer of the Ltd j Dockery land; then S. 45 W. 160 a poles to a stake; then with the Le? y Dockery line S. 45 W 76 poles to tie e! beginning, containing 40 act* more or less. Reference to so 0 deed in trust is hereby made. This j February 18, 1926. ? | (28-4t-bofm) A. M. ASHE. Trust* ?J SUBSCRIBE NOW! chen Cabinet $39.75 y ? \ * 1 |K===afa . 3SLL1 ? J If "| Q 1 r?i JLJJ l SALE BY HILL >HY, N. C. ; .