The Only Newspaper Published in the Thtee Most Westernly Counties of Western North Carolina. CHEROKEE?CLAY?GRAHAM The Lead VOLUME XXXVIII. NO. 3 Two Si GREAT WELCOME GIVEN VISITORS TO ASH MEETING More than Two Hundred Cars and Thousand Delegates Celebrate Opening of Great Highway WORK OF GEORGIA-N. C. ENGINEERS IS LAUDED I Heavy Downpour of Rain Disrupts Plans, But Spirit and Enthusiasm Undaunted N rtl Carolina and Georgia joined ha i across the mountains at Murp:,\ Saturday in one of the greatest and important highway meeting r-ver held in the South, and exchanged congratulations and felicitations upon the completion of one of i the greatest road building achieve- I roents in the history of America. I j T\v?i great motorcades, one coming south from Asheville and the other n nth from Atlanta, converg. I ed ;it Murphy Saturday morning and : were given one of the most rousing welcomes ever accorded a like gatherifr throughout this whole mountain i r?-L'i"fi. It was estimated that there I were 225 cars and over a thousand 1 delegates from North Carolina and i tit- agin, and the people from the ? i * inty and nearby towns swelled the number of people here up to several < thousand. < A heavy downpour of rain just be- i . noon made it necessary t . change the plans and serve the barbecue and < picnic dinner in the high school build- f it." instead of in the grove at Cool ( Springs. However. Mayor Hill and fi committees on entertainment and i uitangement were more than equal t to the occasion and sought out the t guests and saw that all were given some of the delicious fried chicken. \ Brunswick stew, sandwiches, pies, i cakes, etc., prepared for them by s the multitude of good .housewives j i,( j ' ...... auurcws, nnu oiner sec- , j Hons of the county. Everybody wa* ' served and considerable food was left j ?V~ The downpour of rain, which was 1 accompanied by vivid lightning and J heavy thunder, struck the North ; p Carolina delegation a few miles wesJ. $ f Bryson City, and the Georgia dele- 1 s gation as it crossed the state tine at < Bellevfew, and continued until some- f j time after reaching their destination. ' a ' However, the spirit and enthusiasm t of the meeting was undaunted. j t Many Speakers , c After the luncheon as many of the ( r big crowd as could get in repaired to ( v the large high school auditorium .fl where a number of constructive addresses were delivered. 11 lloscoe Marvel, President of the 8 Appalachian Scenic Highway, who r presided opened the meeting with a s short address which is carried elso- *where. |11 Mayor Frank S. Hill made the ad-1 s dress of welcome, which was a most * cordial one, and he deplored the fact r that the committee on entertainment n had been compelled to change plans P at the last moment on account of the e vain. He stated that it was the de- 0 sire of the committee and the desire c of every citizen of Murphy that her f guests have a perfectly enjoyable j stay while here, not only on the oc- J c casion of this celebration, but at any, and all times, and assured them that 11 everything possible was being done to make the visit a pleasant one. 1 Mayor Hill thanked Mr. Marvel, the j ? Atlanta Journal and Harlee Branch, j city editor of the Journal, and the ! ? Asheville papers for their good work j 1 >n bringing the Appalachian highway j h und its scenic beauties to the atten- I tion of the world. 11 A motion offered by Mayor HiH I which requested the Atlanta Journal | to sponsor the motorcade to Mon- j treal next summer was unanimously i adopted. Mayor Hill said The Journ- I al had done so much for the Appalachian Scenic Highway and had spon-' sored the great motorcade from Atlanta to Asheville last summer, there-f fore, he felt that if The Journal would , take charge of the Atlanta-Mntreai motorcade it would be a huge sue-' cess. | Major Cohoa'a Addraai j Major John S. Cohen, President and Editor of the Journal, said he (CmM ? peg# C) j 1L 0fl|? < ing Weekly Newspaper ir tates I r Miss Kohless To Have Charge Of School Music This Year Miss Kohless, violin and piano teacher in the Andrews school last year, has accepted the same position in the Murphy school for the ensuing year, which will begin on September om. in addition to the piano an?l i violin lessons. Miss Kohless will have i chuige of the public school music. For this work she will be paid a monthly salary. Tuition for the private violin and piano lessons will be collected through the office of the Superintendent. In order, therefore, t<> have the funds fin- Miss Kokless's sot ary at the er.d of the month, it will be necessary for the pupils taking private violin and piano lessons to pay in advance by the month. This will be just as easy as the old method of paying at the end of the month and will save the school board from advancing the funds for the salary of the music teacher for the private lessons. The annoucement is made in advance, explained school officials this week, so that those parents who expect to have their children take lessons could have time to make arrangements for their children to bejin their music lessons the first week :>f school. Parents are also urged by the Superintendent of schools to start their hildren the first day and keep them n the entire year and every day pos able. Children who will be six years >ld before Christmas may and shouKi .tart en the opening day, September >th. However, those who will not he ix until after Christmas should wait mtil the beginning of the spring erm in January to start as there will >o a beginners' section -started th?n is well as in the fall. However, it vill be impossible to start sections at ithcr times during the year, it was tated. Vliss Berry Here In Interest of Rural Credit Associations \IU. II w n?... :? C. C. Division of Markets, of the Uaie Department ?.f Agriculture, is pending sometime in Cherokee and Ulay Counties working among the armors in connection with the organiition of savings and loan associations. Miss Berry organized one of hese associations in the Brasstown ommunity last spring and is very nuch pleased with the manner in vhich this association is functioning rnong the people of this community. 1 he-savings and loan association is, t co-operative hank authorized by tate law thru which a rural com- ? nunity can, through its collective avings, establish a credit agency for he production needs of the comnunity. The association is also deigned to promote and stimulate hrift or saving in the community, ot only among the grown-ups but mong the children. It is further | ossible through these associations to j stablish a connection with Fed-I ral Intermediate Credits Bank in I aso the community needs more ! unds than they can command. This j s a very valuable service in case a ommunity desires to go into the j ivestock or dairying business, plant j pple orchards, etc. Miss Berry will be in Hayesville j he balance of this week and back in I lurpby at least a part of next week, i he will meet with the people of the larble community next Monday even ing at five o'clock at the* school ouse. Markers For State Highway No. 10 State highway No. 10, crossing the tace from .sea to western boundary 55 miles long, ia to be the first highway to have the new standard highway markers which have been adopt- j d by the State Highway Commission | o mark all of the state roads. Sureys are now being made to ascertain | he number and kinds of marker* leeded on No. 10, which passes hrough county seats of 21 counties nd touches the 22nd county. The ' narkers will be of metal and indetructable, differing in color and deign from the present markers. Slftr? 1 Western North Carolina, .MURPHY, NORTH OAROLIN. 1 Big Rc MOTORCADE TO 1 ATLANTA GIVEN ENDORSEMENT Resolutions Adopted Thank Murphy ' People, President Marvel And Atlanta Journal Resolutions were adapted by the ! . . ..." t Georgia-North Carolina divisions ot \ the A. S. H. in meeting- here Saturday ^ | expressing the admiration and appro- t I ciation of the gathering of the people of Murphy foi their generous hospi- 1 talitv; pledging cooperation in th I Atlanta convention of the Appala- t chian Scenic Highway association on * October IS, 19 and 20, indorsing the proposed motorcade from Atlanta t-> 1 Montreal next summer; urging that ' , the Atlanta convention accept the invitation of Montreal to hold the j 1927 meeting in that city, and thank-I< ing President Marvel and Major j j John S. Cohen. editor of The Atlanta l Journal, and Ilarlee Branch, City Ed. \ itor of the Journal, for their work ir. \ behalf of the Appalachian scenic high- j { way. ( These resolutions, which were ii traduced by Charles A. Webb, co-j;i publisher of the Asheville Citizen;' Don S. Rlias, president of the Ashevilli* Times; John II. Cat hey, mayo* ? of Asheville; and Henry IT. Estes. | president of the Georgia Division ol t the Appalachian Scenic Highway as- | sociation follow: c Whereas, a joint meeting of the North Carolina-Georgia divisions of the Appalachian Scenic highway is e being held in Murp,hy, N. C.. and I Whereas, the delightful, cordial j V reception and entertainment is be- U ing given by Mayor Frank S. Hill, the entire citizenship of Murphy and Cherokee county. Therefore, be it resolved that a ' f unanimous vote of thanks be given j i to each and every person ^n this wonderful community for their j splendid hospitality, for their warm ; I* and friendly greetings, and for the j <? great results they have accomplish- ! ed in road building on the Appala- e chian scenic highway. u Whereas, the executive commit- V tee has decided to hold the next an- :i nual convention of the Appalachian 1 scenic highway in Atlanta, Ga., on n October 19-20. Therefore, be it resolved that this meeting go on record as endorsing this convention and asdurin '? heartest cooperation and par^icipa- w tiou in the motorcade that will be \\ run from Asheville, N. C., on the \\ morning of October 19, through V Murphy to Gainesville, leaving Gainesville on the morning of the (1 nineteenth, arriving in Atlanta at tl noon where a barbecue will be serv- tl ed at the Southeastern fair grounds A (Continued on aape 2) ? f V JJTL ikrf f? Serving a large and Paten A FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 192? >ad Celt LFONS ROARED jl i:nD n/irvTAnr' * * vyiv IHU 1 V-/I\V^AL/L TUESDAY NIGHT -adit** Night To Feature Next Meeting; Important Businea* ,, Transacted Tuesday night the local Lions got '' ogolher for the regular banquet and * jusiness session. A delicious feast ? vas served by the Methodist ladies in j he |Htrlors of the church. t. It was decided that the next reguar meeting would be featured as adies night, when the Lions and ^ heir wives will come together for an ? njoyable hour. 11 Among the business transactions t Tuesday night was the endorsement r f the Motorcade to be run from ^ Vsheville to Atlanta over the Appalachian scenic highway on Octoh r 18th. which will stop over in a durphy for one hour and be served * unch by the Murphy people. It was 1 irought out that about 150 cars C could be in the motorcade by the i; inn it reached Murphy, including t ars from Montreal, Canada, Penn- e \ Iv.i i.i, Virgina. and other states n ilong the route. C Al .itly a number have expressed a ib- .re t?? enter their cars in the 1 aotorrade from Murphy, including h 2. A. Davidson, C. W. Savage, E. C. loon-, \V M. Fain and .1. B. Storey. > t was stated that about thirty-five s, ars aic expected to join the motor- p ado from Murphy. f Tin* good roads ami advertising g oinniitt-'e composed of t*. W. Bailey, g ). Witherspoon and C. K. Hoover, v ."re instructed to take the matter s| ii. v h the state highway comrais- tl ion. the County Road Commissioners p nd ,-ity Council and see what eoulil it ie ib .? : -ward er linating the terible Patterson hill on No. 28 just ei ii liic cun?- ??i town, it was pointed c jut that this hill has always been a it Jonah" for traffic coming: into town dj rum Clay county and North Georgia ?s ver this route. a; Some discussion of the crowded ondition of the hotels in Murphy ai ras had and it was decided to see s| hat could be done toward securing w summer tourist hotel for Murphy. V 'his topic was 5 ferred to the next al leeting for action. st ? j o! SIAMESE TWINS IN APPLES t: Perfect Siamese Twins in apples ere brought to the Scout office this ; pi reek by J. M. Harnett. The apples F ere giown by Harve Adams on the j ir fells farm at Tomotla. ! pi The apples are well shaped ana , al istinguishable as two, having two j A ower ends and one stem, and tipped G le scales at seven ounces. Mr. A .dams discovered the freak while tl athcring some from his orchard. A The Magnet iWMt tially Rich Territory in th jbratioi "ranklin Preparing ? Big Celebration For Road Opening Franklin, N. C., August 24.?An- p ther link connecting the mountain ounties of Southern Appalachia has een forged. Completion of highway Jo. 285, a ribbon of concrete between lillsboro and Franklin, connects n tsheville and Atlanta, and the moun. <. ain counties along the way. a The road extends from Asheville to lillsboro oveii No. 10. to Franklin * ver No. 285, to the Georgia linw > ver 280, to Cornelia over 15, anil " o Atlanta over 12, the latter being s .nown a?v the Piedmont Air I.ine a ighway. h The route is miles shorter than t' ny other between the Metropolis of he Mountains and the Gate City ol " he South. Completion of this connecting link * a real event in the lives of those wo cities and of the Southland; it is ven bigger to the people <?f the mountain counties of southwest North Carolina and north Georgia, and they re going to celebrate in fitting style, 'he date has been set for Septemer 15. On the morning of thai date, the forth Carolina delegations, repreenting the towns from Asheville to Vanklin, will meet the delegations rom Georgia, North Carolina's uests, at the State line. The Georians will bo escorted to Franklin, here officials of both states will [leak briefly on the achievement hat is thus welding together the eople of this section, and upon what will mean. Sj?eakers will include former Gov rnor Cameroon Morrison. Frank Page bait-man of the State Highway Comtission, and J. G. Stikeleather ninth istrict highway commissioner, all o1 lorth Carolina, and highway officials nd leaders of Georgia. Dinner will be served in Franklin, ad from here the motorcade will inleet the road to Sylvia, where there ill be further entertainment. At raynesville. Canton and other townlong the route there will he brief ;?jps, and at Ashevillo the chamber F Commerce of that city will enterlin the members of the n otoi ade f dinner at Kenilworth Inn The North Carolina committee has ersonally visited the towns from ranklin to Cornelia and extended lvitations to officials and citizens to articipate; and, through the cooperLion of officials of the Piedmont ir Line Highway and the Mayor of ainesville, he other cities south to tlanta are being invited to help in 1 le celebration of the opening of the sheville-Franklin-Atlanta highway. i MURPHY is thr Jobbing Center of Extren-.e Western North Carolina, North Georgia East Tennessee, in?] is Served by wo Railroads. is state 5c COPY?$1.50 PER YEAH n Here MAIN STREET' HIGHWAY OPENED, MARVEL SAYS resident Of Appalachian Scenic Highway Says Celebration Commemorates Engineering Achievement Declaring that the celebration narked the opening of the Main itreet of Georgia and North Carolina s well as the Main Street of Eastern imerica. Ibe.-ident Uotf.coe Marvel of he Appalachian Scenic Highway As ociation, told the visiting delegate* f North Carolina and Georgia that he meeting here Saturday had a?emhled to "celebrate and commerte an engineering achievement that as conquered these mountains for he people of Eastern America."' President Marvel opened the mectng with the following remarks: "Today is the beginning of a new paragraph in the history of the beautiful, unexplored and unexpioited mountains which you have seen and now see for miles and miles as nature's playgrounds to untold millions of people who will come here through your efforts in sending to them messages that will go out from here. "*Ve have assembled here to celebrate and commemorate an engineering achievement that has con quered these rugged mountains for the people of eastern America, and hove partaken of the delightful hospitality of the city of Murphy. "The people of Georgia and North Carolina through their respective highway departments, have literally carved from these giant mountains a safe, delightful, scenic, standard highway that will be the main street of Georria and Ac main street of North Carolina, as well aa the international main street of eastern America. Irom St. Lawrence river to the Gulf of Mexico. "The coming of the people ol Georgia and North Carolina into these mountains, in automobiles, for this festive occasion is comparable to the days of the prophets who went into the mountains to fast and to prepare themselves to commune with God and nature that they might he possessed with power of vision to foretell future events thousands of years in advance, and so today* you have come into these great mountains of North Carolina and Georgia that you may fast and confer and prepare yourselves to he possessed of a vision for this great international highway and its benefits to the mountain people when Properly explored and exploited by yourselves. In other words, the time has come when we must see and plan in terms of an international promotion instead of a local community highway. "Again referring to the Aapalachian Scenic Highway as the international main street of eastern America, from the extreme lortheastern part of the southwestern cart for the same territory at New Orleans, following the heart of the Appalachian mountain system, this great highway from the cities of Quebec and Montreal, Canada, to 'be French citv of New Orleans ?nd Tampa, Florida, on the Gvlf of Mexico, forms an internal pirt of the other main highways on this plateau. So intimately are those highways woven into this great international main street that it is permissible to call the Appalichian Scenic highway the spinal column of the Appala<?iian mountain range, the backbone of eastern Ameica. "The Appalachian Scenic highway eliminates the distances to the mountain playgrounds and brings to you the greatest tourist centers in the world today, that of Canada and the Gulf of Mexico, through the mountains, connecting the national forests and two national parks of eastern America. "Nowhere in eastern America have been gathered on a standard all weather highway, for the pleasure of motor loving tourists, as many unusal scenic and historical points of interest with excellent hotel accommodations and opportunities for enjoyment, as are found on the Appalachian Scenic highway.**

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