FRIDAY. MAY 14. 1926. ! NOTLA ITEMS Our Sunday school is progressing ticely- everybody is invited to join Mr. Thomas Payne is very ill at his writing. Mrs. Alferd Green and Mrs. Nathen Dockey. spent the week-end visitinp relatives at Ducktown Tenn. Miss Mildred Martin spent last week at Copperhill and Isabella. Tenn.. visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lou iermilk. Mr. Coat Hill of Krch was a visi- { tor of Mr. Bill McClure, Sunday' Perfection ( On Display at Our Sto them. They save you Prices 1 W. D. TOW1N Complete Hou Murphy 3c U J PREFER oil StC and dependa world of work. No coal o In, no ashes to carry out ' "I have just completed a sp< on the 1926 model Perfectio Ing it under all possible coc I cooked many meals in n Every dish was deliciousl) Immediate Cot "Steak began to broil and n began to rise almost as sooi burners. There was no wa: to 'come up.* "The bottom of every ute experiment was as clean i china dish. No scouring ? necessary. Those long Per tion chimneys certainly are urance against sooty kett All at the Same Time "1 cooked many things at 01 For boiling beef I used a v low flame. 1 French-fried tatoes over a hot flaine v yellow tips about 1% inc high above the blue are* cooked white sauce ove medium flame. *T used all grades of hea the same time satisfactor STANDARD < PER] Oil Cook wl wic P-? V & afternoon. Mr. Bass Haigler and family we visitors of Mrs. Emma Martin Su day. Mr. Arnel McTiger made a bu* ness trip to Murphy. Saturday. H. D. Smith & R. B. Wells SMITH & WELLS Registered Engineers ar.d Land Surveyots Phone 2422 MURI'HY. N. C. look Stoves re Cnmp in anrl cor, both time and money *ight JSON, Dealer se Furnisher , N. C. W1 ) Years < aught Mrs. about Si rs. Sarah Tyson Rori Philadelphia Cooking Expert >ves to any other All flames from the fullness and even. xperience with or'crawl.*1 can, economical, to the coot ble. It save9 a keep her it r wood to carry ?? . And no dust. . Altogethe ecial experiment the Perfect n Oil Stove, test- of oil stoves >king conditions, uy own kitchen, r cooked. The other 6iastic abou siting every day ly molasses cake ing satisfact i as I lighted the too, will g< iting for the heat the year a latest mode nsil used in the See the con as a was [7 "" ^ OftCflS. RORER i. les. ?f the six famous cooks ? just completed a novel ice I USt 071 *>erfe> ery 6tove. Uthers are: . Pq. Lucy G. Allen, Bo? ri t h Miss Margaret A lien i hes Battle Creek; Miss i im * Michaelis, New Or It r a Mrs. Kate B. Vaughn Angeles, and Mrs. i DeGraf, San Franc L 3IL COMPANY ( s * 26 Broadway + New FECTI ? Stoves and iRNINGi Um only genuine ] ska on Perfectk . Stove*. Thty k rwd triangU. Other* will o*u md for this Free Coc ~ CHEROKEE SCO " I A undrew? Mr. T. M. Worthy made a busi? ness trip to Atlanta. Ga.. tre first r ox the week. G. B. Hoblitzel! wes ir A-keville on Monday and Tuesday of this week j Miss Marguerite Smathers of Can ton is visiting Miss Lena Tidwell. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. St'.cnjr passed t through Andrews Wednesday on their _ . way to an4, from Wesser. X. 0. - Messrs. D. Witkerspoon and M. W Bell were in Andrews Wednesday on professional business. M:ody passed through Andrews Monday mornir. _ . n his way tc Clayt n. Ga. Rev. Geor.ue W. Reeves of A. sheville filled the pulpit of the Bantist church at both morning and evening services on last Sunday. vi i i csii. .. nignc in me scftoo' auditorium six girls from the eighth" graded cave a recital. Miss Marguerite Holland was selected by a uninair.ous decision of the judges as the winner and Miss Johnston of Marble was awarded the second praise. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jarrett and children spent Mother's Day with Mr Jarret's parents at Dillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. S. Davis ipent Tat of Cook . Rorertglf ______ ifo :oves remained steady They did not creep 'his is a real blessing She can forget her stove and kind on her cooking. Very Well Satisfied" '1 r I was very well satisfied with ion Stove. And, my good opinion has increased, if that is possible." 4,500,000 In Use five famous cooks were enthuit the 1926 Perfection, too. And 4,500,000 women get real cookion from their Perfections. You, it the most cooking satisfaction round when you cook on the :1 Perfection. nplete line at any dealer's today. All sizes, from a one=^==J| burner model at *6.75 I to a large, five-burner range at *120.00. who , Buy the stove endorsed by Mrs. :/ion Rorer and the other miss five famous cooks, rton; I the 1926 Perfection. Hall, 1 Manufactured by J Rosa Pf.rkkctionStovk Company ' Cleveland, Okie , Los HelU isc? = yzj"** liai ON? Ovens |||nj Perfection art morktd / a e tnrable. / f ik Book J IT MURPHY. N. C. "I* ?? Locals |[ Mother's Day with Mr. Davis* parent? t rear Wavnesville. f Mr. J. E. Kephart and family have r ' motored ' Canton, N. C. Z. L. Whitaker attended the race . : in Cha: iotte. Aiatews the first <; the week. Mr. R. M. Walii. 'jp ana wife from i n ity and Mr. .:a?v. Ward d I daughter ar.d hrsband spent S mday n wit:- Mr. S. Porter and family. I M:s?c ; Gu'?ie and Ida Leach of d j;i:n we re visitors of Mr. and r\ 31. -. J. R. Leach Sunday. ; ? (Last weeks letter) ?i 3Y. T. Holland was in Murphy Mon; :: y r* <1 Tuesday at the meeting of v i the County B .s i of Commissioners 1 P. S. Russell was in Murphy Tues- n \ dn; : rtcndinjr the meeting cf High-! ; \. v Commissioners. Miss Catherine Smathers f Can- ^ ing j i X* Clean, Even Cooking Meat The long chimney* o- the Perfection burn every droj of the oil before it reaches the fc-r tie. Thus you get clean, even cooking heat free from mm and smoke. You can he doubly sure of thi* sort of hear when yon use a pure water-white Kerosene that burns cleanly, evenly and without odor ?"Standard" Kerosene. It 1* specialty refined. All impurities that might causa smoke or leave deposits of soot are removed. This assures the maximum amount of heat. By sticking to "Standard" Kerosene you are sure of l>cst results from your Perfection. Insist on it. You can buy it anvwhere. Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey ) "STANDARD" KEROSENE nn visiting Miss Lena Tidwell. Rev. George Crow ^ f Asreville Hied the pulpit of the Baptist church ast Sunday both morning and eventit services. Friends of J. S. Watkins arc giad o learn that his condition is improving and that he is now on the xad to recovery. The declamation Contest held for Vndrews High School on lust Tucslay evening Sarah Evelyn Jarrett ?-a? awarded the gold medal for the est performance and Dorothy Moncney was selected as second best* :m:r?tr the boys Earnest Hyde was elected a? best and Stephen Adaim second best. The judges wete Esses Edwards, Ko'h and Russ iciiher- -if High School faculty. I>. H. Tillitt was in Murphy Mon-' ay and Tuesday on professional busier. j t.-U- ? f_.l ... ..wmi .-i i amain way in murpny tW<> I ays as juror in the County court, j Ralph M ody. Sheriff B. H M,.r < o\v and Deputy K. B. Gentry were i Andrews last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. (I. B. Hoblitzell were reek-'.-nd visitors in Asheville. Fred Caudell. formerly of Andrews o\v of Asheville was a visitor in I Andrews Wednesday of this week, j J. C. Arbogast, Jr.. Robert Brown j Vhitaker were among the Andrews(This strip should run with Ad. No. 337) > In the Kitchen < \ it^'6 Famous Cooks J BREADS AND BISCUITS AS 3 EXPERT COOKS MAKE TIIEM IF>1. Note: Thi- in one of a worir* of article* on rrakinr which fi famous cooky *ri contributing to this paper.) Bread can be much more than the uninteresting, prosaic "statT of life." It can be made so delicious that you eat it because you ien?f to, not because you A think you ?SA OUJOll tO. WkFamous dt P cooks have unearthed many "y *v^ delicious bread v ^' and biscuit \ recipes from MRS. Sarah various parts r. rorer 0f the country for you. Follow their recipes for pleasing variety in breads. Easy Bran Muffins Mm. Rorer. the Philadelphia cooking expert, recommends her bran muffins for breakfast. "They aro very nutritious and healthful." she eays. "One might paraphrase the old saying Into 'a bran niutlin a day keeps the doctor away." It would hold just as true. "Theae muffins are easily made." she affirms. "Heat one egg. add a cup of milk, a half teaspoon salt, one table-spoonful sugar, and one tahlespoonful melted butter. Sift one cupful flour with three level teaspoons baking powder, and bake In a hot oven. In greased gem pans for 20 minutes." A'uf* for A'ourix/imcnf Mrs. Rorer has a very appetizing j and nourishing nut bread, too. Here's how to make It: Chop ?no ugh pecans to make a half cupful. Put two cupful* flour In a bowl, add four level teaspoons of baking powder, half a teaspoon ealt. and two tahU-spoonfuls o? sugar, and sift. Mix In the nuts. Beat one egg. add ore cupful of milk, mix and add the flour. Beat well, and turn at once Into a greased bread pan. Let stand 10 minutes. Light oven t minutes before bread 1b light. Bake half an hour at medium heat. Raisins may be substituted for nuts. Nut bread makes very good sandwiches if spread with butter. Cream cheese may also be used for a simple, delicious filling. Southern Corn Bread Corn bread, that favorite of the j South. Is another nutritious change j from the every-day white bread. Made with the recipe of Miss Rosa Michael!*, famous New Orleans cook, i It's a welcome part of any meal. | Here are tho ingredients: A cup of sugar I 4 cups corrimeal 1H teaspoons salt 3 eggs 2 tablespoonfuls baking powder 1% tablespoonfuls shortening 2 cups water (or milk, or the two mixed) Sift corn meal, salt, sugar, and ! baking powder together. Add water j or milk. Add yolks of eggs and 1 shortening which has been heated. KA.... Ul.? - ? wniica ui i'KK" 1 Put Into a hot frreased pan and bale* In hot oven. This can be served with battar or with syrup. Rial Beaton Biocuito 11 yon have a patient n?ht arm, are bound to make onooseaful beaten bleculta This la another old eon the rn reolpe of klM Mlohaella'. 1 avert floor IVi teaspoons of lord l pint of milk 1 teaspoon salt PACE FIVE people v.-ho attended the marriage of Miss Martha Candler. J. W. Walker made a business trip to Asheville the iirst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wood were Murphy visitors Tuesday . Laura Taylor one day last week. Mr. Frank spark shas the flu, but is mipioving at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. If. C. Dickey of Copperhiil spent Sunday with Mrs. Dickey's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. The farmers of this section are getting along nicvcly with their work owing to the dry weather. Mr. an i Mss. Elmer Taylor of Akron. Ohio are visiting home folks. Mr. Hiram Givins, foimerly of itua (inK'c way mm iu re si in the Shatlqy Grove cemetery last Saturday, May 3. Our sympathy iroe:? out to the bereaved. Mr. Will Suit and son of Try. Ga. spent Sunday at the home of E. W. Taylor. The remains of T. J. Taylor was brought from Ga>tonia and interred in the family grave yard near Letitia. April 23. His many friends here were sieved to part with him. Arthur Graham has moved his store and post office to the Shields stand >n the graded road. Miss Cer.a Payne and Mr. Russel Staley were quietly married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Payne Saturday. May 1, Rev. t'. F. (Ynlcy performing the ceremony. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ~ Signature of Sift dry ingredients. Tnen add the shortening and blend by using the lingers?rub until smooth; add gradually the liquid and knead .*<11 together till the dough If formed. Should be a rather Rf.1T dough Then lay ilie dough or. a biscuit board and bmt with rolling jun half an hour. Knead lightly and beat again for ten minutes, till air bubbles form all over the dough Then roll out and cut with cutter In nay shape and stick top here and there with fork. U.ike in m.-derate oven about fifteen minutes or t: 11 top und bottom are a light brown. Uac Oranges Orange muffins are Just the thing for breakfast. Toasted, they are delicious to serve with afternoon tea. neno L>eurar. san Francisco, formerly with t'no Pacific C oast Branch of the New York Cooking School, gives this delectable recipe: 2 caps flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon rait 2 tablespoons sugar 1 eg* 2 tablespoons melted butter l cup orange Juice Grated rind of one orange Peat eggs and add liquid. Silt and combine dry ingredients Add melted shortening and fust mixture. Bake In greased muffin pans, in moderate oven about 2t? minutes. You may servo a different bread or biscuit every incal. Thc*e recipes are especially helpful to women with i the lunch problem, as different sand| wich fillings may be used with all but the beaten biscuit with good | results.