ffce Only New?piper Published in the Three Most Westernly Countie? of Western North Carolina. CHEROK EE?CLAY?GRAHAM The Leadi VOLUM XXXVII. NO. 51 MURPHY'S NEW FILTER PLANT IS COMPLETED Ha* Caf. ty of 500,000 Gnllons Per Day And Was Erected At a Cost Of $30,000.00 The Municipal filtering plant, which h been in course of construct ' for the past five months, wi? com ?id this week, water filtered thr' , an?l the system and pumps thorough... tested by C. R. Quinn. superintendent of construction. The plant ompleted and in operation in le> '.an two weeks over the estimated t . and the delay was caused hv :i 'li't in the motor e v.- plant is located in the Pat t ei * field on the Hiawassee River t a mile above Murphy. It wa. i d at a . ost of $.'$(>,0?*0 and ha> a a parity of 500,000 gallons daily Tin latest design and engineer in; kill is represented in the plant. \ testing room or laboratory, eqaipi < ; in accordance with the spevi: '.ions of the State Board of H< provided a a part of the eit> a water system. In this room water can be analized and testi ' m time to time by the water super! ndent, and although samples must i nt to the state chemist at . ftali. at regular intervals, any impurit can he detected even before the ales leave Murphy. This will ^ assur tire water for the city at all times. A large concrete intake has been con- icted near the middle of the river i d. and the water is carried by gravit; through a fifteen-inch pipe into what is known us the suction well. From this well it is pumped into the coagulation basin, where it is nuved with chemicals. The mixing proic - comprises l."J4 baffles through which the water passes after the chemicals are deposited in it, which insui i a thorough mixing. Water Lifted 288 Feet Ft in the coagulation basin, the Water passes through two quarter million tiIter units, with a capacity of ' 500.uUO gallons per day, and is de- ' poc.ivd in a 12,000 gallon clear water * wel.. located between the plant and the river. It is then lifted by a pump 1 through an eight-inch main t.? the ;l 10" "oo gallon reservoir ABSENTEE VOTE T ATTACK LOOMS Vlccklrnburg Delegation Will Saek Its Repeal In State : V (1. < Asheville Citizen) D Raleigh, N. C., July 12?The Meek- axt members uf the Buncombe #lelegufion have been trying to ex- ^ mpt that county from the law. Vnd? since Buncombe has failed n its attempts to extricate itself, 1)1 ilone, from the law, the politicians c' ee the Mecklenburg delegation's pro sal to repeal it for the State at lt argc as an unpromising venture. ^ The reason for the stronghold of c< he absentee voting law on the Legi- c< la til re is difficult to understand. ^ Nobody speaks any good of it, and ftentimcs some very- bad things are 1>S aid about it. But suggestions for ts repeal have invarably been smothred, ami the Legislature has never ci riven them much attention. At the iast session, Representa- '!l ive Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe w ounty, succeeded in getting through ^ he House, by a meager majority, a l) ill to exempt his county from the tl1 provisions of the law. But Mr. Erwin'a bill was chloroformed in lommittoe when it reached the Sen- ^ ite, and Buncombe's Senator Plato Cbbs, told his consttuents in the last irimary campaign that he didn't tand a chance of getting it through hat body. If the Mecklenburg delegation aunches its attack, it may find sup)ort from some of the members of he Buncombe delegation. The Republicans, too. may rush to their lelp, but the very activity of the Remblicans will shoo off any other otential Democratic assistance. 3PENS DENTIST OFFICE HERE Announcement was made this week >y Dr. E. L. Holt that he will open in office in the Brittain-Axley buildng on August 3rd, for the general >racticc of denistry and dental sur tery. Dr. Holt is a native of Princeton, M. C., and is a graduate of the Atlanta-Southern Dental College, one >f the foremost institutions of its Icind in the South. He comes to Murphy highly recommended, and states that he has already been much im n.uyuanJ nritK ?)>o prding to Mr. W. A. .McNeill, resi nt engineer in charge of the work. The lower end of the road, being ived by Overstreet and Nance, halt a short link from Scott's Creek ridge, this side of Addie, to the imp at Foster siding, to be poured; r. Waldrup, while his distance is a ttle long, on the other end. expects, ith his larger paver, to pour to 'oodfin creek bridge, and complete le job as soon as the lower end is nished. Engineer McNeill states that he jpes to open the road for travel by ugust first.?Jackson Journal. FILLS NEW OFFICE Creation of a new division in the Post-Offlee department to handle gen era1 engineering problems of the postal service has Just been announced by Postmaster General New. The uew division will be known as post-offlce quarters and engineering, and Frank 0. McMillan will be Its chief. tfctr I Serving a large and Porter. FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1026 ad ^ ^ ^ 1 [ Dk. GEO. TRUE IT AT FRANKLIN AUGUST 6 TO 16 Trurtt-McConnell Meeting To Be Held Again in Big Tabernacle Franklin People Making Preparations t Franklin Press) l> George Truett, of Dallas, Texas, uurlde renowned divine, and Dr. F t . >Ict'onnell, of Atlanta, will again at : l a great revival meeting in Franklin's big tabernacle on the southern outskirts of town, for ten days com August Oth to 10th. Rev. A. J. Smith, formeily of Franklin, und now pastor of the First Buptist < hurch at Goldoboro, will arrive next week to assist the local people in the necessary preparations. In July of last year these two minent divines preached to approximately To.noo people during a ten days revival at Franklin. Both Dr. Iruett und Dr. McConnell were born nd reared in the mountains of this immediate section, the former in lay county, North Carolina, and the .utter in Towns county, Georgia, fhey have never lost their love for the mountain people, from among whom so many great men go out into i.e woild to leave an indelible im cession of the rugged honesty and deeply religious characteristics of the? mountain folks. The tabernacle in which the coming meeting will be heid is located in a natural amphitheatre, and will seat approximately 4,000 people, whi.e thousands of others may gather unJer the trees and listen to each sermon. The roads leading into Franklin are all in excellent condition. With good weather conditions, Mr.1 Stikeleather reports that No. 10 across the Balsams will be opened by August 5th. Asheville will then be within two hours of Franklin. The road from the south by the way oi Tallulah Falls, while not surfaced, is nearly all graded and in excellent condition. The road to Murphy by way of 286 and No. 10, is open approximately all the way. Good detouis are provided where tnc road is i under construction. In view of these' better road conditions Franklin this VPfir is PYnprtintT ta Ka knot ta 1 OA 000 people who will come to hear Drs Truett and McConnell. Our exchanges are requested to g.ve publicity to the Truett-McConnell meeting.?Franklin Press. Mrs. Mattie A Taylor returned home Saturday from a few days visit with her daughter^ Mrs. Mary E. Nelson at Topton, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wilson who are spending the summer at their summer home at Topton came down in their car to bring Mrs. Taylor home, Mr. Tom I^anier, of Tampa, Fla., accompanied them. Mr. H. T. Gaddis, of Ducktown, Tenn., was a business visitor here | Monday. r itiall y Rich Territory in tl Great Meeting Will Mark Cc Appalachiai CAPTAIN ORR PRAImpletion Of n Paving Work COMMITTEES TO BE ANNOUNCED BY MAYOR HILL SOON Date Of Georgia- N. C. A. S. H. Committee Meet Set for August 21 Prominent men and women from Gcorgic, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia will attend the big Appalachian Scenic Highway meeting in .Murphy, on Saturday, August 21, I when the citizens of this city will celebrate a general holiday and serve a bounteous picnic lunch at some beautiful and picturesque spot on the I lliawassee river. This meeting at Murphy is being arranged by the Georgia and North Carolina divisions of the Appalach inn Scenic Highway association to plan further development and advertisement of this wonderful highway and to celebrate the completion of the paving of that entire section between Murphy and Asheville, a distance of about la"? miles, and the surfacing of that section between the North Carolina line near Murphy to a point near Cleveland, Ga., with waterbound macadam. Mayor Prank S. Hill announced this week th.it committees for the entertainment and reception of the visitors expected here oil that date had not yet been completed and would be announced next week. Also at the Murphy meeting plans for the unnuul convention of the Appalachian Scenic Highway association in Atlanta on October 12 and 13 will he discussed as will plans for the great Atlanta-Ashevillc-Montreal motorcade to be run over the Appa lachian Scenic highway in the summer or foil of next year under the .Tv