PAGE TWO The Clxrokee Scout TU Official Orjin ot Murphy \ttd ! Charoltee County, North Carolina ' PUBLISHED EVERY TODAY CTWV BAH EY Edit#r-Manafe? MRS. C. W. BAILEY. Associate Ed B. W. S1PE Associate Ed Entered in the postoffice at Murphy, North Carolina, as second class mail matter under act of Mar. 3, 1879. Subscription Rates One Year $1.50 Eight Months 1.00 Biz Months 75c Payable Strictly In Advance Legal advertisements, want ads. reading notices, obituaries, cards of thanks, etc, 5c line each insertion, payable in advance. Display and cor.-: tract rates furnished on request. All communications must be signed by the writ- r. otherwise they will not: be accepted for publication. Name of the writer w .1 not be published unless so specified, but we must have the nnn.i of th ithor :i> evidence of good faith. LETTERS r.ditor ' oKt ? Dear Sir: After patiently waiting an<ij meditating <n thine- pertaining toj the public well fare I am again nioov-1 ed to ask your permission f.*r a lit - , tie space in your columns of your | excellent paper that 1 may give my I views in rugard to the management j of the public afairs of our town and county: I am a c itizen and tax payer of , both town and county and have been intimate and in close touch # with these afairs for more than forty years and daring this time 1 have held several minftr < Tficn- and have spent the best part of my life in of- J fjreal or semi-official. I have ever had a deep interest in the public | economy has been my rule of action. I and without beinu tc tist c I r disposed to boast I believt that I can say that I have had to hear the j brunt in whatever position I held. iind have received 1? - consideration! for the services endered than othe?-, for similar work. My ambition has been to see our public a/faris. on a I firm basis, aud deb? imiinished But as often have I . -if ? vanish into thin a . I now propose* t > o al raw and naked light .ji- I c thm chip* f*Jl wb?re tjwy may. J fcnre rto axe f-> . ir ? I ' < u no windfalls. I <>np to no <-.? i t house cabals. I am n-?i < lys ' j my life i- an open I - Jng to conceal. With the?..- . . ; a j troUuction 1 i \ - up j the theme T nn ?ii ami shall I again call at^enien w ' that "THE right ing * prepared, mi milled, make e Proof that a shov not enough is : above illustration of the intricate p the Royster Ferti -4 ROYS DICKEY FE1 L. J / we have a law that requires the pub lie officials of the county and town o annually publish an itemised statement of the receipts and disbursements for the proceeding yea . including outstanding debts if any i'bis lav is mandatory and not dis.ctionarv. it mu^t be either posted r published as the case may be. t'his law is mandatory and not discretionary. it must be either posted or published as the case may be. litis is a wise provision of law. 1 he tax payers have a right to kinw the state of their affairs. Tublicitv is the life of civil government; it is .he search light that warns of dancer; it i-= the wachman that guards he treasury; it is the rising sun hat dispells darkness ami lights the >ath way; it is a terrc.r to evil doors, ci -re it vampire--, bogies, and grafr flee and seek refuge in darkless. We are commanded to let mi lights shire and not t<? put them mder a bushel. In the beginning' God created light and he said it was very good The law requiring publicity is being ignored by our public offii ials both county and town. Thi. should no longer - t-derated. 1 sometime what fit and juries are for any way. \ll officials on en. ring office are i mi ed to make oath that they will ohey the existing laws an-! a failure to do so is no credit to them and is bad faith: to the public and becomes a prccesent t' r ' o o - e_a.d of '.aw. We now have a count> nnditoi ii a .-aiar> >( Sinou. Which i.- more i tin tui.< as niueh as 'heretofore .wdd. 1 see it" reason why the-o of oi - -hould not he require! t these statements an! submit* to the boards or their disposal. The writer served as secretary and treasurer of Murphy hinh school for more ' no twelve yeats. and at the end of each fiscal year prepared and at the court house door an .ten i -?'<! statement of the expenses of the sehool. and thi* without any exra cost to the public. The sccrearv and treasurer of the flow Doctors Treat Colds and the Fir To break up a cold overnight 01 o cut short an attack of grippe, inluenza, sore throat or tonsiliiti:phyicians nnd di a:r**..*. ar now recom .nding C.i: ..the pugified and fi::cd cai. .- pound tablet thai ives you the eftVcts of calomel unci - 1 .. - I ; . J. v : UL I: ?l.p,0?a..t off . : . of c tHit. One or two < liotabs at bed-tijw {fit a of water,?Lh.?t's all <> salts, no nation nor the slightest ito' fcren^o with your eating, work pleasure. Next morning your cole I s van! ;lvd, your system is thor- | rrlilv purified r. I you are frelinp | v *'h a hearty a:.petite for break- 1 ; . .i what you please,?no dan- , ; family Package, containing 1 dire tior.s, only 35 cents. At anv ' 'tore. (adv) redlonts, properly ' xed, cured and % ffprtive fr? el and a screen are submitted in the ^ , which shows one ;; irocesscs in one of lizer plants. &3TER ilizer ZD COMPANY , N. C. ' ww ? rxg THE CHEROKEE S> > Li town was placed in charge of th | city school, which is supposed to 1< a good sized one-man job tut I notice thar he still holds his fo.nur posit on (or did recently). Furthe notice that the town cutici! had to go abroad to find a tax collector. The reason for these things I dor.' know. ! have many other things of whir I purpose to write, but lest your pace may be limited I desist for the present. Au re voir, W. M. WEST. 372 Pine Street Akron. Ohio Feb. 2J. l'.?2G. Editor Scout. Murphy, X. C. I see a letter in this weeks Scout signed by R. B. L. ar.d I can say it*? j true in all respects. l ast weeks letter had my initial signed to it but I did not write it. My initials were used without my permision or knowledge and 1 hope V' one sarted to Akron with jh>.jv of getting work after rcada.c :t because if they did they were sadly disapointed after getting here It's almost impossible to get work ir the shops here even though due has . . ' 1 have a good i ? an for knowing because I was out 3 w rk !e.\>e]t from Feb. 22 and I wa- trying to get work all """ Ol course I had part-time work in the*P. Os, but no regualx? job and 1 have had about, six years rue the .-hop or 1 would* have work now. I wouldn't advise anyone to c-> a; .nv i'.t a fey* weeks yet at least. Yon may p iT I . h this if you wish. A. E. ROBERTS Epwgrth, Gn.. March 1. 1920. Editor Cherokee. Scouni, Murphy, N. C. | Hear Editor: IVrhaps it will intcicrt tinny of your readers to know of the activities of Cherokee county studen; at Epwoith Seminary. Miss Mary Nichols and Mr. Co:;; Rice of Cuil''.' son arc members -order c! o d will gradual in May. 1 i : Ni !.-. Hubert Xiehol ti':; Hyatt ar-'- Car players on the only I a.-kethall team that h;.heaten the Coperhill high sehooi earn, "is the Coperhill eouit, in ?rent years. Mary Nichols . d Grace Hyatt play on the girls team which also won ov. t . Is. 2." 0" is. ia-1 Th i?> ay ajyhl. Claude Nichols, Mary Nichols, Guy Hyatt, and lira spent the week-end "ts at Culberson. Mr. C. S. Nichols, who came to Epworth from Culberson, for the benefit of the school, has a growing meivhnntile business. Hs childi en are making good records in school. W. H. PATTON (Reporter) Tomato Culture I I have been .asked in the bed few days several time in regard to the jl?e:t plan?. and Ways of g. owing to] niatoes. and 1 take ih's opportunity ' to answer the question to all r< aders i? f the paper who might lie interested. Your seed 1 .Id lnj sown in hot j iod o in a box in the window where it will go- the sunshine, at least ten wo, ! - before you want to plant in the :? ',!. It is advis'ttle to t ans lan least two or t r, , t mes as i make n niueh stronger plans .nd ti . plan will ptu out t on teedJ ti wfil l.f in hft:. .,11,! New Method , Quickly Banishes Heavy Coughs. Why be annoyed and weakened by persistent, strength-sapping coughin spells when you can, through a very simple treatment, quickly stop all ntation and very often banish the trouble entirely in 24 hours? 1 This treatment is based on the famous prescription known as Dr. King's i New:Discovery for Coughs. You take just one teaspoonful at bed time :.nd hold it in your throat for 15 or 20 sec' bnda before swalMwir.g it. The pre scriptSon has a-^jqjlbte actitm. It not , only sootbes^iaft^p^als soreness and irritation, b?MC*q<il^kly removes the phlegm and obhh<ftRfGt& which arc the real cause ofjttghtvocmghing. Thus with the throat aohLhed and cleared, coughing stops qu^Jy and you sleep all night undisturbed; Dr. King's New Discovery is for coughs, chest colds, sore throat, hoarseness. bronchitis, snasmdir rn-.-.m / (. Fine for children as well as urowr ups?no harmful dnq&Jvliconomicai, j too, as the dose ispiriy one teaspoon| fuL At ali good druggists. A k for [*, Mi'Tri*, I'. C. ;-?a i" g'o-.v and make a strong hiif;y plant when ^et in the field, j When \'?ui- plans are four to > \ ; nches high they should he sr-ay. dj . ith :-.xrtlcmi mixture ;.nd thL should . >v lolowcd up throjgh the summer J it least every v.-eek or ten day \ This will prevnt Might .-.r at you a strong and healthy plant . ?i ! hould bear fruit 011 until killed by the frost. Put your plants on mediumly rich land and use about one half pound i of 8-4-4 fertilizer in the hill and ; mix thoroughly with the soil bofor setting the plant. i Set your plants good and deep in the ground and this will help you should have an extremely dry season. R. W. Gray. Co'.nty Agent. Sweet gum, N. C. Friends are very glad to know that Mr. l.ewis Paste 11 who recently' sustained ar. injury to his foot, is : i now able to resume his duty. Boyd Cooper, on a charge f seir-1 ing liquor to Dr. Patton went # ' Robbinsvilfe"for Trial Saturday, andj when Mr.*n testified that h?; '.purchased the.liqfipr from T> 1 Mr. I>e\veoVi?. prohibition oficer. arr - ' ed htm and he urate:bound o\<r .! 'federal.coart at Ashevilloi . 1 - ? Mr. A, 1.. Pastel!, will feliew Mr. J O. C. Hall, the agent at Topton '.hi . week, due lo .Mr. Ifnil heirg sick. j F. T). < :\:;rd, will now soon hav hi ' 10 hov-r oomj let cel. lie will e end" to' very ? < n. The :i l : ;.t >\vvv' will he very proud to see Mr. Colvard m?vc - lose by as he is a good map and ha*, .u' good family and will'be tt fiOnft neigh-* bor. A will., written on a petticoat, deposing of a $250,000 estate, recent ' ly \va- upheld in a I.o> Angele court; thus proving'again the powe of a woman's shirt. In utility also there is strength. The Democrats are now preparing to build a scaffold out of the unused jlanks in the Republican platform. \to who will hang, sweeten the joke r.t coidiug to your political taste. j CompoJpi*- iwvc fn cry a'Tot ' ; to Wiite soive of the "blue* song . now on ill" market. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who arc in a "run down" . udition will notice that 'atarrh ! . ".. . s: .them much more than when they uiv in good health. This fai t proves thai while Catarrh is'a local disease t i? greatly j 'nllucnced by onstituticual cr.-ittions. HALL S CATARRH MJ .l'lCiNK . cr. j situs of an Ointment which ijuicki. i Relieves by local application. and tieInternal Medicine, a Tonic, whl- h assists I ! in improving the General Health. Sold by drug?::.-tK tor over v> Y?-nrS. P. J. Cheney a: Co., Toledo. Ohio. Li HI TH OUiU t IB - ;.;t Now Ef Though the autoirj fectlve until Marcl protecting Hudson there is no reason C 4 Essex 6 Coael $905 Hudson Coacl $1350 Hudson Brough C11 Hrcixm 7-Pass?nger S? $1795 Easy tern \ E. P. H Hudson-Essex world's 1 ! Card of Thanks We wish to thank :r many friends for their kindness and sympathy and wl'injr hand shown u* durin;: the death and burial of our f - ?rt O.S.PJ : v * -iv A %m /f fi ^%*r r\:-V I W ferhi .. 1 ' "Th - Wor! - S> Ev'efc i _ IB11 X More farmers use "AA QUALITY" Fertilizers every ye; make ot fertilizer so This country-wi "AA QUALITY" F earned and inainra equaled record for pr I yields and best quali insure the best creeps, "AA QUALITY' IjLZT KN. .Y-: TO ' Fe"i-LQ'. :NG DF RED ROOSTER BRADLEY'S :?A1 > ZL1 LS 1 ?.lanufact?;r? The Ai"crican Chemical Spar;, .ibup; 3a!i S.:A.LT.M\iV Out Apnci-livtsl c?r\-u.' l urcjit v."! h:! i. I It. I!. : r . . .. Ik >wer rric< SON - Et (active, Februa r?bile tax reduction law w 1 26, we make this reductii Now -Essex buyers many days to wait. Buy now. New Prices 'At Your Door" ^ Run ruth?r t!r<:se an not Pricrs." bur the delivered p. i. f, ( if,lit it folloici <! (tji'.ipmf lit ' QUI Mumpers, froi.t and windshield cleaner ... 3 .... transmission lock i radiator shutters . . . combination stop and tail is of ( >'!r/c?So handling IAWK1NS, largest bui clers of "Sixes producers of Motor Cars FRIDAY MARCH 5. in. 'ittlc daughter Virginia Bland^? !cft this workl so sudden ^ cone to lost in ? better world, is rr<?r?fed for us all. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I. v.n^ Grand View, X, r r~:"'1 M h -t?^-gg . r- ' -r r - J :r than any other Id. de preference for fertilizers has been ined by their anoducin;: the largest ty eif idl erops. To , year after year, use ' FERTILIZERS ^PSCO AsittPOO 'OCOMUKE only by < Agricultural Company u Dcp-rtrneut LT.c;, sc. | lr ' j;m. c problems. SmJ R Mate M.-eei. l>i >;oa. M>u. n ijjLlWWP^ Jex ry 27th ill nnt become ef?n ; in advance. So "F. O. n. Factory prices at your door ing icar tar, and the rear .... electric . rear view mirror [built in close) ... moto-meter .... lipht. cliaryc Dealer i" and third largest

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