- V* ir IT ISNT IN THE SCOUT irS BECAUSE WE DIDNT KNOW IT ?-? . The Official Organ of VOLUME XXXVTL No. 29. frank d. dickey i succumbed to appolexy Body of Prominen* Murphy Buiincu Man Laid To Rot In Sunset Cemetery Thursday Frank D. Dickey, prominent Murphy business man and well known throughout this entire section, died of appoplexy at his home in East Murphy early Wednesday morning. The news of the Death of Frank Dickey spread quickly and all Murphy and Cherokee County were sadened at his passing. Mr. Dickey suffered a stroke of nppoplexy about 10 o'clock Monday night, which resulted in paralysis of the right side. His condition was so critical that the family ana attending physician called in all the ville, and later Dr. W. T. Sautelle, a specialist, of Knoxville, were called in, and every effort was made to save hiB life without avail. The | cod came at 2 o'clock Wednesday morning. He oever regained consciousness. Mr. Dickey was 41 years old and had lived in Murphy all of his life. For several years he was assistant j cashier of the Bank of Murphy, and also cashier of the one-time First National Bank of Murphy. He served a number of years as postmaster, and was always prominently identified with the civic and business life of Murphy and Cherokee County. At the time of his death he was head of the wholesale and retail feed company which bears his name. Funeral services were conducted by Itev. T. L. Sasser Thursday morning from the Baptist Church in the presence of one of the largest assembly of friends ever gathered in j Murphy to pay a last tribute to a loved one. Interment was in Sunset cemetery. The following were active pall ; bearers: Jake Deweese, Willard Cooper, Garland Posey, Ed. Barnett. Tom Mauney, Toby Fain, Ed. Davis, ; and Paul Hyatt; and the following, were honorary pall bearers: L. E. Huyless, E. B. Norvell M. W. Bell. B. S. Parker, D. M. Birchfield, and D. Witherspoon; with C. B. Hill, it-ppl funeral director, in charge, Mr. Dickey is survived by his wife, | wllO was Miss Lelia Elliott, and four children: Nettie Houston, Frances; Virginia, and Tom; his mother, Mrs. Nettie Dickey; one sister, Mrs. Edythe Clarke, of Asheville; two brothers, A. F. and Fred Dickey, besides a host of relatives and friends. He was a member of one of the eldest and most prominent families in Western North Carolina* which family has played a large part in the social, political and business activities of this section. Frank was a man loved and honored by his friends?and they were numbered by his acquaintances?beAuse he knew| how to be a friend. The enormous i number of beautiful floral offerings,': and the large crowd that overflowed j the church building and filed pastj hi* bier with tear-dimmed eyes for a last glimpse ef their departed , friend and comrade, attested in no uncertain terms to the high esteem1 and love In whleh he was held. He "lived in a house by the side ' of the road" and was "a friend to man." klan parades monday night at hayesvillej KUmims Spoek From CauftkMM Steps Following 1 Parade j HayeerUle, Feb. It.?One of tho biggeet areata witneaaed by Hayes*?Ma aad Clay County is quite aqfaQa >u the parade aad pobBc peeking of the Kaighta of tlia Xa Kola Klaa bare laat night The Pan?a waa bald at eight o'clock, followed by public apeakin* front the court bouaa etapa. Saretal kaadnd people throaged tho ettpete to yritaaee the panda aod later fathered at tbe coartbouee for the peaking. Tbe apealien were lecel waa, aad "ore maaka. No introduction* wero wade. The epeakere propounded the prisclpiae of the order, whet it tend for. ate., and were wall ro?el?0d by the people. ^ mt Murphy and Cherokee | [ ] IIP* ' L if?wHikt mi U. S. LEADS IN MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION United Kingdom Leads In Motorcycles, With Cormsny Second | And U. S. Third Roscoe Marvel, president of the Appalachian Scenic Highway Association with North Carolina head- i quarteds at the Kenilworth Inn, i Biltmore, has just received from the Department of Commerce at Washington the following information, with request that it be passed along to members of the association and others who migh't be interested in keeping posted upon matters per- !' taining to the- automobile industry: The world motor vehicle registra-; 1 tion totaled 25,973,928 on January i 1, of which 19,999,436 or 87 per- ! cent were registered in the United ' States, according to Government,; statistics. The total includes pas- i senger cars, busses, trucks and < motor cycles, and represents an increase in registration of 10 per-, cent over 1924, when the total amounted to 2*2,700,344. The total number of cars registered in for- j eign countries was 5,974,492 !astfi year. [ World registration of passenger cars is reported as 20,799,151, of. which the United States accounts foi j 17,317 357, or 83 per cent. In 1924 passenger cars registration for the world amounted to 18,578,750. In no other country does the registration of motor vehicles exceed the fillion mark, except in the United Kingdom. In that country the total reported for 1925 is 1,474,573, the 'United Kingdom leads all other 'countries, including the United States, in the registration of motor cycles. Germany is second in the registration of motor cycles with a total of 216,630, and the United States third with 155,500. Account Tender Age, i This Lady Allowed ?% I W? lo Kiae rrce Transportation Companies are j sometimes called upon to preform I tasks not quite in their usual line, I but thejr usually succeed in oarry! ing out these duties with amazing promptitude. . On the L? 4 N. Railroad recently, while one of the passenger trains jwae en route from Etowah, Tenn., i to Cincinnati, Ohio, Conductor T. j H. Wells was informed that a woman up forward needed expert assistance. He quickly ascertained the trouble and ufben his train reached Engle[wood, Tenn., he called for Dr. Seay, [one of the Company's physicians who climbed aboard end a little later the train had ons more lady passenger who, however, was without a ticket, but was permitted to ride free on account of her tender age, she being only twenty mtvutes old. Cfjeto County, and the Leading _ MURPHY, NORTH CAROLIJ The Ground Hog I r - THE LOOKOUT IF SYSTEM FOREST FIRE DETECTION, By The*. W. Alexander, Diatrict Foreater. In the proposed forest protective area in Cherokee and Clay counties the lookout system of fire detection. will probably be used. This system S< appears more economical than the m straight patrol system because of the tli already established and equipped m lookout points on the Nantahala fc National Forest which command a fj; view of a large part of the associa-4 st tion area and can be easily connected m by telephone with either of the look-^ ih out points being considered. , Ti There aie two systems of for-!tr est protection used in this country' th at present?tower or lookout, and st patrol system. The tower pain is 0( usually depended on where there is' st a large area of totally uninhabited1 in land, in which the danger of careless a) or incendiary fires is not great and la it is necessary only to keep a watch 1 fr for the occasional fire. In areas of ^ high incendiary hazard the tower jn system is usually supplemented by patrol, which is intended to appre- fj hend the fire setter. A third system, es that of cutting fire lines is used in w Germany, Switzerland, and other countries where forest preservation p is fully recognized as a primary as necessity and comparatively heavy ex- fi pense for protection is justified. g, Lookout points must be connected el by telephone to each other, and to fi points in the valleys where "smoke chasers" or crew organizers receive d< the reports of fires and take charge la of the suppression crews. ' ^ Man-power under the tower bl system, consists of the lookout men tc and smoke chasers. The lookout gi man must be in his tower all dry y< periods, and during wet periods he T clears telephone lines, cleans out fj trails, and posts warnings and fire M notices. The smoke chasers usually C. organize road or trail building crew? bi and do improvement work during T the off fire seasons. I a Towers vary greatly in design m and material. Height of the tower ? depends on the surrounding topo- 01 graphy and (he height of the sur* rounding, tree growth which must be T overtopped. Some towers are built F of wood, cut from the surrounding P' hnt nf win th* t?n. tfc dcncy baa been to use the more 0 permanent steel towers, surmounted P4 be small wood house that- serves as hi observation room and living quarters F for the lookout man. Steel towers,1 of height* ranging np to 80 feet are t> in use in some sections of the country e* at present. The day of Unchecked forest fires ? is past. Forest protection has be-'w come a specialized business calling for ]0 planning and study. Forest fire de-'tc partments are, in many places asL] adequately manned, well equipped, jtt and efficient as are city fire depart-, fi i \hp& Newspaper in t? SA FRIDAY FEBRUARY 20. 19 .i. -V DO- V OOOO , <? irT orest Service Protects Game and Fish On Cherokee National Forest By Crawford Du Prse Since the Cherokee Natioanl I ftest was established the Forest I rrvice has been protecting the game. ltd fish and stocking streams on | lis area and now a great improve?*ot is noticeable. In 1925 twentytur streams were stocked with young sh on the Forest and fourteen reams will be stocked this year, ost of the fish being received from o r0iiaP.i r*?t cnneesee. Rainbow and speckled J out will be used because they irive better than bass in the reams of this section. About 100.-: )0 small fish are used every year in | ocklng the streams and after stockg, the streams are closed for severyears to allow the fish to grow to rge size. By protecting the woods om fire and by preventing the iwdust from sawmills from enterig the streams the Forest Service is steadily increased the game and sh situation on the Cherokee for-| it. Dynamiters are now prosecuted hereas people used to habitually mamite the streams with impunity, orest fires fill the streams with ihes after every rain but by a strict re protection and suppression pro-j am the Forest Service has nearly! iminated the loss of hundreds of. sh every year. Game on the Cherokee Forest has : >ubled in some respects during the st five years and now much good j >ort is available. There are foxes., ack bear, deer, Russian Wild Boar. [ trkeys, squirrels, rabbits and other ime on the Forest whereas five' jars ago very little game was seen, he Russian Wild Hogs escaped om the estate of George Gordon oore in Graham County, North arclina, right after they were rought to this country in 1910. j hese hogs have long hair and are, good deal larger than the usual ' ountain hog?their meat ia ex-j llent. Sixty wildcats were killed j a the Cherokee Forest in 1924 ad about the same number in 1925. i hese animals being predatory the orest Service officers kill them to rotect the other game. However iere are stHl several hundred left ver a thousand campers, local Bople end sportsmen enjoyed the anting and fishing on this National orest last year. To. prepetuate the native game of tie section the Cherokee Porept has itablished two game refuges in Continued ra page f) entft. Trucks, tools and pumps, okout towers, railway motor cars, lephone fystems and aeroplanes. 1 are now used in cutting down the emendous annual loss from forest >cout >l vVi-stc !ii N' DIXON STA i ES NUMBER Fibit IN N. C. HATCHER Chairman Fisheries Commission Urges Applications Be Filed At Once Following is a list of adult fi>h fingerlings, fry and eggs on hand a I the various State Hatcheries Fob. J 1st. according *n - February 10th by J. K. Dixon, chairman of the North Carolina Fisheries Commission Board. "What I would like to impress upon those who want fish for distribution in private or public lakes ponds or streams in the state," Mr. j Dixon stated in connection with the announcement, "is the importance of filing their applications at once and co-operating with the commis-i sion in making the distributions from | hatcheries to streams or lakes to j be stocked." The list fellows: "Morrison" Hatchery (Trout), Waynesville, N. C. Rainbow?fry .132,000 Rainbow?fingerlings or "Yearlings" (being held for brood stock 7,000 Rainbow?eggs from wild fish (to be donated by State of Michigan) 50,000! BVook?fry 457,500 Brook?fingerlings or "Yearlings" (held for brood stock....4,000 Brook?eggs (beginning to hatch) 396.000 Lake Trout?eggs 10,750 Total eggs, fry and fish....1,057,250, Boon Hatchery, Boon, N. C. (Trout but trying out two bass ponds) Rainbow?fry 42,114 Rainbow?eggs from wild fish (to be donated by state of Michigan) 50,000 Brook?fry 123,283 Brook?eggs 99,007 Black Bass?small-mouth, adults..73 Black Bass?large- mouth, adults (to b$ added this month) 1 75 Total eggs, fry and adult fish. 314,552 \ "Roaring Gap" Hatchery (Trout) , Doughton, N. C. Rainbow?adults 18 Brook?fingerlings 7,000 Brook?eggs (hatching) 516,835 Loch Leven Trout?eggs (hatching) 45,100 Gold fish?adults and fingerlings .14 Steel Head (to be furnished by U. S. Bureau sometime this spring 100,000; Total eggs and fish 668,967 "Pete Murphy" Hatchery (Bass. Trout) Marion, N. C. Large-Mouth Black Bassadult, brood stock 419 Blue Bream-adult, brood stock ...173 Steel Head (trout)-adult, brood stock 150 Rainbow trout?yearlings held for brood stock 500 Rainbow trout?fry 132,275 Lake Trout-eggs (hatching) ....37,644 Total 171,161 "Frank Stodman" Hatchery (Bass)! Fayetteville. N. C. Large-mouth Black Bassadults. brood stock 316 Blue Bream?adults, brood stock.. 130, Largemouth Black?adults i (another shipment expected this month) 150, Total 596 i It will be noted from the above* statements that we have on hand! at our trout hatcheries over two muuon eggs una iry, ana unless tne ; loss between now and time for j distribution to begin is much larger! than is normally expected, we should have for distribution this spring and ; summer quite a number of brook and rainbow trout, certainly a million and eight hundred thousand. The distribution from ouf two bass stations should net be less than five hundred thousand this season $nd in addition to the number that will be distributed from oar Stateowned and operated hatcheries, we have by cooperating with Fedtral Bureau arranged to get the whole out-put from the U. S. Hatchery located at Bdenton, N. C., for distribution in North Carolina waters, one-half of which distribution will be made in filling State* applications and the other half to fill applications made to the U. S. Bureau >e c* I'Ml *? KM* > ADVERTISE IN IT W I LJL MAKE i YOU RICH" 1 Carolina 5c COPY?$1.50 PER YEAR WARNS AGAINST A PROLONGED FUND DRIVE Great Smokies Campaign FacM Failure unless Cities Take Hold Knoxville, Tenn., Feb. 22 (Special) ?Col. David C. Chapman, Chairmarr' of the Board of the Great Smoky Mountains Conservation Association, at the beginning of the week sounded a note of warning about the cam puiK" 10 raise tfte purchase fund for the proposed national park. He said that optimism at this time is out of place, and that the campaign faces failure because the East Tennessee communities have not taken the campaign in earnest or done their part. He pointed out that the park bill cannot be presented in Congress until Tennessee and North Carolina have done their share, and that the national campaign cannot start till the bill is presented. If the bill does not go to Congress' at the present session he said, a year will be lost, and possibly the whole project defeated. W. P. Davis, president of the association, supported Col. Chapman in his views, stating that millions will accrue to the state through the acquisition of the park, and that every man, woman and child in East Tennessee will benefit materially as a result. Walter Harper, special correspondent of the Knoxville Journal, has al^> come into the matter: "The longer the drive is prolonged," he says, "the more difficult it is to put it over. The only method now remaining for success is for the people of every community to wake up instantly, give full consideration to the warning and put the drive over in one, two or three days". In addition, Paul M. Fink of Jonesboro, one of those who knows the great Smokies, begs the state from an aesthetic point of view not to permit destruction of the greatest scenic asset of the East. The campaign leaders are putting forth every effort to stir the communities of the state to take up the campaign matter without further delay and raise the needed half million so that the matter may be brought before Congress without further delay. DAIRYING PAYS UNDER BAD CIRCUMSTANCES Willard R. Anderson County Agent HayesviUe, Feb. 22?Carlton Ledford, Elf Community, clear* above ail expenses $320.82 in 10 M months on his dairy herd of six cows. This was done without good pastures, without a breed sow, with four small, thin two year old Jersey heifers, and two common red cows. Carlton shipped his first can of cream April 2, 1925, and this record runs from then up to date Feb. 20, 1926. The statement of h!? ntJr? pense is as following: Concentrate* grain ration, $115.41; Roughage, $85.00; Succulent feed beets, $15.00; total $215. Statement of his returns: Cream Checks $245.58; Pork sold. $105.65; manner value, $120<09 Pig on hand $15.00; increase on value of herd. $50.00; total $536.23. Difference in statement of return* and expenses. $320.82. ; I would Like to call the readers' j attention to this: the skimmed milk i used right, in producing y\..' and j increasing the dairy herd, will re| turn the creamshipper as much as I his cream check. Carlton did not j have a brood sow, and did mot have j his cows bred to a purebred sire, ! is the reason for such a heavy loss. \ The- drouth cut down available feed, thus towering hie production end profits. With all. Carlton cleared hu cows, cream separate r, and $120.00 in months. He farmed as much yas usual, sold his feed to his cows ! at a better price than dhanh and his farm is richer, for he will have j 40 wagon loads of the very best

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