FRIDAY FEBRUARY K, lt24. POSTELL ! I Jlr. . Bt! Mrs. Jim Swanson and [ little " Fred spent Saturday night n with Formers sister, Mrs. Lauta f Craig tr.d family. Mr-- Fell Swanson from upper .Allen visited John Mason grid family Sunday afternoon. Mr. Birbon Swanson from IT Farm . Trnn. waited his fatfcenn- I Iju Shcal Creek Sunday. Mr. John Mason spent Monday! night *i?b bis daughter Mrs. Carrie |F Elr'd at Pucktown. t ft ??? I s; Misses Bonnie and Posh Beaver|w visited their grandparents Monday 1 it ! d. Mr. rtid 'Mr*. S. Y. Allen spent a Saturday right and Sunday with e< their '..'.tighter Mrs. O. P. Taylor ard in family. ? c Mother* Read This ! ^ Cohanbx. S. C?"Two years ago I or w.s m very weak and rundown con- . dition. At 0 times the sul-ermg was so intense that 1 unable to f -? cpv keep c-n my j rr t 2f I wa. W feet long, ed U Finally my 0f A Jwc > ister-in-law T vl^V# ^ me to 1 v Vv7 tryDr Pierce's ]\J Favorite Pre- | th crip tion. I . , t tocK tnree Dot- _ l!r? :.rd it c:d wonders lor me. in buildp ir.< up, regulating evtry organ of ki> xr.j i -cy, and givxng me strength. A ;n !tt: > t-aoy girl came to our home some r-.-v'-A i-go, a perfectly healthy, goodr.iturrd child, weighing 10 lbs., so both c:j l.ild and myself received great benefit" ? lire. S. W Earl-a, 2J1 I ' WUky St AU dealers. j? mb cot K packet* of Mode of t different and eery iteeutlful fkiwcin bw Hatting*' 192 6 Seed Catalog telle yon el] about it Hastings' B*ed* arc "Tbf Standard ; vi the Booth." Tbey give the best re nits fn our Southern garden* and on Cut farms. Hasting*' rate 1926 Cstn- I log has 112 page*' in all. full of pit? I turss from photograph*. l.andHoim ! nosers In full colors, truthful accural* j deeerfption* and valuable culture dt- 1 reetiona. We want you to bare this cr.talof It your borne. It tell* all about Hasting*' j karden. flower cr.M seed* plant: and bulbs. Writ* for It tod*,y. A post- : card request brings It to yon by return It. All | 1 * Q. HASTINGS CC, f-EEDPMEN. ATLANTA. GA. i * Shading' Pria Helping tow j The latest statistics furnished by ; Bureau indicate that in the fourl "Old Reliable" the ratio of prospe lation is substantially greater than as a whole. By furnishing adecmnte freighi both long and short distances ant \ betterment in every department c is adding to the prosperity of the Remember that in the matter it-nuiice rxpi-nsc^, ine Fiwm r;si?rr , ing large Rurnn of money which pa 1 aity prosperity The railroads dew ' are affording tne highest t>*pe of tr day in the year and are working s you for community good. Irs. Jane Mason spent Thursday rith Miss Eliza Hogsed. Mr. Jim Dockery, who came back rom Gaston ia some time atro has loved his family to S. A. Stiles arm on Shoal Creek. John Mason is able to be out gain after his recent illness. Mr. Virgil Allen visited his uncle . L. Mason Thursday ot last week. Miss ica Swanson visited Mis? IHza Allen Thursday afternoon. Sweetgum, N. C. Mr. Lewis Pastell an employee of . R. Griffith, who has been teaming >r Mr. Griffith two years, on Friday stained a very bad injury to his foot hen a log caught his foot, crashing up against a tree. Mr. Pastel jring this two years has only lost few days of time. He has workj J every day available almost. His ijory seems to be doing \ery well. Bcyd Cooper, a sor. of Mr. Z. V. ooper was arrested Sunday. The >y is under a five hundred hond vaiting his trial on next .Saturday, ? a charge of vioiating the rrchibin law. I>r. Fat ton ?f Robhinsville, ?ne of r&h&m's noted physiciars was aratrd Sunday white intoxicatII ie said that about cue pint liquor found on his person. Rev. W. B. Mat he* on, ra?tor of e Swcetgurr: Church pave the rgo congregation of :? . < .n iturday and Sunday * re ro^d #. ial s*erTuo*? which were '.rt*ristc and to the noint. Mr. A. L. } astell re'.r i ! K . O. Hail, the agent at. Topton SaturAmazing Power of Mexican InsJaeg liniment Slope RheuroatiMT. ? Pt nets alee throug h I he Skin to the Bone If jou rulfw frctn hhtnir.nU paw mnC 1 irln* ?u l.&v# & itox l-art. w 'u> au>! mi . nun i ?kil i. mil ad > r.y? A* pi* ir?tii ngttt vi i?>i* vi n. Llu* ] H'M?In v'um?i a ...ft l? -Ul imH-mw ' Llifi'Uf n lb* ?k.r i?r c mi vim huc taint %L? i (Wiii V?ui ??? n Hi.C. miirf , V.I. t? V'(*l Tht irxr.ritkvbW ;(i,? i.auny i.v*ir i>F ttivnii. Murtar.p I r>lir?nl i? i!i* r?a*t>n l.? t< tiinvi* aid |uu (Mb in L)'>*:.nvu ('Mi-* o' ri.t(ikbf ubJ ?i tre U r: Nl'l'llfbliotl* w? * fkiHC Tki? ' U\ *:>! III. irntl k? ? brbti ri:i> -: ? ted 1 * and injk" *. 'u-l I* * ml; i . kv< in di* !* ? .>' .1 m'I ' All :rjc;n* an*: ?* . - n -Ml ;? ?ii? . uml t?r * an P? i penty*'1/ oduceIt the United States Census teen states served by the rity to every 100.000 popui that of the I'nited States and passenger service for ] by constant striving for f its service, this Railroad territory it serves, of v.-sRes, taxes and main>ads of America are investly large returns in commoervs your patronage. They ansportation service every shoulder to shoulder with TfL ? THE CHEROKEE SCO' Lore tor D yJUtortfe FOX ANI ir.wr'irTtt j Whon the Fo* Got to th? Top of the V A fJROlT of Vine efreet rMldmi / % the lw?. iiurveuifchl* were took ^ ^ lap uniuH-d.e u; iMM'ior dure* , penile Ale pointer dop wh? |?% or the tof> ntep of lile snnrter't wtotwIh. Mini Nfpiej enr poftjoup hp. on hi* wxit to ween iho iunt(ir> : ben*. hoeiup the iiitte (mu] in front of the fcrumli. In pmiiimmJ tc find out vbj tluw had punnet. there GlaDrlnp oeer Sht t?>j of the n? ?.rer : m:mpuu.i{!V ru|. he h:i? the i*-'r>ler | rrjKW-r.p on the p:> < !.. 'Vt.m. lo Wt? that it ttuft blui'l Utter. w?* furled i up IikIw'I) tu-tween (he dup'e t?.?ep^WH '!*h? hip pointer did unl molest the i jotlip:'.t r '.tut fee:two It hnv? ?i:i nil I of lenip iinito iivenm n- 5m looked ; down ut tier Af fi.r the kit:t?u It wh* ' evldPiil thai hIi? lii ever ut the like?" ? *I eioiiueo one of (he i; n ret-1 unit i* it- Old j Men Nnp.t> mine up. "And ?ei fhev I Mi.v ci'If s.rul uope hole elie *u:other ? | l^ook how ?'i?< I'ruii h< (? tc that kilty I l!V like 'the Ituuli orvti the ! ih.wc t ope I her. " **TI?e iliiiii' Iintl t!l# lieu lih?f ?r. n down together, lot* of line*. eui*;?le ! the S.-;|lurrn." s,'?-re up Old M;.h i Ne.ple?. **| remeii her h . .u where ll-e.% bhd n li?>ti iu like eitme * *pr with u iaioth It war ?, hip nftrw< tl?-i>: thonpli 1 niwiive hat! inv ?.wq private r|>iUi?-D IU: the c!rrt? |h| e hxd r? new (he miilb e>et> now M then oil I In elj. Mi.klr 1 w nt mietaeeB ?it 1 Jil'-i. "Y ?-?. t'rlmt wi?.i kitfrii irtf. ! ? )i>u kin ? \*U?1 |H>itii?*r i* ??r.f ?! i!if i? * ?'H>; ft???s. I'riDi t- 1. * 1 *>tii li iH?:t.?r ki.\ %1 ???. :*.r n l i . it i%li "'I1!.- ! 1 :? !. ? t t : L ;.r* it*-i ?*-. v - ? -r? f t ? fci Tii? . : . . > - t> I ? ?v r; : >?. X. . i - ;; { ;. > :;rt >? '??> > it' I - 11 > .-V > . ii ? : ' V: - . . i? . - : > ' * I, : i t ir ? - t : . % ^ ' i ? . t'r : ? :< f* ; sM ' i ? . AVj - !: ? . { ?- : ??-i ?:#V s : fw f,.. - V , . . . ?. .? . - . V .... . If* 4 ' I. f . : ? . f: ? : ?:?> ? l! !-: r :.?! Ju>: . r? .< . ' . ;??- : ! ? ? v-tTi* : I : .??>'. ' .< ii til I'*- i?- Li.-'-.-- \ Hi : ... > i??t ? i i t- .: - ; > *?? : kr.t.w "\V??r. V? fd ?-?: : !? > til...... jf.-\l : > ri . l.'i - - l. ' ? . r?:id> !. t:f Ti : i .. . ?. ,? ..?ir ri, : ? - ii I itr * " i- ? ;??'. *.v: r. i.ii? "S*. i . i.r 1-?.iiii>4- : ira;.; . r . >.il . .. ,:-.g I ' * : lli* .! I: . .ir - . . li ri:.- : * ; l?. :I..-I i.r > msc ' *- *> i I'll!. i.. J.Hi I.Its ii: * |>? r. jusu ?? ? turn hint ih?- . > *.-.son f. r "to1 ouiois to . I'lif ism-'t-r ?;.**- . ii!?! he tiT ' one. poo. J ?!n>'s - - for the . . nj i"? **". "N? xi i.l lltf jt.t : ? :*. .> fCIllliirii. "ii their ! ***? lior?r> :;ii : li. 'lirlr !ni|*?rt?il mi msts. '!*! ?* w ; ? txkni out of hi* ntiti turned Ii"?* a lid nr:ot Tof? . 4f?eed with *i; ;h* red i.i-fwl I ,i?un-r atirt hum-iron.i-n t *i joirMi':. It sure looked like !: ?: * ? : o ;-e a rtnc r'ni.u1. :t? f A a;nei Jr. *!g! I, liMtlintJ U|> ;i latt] .it ha f a mile ir. front. The hound* tore nftor J h in. When iW fox jo't to the top of tl:e hill, he Sd'?lil??*d troMil.j; ;.nil lie fcat down. "The nonnds trurped n;> the stepe ' after him Jttid the rltlrrs guMoped a; J faU epeed after the bounds. Seme of i JT. MURPHY. *. C. og-Ownert > HOUNDS {Si tltl He Stepped Trotting and Sat Dew*. the tender hearted huntfoifc* turned the'r head* hwbv They didn't waul to nee ihe poor hanntesa little foi torn ; to el-rede by thowe twenty ravening i houuu* "The hound* earn* dawl.ttrg tip fa where the foi vvne. Hut the* didn't do any kilting. They frisked around the : f?>i, wagg'r.g tlielr tall*. The foi and , aon** ??r the younger dog* l.egno ta I romp together In t, friendly way. They were atl Imving a lovely *iine when Hie fox caught Kfc'h! uf the ?rnwit ; ??r ntler* hearing down at Mm Then | he yawned and a: rote he >1 Idiuaelf and ..f down the other aide ot the j l i!' tct the w?mi(1h. IMd the hound* ' ?*ha*e Mint They ?fid m?t. "Theae hounds just timet w ageing their ti!i? kind of wistful 'Ike, *r If 1 they were worry their j?:?v Jellow w?* Iieatir-g ;'t*m ?m. soon Tie rider* Just wat vitl their 1 * ,? Mil w -? ? t \.i?g , I r?> ?? mystery t? then*. Hut it wasn't 1 hE? uyetwy l< me Mere* the i,n j ewer : " W her. the fm l.nt! tewf 'he hunt . rtuti from tt.?* rie. tie wa* nidi n Mkeat.te 12:t>e uks that I look a J nj...Tvtj i;r liiifCIil m . ; I: rrM>int. So I pu: >: ii : m-i* i , l? I l'* IllHU ?-v "Hj ??cii i ? ti.? j i-frgt.t i? jp:-t UMi! to h?*?i |T ;ti?- ? j.od tcwn'j' u!lt: ?. ? i ????!. ; u ? i.aia-o l>> ' ttint ! *:ik.? ! > * | frrv;?r < ?-r ? ii ? jr - 1 Wiii !'.? {.i niiUk iif :t?h' :ii?fr I to i.i.? ? o?. v? ?-lX th?* | ?S"i.n't I < ;! ? r '; ?T At 1**1 | iDli I ?.. t???fr?? l?. : io??U l??*r kDli . * r Jogojlior. .ii:}; iwff"? :? t.i.r.: ii{.- Kea ?< i. l'?-?n ti.v fox hm'. i? ..n?> v. * c! ui;.* s.' wIimi tlir* \??r* turiod ! f:?-r }. 1,- i: . i *>ert ol ? . Vs r ?. '? I - : \x; - k , ? : * . ?? for. > . *t < 1 >. j . i t-r r.:> ? * ? i tor jjs j:;?? . i ? : < ?? !.< t i. * ?? . ' ? i>t . """ 5 ft : ? 1 i: : ?p <\ :* l?. i r .. . *Tr y ' i ! ? !.*?.? yr-' t. . ' ; f>? . . . . . : , - , I_ W : rn'l tl.*-* I " 1 i ; : : ? ; ? < ' * . W . ? | < . . ; . ' ' . ( . " : i < irutf-fr I . } I ?- r.tser ^i- :? . ? h:*: :> i'reL:^ ; >y. J > ' - I * I < :i all ' . I all r I o. Plant Life Abundant in Philippine Islands AU'ffi . r- . lvv.Uiu ? - ; . ? JW*? ol n i! ' I j : -i f to mm)} ? : *?! :< , ? - . f? r. ,( 1.1 OH . I: ? \ have given ! ? : if . All.? !>>' :i?? ) ??* :,r? ":1V t?. ?i | ? )*? ! ? , ? H l.? '< -> t.lilil.i ViD ? T' ? I'.lill's If < r? ! > t?l! !he pe? pic- n^crl in ft * vl.-i grow f 1j. iki'ii ! i * nuinj of mt-er* wliSell i*.r really l.e #ouoi! ererywhere ,n ;i* iiTwt* , njii: i fj* 'r. i f i read r ? ilMnhco ?hi?ois, ;i ? :? *? } j n fin* I:wired S.iiiey. *re h >ir.oi ' on i r poorwi man's !>.*- ? ir. the I . 'i-pliie*. Si-?;i?> ) ? ii.* in thi \h 1; nn? ^ inuny (!('??#? rrodBcti mk~o(-ii 5*Cvt?IThorvTw.. tT% l?ur! pn'm pr..)>> ! y lfMl? t! other*-. yielding a* I f doe* V7 i,Afferent prc>cii:>-l?. tn!.-! meant "land ??t ti>e iluwn," la (he ancient Sanskrit language. ' Feb. 21.? Mr. S. L. Kerhnrt ha? been on the sick list f* r the past few simi!ation of Food, pr Xatural Sieep witho To avoid in:i:s:ici-.s. a'.wtyj !?w>k for t'.r -p .;tn Jfrcctiars on each yackafcf- I'l MURPHY c - iFA'ILLE I .nsiruction it ! "ypewriting, at Instruction in Academy Subje The difference be failure is the little til and the little money i George A Presi ______ PAGE THKE1 will build us a nice courthouse and build it of Cherokee Marble. Mr. J. H. Mintz moved to Marble last Tuesday, and Mr. W. M. Mint/, moved to his place on the head of llangjngdog. Mr. W. A. Htt's is going to build Mr. J. H. Kepbart a new house, and Mr. Keph&rt is going to move to the Eli Palmer house on the Abernathy Farm. GHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND LAcrcst "V?r A* ??? tor CHI-CHBS-TKB 8 A DlAMO'-D IHADO FILLS la RID ?adAl\ Gold xnrfoJUc box**. Mtltd Blue\4/7 litboa Tax a do oma. icii:;* rvtr;. where rtcommcnd it. COLLEGE UNIVERSITY i i Shorthand, id the general lusiness Course ' 5o? , r College and | twerrn success and ne, the little effort, t takes to get ready. .. Hubbell dent