? u- IT ISN'T IN | [ THE SCOUT J ITS BECAUSE WE CIONT |B | KNOW IT The Official Organ of VOLUME XIXVIL No. 30. Jack Morris Was Drowned Near Marble Thursday Morning \ Mr. Jack Morris, for a number oi years a traveling salesman of the Wofford-Terrel Co. was drawned in on old lake just this side of Marble sor?et?me ^Thursday morning. Mr. Morris left Murphy about eight thirty for Macon County to make his regular calls for his company. About ten o'clock the Ford Runabout which be drove was found overturned in the edge of an old hole left when top j soil was taken to put on the highway (I from Murphy to Andrews. There was considerable water in the hole. The wreck was diacovered by Mr. Fred Johnson, who quickly brought word to Murphy. President E. C. ! Hyatt of the Wofford-Terrell Company immeditely went to the scene of the accident to remove the body and bring it to Murphy. According to those who viewed the wrecked car. it apears that fo- some reason Mr. Morris lost control of the machine and ran off the road into the hole. Some think that ptrhaps the steering gear; was locked. However, the enact cause of the accident had not been determined at a later hour Thursday. Mr. Morris' makes his home in j I Copperhill, Tenn. He has been travel, i ing for Wofford-Terrell Company for i four or five years and was a veryf! popular and successful salesman. Im-I mediately after word was brought to ! "Murphy of the accident the Corner was dispatched to the scene to make an investigation to determine, if by . hance, foul play was responsible for the wreck. ASHEVILLE HONS > BANQUET MUPPHY ! LIONS MONDAYjf New Civic Club Organised Here? J Firat Regular Meeting Next | t Tuesday Night I e Tho Asheville Lions Club was host -5 Tuesday night at a sumptuous ban- ^ quet to the Murphy Lions, a civic v organization just being completed, j r The banquet was held at the Dickey 1 House, and some nineteen members ! 1 and prospective members were present. c This was the first get-together s meeting since the new organization 1 was started last week. Only ttiree members of the required number to * secure the charted are yet to be secured, The first regular meeting ix will be held next Tuesday night, and ' in the meantime it is expected that these members will be scured. J. L. Brown, secretary of the Asheville Lions, and H. Tracy Adorn. 1 of Winston-Salem spent several days * in Murphy last week in the interest j of the organization here. oir. Drown represented the Asheville Lions at, ' the banquet Tuesday night. Features of the meeting Tuesday night were short speeches by Dr. Creel, pastor of the Fryson City Bap.. tist Church and President of the' Bryson Ciy Lions; J. L. Brown, W.I M. Fain, A. C. Richmond; and man-: dolin and -guitar mnsic by Wade Pow-1 ell. "Fokay" and Will Mathis. I Telegrams were read by W. M.( Fain from the Asheville Lions and District G. H. Gas tings of WinstonSalme, as fololws: Asheville Near. Feb. 24,1926. Hon. W. M. Fain, Mayor Murphy N. Car. Greetings Asheville Lions wiH back Murphy every way possible, j Lions Club of Asheville ' - - * " - *?? 1 tOOft Winston-Salem, in. uar., ??*?. ?, Mayor W. M. Fain, President Lions ( Qlub, Murphy, N. Car., Congratulations on organization of Lions Club, and wish for you success in your new undertaking. We can accomplish a great deal when banded togehter for a common purpose. Would be glad to aid in any way about charter "Right. G. H. Hastings, District Gov. Resolution were passed expressing appreciation to the Aaheville Lions for the suptioas treat to Mr. Nettie Dickey for her generous hospitality, and to J. L. Brown personally for his efforts in making the banquet possible. The mfeetiag' lasted a little more than an hour and a pleasant one: it was. Th? Lions Club is expected td fill a long-felt need of a civic organ:xation here that would allow the business and professional men of the i V i m Murphy and Cherokee f 1- w r I I ' <2fc<^S ^ ICwuWH. W. W tM ~ Covering Clay County With a Heavy | Sod of Grass Hayc9vi!le?Mr. Sams, County) \gent at large, for N. C. State Col-i ege, visited Clay County, and this, vas his advice, cover the bulk of Jlay County with a heavy sod of. trass. According to his advice and inder the direction of the County j tgent, nine (9) pasture demonstra- j > ions were started with the folowing ; nen: J. C. Zimmerman, Brasstown.il Ibfe ;ins, Crawfords Creek abovt- Ha>c." ,i ille, Frank Herbert Hayesville Comnuntiy, Carlton Ledford and Erwin Citchen Elf communtiy, J. O. Smith )owning Creek community. Mr. Sams advised renovaton of rid pastures, by discing theni, then j ;eed wellard using the section har- i ow. The grass mixture he advised ! vas Blue Grass (Kentuckey) Or:hard Grass, Tall Meadow Oat Grass. I Temothy and Herdge Grass, with j hese grass use. White sweet clover, ind Leapedeza.. In the- low soggy ands he advises the trial of Dallis jrass, about 3 per A. Clay County's Farmers Co-operarive Association capitalized itsself j rith a $1,000.00, to do business with for the next year. It has done business for tv*o years, in a semi-organized way. For the last six months t has saved its members by its cooperative efforts over $2,000.00, and it only has sixty members. WILLARD R. ANDERSON*. County Agent CARD OF THANKS Wo wish the thanks, most sincerely, the people of Murphy and surrounding country, our frien Is and relatives fcr fheir many kindness and sympathy in the sickness and death | of our son and brother Frank. Mrs. Nettie Dickey and family. town to get together and enjoy a social function and the fellowship that is natural feature. The Lion's motto is "Fellowship and goodwill," ind Murphy welcomes any organization that makes for progress, good will and cooperation. Those present at the banquet were: Harve Elkins, Dr. E. E. SmithB. W. Sipe, Dr. F.dw. E. Adams, E. C. Moore, George EHis, J. W. David T> w Crnir A P Richmond. Dr. S. C. Heighway, Rev. T. L, Sasser, J. L. Brown, of "Aaheville, Dr. Creel, of Bryson City; W. M. Fain, C. K. Hoover, J. B. Storey, R. L. Shriver, J. H. Ftoaup, and C. W. Bailey. Oficers of Lions Club are: W. M. Fain President, J. W. Davidson, First Vice-President, E. C- Moore, 2nd Vice-President, R. S. Parker, Third Vice-President, B. W. Sipe, Secre, tary, Dr. Edw. E. Adams, Treasured C. W. Bailey. Tail Twister. J. B. itorey, E. P. Hawkins, R. W. Gary md W. W. Hyde, Directors, ? : ?f)Ct ? County, and the Leadi MURPHY, NORTH CAROU hirl of March W .-jayjgjjji'j_Sbl ?':' iv\8'LL Sad Death Claims Murphy man The Aecond prominent business man of Murphy within a week was claimed by death early Monday even, ing, March 1st, when Mr. L. W. Frittain was called to the great beyond. Mr. Brittain was sick for only a short time, a complication of disease being the cause of his death. The fun- | erni was held at the house Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock by hi* pa*-; tor. Rev. D. H. Rhinchart. Assisted by I Rev. T. L. Sasser. after which interment was made in sunset* cemetery.' for the last sad rfCe>; *. ? - . . < their respect to the memory of the deceased. Mr. Brittain was hron October 7,! 1871 and was therefore slightly past j fifty four years of age. He married Miss Mary Gertrude Hayes on March 29th, 1890. To this union were bom j seven children, two of whom preceded the father to the grave. Mr. Brit tain is survived by his wife; five chil-; dren. $fary K?te Axlev, Gertrude C. Dickey, Carrie Nell, Hugh Mark, and Gnuy Arthur; two brothers. W. P. of Pcachtree, Mark of Murphy, and one sister, Mrs. E. S. Miller of Murphy, j besides a great number of relatives and friends. Mr. Brittain has long been in husines in Murphy. At the time of his death he was engaged in the sale of fresh ineats and groceries and had under construction, in conjunction with his son-in-law, Mr. Tom Axley. a large business house on the corner of Tennessee and Hiawassee Streets, i Mr. Brittain was a member of the Methodist Church and had served as j.a stewart in his church for many I year?. He was for a long time, and until recently a member of the local | Foard of Education. His counsel and advise will be missed in the business and civic affairs of the town as well I as m his church. | Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Moody oj i Marble, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Abernathy last week. : .. . HH I Oh00 *?ir te.. ,-i ing Newspaper in tin NA FRIDAY MARCH 5, 1926. /inds ' : ;. > ' i'f-' .'t:V , ^ J | Street Work Goes Rapidly Forward, With the aid of brickbats from the i' ruins of the recently destroyed court-1 house, street work in the Town of ' Murphy is going: raoidl-; forwa.d. The street by Wofford-terrel, K. L.' Townson property; thut one between! Biyson'sj and Palmer's; and the street 11 leading to the McCall-EHis section i nere completed last week and rolled i down with a steam roller and put in t good condition. This bnck are be- ? ing placed on the street leading to ? ^^IcComhs section. This stretch t the worst places in Conaheta drive ; ^ and on one or two other streets are , I also being: repaired. When this work' 1 is completed, practically all the streets j i of Murphy will be in excelent condi-; < lion. I . "Carry On" By Mae E. Abernathy Some morning', shold you wake to find Your friend's have left you way behind. And all the world seem's cold, unkind Just carry on! lust plunge alone into the came: And though you play for wealth orj fame. Or play for love?it help's the atfrne. Juat carry on! Just buckle dwvn when things art' slow, And play it fair, so when you go, j Well pass the word that all may , know, You carticd on! STANSBURY-S1ZEMORE Mr. Made Stansbury of Almond. N. C.( and Miss Maybell Sizemorc of Judson, N. C., were married at the ;<>residence of T. N., Bates, Murphy, I IN. C.. on March 3rd. 1926. Eak T. N. Bates, afficiating. ut Western N, S. urns Won at ^24 County Fai e placed in the ma s week for over .- ?> - to pay three fourth :n list won at the Cherc air in 11*24, accord in :ent made by official he fair Association fu able to pay the othe tsc premiums followinj fall. The money wit! > cse premiums was real /. d above all expenses an prei. ; -urred at the last count; j fair, though the weather wa: | vary u:..uvorable. Had good weathe ' prcvaild at the 1925 fair, there woul< undoul 'iy have been sufficien fundi? to ,?ay the entire premium lis' of the year before, it wan said. It will be recalled that the fair as soriation was unable to pay the 1924 premium list at that time on account of the shortage of funds, due to lo^ gate receipts, which in turn, was du< to extremely unfavorable weather Fair officials, in announcing the pay. ment of three-fourths of this old premium list, stated that they hoped to have the full cooperation of every citizen of the county in the planning and carrying out of the fair this year. It was stated that farmers, housewives fruit and vegetable grower and cattle and poultry ruiseis should begin now to plan for the fair in the fall. By united action, the 1926 fair can be made by far the best cvei| held in this entire section. Cheap Feed Produced By Good Pasture Raieigh, N. C., March 1.?A good inosture produce the best feed for ili kinds of livestock and the feed s secured more sheaplv than in any ther way. Kven the man Fut o"'. o\v, a few hogs and ".onie eoikj win nnu a permanent pasture 0 pay well. rurnish succulent food for ftves from March until late Xo\ember," 4ays S. J. Kirby. extension pasture specialist for the State College of Agriculture. "In almost every county east of the piedmont section, there are permanent pastures which have prodauccd heavy grazing for periods varying from one to 21 years Almost any type of soil will produce these pastures and some soils will produce these pastures better than any other kind of crops. The best pasture lands a rather fertile soil ranging from a sandy loam to a clay ey loam of low to medium upland." Woods cut-over land and cleared land will produce good pastures and ire easily prepared for seed, states Mr. Kirby. The woods land may be prepared by cutting out the underbrush, thinning out the taller trees and removing those trees which are valuable for timber. It is necessan to break and disk old brom-sedge land before seeding. The cultivate* land may be prepared simply by disk i ing the soil. A better growth is se ! cured if the land has been plov.ee the fall before, but cultivated lan should not be plowed for planting t 1 pasture just before the seeds ar i sown. Mr. Kirby states that the lan J should be well fertilized with stab | manure. "100 to 400 pounds of ac J nnosnhato and from 200 to 3( j pounds of some organic nitrogi (material like cottonseed meal tankage. Seed mixtures to use ci ' be secured on application to t . country agent or to the r?astu ' specialist and seeding should be do I between February 15 and April 1. PORK PRODUCING A DE LINE TO DAIRYING Photo shows County A pent W. Anderson of Clay County standi in the fine herd of Poland Chin hoes helonpine to Witt Penland, Elf Community. The herd com ) ses eight sows and sixty-four ni Record in Clay County show th the dairyman receives a? much return from feeding skim milk 1 hogs and dairy calves a.* he recei' for cream shipped.? Extension N< Bulletin. ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH" : * I orth Carolina Be COPY?>1.80 PER YEAR L. D. Axley Succumbs to attack of Pneur monia T uesday i I Tuesday evening nXr?..? . ?0 ?uHk wvtn 0'? : | clock Mr. Luther Axley of the Bern! s section succumbed to an stack of >. Pneumonia after an illness of about U a week. For several days before he died, . his life was despaired of. His sister, r Mrs. Nina Hubbel, a trained nurse, p wns called from her home in Georgia a membe-B of his family, who were ce y i'l at the same time. i? 'l'ne funeral services were held at y 'he Ha} list Church Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock, by the pastor, r Kiv. T. L. Sasser, after which inters 1 ment was made in the Sunset cemetery. t Mr. Axley was a very quiet man, and one who always attended strict ly to his own business. He lived In ' the Heal section of Town and devoted t most of his time to farming activiT tics. Just befre moving to town he ' lived on the Axley Homestead just up Hiawassee River. He is survived by his wife, three children, James, Frances and Louise, one brother, Tom, and two sisters, .Nina and Hattie, together with a large number of relatives and friends. His passing was the third prominent citizen of the Town, and head of a family, to he called to his reward within a week, all of which has served to cast a gloom of sorrow over the entire town. ? Dairy Week in 1 Clay County Hayesville?The week of March 812, will be dairy week in Clay County. During this week the office of the county agent, is running a sysj tem of Dairy Barn School" " ' struct,UI. will be given by Mr. F. R. F.rmun, Extension Dairy Specialist and the County Agent. The instruction will be along the following lines: Production of grain and roughage cSwHufin^?B?.JCStt .dairy cattle, how cattle, and how we may obtain these cattle. Mr. Farman will discuss three of these subjects and the county agent will discuss three. Mr. Farman will discuss the graiif and roughage that we can produce on our farms, that will return us most as a dairy ration. He will discuss how to feed these for a balance ration to get high production. He will give a demonstration in selecting dairy cows that produce a profit. The county agent will discuss permanent pastures, the building new ones and renovating old ones. The financial returns that Clay County dairyman are now receiving, according to the records. The agent will discuss a system through which cows may be had. These Dairy Barns Schools will be ' held at the following places at the state time. Brastown Community, Wm. Clay1 ton's Tuesday, March 9, 1926, 9 A. M. Crawford's Creek, Fletcher Haw1 kins Tuesday, March 9, 1926 2 P. M. d Hayesville Community, Otto Walo j droup's Wednesday, March 10, 1926, e j 2 P. M. j Hiawassie Township, Wark Wead | vcr's Thursday, March 11. 1926, 9 le|A. M. idl Elf Community, Erwin Kitchen'? 10 | Thursday. March 11. 1926. 2 P. M. in Sheeting Creek Cem. Frank Rodgnr er's Friday, March 12, 1926, 9 A. M. ftr Elf Community, Carlton Ledforde hr Friday, March 12. 1926, 2 P. M. re WILLARD R. ANDERSONS, no, County Agent, j S| 1 Murphy High Lose to Cooperhill Quint R i ne J The Murphy High School bosketa | ball quint turned back by the fast of | Copperhill basketball team on the pri latter'* court in Copperhill on Tuesg? day night. The final score vras 19 to at 31. The boys played neck and neck in for three fourths of the game, but in to one quarter, Copperhill slipped ve< through enough field goals, before wp the locals could break up the play, to run up a lead that could not he over9 l0?""- i . , .. y

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