TV Onlv Newipaper Published in ike Th Most Westernly Counties of V.' -stern North Carolina. CHEKO-.EE CLAY?GRAHAM The Lead VOLUME XXXVIII. No* 1. APPALA( TWO : PLANS BEING WORKED OUT FOR BIG MOTORCADE Mayor Hill Addresses Letter To Citi. sen- f County to Participate In Event number committees INCREASED TO NINE Prominent Speakers of Georgia and N ' On Program; 500 Guests Expected Th- . .ojrates in attendance upon the j" nt meeting of the Georgia and N >rth Carolina division of the Appa 'ti.-in Scenic Highway Associate Murphy on Aupu.-t 21st, will iven a royal reception, acrnr.ii.i 'iinm.>nl ..f \f.., ... Hill tli < k. A general holiday will 1-. r by the people <>f the entire count; . old fashioned picnic sup-' plena ?y : modern barbecue will appe; the appitites of the visitors, musii II be furnished by an eight piece and from Asheville, and n number other interesting features of err imminent arc being planned. Tl; umber of committees has been inc ? : > d from seven to nine, and new Members added to others, and they me at work getting tilings into shape for one of the biggest events ever i eld in Western North Carolin Mayor- Hill has addressed a letter to the . : u.ens of Cherokee county to help make the affair a county-wide, event. The text of Mayor Hill's letter follows: "V rth Carolina and Georgia offic ?i- mi- -\pp:iiarniaii .ic('lllii r&ign' way Association will hold a convention in Murphy on Saturday, August 21. At the same time citizens of Western N. .. and Georgia will meet here to celc!.rate the completion, through th< , two states, of this wonderful highway. Every civic organization in Atlanta. Asheville, Gainesville ami all towns between Murphy and Atlanta and between Murphy and Asheville is expected to have representative attend this celebration. I "Our visitors are expeofced to arrive about II A. M. and will be served with a picnic dinner near Cool Spring at '2:30 o'clock P. M., Central time. Good music will be provided. Some of the South's most prominent speaker will address the gathering. it is a distinct honor conferred upon our County in it being selected by tht-e Road officials for their great convention. The citizens of Murphy I art responding most heartily in the entertainment plans. Out good wom. are planning to prepare picnic baskets for as many as possible, but 'a? this is a County affair, every family in Cherokee County is requested to come and bring their picnic baskets, with not only enough food for themselves but for as many visitors as possible. We want to show our vis iters that Cherokee can provide a bountiful meal, accord a hearty welcome and let them know that we truly appreciate the honor conferred upon us. "Tell your friends of this great celebration. Let us all be in Murphy by U A. M., on A .gust 21, i nd give our guests a rousing welcome. "Sincerely yours "F. S. HIU "Mayor." i'reparatioiis are being made to entertain some five hundred visitors on the 2l8t, besides the several thous and people expected to be here from the county, nearby towns, and ailjoining counties. The tenative program as announced by officials of the ASH will include some of the most outstanding leaders and road enthusiasts in the entire country. The program follows: Roscoe Marvel, of Asheville, president of the Appalachian Scenic Highway association presiding. Welcome address, John H. Dillard, of Murphy. Response, Frank T. Reynolds, of Atlanta. "Development of Highways," Major John S. Cohen, president and editor The Atlanta Journal. (Contlaued on page 6) I - fMlff' *\ \ Hiff1 ii g Weekly Newspaper ii :hian sc states 1 n VH I " V " j RKV. \V. II. FORD. Pastor .?f tin Andrews Bapti t Church. who wil begin a series of revival services j there Sunday. Aujrtsrt 15th. REVIVAL SERVICES BEGIN ANDREWS i BAPTIST SUNDA\ Rev. W. 11. Ford. Pa.tor. To Do Th. Preaching, and Fred I.. Barnrt, F.vangclictir Singer, to Have Charge of The Music A -eiies of levival services will he gin Sunday morning. August ! >, a the Andrews Baptist Church, accord in;r to announcement made this week i Rev. William llerschel Ford, the pas 'tor, will do the preaching, while Fret I Id. Barnes, of Atlanta, evangelists 'singer, will have charge of the music i The services will last through fifteei | days. closing with the evening ser I vice Sunday, August '29, and will l>? U..I.I .. .. ... w . -i .-.i. j evening, whilu two services will l>< held ??n Sundays. 'Hie Rev. Mr. Ford has been pas I tor at Andrews for only two months having come to North Carolina fron jihe South Western Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas. H? lis a native Georgian and has had ; wide experience as an evangelist. Ht led othar evangelists in Georgia foi j two years in the number of fiuditl.:"" j to churches in his meetings. His con I gregations at Andrews have growr 'during the last two months, and tin I mid week prayer meeting service has had an average attendance of fron 1 f.O to 200 weekly. Mr. Karnes, whose home is in At lnnta, is employed as evangelistu singer by the Baptist Home Missioi Board of the South. He is said t< possess an especially sweet voice nn< moves great audiences with his appealing solos, which will be a feature of the sendees. The sermon subjects fo~ the reviva as announced follow: First Week Sunday A. M.?"The Place oi Prayer in a Revival." Sunday P. M.?"Repent or Perisl ?Turn or Burn." Monday-?"Bring Men to Jesus." Tuesday?"The Precious Blood or Jesus." Wednesday?"A Message fron llell." Thursday?"Suddenly Destroyed.' Friday-?"The Scarlet .Thread." Second Week i Sunday A. M.?"The Broken Van ity Box." Sunday P. M.?"Sowing and Reap ing." Monday?"The Deteetive You Can not Dodge." Tuesday?"God's I^ast Payday." Wednesday?"Climbing to Hell." Thursday?"Profit and Loss." Friday?"Prepare to Meet God." --- A Vf "Th.i sunuay a. ? ? Question Ever Asked." Sunday P. M.?"The Danger o Delay." : You've got to be a good collecto of money before you can be a collec tor of art. A prophet is without much hono i in his own country, and honor is with ! out much profit out of it. Hlftr? 1 Western North Carolina, MIR PHY, NORTH vAROU :enic hig ro meet y KKKD I.. KARNES. evangelist?" , I singer and .soloist, who will loud the , . singing during tho revival at the Andrews Baptist Church. j, NEW DRUG STORE HAS NEW NAME The People* Drug Company Change To Name of The Cherokee Drug Company ln<4. l)r. Kdw. K. Atiunis. one of the owners of the new drug store whieh 1 opened for business in the Brittain1 Axley building August I, announcethat the company, whieh hail inteml ed doing business under the name of The People's Drug Company, were : ' tillable to secure their charter under that name because of the fact that 1 - there was already one store of that ' name registered in thi> tale. Therefore the stockholders applied for and were granted their charter on Aug- ' list third to operate under tho name of the Cherokee Drug Company Inc., ' the company being: incorporated for ten thousand dollars. Notice Organization Meet for 1926 Fair t | The people of Cherokee County j are urged to be present at a meetlug Jo he held at the Library Monday afternoon at J o'clock for the purpose of forming an organisation of the 192ft Cherokee County ' i Fair Association. The time for 1 holding the fair is close at hand and there is not a minute to lose, ' and everybody is urgently request j ? d to be there. W. M. FAIN, President, B. W. SIPE, Secretary, 1925 Fair Association. \f 1 V l - ... ? ikep ? Serving a Jarge and Poten NA FR ! >AY, AUGUST 13, 1920 HWAY Ol AT MUR1 WEST CAROLINA HOLIDAY ASKED FOR ROAD FETE Vppatachian Association Plans AugJit 21 highways Opening iVANTS ASHEV1LLE MURPHY AUTOCADE irbration To Mark Com ilrtion Ol | 3 Grral Arteries (A-hevillc Citizen) \V? -t. in \'i>rtJ' Carolina was culled !:? " night by ltoscoe Marvel. ;r? -i?I? nt of ! Appalachian Seen' lligi v : ? addressing rep-i i .1 itizens of Western North .roba. and (leorgia at the Kettil1 ' 1" declare August 21 a hob'ias in celebration of the formal i ; f Highway No. 10 as a link at enic route "which is destin- ! W," .Mi Marvel .-aid, "to form the I' - kbon Eastern America." if". ding was called to lay ' lie celebration on August ; 1? I. lay the foundation for a; i" '-: m ' rcade to proceed from this j I' earl; in October in connection) with ill- Motorcade from Montreal, i oaii i ittend the annual convenii'U of t Appalachian Scenic Higb\ss< iation. \. . ordimr to pres;it i '. !?- the local motorcade will jop: i'?- members from the North who w.I . me by moto. - ide with the Montr. 1 lenresordatives. In course of his address, Mr. Mai- 1 : : 4cd thai every community ;n Wv-iern North Carolina send a , iav. delegation to attend the great nt -tjte celebration which will be j -i ;-t Murphy. He announced I .,t in'.-al enthusiasts would form a liO'voicade to journey to Murphy for ht ocassion, and appointed Don Rlias , h: rnian of a committee to arrange for the trip. Wants Motorcade "1 hope it will he the consensus ot :His meeting." Mr. Marvel said "that i public request he made for this irreat celebration to he held on August 21, at 11 o'clock in the morning, it Murphy. X. C\, fostered by the joint associations of North Carolina immunities on the highway declare August 21 a holiday; and to urge those with motor ears to form a m?* oreaftV and to drive over this wonleifu! boulevard t?? attend the cele-; .ration at Murphy, tints Riveting a amilar program by the people pf ;he Georgia division ot' the Appalachian Scenic Highway Commission, ?nd the Atlanta Journal." Mr. Marvel read a number of tele- ( (Continued 0n page 6) A Good Provide ktwt tially Rich Territory in t! FFICIALS 3HY AUG Ha *RK1>" GRANGE, football star, mention in news dispatches as figuring in divorce proceedings instituted by Charles Taylor against Mrs. Taylor in a Los Angeles court action. Taylor charges that his wife became infatuated with Grange and forced her attentions upon him, and makes it plain that he does not accuse the foot, hall star of any wrongful action, asserting that the slur is mentioned merely to illustrute his wife's actions with other men. Photo shows Grange as iceman. LION'S MEET ENTHUSIASTIC TUESDAY NIGHT Endorse Road Meeting To Be Held Here August 21, and Invite Teilico Lions To Be Guests A very enthusiastic meeting of the Murphy Lions Club was held in the parlors of the Methodist Church Tuesday night. The ladies of the church served an excellent supperafter which the meeting went into business session. Among the important matters transacted was the endorsement of the Appalachian Scenic Highway meeting to be held here on August J 1st, and the pledging the support of the Lions to the various committees in the entertainment of the visitors. The Teilico Plains Club was extended an invitttvJQD to be guests of the local club on the 21st. The meeting also voted to publish and distribute five thousand pamphsr \ l.v.URPHY is the Jobbing Center of I ^ I txtremc Western North Carolina, North Georgia a d East Tennessee. nd o Served bv Two Railroads. [lis state 5c COPY?$1.50 PER YEAH OF ;UST 21st ASHEVILLE AND ATLANTA VIE FOR BIG ROAD RALLY ; Large Number of Cart Assured From : Both Cities; Much Interest Being Shown in Murphy Meet With Asheville and Atlanta competing as to which city will have tl>M 'assistant to the president of the I tinkler hotels; W. Tom Winn, president of the (Jooivin Automobile -oeiation; George West, viee pr esident >f the West Lumber company: John l'aschall, managing editor of The Atlanta Journal; Arthur Brooke, president of the Southeastern Fair association; T. F. Cathcart, president of the Cathcart Storage and Van com puny; \V. 1). Hoffman, president of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce; Dudley Class, well known newspaper man; Harlee BVanch, staff correspondent of The Atlanta Journal, and a number of others. Several of those named will bring along their wive ai d daughters." According to the Asheville Citizen "interest in the Appalachian Scenic Highway Association has gained added momentum since the highway meeting at Kenilworth Inn Thursday night. With the Murphy celebration of August 21 just around the corner, Asheville citizens are busy completing plans for the occasion, and will, according to Roseoe Marvel, whose "hobby" is established high "ays, match the number of Atlanta *"t thusiasts who will form a great motorcade meeting. "At the meeting Friday night ?-i" the Asheville-Western North Carolina ' Hotel Association, members decided to put five automobiles in the AsheViUc. motorcade which will leave this city at 7 o'clock Atlnnf i Jmimnl mnrn. sented here recently by Harlee Brunch, staff correspondent, that, the number from the Georgia end will surpass Asheville's expectations. "Advices received here recently from officials at Murphy is to the effect that the forthcoming occnssion will be a history-making one for that town, and no time and energy is being spared to make the plans a reality." lets on Murphy, giving a number of scenes and facts and figures as to Murphy's growth and development as a summer resort. j It was voted to post the Lion's Bulletin Board in the window of the Cherokee Drug Co., which company kindly consented to donate the space. President W. M. Fain presided over the meeting which was one of the i most enthusiastic over held by the local club. France keeps on looking for new j ministers of finance, bt:t her outstanding need is a few more ministers of I the gospel.