tir IT ISN'T IN HE SCOUT IECAUSE WE DIIIN'T KNOW IT Official Organ of J XXXVII. No. 33. ERY'S PLAN ELECT ROAD "S OPPOSITION )f Hot Houie Township to Selection by Straw But Would Favor Regular Election fit* disproval of the' fed in these columns i .T T. Porkery, a comntixens from Hot House the editor of The Scout veek and stated that they . illing to leave the selec- , proposed state route inee to a general election, ed. but were unalterably leaving the descision up a straw ballot. Hie mmittee spoke for Hot U?c 'I .'.chip and was composed H. I' <-olden, A. R:ee, T. T. John, O. ('. Shields, K. N. Rice, L. R :' ! and O. CJ. Anderson. j I number of citizens from other tic- rf the county have personal?x;-' --ml the same opinion as the : H delegation, and the se:ion f the route by a vote of P seems destined to be an le for settlement in the coming e Primary. { r .'iiber of letters from citizens th- nty aic anrried this week re mr views on the question. i j rity of the loiters come _ n ns of Shoal Creek, to the e ct - '.it the route through their '? ion should be considered in the w ] and passed upon by a > ' ' the people. h SUIT N. C. I March 22, 102C. !i I'M* < hcrokee Scout, K phy. N. C. li r Sir: ! ti f*- reading your sugestion in S.-Miit, also Mr. Dockery's as to tie vtate might determine which :l 1-.' take over and maintain, verdam or Hothouse. If my me '\ serves mo right I hoard Hon. nk Page say at Murphy something F two year ago that they would i an engineering crew here and .V fey and plan the road and if we o i 2?. 'tor The Scout, . W> n regard to the rood, will say. I . ; not in favor of just voting on two &i d-. We have n pood prade and *0 ?ink \vc oupht to have a show. Our' w d will pive more service to the v of Cherojcec County than either xv e of the others. So pive us a r ince to vote for our road. 1 don't tr nk one man oupht to have so much hi do iwth decidinp on the route. So '6 us a chance to vote our sen tints for we can't vote fov either! the others and feel that we aniline; a fair deal. Yours Respectfully, M. M. RITRGER K " of The Scout, Inst a Word ahoul the road. We x' ?t a road .just as the others do, '' d think If some disinterested mar.; I >uM p,., over all three routes and[* ' m Vlurp*.> *?1 ' f I I // \-J I HE LEVT w&n f J Jm - i ^^r-' yl M ;-ka ) b k tem with North Carolina ivith the Hothouse Route at the Angelica Gap near Ducktown, Tenn. Mr. R iss stated that it would only J rcn-iiie the state of Tennessee to' uuihl an additional two and one half miles of road and this could he placed n t ravel aMo condition immediately. I want to urge all the citizens f Cherokee County to lay ol! piojurlice aside, and go to work in dead earnest, and huild the road that the ?nginvers of botn North Carolina and rennes.see have selected as being the most practical route from the- Pix'e Highway at Chattanooga, to western S'orth Carolina. When this road is comuletcd and I connects us with the Dixe Highway it will connect us with ten of the rich date* of the Union, nnd I think tb*? people should favor the route that ail five of the engineers of the state of North Carolina, and the engineers of the state of Tennessee have selected as being the host and most p.actical connection between the two dates. Yours very truly, C. \V. SAVAGE. SUIT. N. C. March 22, 1926 ?herokec Scout: In reply to your suggestion and dr. Dockery's letter or plan for deer mining which route should he' elected to con nee t up with Tennes* j ee's systm of roads, will .-ay that the J eople ??f Shoal Cteck Tp, has as good J i grade as is in the county and theoad completed and we feel that we hould be given an equal chance in he voting. If Mr. Webster of Ten-! lessee would look over Shoal Creek J oute together with the other two outes he might reconsider hi- foim-, r expression in regard to a connec-! ion. Personally I don't think Shoal "reek is willing to enter the election in less \vi are given an equal show. Respectfully, J. J. ROSE. SUIT. X. C. March 22, 1926 l..,r Cr. hi regard to the road question w'.l!' ay I think that the people of Shoal 'reek Township ought to have equal ights with the other people in votngr for our road. We have a good rrade to the Tennessee line and it vould not he treating us fair not ? live a choice. I am not in favor of; foing into such election. (Jive u - j i chance with the other Townships. ? Respectfully. .1. F. WOOD. 1 i It is regretted that some of the! ettevs concerning the toad proposi-! 'l it had to he mitted in this issue ! !ue to lack of s. cc matter. jtee Hi v? ig Newspaper in tht^ E FRIDAY. MXRCH 2?, 1920. rit pjftlli -^0?vx-'^ys" . \j w ?> C. 1 POWER CO. DEMONSTRATING FR1GIDDAIRES A a a part ^ the National Demonstration wee! oeing conducted by the 1'eleo-Light ( ompany from March 2Mh to Ajsril* rd, The Carolina-Tennessee Power Company is exhibiting the new line of metal cabinet Frieda ires at Its -ales room at the Bates buildup during the week. The idea of a National Demonstrarion Week for* the exhibition of these new metal caoinet electric refrigerntuis y:as aiii .natd by the DelcoI.ight Company. It was designed to eiw everybody, in every locality, an opportunity to learn about Improved features of these newest and latest models of electric refrigeration equipment. Just as here in Murphy, it was explanned, in every frigidaire saels room in the nation, during this National Demon-tration Week, those interested wii: have opportunity to study tno sunjeci ?i electric refrigeration, have it explained by experts who will be in attendance at these exhibits and ! "irn about the advanced steps that have been taken to make this newest household convenience, electric refriiriM iinn, the satisfaction that it is. The -ales rooms here in Murphy are open from U o'clock in the mornlift to 1? o'clock in the evening each day during this week of special demonstration and opportunity as never before, is offered the people of this city to learn about the possibilities for labor-saving, convenience, ithi proved sanitation and economy afforded by modern electric refrigerators. High School Track Meet To Be Held On Local Ground? The first high school tract meet among the schools of southwestern No l!i rand in a and North Georgia will ho he id Friday of this week in Ani1 r\v- Tryouts were held at the Murphy -"hoc! cn Wednesday for the selection of students to represent the local s ltool in the meet. There will he the usual races anil jumps, pole vault, baseball throw, chinning the bar, etc.. making about fifteen events in all. The public schools of Andrew-, Murphy. Havesville. Robbinsville Almond. and Blairsville, Ga,, are cxpcctecl to participate. The evej^ is attracting considerable attention and eliciting the wholehearted enthusiasm of the students of the local school. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mis. II. M. Johnson announce the engagement of then daughter. Julia Mae, to Jno. C. Covet < f Elhlon, Va. The marirn. .- wil . ti e p? r in early sniing.?Chase City (Ya.) Progress. 5>C0UI I WHI i EV/AY FOR 11 j MURPHY BEING INSTALLEL , Completion of New Street Lighting ^ System For Murj-.Sy Expected Withn A Month Rcpre?entati\ c? of the Graybar Electric Co. of Atlanta, the supply de- f partment of the Western Electric y 1 Company arrived this week to begin the installation of a while way licht- ? ! intr system on the streets of Murphy. R The cable to take care of the eieci trie circuit and the contract for th j vvhiteway was let last fall. There will ^ I be more than sixty lights at inter- c j vals of one hundred feet on Hiawas- j see, Peachtree, Tennessee, Depot sts. j, :in<] Valley River Avenue. The pre-- f j ent lighting system is the zone to be covered by th whiteway will be ^ discontinued as soon as the installa- tioii of the new system is completed. The Carolina Tennessee Power j, Company and the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Companies arc removing their poles from the principal corners around the public- square ( so as to give way to the new lighting system. It is hoped that within a short while all the poles may be moved off the main street. The whiteway standards and other | electrical equipment have arrived and and it is expected that it can be installed within a month. The standards . are 14 feet high and will be mounted 1 on a low concrete base. The -tand- < ards are of the latest design, with a j single light on the top. I This new lighting system will add ( i to the appearance of the streets of j Murphy and city officials and local ^ citizens look forward with anticipa- ^ tiofi to the completion of the system. , I _ New Dispenser Now Being Shown By Abernathy i Boyd Abernathy, youthful inventor of Murphy, is this week demonstrat- ( ing to friend? his third major device " fui the nutomotic Hir.nension irive his attention to other interests. It was state! that Dr. Wells will have auhority to enforce the rules I and regulations nf the eommission >; relative to fishing in the stream > of ' Cherokee. i , INfc IN )UT MAKE RICH'' oiiliA t V $1.50 PER YEA! LIONS CLUB ORGANIZATION IS COMPLETED district Governor H utingi lo De? liver Charter?RffuUr Meeting Dates Second and Fourth T e day Night* The organization of a Lions Club or Murphy was completed here thia win dc aenverea n about three weeks by Judge G. H. lasting*, of Winston-salem, district ;ovornor of Lions International. This announcement followed the tanquet at the Dickey Hotel Tuesday light, and was made by J. L. Brown. Secretary of the Asheville Lions, who las been here several days this week it the interest of this civic organizaion. The regular meeting dates have >cen set for the second and fourth Tuesday nights. Delegates from \sheville and Bryson city will be ?ere on the night the charter is deivcred. The Murphy Lions flub has the lestinction of being the youngest dub within the state, and will be the 1010th club in the United States. The nternational organization is com>osed of membership of sixty thousind and goes by the name of .ions International. The* Murphy Lions Club is composed of the following charter officers and members: \V. M. Fain, president; B. W. Sipe, Secretary; .1. 15. Storey, and E. P. Hawkins, directors for two years; L S. Parker, first vice-president; E. *. Moore, second vice-president; Dr. Sdw. E. Adams, treasuier; A. C. tichmond. Tail Twister; C. W. Bailey, ,ion Tam AmBM e m hers are: D. Vitherspoon, H. G. Elkins, G. W. Ellis v ? mr t> j * * . .x. nuutci, *?. Lsuvmson, u. m. lirchficld. T. L. Susser, J. G. Greene? L L>. Harnett. K. G. Clary. \nother Real Estate Company For Murphy A new real estate company has icen organized in Murphy to do business under the name of the Murphy O 'viinunfl ,>f f_ Savage, L. E. hay less and others. Organization was effected the past wok. The office will be located in room G8 of the Regal Hotel for the present, and it is hope ! later to erect t building on the corner lot between Fownson's store and the drug store, in order that the office might have ti ground floor. They will deal in general real estate business. Oldest Lady In Clay Co. Dies Hayesville, N. C. March 22.? The friends, and relatives of Mrs. Itufina Smith are bereaved because of Iter departure into that unknown country from whose borne no traveler returns. Mrs. Smith is supposed to bo ibe oltlest lady in the county. She kvas born. Rufina Led ford, Jan. 17 ISJ5, and was married to Mr. Edr.ond Smith, F??h. 22. lsii.'i. But on he 17 of March, 1926. she took her leparture into the great unknown, to ioin her companion, who proceeded ler some years. She was 91 years ind 2 months old. She made a profession in Christ arlJ ir life, and joined the Metholist churcn, and had been a good hurch member, and consistent Chrisian. Her life and death seemed like i great struggle that came to a triimphant ending here. Her quiet and mobtrusive life had many worthy tcconiplishmcnts. She was laid to rest in the church card at I.edfords Chapel, on the 19 ?f March, the Rev. Chas. S. Plyler. Xi-UK II II U?-I? ?? ? '? tnd Alex. Wood, assist in*:. General County Court Postponed | The General County court has been postposed to the first Monday in May, court officials announced this week. This action is taken because of the meeting of the Superior Court, and there will he no place to hold the General County Court. Witnesses and litigants are requested to bear this in mind, said Solicitor F. O. Christophci", who made the announcement.