Be a Regular Vis- I to *oir '"r7*** " y?u k^ow j that would interest oth- i mH k?> *a<* wou'<* kelp, upbuild jJ jptr fiinimunily. send it in. T He Lead J^EmKVNA'II- M-JIBKU : CHRISTMAS SEAL 'JALE TO BEGIN ON THANKSGIVING > nl n Jji will be- *1 ??n Than': givir.g da . continue until Christmas or until ouota < '.no hundred dollar ^^Kd. according to announcement made .^Hfcweek by .Mrs. W. M. Axlev, l?.t ^^irman fo the campaign. The sale 1* conducted among the nu rd^Buits business and professional no r. Mb fly state! the chairman. Le :dIfih busim - i! en arc expected t ^^ wn in five and ten dollar lot- ar-d jHg soon take up the quota assigned ^ a.s it- well k,r...\vn. the proceeds sale xvill l e used in stamping: out W^lbcro it; N o h < 'nroiinn. \ehb-!. more prevalent than the casual oh rrer mi^hi imagine; or in 'he 11 ni:1 It or similar ha'nnce;? e -r KeriHuirishoM sche-.l children. -S vty-fivc percent of the fu i- 1 .i . ! the seal campaign will be u 1 rally, whi:.- the other lwent\ rcent v..! I? turned over t t irth Ca' lina Tuhon ui-- -i. A . wi11 headquarters at South**1 n County Welfare nffic* r. Mi K.i/.uth Smith, finds ready use for such , fund as the seal sale will provide, nraher of families suffering with i# dread disease have been aided a of thi- fund in the past. Funds r such work are available from Other source. Also, fur the past' o ye.?: undernourished school chil- . re have been given milk, or hot op with milk base during the witir months. There are a score or He of such children in school each i , as the height-weight-age record its oi the various grades reveal. , F providing a balanced ration for ee children once a day it is p?.. He to keep oft tuberculosis which i beiwisc might find the anemic child 1 ready victim. At is well known, the si : h are Nt the size of a postage stamp and u a red cross along with other. pufuant insignia and wording. They e designed for use on the hacks ?,t" . Iters, on checks, on Christmas cards d other like matter that passes roach the mail or comes to the atition .ibei 7tl\ the Rev. A. It. Smith performing the wedding ceremony. Mis- Ford is the < ! ;:i niing hnd tal ented (iu^'^htct of M .John Hastings t A>he*.il e. '! L a graduate of the ;'n a.iil Ijllowhee Normal. M-. . !:.-y ;1.-' -. a of Mr. and Mr.-, '.j. L. .'i . :ncy of Peachtrce. and . aor> i. t y.i bus"r.e>.- man cf Mur>! v. lie i ^r;n!'. ate of Siateaviile High . : . >! ;. ni the Sch'.ol of Pharmac\ ot t'.f University <>f North Carolina. Iloth well know and popular r.?un?- people f this section. and have the best wish' s o. 'heir n:anv_f_r_iejj_d> for a long life of wedded Miss. POSTELL Dr. M. V??-.inpr made a businc--trip to Atia* v . la t wee!:. He expects to 5 yrono 1 several day . Mi. ' iin Allen and tnr o cbsl' t IIIu. Rid . . Ga.. visited hi :dr. and Mis. S. Y. Allen at Pcstell la-t week. Mr. and M*v. Mar i all Haniby made : bu-,;n?'-> trip to Fa nor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peoples anil tlaii ii;*ie dmphters, Ilobbie. Mare; . l and Irene visited Mrs. People's i nrer.t: . Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen at Postell last week. Mis. Luc Freeman from Ashevillc is visitinir Mrs. .lane Ma-an and family Mi- Eliia Allen returned to her home v'm!. a f. a delightful ton day:- vis't with In'; brother, Mr. Ed Allen at Athens Tenn. She also visited her au: t. Mrs. H. B. Payne at Te!lico Plain?, Tenn. Mrs. En-ma Quinn visited her fath cr. Mr. J-.. Mo: tgomery on Upper Shoal Creek, Sunday. Messrs Tom Crowaer, John and Rht Mason, Mrs. Sarah Crowder. Jessie M;.on and Minnie McDonald weir Murnhy \ I-"t?>?*.- last week. Re- . and Mrs. Tom U o\vd. r left Saturday for Chattanooifa, Tenn They are not expected to return for some time. Mr. >. V. Allen ami daughter were quests of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hamby Sunday. Mi. Jim Swanson visited his old friend Mrs. J.ue Freeman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hawkins from Culbcr.-on visited thei son Castell. Hawkins at Postell last week. Mr. J. It. Lambert was a visitor at Mrs. l ynch Ingram* Sunday afternoon. Mrs. 0. F. Taylor and children, Glenn and Jewell from Suit, visited Mrs. Taylors parents Mr. and Mrs. S Y Alton ln?;t work Mr. Riley Kilpatrick has Mrs. Lynch Ingrams new bai n almost completed. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hamby and Mr. .1. R. Lanihert were Copper Hill visitors the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hawkins from Culberson and Mr. and Mrs. Castell Hnwkinl of Postell spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen. Messrs Willie and Robert Thompson visited their uncle. John Crain, at McFarland. Tenn., Saturday and Sunday. M . Marion Thompson visited Miss Ida Swanson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pirley Elrod and chilrden from Ducktown visited Mrs. Elreds parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason at Posttll last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. House, of Fayetville, have taken rooms with Mr. and Nfrs. E. EL Davis. Mr. House relieves Mr. Quinr. as superintendent of construction oi the court house, Mr. j Quinn going to New York. , I"?-.-'. - ... . EHfifji Western North Carol MURPIIY, XORTH JAP ! ! hROM PA ITTT : -,v I X' ' li wij | 1 :?J- f S | L V un ; wosnt ?i :t aim ! plasterers in : . - ? the main entrain ? i vast Xhibltl.ui b ii: ? ' : :u? 1 !:!! rnyQ 1 1.. December 1 to e ill r Una of Its U ;.i ml-. . Clii . Is nothing ihw to tin- y> a : 1. . thrill. It L, . \ ?' i i a j 21 it a v- ti - L ... J ? ? - i . n?; chore folders have been ui- . i Mt*. ti to many schools the plan forms a pai* of aud regular school credit is j.'.ven. "Ilere is a book we au\v to tl: v : er and as a stimulus t her to li.v other subjects." The book is entitled "'i .b '' Dan- 3111, State Director Heal li I" : ? t;? socta'; a. 1. . la.- ' hit' r.'silr.s health project . i . w) '< h -ch back to the dul.1 st*t*.-.-typed ; ; 1 school days, which happily art n i..u> physiology atjd l ? 'ailed hbjr'nr The mo st vivid and p r. < ' c;.-, step by step th? circulation of the Mr theory and no p.- in i !i.? days, trace th. :!a: i-n . i !.:.i i. ; ? .! little % or knowled > i how to 1> liitl ii. was > ' That i i ' ants ot p-Yces of li :: !i the Ecnot.'s tun >?ar v. . weight and b ,ht r..ear.: ring -hurts c. r shore plctui - ..-a. other mate-rial. Su;:p!en 'nib thi en .a. dncath cial s< h . ! a :i\' : tind by Chri e!ass? * h?-. mcdica! exaniina bpcctlcos. Kf# i i*rvz * a iar;ie .<* ___ 711: RTAR BOARD l| wlW-' ? . irlll' tr# . . . of It' 1 iu r'.ii .t : Jiki.5 1 : ; and tiloii: ..{folds Uiil i i net n ^ Pare f: . Wr: .in ; : i , t Vi.' of I the po -bii:: ;t.: of a| b nn: . I .. .. : . iment j to P pOV. I . !'.:< ,in' . *1 : : 1 . Ill '?->} ? 'I"- ctie-c ^ pi- CO \: Use Ulll of rr . . j rl of ri! : . on ihe I /"jT . ' ;:i v \ . "j r:i : ] I 1 - ' M I in h ' Zh ' " ":"j M< d ra , ! =: Cr-:< v: . . is a '?i.:a for ?. h ing ! h altli by C' i ntl-b o award ch:!;Ir n for :!i clior Million-... of i.v.iUb ' ^'orih Carolina school in { their year-round health instruction. lov.rpnds of schools as an aid to the j . h ' l.?n correlated with I ?a Schools." b> Miss iheresa on. Ni.rth Cn.' lir.n Tuberculosis As. , . . !i puncs. plays aud other ilil:- ' ould d?!i -it. my mind went _ .. . . '.v < n instruction of my I i k--( < the siewotypc-d ? ' tl-.n*. o:' a.) r. i. i *o memorize oil >. th - in. It was all and, f '".? * p ;oil:- could accurately | vl. ..." i-iiv for pi;r rod blood. >:aftied- > 1 li . 1 1 - art .- .t o rm.i ion I obtained. The-e included ! p.--.: :re nn,! ? . ih (Ciders health 'al v.-? . - i - r-.iv.*;: i; s har sp - ; imas Sc.!- Th < inelu e notvi i< i j tioas, deaui cliuics and school ia- 1 I Aflilt iiHy Rich Territory in t! SAGE BROS. ! r NOVATE HOTEL W. and \V. A. Savage t completed renovating the t! -a! Hotel throi ' and wnshstandMindpaocred and revarnish. tc enameled and new non. a number of the J j irnishcd entirely, and the j : - tel now looks as if it had just ! furnished v.ith all new stuff. . i'. '(! : were :ill given a coating of j uiel, the color harmonizing ? i!.e '.! ; tlie walls with excel-I be ::i! Mote! enjoys an excellent ' the year round and rankm i.ft hotels in this entire j i . ! ; n. The Messrs. Sav-j . . to h congratulated on the! ! .:n ronti; i i: of their hotel.' h .. according to our custom of a! yoins v.. shall have our annual j ... . .:nit;ir Service < ri the evening j t! v national holiday. a spec-i il program will he rendered ii -i >n to the sermon. T. !.. SASSKll, Pastor. PATRICK -I: i Ioe lohnson anil \V. S. .. , ln.otorcd through our midst Salurdav evening enroute to Pleas1T ill. Rev. Kimsev is holding a revival meeting there this week. 1 r . CI i : Taylor and little daur, .Minnie, <>f Violet. N. C., were -ivisitors of her father, Mr. Nip Adams. !i 1. !;: Picklesimer, of Patrick i :it Saturday night with her brothMr. Owen Picklesimer at HiawasMr. T. J. Shearer, of Copper Hill. ! n.. ha been in our midst for the rive duv gathering his corn. i Mrs. I sum Picklesimer, of . wore the dinner guests of Mr. it ?l Mi-. Otis Adams at Hiawassee, Sunday. Mr. Wiiford Lee was the guest of Mi (lien Harnby Saturday night. Several of the Patrick folks attended church services at Pleasant Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Bainc, of Hia\v;. ee motored through our midst Monday enroute to Swain County J where they wil visit friends and relative for some time. Mr. Charlie Picklesimer went to Murphy Monday to nrett Mrs. Dorthum llamby and three children. Mrs. Ilumby has been in South Carolina for some time. She is moving back to her old home place on Hiawassee river. We are having some very cold J vveathei for November. Trees bare and brown. Dry leaves everywhere, Dancing up and down. Whirling through the air. II. 1-cheeked apples roasted. Popcorn almost done, Toes and chestnuts toasted. That's November fun. The editor is in receipt of a sweetotato of the Porto Rican variety weighing six pounds, presented him ! by W. L. Garren, of the Wolf Creek ' section. The potato is one of the largest we have seen, and is an ex i client specimen of what the soil of Cherokee County will produce. Mr. Ga ren says he raised quite a lot of potatoes this year, all good size and he brought us just a seedling, thinkli'it. perhaps that we might like "taLer" for eating purposes. We are also the recipient of a cushaw weighing about 25 pounds from Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott of I'eachtrcc, and we appreciate these gifts and wish to thank them. HREE MURPHY is the Jobbing Extreme Western No'" North Georgia and Est and is Served bjr Two be COPY?$1.50 PER YEAR HOG FEEDING IS GOING FINE IN CLAY COUNTY (By W. R. Anderson, County Agent) Tlx- bv having the hogs at the v, eight at the time when meat is highest, this being April and September. N : ;h Carolina farmers can feed h be* ause they have an advantage a the market, they can raise winter ",rrowed pigs or they can have fall farrowed pigs and feed them forApril market. The prices on hogs are the lowest front October to February and highest from March to September and that is when for North Carolina nd Clay County farmers to sell their When the middle west hog - tier is barely breaking even on hogs .e L:.\e from two to three cents ninr:m t f profit, when wc break even on hogs he looses money and when he make- u good profit on hogs we make beltei Therefore he must go out of he hog business before we are loosit.g money and the shortage of hogs ill put the price up this means that . tan always make money on feedI incr hogs. MUSIC CLUB CIVFQDDnrD AM vji v l.u i i\v^vji\nivi The program of the Music Club was highly enjoyable event of last Thurs day nicht, ami was a lilting close of Armestice day. Besides the splendid l music in keeping with the occasion, a number of excellent readings were 'enjoyed, as well as the pageant depicting the national life from the discovery of America down to the present time. I The program was the first public ae c.1 the Music Club. The proceeds were around sixty dollars, which go oward paying for the piano the Club has recently purchased and placed in the club room. If last Thursday night was a sample of the programs to be . endered by this organization. Murphy people have some real treats in store for the future. WEAVER'S GUESS IS WORTH ONE BARREL FLOUR A guess is a guess, and Kelsey Weaver is the champion "guesser" of Cherokee County, and his ability at "guessing" has netted his one barrel oi ixeine King: riour. AH his friends and neighbors are "guessing" that hot biscuits will appease his appetite for a while at least. Kelscy's ability at guessing was demonstrated at the recent county fair when the W. M. Fain Grocery Co., Inc., had on display a glass jar filled with small grain. The one who guessed nearest the number of grains the jar contained was awarded a barrel of Nellie King Flour, a popular brand sold by this company since it started business seventeen years ago and which feature is an annual event of the fair. The jar contained 82,720 grains, and Kesley guessed 83,439, missing it by 713. However, he is convinced that this "guess" was as good as a hlt" The many friends of Mr. Tom McCombs will regret to learn that he is seriously ill.