. , . W IT ISNT IN THE SCOUT IT'S BECAUSE WE DIDNT KNOW IT The Official Organ of VOLUME XXXVIL NO. 35 ROAD TO TENN. NOT LIKELY TO BE VOTED UPON Commissioners Adopt Resolution Ask in? Stikeleather To Make Official Announcement Of Route State Desi>es Pledging themselves to accept and abide by the decision and recommendations of J. G. Stikeleather and the State Highway engineers, in the matter of the selection of a State Highway into Tennessee, was the cont' it of a verbal resolution' agreed upon by the Cherokee County Highway Commission, at its regular meeting here Monday of this week. This act n was taken that the matter might be settled immediately, and members stated that an election on the question would not be held. Due to the absence of the cecreta y, I). S. Russell, who is confined to his home in Andrews on account i <>f illness, the resolution was not writ ;? I heartily concurred in by the entire [ i inmission. members stated. It will j be drawn up and adopted at thenext meeting and forwarded to Mr Stikoleather for immediate action. The action of the commission was taken, it was stated, after considerable correspondence relative to the matter between members of th" commission and Mr. Stikeb-ather and [ State cnginers had been brought to the attention of the commission as a body, in which it was shown that Mr. Stikeleather and the State Highway ! < mmission had made it plain that the j only route acceptable to the State was the one recommended by rts engineers. The Hot House route is the one recommended by the engineers, nnd this apparently concludes the question of the road into Tennessee from Cherokee County which the state is to take over as a part of the State system of highways, and the election upon the matter for which the people have been calling evidently will n< t take place. As soon as the resolution is written and adopted, it will be carried in these columns. ENTHUSIASTIC LIONS MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT Enthusiasm and preparations for a errand occasion on Charter night, marked the meeting of the Mu.phy . Lions Tuesday night at the Regal Hotel. There were some fifteen members present and letters were read by President Fain from the Lions International, District Governor, Ashevilie Lions, and several other nearby clubs, congratulating the .Murphy Lions and expressing a desire to have representatives here on the occasion. Committees were appointed to prepare program, etc,, and the Murphy Lions are looking forward to Charter night, April 20th, with much anticipation. Rural Picture Machine For Cherokee County We wil have our picture nfachine showing agricultural developments I throughout the County at the foij lowing places and dates: Martin Creek school house Monday night April 12. 1026. Grandview school house Tuesday April iatn. Suit school house, Wednesday, April 14th. Culberson school house Thursday. April, 15th. Peachtree school house Friday. April 16th. Come and we will try to give you something to entertain you in the picture line. R. W. GRAY, County Agent. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davis, lost one of his eyes early in the week. The child was visiting his grandfather, Mr. Palmer, and was down in the blacksmith shop with him. A spark from a red hot iron flew off and lodged in his eye. He I has been suffering intense pa:n, and the doctor and family believe that the sight of the eye is totally lost. L m I' Murphy and Cherokee IjV 1 / vmfi I I < : it fCfpyrlc^t. W. X. U.> 'PEG O' MY HEART' MAKES HIT WITH MURPHY PEOPLE To be Given At Andrews Friday Night For Benefit of Andrews and Murphy Schools One of the largest crowds ever a^ ' sembled in the local school auditorium gathered last Friday after noon to witness the production by local talent of th? popular play ea ! titled Poor O' Mv Hoar?.' The play was scheduled to begin at 7:30, hut some fifteen minutes be. fore that time the house was full. The i continous rounds of applause and j laughter accorded the production proved beyond a doubt that it was well received. The laughter was so | upioarous that the players had to : pause several time until it subsided' | in order to be heard. 1 The three acts are all enacted in the spacious living room of Regal Villa, the famous old Chichester resi-1 dence in Scarborough, England, and takes place in the early summer. The first act portrays the coming ! of "Peg." It opens just as Mrs. Chii Chester, her daughter, Ethel, and son. | Alaric, receive the news that their 1 bank had failed, leaving them pennii less. In this unfortunule circumstance comes the litle Irish Maiden. Margaret O'Connell, or Peg. Peg's j uncle Mr. Kingsnorth had sent for| i her to come from America but died,' ' unknown to Peg, before she sailed. In | ( his will he left all his estate to Peg,! but this is kept a secret from her. j ! When she arrives she intrudes upon. Ethel Chichester and her "gentle' nuin" and married friend, Christain, Brent. She is mistaken for a ser-1 ; vant seeking employment and is sent i i to the kitchen. Montgomery Hawkes . one of the exectors of the estate of ! the late Kingswort, calls at the Chichester home, and makes the contents ; ox the will known to the Chichester | family. He then sends for Peg, who is ushered in, dressed in drab and tat tered attire, dragging her pet dog. j | "Michael." The C-hichesters are as- ; * tonished. and the antics of Peg and <, Alaric would cure one of the lockjaw, j; The Chichesters leave to secure tu- j tors for Peg, and Jarvis and Kennett, j . the l>utle(*and maid, discuss the com- t I ing of Peg. Bennett leaves the room t j in disgust, saying: "Oh, these poor j j relations!" Jerry, a titled and intimate friend of the Chichester family, calls for_ dinner and is told that the family is i out. He goes out to the sitablcs and , finds Michael barking at a high-J, spirited mare, and takes him in his j ! arms and enters the living room. [, ( Peg is in the next room at the ] i piano singing "Peg O* My Heart." , | He listens to the sweet music float- . ing gently from the next room and wonders who it could be. The musics dies away and Peg burst into the I (Continued on page 2) Cijeti County, and the Lead in MURPHY, North Carolina Welcome Home VW'V ^'11 ---. a ? = GREAT NORTH AND SOUTH ROUTE j INCLUDES MURPHY O. M. Wells, Chief Roadman of A. C. A. Visits Ashevilie and Makes Statement Chimney Rock, N*. C.f Apiil 5? That the popularity of motoring through this section will be greatly increased by the inauguration of a popular tour route from New York to Atlanta through Ashevilie, and Murphy, is the opinion of O. M. i Wells, chief roadman of the Automobile Club of America, with headquarters in N'ew York City. He has mo-1 tored over this route several limes <lurino* fho naO I'onp an/I If throughly dependable and containing:' the largest possible number of miles' of hard-surfaced roadway, between New York and Asheville. Our pea-1 pie are not so greatly concerned. about the distance as they are about the kind of road they encounter, i stated Mr. Wells, while explaining his' proposed "Shcnandonh-Smoky Moun- j tain Tours" route, which would fol-j low a direct line from New York to Atlanta Roanoke, -Winston-salem. Asheville, Murphy and Stone Moun- j tain. "Just refer to- your map of the 1 United States," continued Mr. Wells to a reporter, " and take your pencil and draw a straight line from New york to Atlanta. You will find that it comes remarkably near the centre of Asheville. While it is my idea to point out the shoit routes between given points. I am not unmindful of the fact that few motorists sacri-, fice traveling good roads merely to save what would take them only a few mintes longer to run arouni the far way. What does thirty miles amount to in a transcontimental trip if you can be rewarded with good roads nil the way. "There arc several paved roads leading from New York to the Shenandoah Valley. The road from there to Roanoke skirts the Shenandoah National Park site, hence that portion >f the name I have selected for this Southern tour route. After passing Winton-Salcm, the route leads into Ashevillr through Black Mountain and through Murphy, skirting the territory proposed to be used .is the Great Smoky National Park. | The great amount of publicity recent i ly given these national park pro-1 ject creates an advertising value hard j to estimate. Our northern papers have carried a lot of descriptive matter, about these two areas of which it is proposed to make national parks, and aur touring information bureaus are. having an increasingly large number of routing inquiries. I also under-j stand that Washington sources of information have also been flooded with inquiries. Now that I am making my report of the finally decided (Continued on page 5) * An tg Newspaper in this I FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1926 v I . ' ri? m\. SUPERIOR COURT SESSION TO END HERE SATURDAY Criminal Docket Finished duringfirst Two Days?Civil Docket Will Not be Completed The regular March term of Cherokee Superior Court will come to close; here Saturday, after holding 1 forth for the past two weeks. The court is presided over by Judge J. M ' Oglesby, of Concord. The criminal docket was rather * light, being completed the first two days, and Solicitor Davis left for his home at Waynesville. The civil dock-, ct is exceedingly crowded, and will ( not likely be completed at this term. A large number of cases are being continued, some of which have been docketed for more than twenty years, j court offcials said. Among the cases disposed of are the following: Cliff Taylor, entered a plea of guilty of forcible trespass and judgment was suspended upon payment of coats. Frank Clark, on two counts for hav- j ing in his possession stolen property, entered a plea of guilty and judgment j was uspended upon payment of costs in both cases. Elmer Moore, charged with larceny of an automobile, entered a plea of | guilty of the temporary use of the auto and was given six month on the roads. Jim Gates, charged with the abnn-j doment of wife and children was in-1 structed to appear at the August term of court and pay costs. He was also instructed to pay $30.00 per month for the support of his family and his bond fixed at $250.00 for his appearance for the next two years in court and show thai he had. Failure to do j so, entails two years on the roads. i.. k. i'angeit was given a juugment of $1,000 against the Appala- j chian Construction Co. The Murphy Hospital was given a judgment of $200 against the Kitchen Lumber Co. Abe Gregory secured a judgment of $350 against the Andrews Manu-J facturing Co. In the case in the last will and [ testmcnt of H. T. Hamby, the will was set aside. In the case of Elizabeth White1 against the Highway Commission and others, a compromise was reached: and the case was dismissed by defen- i dant paying court costs. J. F. Abernathy was given a judgment for $156.00 and some interest ' against G. W. McClure. Costs were also paid by the defendant. Col. L. E. Bayless spent several j days this week in Jonesboro, Tenn. I his old home town. >cout scciion of We*tern Nor CHEROKEE RAISES $10,150 FUND FOR PARK PURPOSES County Sbcrl $4,850 On.. Quota of $15,000?Chairman Fercbee States Campaign in County j to Continue A total of $10,150 has been raised in Cherokee County to date of the ' county's quota of $15,000 for the pur- ' chase of the Great Smoky Mountain national park site, according: to figu res made public this week by officials 'n charge of the work here. The campaign officially closed in North Carolina last Saturday, but a telegram from Senator Ebbs to P. If. i Ferebee, chairman for Cherokee County, stated that an extension of a few days had been made for North Carolina to complete its quita. Chero- | Kee has been asked to add $5,000 to i its quota. Mr. Ferehee is chairman for the county, and C. \V. Savage is chairman in charge at Murphy. Mrs. W. TV Fisher of Andrews and Mrs. A. M. Brittain, of Murphy, are joint-chairmen of the women's work in the county. Following is a list of pledges and those reporting the pledge: Andrews, P. B. Ferehee. County chairman: W. T. Moore $ 1,000 Nantnhala Gorge Properties, Incorporated 1,00ft Riley Jenkins (Land Donation 80" S. E. Cover . 500 D. W. Swan 500 j j W. Br. Fisher 500 Whitaker Brothers 500 Davis' Pharmacy 25ft Carolina Lbr. & Supply Co. .... 250 . Lee Watkins 25ft i P. B. Ferebee 250 , C. H. Bailey . 100 D. F. Mehaffcy 10ft ' W. D. Whitaker Iftft ( J. B. Sessoms 10P ( \V. W. Ashe 100 Clyde Jarrett 10ft C.A.Brown 100 L. P. Smith 50 Dr. F. L. Herbert 5ft | TOTAL $6,600 Murphy, C. W. Savage, sub-chairman; and Mrs. A. M. Brittain Joint, Chairrcgin of Women's Work. Wm. I*. Payne $5001 Hotel Rctrnl ... 500 j W .M. Fain 250 j R. W. Sipe 250; D. Witherspoon 200 J. H. Dillard 200 G. W. Candler 100 Wofford-Terrell Gro. Co.. 100 Murphy Service Station 100 C. W. Bailey 100 R. S. Parker 100 J. H. Dehart 100 Mrs. .I. N. Moody 100 Dr. J. N. Hill ...... 100 E. A. Davidson 100 W. P. Odom 100 John M. Brittain 50 C. P. Hill 50 F.. C. Moore 50 W. L. Dickey 40| H. D. Smith 25 I. M. Vauffhn 25 f J. R Moore 25 j J. D. Warren ... - 10 F. O. Christopher 10 J. B. Storey 10 j E. A. Savape . 5j : TH TAT SJ.20C ! Mrs. W. B. Fisher, Andrews. Women's Chairman: % Mrs. M. E. Cozad .... $30 j Mrs. Grace Masters lj Miss Mary Grt'ene 1 ' Mrs. Will Bradley . . 1 j Mrs. Clyde Jarrett 10 Mrs. C. A. Brown 101 Mrs. J. N. Elliott 101 Mrs. W. T. Holland 10 Mrs. N. C. Bellamy 5 Hrs. G. E. tail 1 ! Mrs. .T. A. Powell 1 ; Mrs. J. A. Morgan 1 Mrs. 1>. W. Swan *| Mrs. Moll Matherson . ? Mrs. T. J. Bristol 2 Mrs. Fannie B. Stillman R0! Miss Lenna Tidwell 10 j Mrs. Will Morrow 5 Mrs. W. B. Fisher 20 Mrs. F. P. Cover 20 Mrs. G. W. Cover 20 (Continued on page 5) ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH" th Carolina 5c COPY?$1.50 PER TEAE FEREBEE APPEALS TO CITIZENS FOR PARK FUND RALLY Telegram From Senator Ebbs Say# Park Assured if N. C.'s Quota Raised?Time Extension Made An appeal to the citizens of Cherokee County to rally to the cause of the park campaign fund is voiced In a letter to the Scout this week frotx* P. B. Fere bee chairman of the canpaign in thi3 county. Mr. Ferebee states that N'orth Carolina has to date subscribed only $150,000, while Tennessee has subapriKofl ?u? ?"AA """ ? v. m.vi? (.iiuii f??uu,uuu, and Virginia more than $1,200,000. lie also points out the fact that a comparatively small number of Cherokee County's more than 15,000 citizens have subscribed over $10,000, the amount pledged t<? late. A wire rec? um: by hi/., from Senator Ebbs states that the park is assured provided North Carolina fret? her full quota, and ihat a member of the committee will visit the county to assist in the work. An additional $5,000 over the county's quota of $15,000 is asked for. Mr. Fercbee's ietie?* fololws; Andrews, N". C. April 7, 1925. As you of course know, North Carolina has so far failed to raise its quota of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park purchased fund. North Carolina having up to this time only subscribed $450,0000: Whereas Tennessee has subscribed more than $000,000 and Virginia more than $1,200,000. I have just received a wire from lion. Plato D. Ebbs as follows: "Wire from Senator Squires in Washington states park assured provided North Carolina gets full quota. Time extended few days for this purpose. Committee agrees balance must come from Western Counties. Can your County secure $5,00 over quota? Member of staff wil call assist this work." The quota for Cherokee County was placed at $15,000 and up to the [xt-aeui. ume we nave signed pledges for a little over ?10,000, this amount being subscribed by approximately twenty-five citizens o ft he county The population of Cherokee County in 1020 was 15,242. The present population, v?f course, is excess of this.but taking the 1920 figures there are approximately 15,217 toward# the purchase fund. It would, therefore, seef if twenty-five citizens have subscribed SI 0.000 certainly we should be able to raise Si0,000 from the remaining 15,217. Especially realinging, as most of us do. The great benefit to be derived by the establishment of a national park in the Greaat Smokies. It is practically impossible to estimate the monetary value the establishment of the park wil mean to Cherokee County, as this county is one of the most favorably situated with reference to the park of any of the counties of the State, and it would seem that from a purely selfish standpoint alone every property owner would be anxious to contribute as much as he is able to the purchase fund, for the establishment of the park will mean prosperity to this county and an increase in property values that will be many time# the amount contributed to the fund by the county. I wsh, therefore, that you would make an appeal throuuh your paper to the citizens of thiscounty urging nil to contribute as liberally as possible. You understand, of course that the terms of payment are 10 per cent of the amount subscribed with in thirty days a third of the remainder one year from date, and the remaining two-thirds in two and three years from date. Of course, if for any reason Congress fails to establish a park the deferred payment# will not have to be made. Very Truly Yours, TERCY B. FEREBEE, County ChairmanThe W. M. S. of the Baptist Church will present the pageant, "God's Flowerland," at the church Wednesday evening. April 14, at 7:30 o'clock. The play is being directed by Mrs. J. W. Davidson, Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. T. L. Sasser. An opportunity will be given for a free will offering

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