PAGE TWO The Cherokee Scout (few Official Organ of Murphy mnd Ckerokee County, North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY *. W. BAILEY Ed it or-Manage 41RS. C. W. BAILEY. Annociate Ed %. W. S1PE Associate Ed fntered in the postoffice at Murphy, ; "Oh. there's nothing A? I.ove's yot I CHARA Eg tin the order of the I Mrs. Chichester Footman Ethel, Mrs Chichester's daughter ' j Alarie, Mrs. Chichester's son * | Christian Stent g .tiuniRomery Hawkes, Solicitor. I THE SCENES <> 9 Act I. The Coming: of Act II. The Rebellion of Q Act III. Pep 0* My Heai 1 The entire action of the con I Repal Villa, Mrs. Chichester's ht early summer. I One month elapses between passes between Acts II and III. ? t Admission 25 and 35 cents. I Notice to 1 I And Cu This is to thank you for your 5 business year, which i? just closir I your continued patronaare. I am in better shape to serve past year, as I am installing an mill, and 1 will be able to furni and surrounding country plenty essential in egg production and . csipe V THE COMEDY i Pec Pec tedy passes in the living room of 1 >use in Scarborough England, in Acts I and fI, and a single night I Proceeds for benefit of school.) S9B3^ESH?3&55ik3BIP Wy Friends istomers favors and patronage for the past ip April 1st. and to further solicit you now* than I have been in the u|?iv-uhi? meat chopper and bone sh the poultry raisers of Murphy of green bone meal, which is so rowing of small chicks. urgers. They are sweet and jucy. ?no strings or gristle go into the rt in sausage making. Please call J | ornwell ket Man riety of Appetites CHEROKEE SCCU i For school, he carried his children on a horse to school in bad weathet and other way*. We feel that he ? has doubly done his duty to uj. ' His bank account "fc very small in ; deed and honestly earned. He told' 1 us that he was going to his eternal ' home just before he died and tha* he would meet his dear ones that had cone before him. His death " , cured on the 13th day < f March an 1 his ape was 63 years, lie never turned anyone (though a tram; ? fr<>ir: his door that wanted help in any way ! He mipht have had a larpe bank a" count if it had not been for .-"me of his neighbors that were continually borrowing. I am sorry that anyone w- d be' - ? heartless as to write ?uch an ar* ] icle about the dead, especially when his family is so heart broken in the' Iloss of ore of the best :'- ) lx-'> Scout; and they n' with writing said piece, which I neither affirmed nor denied. Ir. half., of the author, however, please it *. n , say that it was not his intention t write anything: unkind ? r reflective of Mr. Welch: for he ent^.tains the , hiphe-t opinion of Mr. V. .Ich. B'.;' ( he was unhappy in the language he . used, and in his expression:-, which . seemingly, conveyed a harsh sent:- j ment; which he did nut mean .-it all' and for which he is very scrry. AndL please let me offer hi* no- >1 pie.- andj^ deep repret to Mr. Welch'- f?mil> and friends for his blunder: and hi 1 assurance that he would gladly re- , all that article if he could. For my / self, personally; I have known Mr. Welch since he was a youth?1884. i And I personally know that Mr. Welch [ ! was a pood man. upright, law abid- , inp. and in these early days when I j, knew him intimately he was a church attendant and kept his little children in school. 1 did business with Mr. Welch fur n period of twenty years., up till 1U07. He was honest, prompt , in paying his accounts, and a custo-j^ nu ? whom I highly appreciated and for whom I entertained the highest j . opinion. 1 lost my business lfi 11)07-8 and fi um thut time 1 have known Mr Welch only causally. Rut always " lo esteem him highly as a man and I its a citizen; I now give testimony to j ^ his high character and good standing. Mr. Welch is gone from us. Speak kindly of the dead. Peace be to his . ashes. A. B. SMITH. * I LEMON CITY, FLA. j! March 14, 1926. j t Editor Scout, Murphy, N. C. \ Dear Sir ~ A I am enclosing a check for which j you will please send u? the Scout to the above address. Florida is a wonderful place to stay. It's sunshine and flowtrs are so lovely it makes one want to live always. Put there is no place on earth , that is better than Murphy to live in. and that is why we love to get the Dear old Scout so much. We were made very sad when we heard of so many of the good people of Murphy dying. But God Doeth all things well. Wishing you all much hapiness and success I am. Very sincerely yours, MRS. FRANK COLEMAN noMBHHniIk Look Here jWe have a lot of good j farms, towns property, j and timber lands. TO SELL YOU also a orood flour anrlI D - - ? ?~? ope ation f- r apendicitis. He has been operated on and is getting o,x well the last report. \ Tt -'iliniif tho firv? .nrpnt opera: :r that the Southern Railway Company tmpl? yed at Topton on the completion of this Murphy Branch died, a few day* itgo after a short illness of pneumonia. He \v: working at Nantahala when he tc??k sick. Pr. J. K. Tidwell was culled and attende 1 him during his sickness. During his illness he went to Bryson. to the hospital and stayed tr.e:e a fewdays and wanting to come back to N'nntahal: he was let come back. After he came back Dr. -I. K. Tidwell i\as called again but the Pr. -aw th? end was at hand. He then only lived ;t few days. All tie- age .ts and operator* were very much sc.Men t"> hear of the aged agent-operator's death. They c- aid all the time tol 'lis click. !I* was buried at Bushlell. W. II. Tones, a partner of F. B ving at Pobbinsville in the fee 1 busiless has been suffering the past wvok vith head trouble. His attending ihysician has advised him that an jperation piobahly will he necessary dr. Jones has gone to Ashcville to lave the operation perf? rmod if iccessarv. Viek Sherril. deputy, a few days go was making an arrest of a man nd it is said the man resisted and iherrill shot him. Sheriff On* cairld hint to Knoxville hospital. It - not known how the mar. was who hot is getting on. but it is undo tood that he was very badly shot. Albert Sherrill's little girl who had ler three fingers cut off by her ilder brother with an ax, getting n just well. The mistery about this s that the little child has never cried >r paid it any attention as though lothing hat! happened to her. The rhild was carried to the doctor at lobbinsville and while the doctor here dressed the hand she said noth-1 ng. The doctor then advised that I dr. Sherrill take the child to Andrews j vhere the doctors there could put | iei to sleep and dress it. Mr. Sher-' il took her to Andrews and Dr. Mor-j row, the noted surgeon of Andrews ! Jeemed it not necessary to take any J speration on the cut off fingers and . only dressed it up nicely. While the | surgeon prformed this the little child said nothing. We're expecting at any time to see j someone dig up an old blue law that prohibits saying their isn't any Santa Glaus. New Way to Stop j Night Coughing j Simple Method Brings Quick Relief For almost instant relief from hacking, irritating, sleep-robbing night coughing there is a very simple treatment which, often with a single dose, stops all irritation and permits sound sleep the whole night through. This treatment is based on the prescription known as Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs. You simply take one tcaspoonful at bed time and hold it in the throat for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing it The prescription has a double action. It not only soothes ?U...J in luuon.DUt it quickly removes the phlegm and congestion which are the real cause of I night coughing. People who have not slept well for nights are often surprised how quickly this simple method checks ; coughing and banishes the entire . cough condition completely. Dr. King's New Discovery is for ( coughs, chest colds,sore throat.hoarse- i ness, bronchitis, spasmodic croup, etc. Fine for children as well as grownups?no harmful drugs. Economical, too, as the dose is only one teaspoonfuL At all good druggists. Ask for i |E 5 n?l pronoun 15? Mason'* tool 17?To rearh .3? Part of "to he'* 20?Blood relation 22- Part of n.outh 23?ivrlol of tin 25?Snakelike C?-h r?i ? Sun pod 27?i -otijunotion 2S? Writing fluid 31?To atop one's mouth : 4?Als?? 35?Colli rtion of related Informatlon 37?Juloe of a tr'r Z9?II- . n material on which arttaia paint 41?Container 44?I't poall Ion <5?Kind < lie fort i poetic > 47 ? N? cuth e 11?Our : 'i :l ? \ilt Of narda il-'nj ' t 51?To -Shu ft- - Pre j???sl t Ion I Mil l|_lM I ,1 III III IM I jl FT o dMu a eWvHIa S,Q,ri|fcipBs^31A V_3l|3l9 wivi2W^3 Ai1 i2JB(3 Q|SMH!O!3 I IUM7btwisj oMs;3'H,viyM3 W V S0 all l|AA3|dMu 3'aia o'T [HTV disBF^i3 SJC^'O' gia amUilUWH d HI 3siu 3,Xitf'niiMiT|^'Si HfopA, HHP .ivsH s^;3id'\/lwvBliiw;o|aMH MR. FARMKR: We have five hundred farms any -size, anywhere, at any price in the Piedmont Section of South Carolina, one of them for you. We have automobiles waiting at Bre. vard and llenderst.nvillc to carry you and show you these farms if you will notify us when you wish to go. Realty & Investment Corp., Box 781, Hendersonville. N. C. (34-2t-pd.l Great as our inventors are they haven't yet made the Coolidgre machine into a talking machine. I I MOTHER? Fletcher's Csstor Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething prepared to relieve Infants in i Diarrhea 4. Aids in the assimilation o{ Food, pi Natural Sieep withe To avoid imitations always look for th? Proven direction* ? rarb package. I FRIDAY. APRIL 2. lfjf 9 12 I 17 18 11 \it \ 1 H|3T3rp| ;| - i" lllUlfi37 1 Ul _| limiii | 41 42 i~i5] 4t ".^r 49 ' p LJ 5T Nwr Union.) frVertical. ty'sxr: l?Small ?- Irt of . t<* 8?iM-ft-rf i por . ) 7?Tr. slrlkf '$ 8?That ttitni; .ftti":1 ,;,r * 12?Wind .. her ft 13?An lift-, r . k j.,|nt ft 14 ?Half on ?'.y 1C ? NatIx ft, J v To aft. 1 : h pa|B "I ? I'art of 1 ?4- N'oal-.'s ' 2ft? fr? I ..I ?V I. ; 23?Elr?-?rlfVd ,-i-u 29?A heclrn.r $ S??I'np..: t 82?To .ip 1 g .IT.? A rf. r: f-'d ^ 84?!A?rht l>r? 1 w SB?T. vr'iU'" 1 SB?l'-rhx ? . - ) SK ? W rii tr ?nt S- ' >? .iv , , ? < Mr vera i' 5 42 ?r. rlod -f 4.1 Rrh. f 4S- M?.nti of It- - * crtcnlar RO IT. --Ml. Inlnrltin nlll la ml H Sn^Secj Cataloj/ Free/ lower Sctdihl You ran pet & prickets of m* different and vei . rtlful Use free Ha?thaps' VJZi Sesd C18 tells you all about it. Hastings' Seeds nre 'The Stall of tho South." Tliej gin the be*I suits fn our Southern ^ardeoi ill our farms. Hasting.*' new 19M 0 log has 112 page* in all. full of f turea from photographs. buk covers In full colors, truthful, am description* and valuable cultm rectlona. We want you to have this estsk your home. It tells all about HmI garden, flower and field seed*. ji and bulbs. Write for it today, if card request brings It to you by rtl mail. H. O. HASTINGS CO.. 6EEDMN ATLANTA, GA The Birmingham News w* know if there is any way to pal a thirst. Yes, forget it. 11 /(i ia is a harmless Substitute '?-* Drops and Soothing Syrupy trms and Children all >g& ^ Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels romoting Cheerfulness. Rest. ^ >ut Opiates trr~!" ' denature?! <2!LW.'/f&tJ* hyticiaiu everywhere recouia^t *